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★【2013江苏泰州】词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。(10分)

1. I think Wu Qilong is one of the most popular ________(actor). I am his fan.

2. If you can answer all the questions ________(correct), you will get a gift from the host.

3. Who do you think is the most suitable for the ________(student) Union?

4. To reduce air pollution, we’d better ride more often instead of ________(drive).

5. — Did you hear anything ________(usual) in the next door?

— No, I was chatting online with friends.

6. David fell ________(sleep) in class because he stayed up too late last night.

7. Take exercise one hour a day, and you’ll become ________(healthy) than before.

8. We organized a lot of activities to celebrate our school’s ________(fifty) birthday last month.

9. Wearing red can help you make a ________(decide)

10. We’re talking about where ________(spend) our coming summer holiday.


(be)a volunteer in Ya-an, Sichuan since the earthquake happened.


8.The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people (polite).

(village)living conditions have changed greatly in recent years.

(make)his class lively.


61. It’ (sun) in autumn in our hometown.


— trash lay everywhere.


66. A strong earthquake hit Ya’an in ____________(四月), 2013.

67. May I use your mobile phone? _____________(我的) is at home.

68. Eating more _____________(蔬菜)can help us keep in good health.

69. Can you speak __________(慢慢地)?I can’t follow you.

70. Next Sunday is Father’s Day and it is also my father’s _________(第四十) birthday.

71. Before you take the medicine, you’d better read the ____________(说明) first.

72. All of us were _____________(惊奇的) that such a little girl spoke English so well.

73. Everyone else in my class was invited _____________(除了) me, and I don’t know why.

74. As a teacher, you should be ____________(耐心的) with your students.

75. If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice ________(跑步)every day. 动词应用根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(必要时加助动词或情态动词)

76. Peter, we need to clean the house. Could you please ___________( sweep ) the floor?

77. _____________( not smoke ) here, Rick. Smoking is not allowed in public places.

78. —What do you think of the milk? —Oh, it ____________( taste ) good.

79. Please say “I’m here ” when your name _____________(call ).

80. When I got home yesterday afternoon, it _____________ (rain) hard.

81. I have finished my homework, Mom. May I stop ____________ (have) a rest? 82. Would you mind turning down the music? I ___________ (write) a report now.

83. —Shall I tell Tom the good news? —No, you needn’t. I ___________ ( tell ) him already.

84. Mo Yan is the first man ____________( win ) the Nobel Prize for literature of the Chinese.

85. If you ____________ (not be ) careful enough in the exam, you will not get a good grade. ★【2013 上海】用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词(共8分)

59. The prices of many ________ usually go up during festivals. (flower)

60. This is the ______ time for our school to hold the robot-making contest. (six)

61. I could hardly believe she had made a video about water pollution by _______.(her)

62. The company hopes its product will be ________ on the European market. (success)

63. Larry has put on too much weight because of his ________ diet. (healthy)

64. Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words ________. (correct)

65. Don’t use the lift when you escape from a high _______ during a fire. (build)

66. It is not wise of young people to _______ their jobs from time to time. (changeable) ★【2013江苏淮安】根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。

9. If it ________(rain) tomorrow, we won’t go swimming.

10. These years, the air quality has become ________(bad) than before.

11. Chinese style road crossing is a bad habit and must be ________(prevent).

12. I’m glad to hear that my favorite ________(sing) has come to our city.

13. It’s too dangerous for the young children to play near the river by ________(they).

14. When the guest entered the hall, Mr. White stood up and greeted him ________(polite).

15. Each year, ________(thousand) of visitors come to Huai’an to enjoy Huaiyang food. ★【2013江苏常州】根据句子意思,用括号中所给的词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。

’t say a word.


49.Isn’51. —Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. —52.—What is he busy doing?



