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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:21:35 作文素材

篇一:A Letter to Myself

A Letter to Myself Now, I am a sophomore, looking back the last years. I want to say something to myself, and look forward to going well in the future.

Girl, you have grown up as an adult. You should have your own great dreams and should try your best to realize your dream .So there are some suggestions to you : First , filled with confidence and passion in every day , smiling , smiling ,making your world is always imbued with sunshine .Second ,don’t be afraid of making mistakes .Just as Michael Dell said ,”If you think you have a good idea ,only try it !” We can learn more lessons from failure than success .Third ,don’t look yourself as a center ,ignoring other people’s existence .Everyone is not a perfect man , he or she need to learn from others to enriching himself or herself . Forth, speaking loudly, confidently and fluently .Although you chose Foreign language as your major subject, you should speak more. As you known, you are not good at speaking and communicating, you are afraid of standing in front of many students. But you dream to be successful, how it can be true, it’s just ridiculous. So practice more speaking, it will lay the foundation of your future job. The last but not the least, you as a student, you should ask questions to your teacher when you meet problems. Don’t be a really foolish man who knows nothing s if knows all. And to study, you should go step by step firmly, it dream to reach the door of success with one step.

Actually, you have lots of shortcomings. Above are very clear. So you should stripped-out them, and souped-up the below strengths .you are a hard-working girl. You know how important studying for you. Second, you are a good temper girl, with much patience, kindness and friendly. Third, once you set up an aim, you try your best to do it, that’s a good habit. (Applause!)

At the end, I hope that you can study well in the treasure college years, enriching your life. When you are old, you should not regret about your schooling l years. So girl, just do it .Even if every life has its roses and thorns, but remember: No pain, on gain.

篇二:A letter to myself

A letter to myself

Dear former I:

Hello , how are you ? The letter may really take you aback . It’s I who you will be in a short time that am going to remind you of some important things.

You must be lazy, I know. Though the college entrance examination is approaching, you can still watc

a letter to myself

h your favorite movies until midnight. Though the teacher are so serious and look so angry, you are always reading novels hidden under the textbooks in class. Although you do know time is precious, playing games is essential after class. The life of yours is so interesting and full. However, I want you to know that it’s time to be self-controlled.

I have been in college for three months. Before I was ready to be a college student, I heard many sayings. My cousin told me that ‘it’s easy to go through university, and what you need is to go over all you books in the last month before final exams ’.Obviously, its wrong. Self-controlling is rather important through my experience.

You, a high school student, are staying with your parents and observed by your teachers .You will always stick to finishing your homework and getting up early to school because of your fear of punishment .University is contrary .No one will limit you and all you can rely on is yourself .Getting up early to class and finishing your homework carefully depend on your ability of self-controlling.

So, dear I am diligent .Learn to control yourself from right now .Fewer movies and novels and more time to be equipped with knowledge can also make you full.

Yours sincerely,

Temporary I,

篇三:A Letter to Myself

A Letter to Myself

Dear Me,

We have been together for over 19 years since we were born. Over my past life, we have never been separated. Here, I just

want to say thanks to you for all you have done for me. Although there are no words between us, somehow the silence seems to connect us in a way that words never could.

I remember at that time you saved me and brought me back. I may never return to my normal and pure life without you.

That was a hot summer, and two classes in our grade were combined to form a whole class because each class was too small to keep alone. A‘bad’ guy, at least everyone thinks so, was seated beside me. That day was a turning point for me, from which I began to change and become a little bad because of him. From then on, I just hang out and played with him all the day and even smoked without caring my study any more. My testing scores was falling down like a stone falling in the air. Not until one day you made me realize what I was doing is all wrong did I started to blame myself and to change. You never stopped fighting with the ‘lost me’ and eventually you won. Now I know I was so lucky to have you accompany with me all the time. After your victory, I was planning to change myself not only physically but spiritually.

With time flowing by, I gradually went back to my normal life with your help.

How time flies,.Now I am attending China West Normal University and I am trying my best to learn more things well, finish my study, and follow my dream and eventually turn it into reality. I really want to say thanks to you. But for you I cannot be as good as now I am. Future can be anything or nothing, but I trust you are always by my side supporting me without any pay. Even though now I may be confronted with some difficulties, I still believe we can fight with them and defeat them together, because I think sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.



篇四:A Letter to Myself

A Letter to Myself

Dear Barry,

Do you remember the one who cried with you when you first came to this world? Do you remember the one who laughed with you when you first burst out your laughing? Yes, it is me. It has been 19 years since I knew you and kept accompany with you. During those years, I shared your happiness, I relieved your sorrow and I saw your growth. As you are going to reach your 20th year within half a year, I now would like to point out some important things which will influence your future life. As we all know, confidence is a very important element for an individual. However, you are not a confident person. According to my observation, you always think that you are weaker than others. In class, you believe that your English level is poorer than others, so you seldom volunteer to speak out your opinions. After class, you hold that others are all stronger and tougher than you, thus you are always in bad mood. Nevertheless, you lack confidence just because you ignore your own advantages. Is your English poor? Think about these. You have already passed the College Entrance Examination. You have already passed the Test for English Major—Grade 4. Can someone do this as he or she is poor in English? Please be confident. You can do many things better if you hold confidence in you.

The second thing I want to say is that you are not good at making decisions. You always worry too much. If now I ask you what your plan is after graduation, you will definitely reply with “I don’t know”. As your closest friend, I have noticed that you have a lot of worries and you have a lot of thoughts in your mind ever since you

went into college. Everytime when you need to make a decision, you start to think about what will other students do in this situation and what will your parents do. Barry, you are an adult now. It is time to make decisions by yourself. Even if your decision may not be the best one, you need to make it. Do not always stop and hesitate. Hesitating too much may let chances escaping from you. Please be decisive. You can grasp many opportunities if you are resolute in life.

The last thing I am going to mention can both be your advantage and disadvantage. That is you care much about others’ opinions. It is true that you can learn and improve from others’ attitude towards you. But you should know that not all views are correct and proper. Do not take other people as God, who they are not. Common people make mistakes and hold bias. On your future way, accept opinions which can do benefit to you and abandon those having no effects on you. Thus you can develop yourself greatly.

Barry my friend, please remember what I said above and try to improve yourself upon these things. I hope that next time when I write to you, none of the problems I mentioned today still exists. Try your best!

Best whishes!

Sincerely, BarryⅡ

篇五:a letter to myself

都说坚持就会胜利,而我坚持是为了想看看路的尽头到底是什么-----就如我坚持锻炼的尽头是不是真的如我所想呢。。我是从今年2011年3月六号开始进健身房锻炼的。 不可否认,体形真的比以前好多了,可是目前体重恢复到以前:身高158.5cm ,体重56KG 每天锻炼肌肉结实了。失望却又好奇,身体怎么会这样耐抗啊。。。。继续吧

2011年11月16 星期三


如果每次这样就好了。。。。早上喝了木瓜牛奶+韭菜包子 ,中午:一碗螺蛳粉+ 桂香苑肉松包:心情不好的时候爱吃面食。。。。。以后注意

晚上橘子+柿子一堆: 我忽略了水果很大糖分的 能生就省略

动感单车45分钟 事前热身20分钟


早上:一碗米蛋粥+ 榨菜+一个小橘子+ 一杯咖啡



动感单车45分钟 事前热身20分钟

2011-11-18 星期五



晚上:大餐(和Mr Lin and Ding)




2011-11-21 星期一

