作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:22:43 字数作文



Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could

image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn’t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them

devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn’t performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy.

该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn’t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.

相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子.



Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could

image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn’t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them

devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn’t performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy.

该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn’t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.

相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子.



一Education 词汇:quality-oriented education 素质教育,cultivate one's taste and temperament 陶冶情操, people oriented/foremost 以人为本,to combine ability with character/equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备,two-way selection 双向选择,people of vision 有识之士,job training 职业培训,recruit/introduce talents 智力引进,intellectual support 智力支持,professional personnel 专门人才,set new goals 设立目标,live on oneself 自力更生,get along well with与……相处好,improve the ability of...提高……的能力


1. Education is closely relative to a nation' s prosperity.

2. In recent years, studying abroad has flourished.

3. As everything has two sides, the existing examination system is not all bad.

作文:大学生活即将开始,你将面对新的学习和生活环境,请根据提示写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。内容要点应包括:1确定新的学习目标;2改进学习方法;


这是一篇提纲式作文,话题与学生的生活密切相关,在写作过程中应注意前后的连贯, 写作要点如下:enter college set new goals live on my own take part in school activities get along well with classmates in addition

I will go to college in the near future. After I enter college, I plan to set new goals in my study and improve my way of learning. What,s more, as I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own, such as doing some washing and cleaning by myself. In my spare time, I will take part in different kinds of school activities, for example, I will often go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English. In addition, I need to get along well with my classmates and teachers at college. I think I will have a wonderful college life.


What ? s more, as I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own, such as doing some

washing and cleaning by myself.此外,因为我远离父母,学会独立生活对我来说非常重要,例如我得学会自己洗衣服。


词汇:active, confident, creative, cooperative, devoted, adaptable 适应性强的,ambitious 有 雄心壮志的,amicable友好的,competent能胜任的,analytical善于分析的,conscientious 认真的、自觉的,dedicated有奉献精神的,dependable可靠的 diplomatic老练的、有策略的

1 Replying to your advertisement in..., I wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm.拜读贵公司在……上的广告,特此备函应聘贵公司该职位。

2 Learning from... that you are looking for..., I should like to apply for the position. 从……得悉,贵公司正在寻求一名……我愿应聘此职

3I would like to apply for the post of...as advertised in....……上所刊登应求……本人愿应聘此职。

作文:假定你是李华,亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办,现在正在招募志愿者,你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封申请信,内容应包括: 1个人情况:年龄、性别、学历 2个人条件:英语好、爱好体育、善于交往、乐于助人、熟悉本地情况。

3承诺:提供最佳服务。 生词:申请 apply (v.), application (n.);志愿者 volunteer

本文是申请书,写作时应注意信件的格式。信息点必须全部表述,要将自己的特长 充分体现。写作要点如下:be interested in English my hobby like meeting new people appreciate friends' help

词和短语 skating 滑雪 surrounding 环境 appreciate 感激

复杂句式 I would like to join the team of Winter Asian Games Volunteers since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and leam about their cultures.我想加入亚洲冬季运动 会的志愿者队伍,因为这能 使我有机会与来自不同国家 的年轻人结交朋友,领略他 们国家的文化。

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as a volunteer for the Winter Asian Games. I like sports, especially climbing and skating. I'm also interested in English and can express myself in English freely. Through my hobbies, I've made many friends. In fact I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I

appreciate friends' help, and I am willing to help anyone in need.

Because I am the local people and familiar with the surroundings, I believe I can provide the best service for the athletes. I would like to join the team of Winter Asian Games Volunteers since it would be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures.


Li Hua


三Scocial harmony 2 必备词汇:all-win harmony/harmony and all winners 和谐共赢 ensure equity and justice 实现社会公平与正义 reduce social inequalities减少社会不平等现象 live in harmony和谐相处


1 Only when we realize the importance of environmental protection can we care more about nature and build a harmonious relationship with our earth.