【2013江苏泰州答案】1. actors 2. correctly 3. Students’ 4. driving 5. unusual

6. asleep 7. healthier 8.fiftieth 9.decision 10. to spend

【2013山东烟台】6. has been 7. knowledge 8. politely 9. villagers’ 10. to make 【2013山东临沂答案】61. sunny 62. first 63. babies 64. danger

65. translator 66. politely 67. easier 68. unpleasant


66.April 67.Mine 68.vegetables 69.slowly 70.fortieth

71.instructions 72.surprised 73.except 74.patient 75.running 76. sweep 77.Don’t smoke/ No smoking 78. tastes 79.is called 80.was raining 81.to have 82.am writing 83.have told 84.to win 85.aren’t


59. flowers 60. sixth 61. herself 62. successful 63. unhealthy 64. correctly 65. building

66. change

【2013贵州安顺答案】1. bring 2. listened 3. to form 4. is 5. pronunciations 【2013江苏扬州答案】51. Luckily 52. butterflies 53. made 54. across 55. take

【2013江苏盐城答案】61. fifth 62. sunny 63. largest 64. ourselves 65. invention

66. directed 67. has gone 68. will be sent 69. catches 70. to realize


词汇运用:1. patient 2. imported 3. mess 4. successfully

5. silence 6. hopefully 7. disappear 8. stricter

动词填空:1. drinking 2. was honored 3. have promised(promise) 4. to send

5. was making 6. will be held 7. had left 8. hasn’t confirm

【2013甘肃兰州答案】 91. years’ 92. fortieth 93. thinner 94. truth 95. unusual

96. was reading 97. has lived 98. not to fall 99. is 100. had left

【2013山东莱芜答案】60. safely 61. player 62. herself 63. cheapest

【2013江苏徐州答案】48. swimming 49. frightened 50. glasses 51. yourself 52. Luckily

【2013江苏淮安答案】9. rains 10. worse 11. prevented 12. singer

13. themselves 14. politely 15.thousands

【2013江苏常州答案】41. least 42. impossible 43. angrily 44. directors’

49.lying 50.not be forgotten 51. has woken 52. to complete 53.was chosen

【2013 甘肃白银答案】21. Hers 22. broken 23. one 24. passing 25. illness


51. help 52. gently 53. is 54. eating 55. nineteenth/19th 56. mentioning

【2013贵州遵义答案】76. turning 77. longest 78. actors 79. ours 80. finishes

81. twenties 82. will be/is going to be 83. wash 84. relaxed 85.


【2013新疆答案】 76.reading 77.am sending 78.fans 79.Teachers’ 80.reporter 【2013湖北恩施答案】66.leaves 67.was 68.useful 69.considering 70.succwssfully 【2013江苏宿迁答案】53.leaves 54.youngest 55.twice 56.healthily 57.called

58.borrow 59.are planted 60.has taught

【2013云南答案】 66.First/1st 67.hereself 68.bravely 69.hands 70.proud

篇二:仁爱版英语初一(上)AB卷期中测试题 A卷

仁爱版英语初一(上)AB卷期中测试题 A卷


I. 听录音,选择正确的答案。

( )1. A. His name is Tom. B: Yes, he is C. No, he isn’t D. He is tall.

( )2. A. He has a ball. B. Tall and thin C. He is 12 D. He is a boy.

( )3. A. Yes, he does No, he does C. He is a girl. D. He has a knife.

( )4. A. long B. short C. blond D. round

( )5. A. Yes she is. B. No, she isn’t C. She isn’t fat. D. She is thin.

Ⅱ. 听对话,填写所缺单词。

A: Excuse me, Lingling. Is this eraser?

B: No, it is not I think it’s .

A: What is

B; Jane.

C: No, it isn’t. It’s eraser.

A: What’s name?

C: name is Jim.

A; Thank you very

C: You’re .

Ⅲ. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确的答案。

( )1. Kangkang is in .

A. No. 1 Middle School B. No. 2 Middle school

C. Class 2 D. Grade 2

( )2. Where is Maria from? She is from .

A. America B. England C. China D. Japan

( )3. Who’s Maria’s English teacher?

A. Mrs. Gao B. Maria’s mother C. Jane’s mother D. We don’t know.

( )4. are Jane’s good friends.

A. Kangkang and Maria B. Kangkang C. Maria D. Maria and Jane

( )5. Who are good teachers?

