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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:26:02 体裁作文

篇一:英文作文兴趣是最好的老师Interest is the best teacher

Interest is The Best Teacher

It’s well known to all that interest plays an important role in one’s life. An old saying goes: “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. To me, what I am interested in is learning English. I began to be crazy about English when I was in primary school.

Miss Lan is my English teacher in primary school. When I was in Grade Four, I began to get in touch with English. At the first English class, I was deeply attracted by her English accent. It heard so good! And I was surprised that English was such a beautiful language. At that time, when I had questions in learning English, I asked Miss Lan for help and she was always so kind to help me. I will never forget her kindness in my life, which led to my deeper interest in English. Even when I grow up, I still have this good teacher, interest.

When I was in middle school, I got interested in foreign cultures and customs in particular. To meet my curiosity, I read English stories everyday. As we all know, reading the original English works is different from reading the translations. I felt the direct emotion what writers wanted to express by reading these lovely English words. Reading seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I make great progress in English learning. Interest is the key to success. A person who is interested in something will devote himself to it. Meanwhile, a great miracle will be made.

I chose to be an English major student when I applied for college qualification. Because I love English and I want to learn more about English. The more important reason is that interest helps people do half the work and get double the result. Every time I got a progess in English learning, I got one step closer to achieve my goal. As it is a virtuous circle, I am becoming more and more interested in English. A person who wants to be successful needs a correct guidance, and I believe that this guidance is interest.

篇二:Interest is the best teacher 兴趣是最好的老师英语作文

“Interest is the best teacher.”Only when we stimulate students’interest,they will be happy to learn, take the initiative to learn.However,as you know,it is not an easy thing to stimulate students’interest in every class.What should we do and how can we make students be interested in learning English in the class.

Educational psychology tells us that the characteristic of pupils’age is strong curiosity and imitation,active naturally and the continued time of their conscious attention is short comparatively.Therefore, according to this characteristic,as a teacher,when we are in the teaching,first,we should make a good atmosphere for the students so that they can come into a state of thinking actively ahead of time.Then,we should use some words to praise them suitably to stimulate their learning motivation and improve their interest of learning.

Furthermore, we should use the multimedia combining with abundant and colorful cartoons and pictures to cater to students’interest so that they can pay more attention to the class and enjoy the happiness of learning

Aside from that,we should also add some small games during our class. Why? For one thing, playing games can satisfy students’desiring of playing.On the other hand, playing games can give some relaxation to students so that they can


concentrate themselves in the class and abandon the idea “learning is boring”.

Therefore,only if we can do all these,we are able to make students have more interests to learning and they will pay more attention to what teacher said in the class. Only when we have done all these,can we cultivate the students’interest and stimulate their curiosity in teaching.

篇三:初一英语作文:Interest Is the Best Teacher 兴趣是最好的老师

初一英语作文:Interest Is the Best Teacher 兴趣是最好的老师 I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn't like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They hurt me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings were showed in public. Many famous artists had praised me for my paintings. They called me "little prodigy". And dad was on my side too. He encouraged me to do what I liked and what I thought was proper. He told me that interest is the best teacher, Dad did what he could to develop my talent fully. I believe that interest together with hard work will make me a successful artist in the near future.

篇四:初一英语作文:Interest Is the Best Teacher 兴趣是最好的老师

初一英语作文:Interest Is the Best Teacher 兴趣是最好的老师 I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn't like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They hurt me by thinking I am a retarded child. But I am no fool. Almost all of my paintings were showed in public. Many famous artists had praised me for my paintings. They called me "little prodigy". And dad was on my side too. He encouraged me to do what I liked and what I thought was proper. He told me that interest is the best teacher, Dad did what he could to develop my talent fully. I believe that interest together with hard work will make me a successful artist in the near future.

















b.创设情景。新教材是以“语言交际为原则”编写的。其本身一个突出的特点就是有相当多的情景会话和描述。如果我们把书本上面的内容搬到生活中来,以学生为中心,采取动作表演等手段进行情景教学,既可使课堂生动活泼,又可以培养学生在实情实景中的交际应付能力,不断培养和提高学生的学习兴趣。 c.利用简笔画。简笔画是最简单,最实用,也是极有趣的一种教学工具。有人说一幅画值千字,这一说法恰到好处的表明了简笔画在教学中的重要作用。无论是引出新单词,提出新句型,操练句型,复习旧句型,还是讲解课文都可以运用简笔画。简笔画的优点在于可使课文中抽象的知识具体化,形象化,且容易吸引学生的注意力。在师生一同分析、讨论简笔画的进程中,教学内容自然呈现,可得到意想不到的效果。


课堂教学中提到的英语游戏,也是课外受学生欢迎的活动之一。游戏的形式不胜枚举,只要老师多动脑筋,或者启发学生开动脑筋,编出一些实用有趣的游戏是很有意义的。此外,开展英语竞赛,举行英语晚会,英语诗朗诵,英语演讲比赛,英语讲座,开辟英语角,出英语墙报等等,都是英语课外活动的很好形式。 总之,兴趣问题是英语教学中的首要问题,“兴趣是学习之母”,一个好的英语教师应想方设法激发学生的学习兴趣,把英语课上成活泼有趣的言语技能课,让学生在学中乐,在乐中学,全面提高英语教与学的质量,努力提高英语的教学效果。