1 Harmony is most precious; Peace is to be cherished.和为贵。

2 Harmony is the Way to be.和也者,天下之达道也。

3 Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.君子和而不同 0

4 Reconciliation benefits both; Peace benefits both.和则两利

5 Reconciliation leads to harmony.和则生谐。





本文写作的关键在于说清楚这次活动的目的和具体活动,同时提出真挚的邀请。写作要点如下: plan to visit the Nursing Home present flowers and cards get to know about their life have a party with them hope you can come with us

词和短语 1chat with sb.和某人聊天 2get to know 熟悉

复杂句式:We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the special day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us.我们计划以参观养老院的方式来度过这特殊的一天,现诚邀贵校同学与我们同行。

Dear Tony,

Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is coming around. We are planning to visit the Nursing

Home to celebrate the special day, and we would like to invite students from your school to join us.

We are planning to send some flowers to the old people living in the nursing home. Moreover, we can make some cards and write our best wishes for them on it. And during our stay there, we will clean their rooms for them. As these old people do not have any visit usually, it is important that we sit and chat with them to get to know something about their life there. At noon, we will eat lunch with them. After the lunch, we will have a small party with the old people there. We can sing songs, dance with them or play chess with them. This is our plan,and we hope you can come with us that day.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours, LiHua

四 Scenery Introduction

必备词汇:located at, in the center of, cover an area of..., from north to south, tourist attraction/ scenic spot 旅游景点,natural splendor/attraction 自然景观,summer resort 避暑胜地,national park 国家公园,ancient architectural complex 古建筑群,exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design 工艺精湛、独具匠心

必备句型1 On the east is... 2...is one of the most famous and popular places in...


一旅游资源:许多世界著名的风景名胜,如:九寨沟(海子;清澈见底;色彩斑斓)都江堰水利工程(2000多年历史;仍在发挥作用) 二相关信息:气候适宜,交通方便

参考词汇:省份province,海子lake 都江堰水利工程 Dujiangyan Irrigation Project


be rich in tourist attractions ★world-famous ★enjoyable trip clear water and colorful scenery play an important role nice and convenient transportation

词和短语be rich in 盛产 place of interest 旅游景点 irrigation 灌溉 convenient 舒适的

复杂句式Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful.九寨沟以其清澈多彩的 湖泊闻名于世。

Dear Nick,

I'm glad to hear that you're coming to Sichuan in August. You? re made the wise choice to travel here. Sichuan

Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks colorful. It can ex cite visitors? imagination. Another attraction is Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. It was built over 2,000 years ago and is still

playing an important part in irrigation today. Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your 3 trip more enjoyable. I'm sure you' 11 have a good time. I ? m looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

五 Maturity

必备词汇:Rewards奖励 social practice 社会实践 scholarship 奖学金 extracurricular activities

课外活动excellent League member 优秀团员 physical activities 体育活动孙女“Three Goods” student 三好学生

recreational activities 娱乐活动 excellent leader 优秀干部 academic activities 学术活动,social activities 社会活动,take part in/participate 参加,be good at...擅长于,benefit from...受惠于,adapt to new environment 适应新环境 必备句型:The advantages and disadvantages of... are...好处和坏处是

作文:假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到 新的.班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:1帮他分析原因;2给他提出建议;3陈述你帮助他的具体打算


写作要点如下:adjust to the new environment don?t worry get familiar with get over the shyness make friends 词和短语:adjust to 适应 shy害羞的 get over 克服 mind介意

复杂句式 And after spending more time with the classmates,] believe you will get over your shyness and make some friends here. 只要常与同学相处.,我相信你在这里能克服害羞

Dear Li Ming,

I heard you are having a hard time adjusting to the new environment. And I really understand that you feel everything in this class is new and strange, and you feel shy to talk to your new classmates. Don't worry, this is natural as you have just come here for not more than a week, and now I have two suggestions for you to get familiar with the new classmates

quickly. First, you can join one of the learning groups in the class, so you can learn with them and know them better. If you don' t mind, you can join our group first. Second, we play basketball everyday after school, and you can join us if you have time. And after spending more time with the classmates, I believe you will get over your shyness and make some friends here.