A. Mrs. Gao B. Mrs Gao and Maria’s mother

C. Maria’s mother D. Mrs.Gao and Jane’s mother


Ⅰ. 根据汉语完成句子。

1. She is a friend of (我的).

2. (是) these trousers old or new?

3. She know (我的 ) name and I know (她的).

4. It’s a dark blue jacket, it’s not (Michael的).

5. Let’s go (购物) tomorrow.

6.You are (长) so fast.

7. It (看上去) very nice.

8. You can 说) that again.

9. She grows fast. The dress will (适合) her soon.

10. Help (我们) find him.

Ⅱ 用所给的单词的正确形式填空。

1. Yao Ming is a famous basketball

2. He is very (strong), with long

3. Is this jacket (you)?

No, it’s not (me).

4. Do you have a fax or (telephone).

5. The girl in a green (sister), Ann.

6. Everyone

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

( )1. Which country he from?

A. are B. is C. does D. has

( ) 2. Kangkang a small nose or big one?

A. Do, has B. Does, has C. Does, have D. Do, have

( ) 3. They have a TV set. It’s

A. them B. their C. theirs D. they

( ) 4. He can that again.

A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say

( ) 5. Look the young man long legs.

A. at, has B. for, with C. in. in D. at, with

( ) 6. He soccer in England.

A. plays B. play C. playing D. kick

mr white grows the

( ) 7. What your mouth?

A. not B. for C. about D. to

( ) 8. The boy has big eyes, a small mouth.

A. and B. but C. with D. or

( ) 9. The boy big eyes.

A. have B. has C. with D. are

( ) 10. He a sister.

A. don’t have B. doesn’t have C. don’t has D. doesn’t has

Ⅳ. 情景会话, 选适当的句子填空。

W: Can I help you?

W: Do you like the white one?

That yellow one looks nice.

W: Yes. Please try it on.

M: Oh, it’s too long for me. 3

W: Certainly. Here you are.

W: 30 dollars.

Ⅴ. 阅读理解。A

Lucy and Lily are twins. They are students. They are ten. Their father is Mr White. He is in a brown coat. Their mother is Mrs White. She is in black shoes(鞋). Lucy is in a yellow sweater. Lily is in an orange sweater. Bob is their brother. He is in a blue hat. The twins are in a green car. The car is behind the red flowers.


( ) 1. Mr White is

A. Lucy’s father B. Lily’s father

C. Lucy and Lily’s father D. A and B

( ) 2. Mr White and Mrs White have

A. one son and two daughters B. one son and one daughter

( ) 3. Mrs White is

A. in the yellow sweater B. in dark shoes

C. in the blue hat D. in the brown hat

( ) 4. isn’t in the green car.

A. Bob B. Lucy C. Lily D. The twins

( ) 5. is behind the red flowers.

A. The red car B. The yellow car

C. The green car D. The black car


This is a photo. In the photo you can see hills, trees and a school. You can see a big clock in the school. It’s seven now. the students are at school. Zhang Hong and Wang Lin are in the school. They are good friends. Zhang Hong is twelve. Wang Lin is twelve, too. They are in the same class. Miss Liu is their English teacher and Miss Li is their Chinese teacher.


( ) 1. The boys and girls are

A. at school B. on the hills C. under the trees D. at home

( ) 2. The hills, trees, the school and the students are .

A. on a map B. in a photo C. on the wall D. in a book

( ) 3. Wang Lin and Zhang Hong are

A. good brothers B. good sisters C. good friends D. good students

( ) 4. Miss Li is .

A. a young teacher B. an English teacher

C. a good teacher D. Wang Lin and Zhang Hong’s teacher

( ) 5. Which is wrong?

A. A big clock is in the school. B. Only two students are in the photo.

C. Zhang Hong is twelve. D. It’s seven o’clock.


I have six baskets. Three are big. Three are small(小). I have some pears and some oranges. I put three pears in each small basket, and I put three oranges in each big basket and one oranges in each small basket. The number of oranges is my age.


( ) 1. I have pears.

A. three B. five C. seven D. nine C. one daughter and two sons D. two sons and two daughters

( ) 2. I have oranges.