Best regards

Zhang Hua

开放式作文Free Writing

近年来,高考英语书面表达中,多数开放作文都采用单张画的形式,激发学生想象力,让学生就一个话题深入挖掘图画背后所隐含的深刻意义,其实大部分的写作 是以议论文为主.


刻领悟图画的寓意;其次要联系现实生活进行思考,从而 确定写作的立意点,并由画面产生联想和引申,抓住一“点”,深入挖掘,谈深讲透,而非泛议,面面俱到,这样文章才有可能写好。

从议论文结构的完整性上说,开放式作文一般也由三部分构成: 1要解释画面内容,并进行联想,提出

问题,这也就是“悟意”,“选点” “引发”




In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture

and explain how you understand it.

What a funny picture! This guy sitting next the table is trying to eat a bowl of noodles with instead of chopsticks. It seems to be very difficult for him because he is sweating a lot. Although he is good at using forks in his country, he could not enjoy the noodles happily with their traditional in china. From the picture, we know that we have manage to adjust to local customs when arriving a new place. If we do in Rome as Rome does. He will enjoy the life better. 图画作文Picture Composition


1 文字提示与看图提示实质上同出一辙,都反映一个整体思想:尤其是组图提示中 ,一幅画等同于每一句话,只要你把组图提示中的图一幅幅分开来就容易理解了。


一 简述图片。针对每幅图片写1?2句句子,也就是我们口试中常用的就事论事进行看图说话而已。

二 发表感想。就每幅图片或整体主题发表自己的一些看法。

三 简短结论。最后用1?2句简短的话进行小结,起到画龙点睛的作用:

3 在看图提示写作过程中,无论哪一部分都要蜻蜓点水似的点到,切忌顾此失彼 ,得出的地方使劲写,写不出的地方避开它,最终导致遗漏内容而失分。简述图片.发表感想,简短结论,各个部分既要有自己独立的内容,又要自然连成一体,结合起来表达一个完整的主题。


你校学生会准备办一期英语墙报,主题为:保护环境从我做起。请你根据下图所示 1写一篇英语短文。

What Can I Do for Our Environment? 图二

Everyone can do something for our environment.What Can I Do for Our Environment?

Everyone can do something for our environment. As a student, we should build the sense of frugality in our daily life in the school. I always turn off the lights in the classroom when I leave. Both sides of the paper can be used if it is possible. After school, I bear the consciousness of environment protection in mind. In order to protect the forest I often refuse to use the paper cups and disposable chopsticks consciously. I believe that individual contribution to the environment will build a more beautiful world. 4 提纲式作文 Outline Writing


A 有人认为X是好事,赞成X,为什么。



Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that 支持X 的第一个原因。They also argue that支持X的另一个原因:

However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do X. They firmly point out that 反对X 的第一个理由:An example can give the details of this I argument: 一个例子。

There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of X overvseigh the disadvantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X的又一个坏处。

2 批驳观点式

A —个错误观点。

B 我不同意。

Many people argue that 错误观点。By saving that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步 解释。An example they have presented is that 一个例子。(According to a suney performed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响。)

There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观:There are a number of reasons behind my belief, (以下可按辩论式议论文写法,写出我的理由)

暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇有 关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法。

优点 缺点

待在家中 花费少,舒适方便 不能亲身了解外界

外出旅游 增长见识,开阔眼界 花费多,旅途不便

参考词汇:眼界horizon(或view) 1

本文的体裁是议论文,主要是针对两种度假方式展开论述,最后提出自己的观点, 写作要点如下:

staying home convenient and comfortable increase knowledge broaden horizon high cost

Different people have different ideas about the way of spending the summer holiday. Some students believe that staying home is a good choice because it is convenient and comfortable without spending too much money. However, its

disadvantage is that we lose the opportunity to contact with the real world.

Others prefer to travel to other cities instead of staying home day after day. The reason for it is that travelling can

increase their knowledge and broaden the horizon. But you have to suffer from the high cost.

For my part, I like to stay home. In that case, I can relax myself, enjoy my free time pleasantly.


一些同学认为 —另一些同学认为

1应从儿童时期开始学习英语 1.不应从儿童时期开始学习英语

2儿童时期记忆力好,可以记住很多单词 2.儿童时期既要学汉语拼音又要学英语,易混淆

3.能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础 3.会影响汉语学习和今后的英语学习


参考词 基础foundation, 汉语拼音Chinese pinyin

本文是对立观点式作文。学生在写作时应注意几点:将双方观点都表述清楚,过渡 要自然;最后要说明讨论没有获得一致的结果。写作要点如下: learning English from childhood have a very good memory lay a solid foundation have not arrived at any agreement yet

The students of Class 3 had a discussion whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood. Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood. As little boys and girls have a very good memory, they can learn a lot of English words by heart. This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. But others do not agree. Young children to learn Chinese pinyin at school. If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time, it will be very

short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet. 5

材料式作文Material writing 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

Jackie is perhaps the most easily annoyed koala (考拉 )at the Featherdale Wildlife Park in southern Australia.All the koalas there are unhappy and complaining. You would be too if you were used to night activities and someone kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off.That' s right-sleep it off.The average koala is always half asleep because it feeds on the leaves of a special kind that makes it sleepy.

The reason Jackie and her fellow koalas are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep is so they can be hugged and photographed by tourists, who make the trips to Featherdale and an increasing number of other national parks for just that special | experience.Whatever department in the Aussie government in charge of such things is now moving to make the practice illegal, which is understandable.How would you I react,my friend,if you were trying to sleep off a dozen times and some round,furry creature smelling of grass kept waking you?








1在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历"或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



1 the tourists like to take pictures with koalas 2 koalas are unhappy 3 we should respect anima?s rights

4 regard them as our friends 5 make a comfortable environment for them to live

The passage narrates that koalas who are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.

The reasons why tourists like taking photos the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people . Some think it is a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have.

If I were in the same position as the animal the zoo, my reaction would be very severe strongly against being

photographed. I think it necessary to ban tourists taking pictures with animals, making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends. 图 表 作 文 Graph Composition

图表式作文常有两种形式:一是以表格形式。将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用 表格形式体现出来,即

统计表。二是以图形形式。图形形式又包括三类:表示数据变化的 曲线图;表示数据的大小或数量之间差异的柱状图;表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图。 图表式作文写作分三步:

1 .开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题。经常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe, tell, show, represent等。

2 分析数据间的主要差异及趋势。常用词汇:rise,drop, reduce, increase, decrease, fall, while, but, on the contrary, however, compare... to/ with..., in contrast to, as...as, the same as, similar to, different from, difference between, among, more than, less than 等。

3 归纳总结或发表评论。有时第三步可省略。常用词汇及语句:in a word,in short generally speaking, It's clear from the chart that..., We can draw the conclusion that..., We can learn/know.等等。

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受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的寒语阅读兴趣做了一次调查,请根据以下信 息,用英语为该报写


调查内容:在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,学生最喜欢哪一种。 调查范围:湖北省的10所中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1000 调查方式:访谈 见图三。



the four categories of English the favorite subject more than half

prefer reading articles about learning methods according to the investigation

Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students

Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewed. They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods.

The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their favorite. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning methods.



Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could

image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn’t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them

devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn’t performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy.

该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn’t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.

相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子.


姓名 5月1日,高二(3)班的两名志愿者李悦和张华去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100~120个词的新闻报道。

1. 时间、地点、人物、活动; 2. 老人们的反应; 3. 简短评论。






two volunteers do some voluntary work give sb. sth.=present sb. with sth. flowers and fruits at once=immediately sit in the yard

chat with the elderly happily be grateful to sb. for sth. kindness forever pretty tired=exhausted extremely delighted=be filled with happiness

what they did today bring pleasure to others enrich one’s own life

Just as the saying goes, “The fragrance stays in the hand that gives the rose.”