A. six B. eight C. ten D. twelve

( ) 3. ---What are these in the small baskets?


A. nine pears B. nine oranges

C. three pears and nine oranges D. nine pears and three oranges

( ) 4. ---Where are the pears?

---They are in the .

A. three big baskets B. three small baskets

C. a big basket D. a small basket

( ) 5. ---Do you know how old I am?

---I’m .

A. nine B. ten C. eleven D. twelve






1. 看图了解大背景

2. 通读全文

3. 这类试题中改写后的句子或短文基本上是通过缩写,以变换词语和句子结构的方式来达到同种意思的不同表达。所填的词以实词为主,有些要填的词可以从原短文中直接找到答案。

4. 所填的词必须首先符合语义适用原则,所以不能看一空就填一空,必需符合全文的大意。因此要纵观全文,围绕中心意思,全盘综合考虑来确定词义。

5. 所填的词还必须符合语法正确的原则,必须从词语搭配、句型结构以及人称、时态、语态上来判定所填词的正确形式。

6. 寻读有关的段落或词句时应仔细对照留有空格的句子,精确理解并找出充足的依据来确定该空格应填的词义。

7. 要把握原短文中心意思必须注重对短文第一段与最后一段的阅读和理解。学会在段落中找准主题句,这样才有助于把握全文的中心意思。

练习一 A Figure Back-to-front

It was morning. The children were having a

lessen in the classroom. The

floor. Peter,

a boy of Grade One, was doing a sum (算术题)

on the He was not (4)

at sums and did not know the (5)


his best friend, standing behind the window.

Dick saw that Peter had (7)

doing the sum. He the

answer on the window glass. Dick did it for

Peter to copy, but Peter was a silly boy. He

wrote the figure 5 back-to-front. Miss White, the

_. She turned around and saw Dick and the figure on

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________

6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________



Alan worked in an office in the city. He usually went to the seaside

for his holidays. But one day he an advertisement in a “Enjoy c. a few weeks on willow Fresh air! Good food! Great Prices (价格)!” “This sounds la good idea,” He said to himself, “I’ll go there and enjoy horse r, walking

. They’ll make a c from sitting by the seaside and swimming.”

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________

5. ____________ 6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________

9. ____________10.____________



Here’s the weather report for the next 21 hours. Taiyuan will be at

times and the temperature will be eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind will reach Datong. It will bring much and the lowest temperature will fall to sixteen again. Yangquan will be with the temperature from nineteen to thirty. Lin-fen will be and its temperature will be twenty-three to thirty-two. Yuncheng will have a hot day. The temperature will stay twenty-six.

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________

5. ____________ 6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________

9. ____________10.____________


This is (1) interesting picture. In the (2)

of it is a big jar (缸). In the side

of the jar there are a lot of (3) .

Four men are busy (4) with their

buckets (桶) and pouring (倒) water into it. But

immediately the water comes out (5) the

holes while they are pouring it. There is water all over

the ground. (6) these men feel nothing at all.

They go on with their work no matter (7) happening.

I don’t think it is a true story. But it (8) us that some people often do such foolish things ---- they work hard (9) thinking of its results. In the end they get (10)

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________

6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________


Sam is a farmer. He has a very big__1__. On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to __2__ his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.

Several years ago, in 2003, he went back to his hometown after he finished high

school. “What can I do?” he said to himself. Then he had __3__ idea. “I’m _4___ in farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing

fruit___5__ TV. He also read a lot of books about it. Then he went to __6___ on Mr. Smith’s farm for two years. He learned a lot there. In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. At that __7___, Sam’s farm was small. But now, his farm is much ___8___. His fruits

are very good .He sends them to many big ___9___ in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. He also grows vegetables and raises ___10___ on his farm. Therefore, his family eats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________

6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________


“Daddy, can I learn to play the (1)? I?ll try very hard.” Sarah asked her

(2) , Mr White.

“All right,” Mr White said. “I?ll (3for you to have lessons for six weeks. If you play well, you can go on with your lessons. If you don?t, I will (4) the lessons.”

“OK, Daddy,” Sarah said.

Mr White found her a good and expensive(5)and Sarah began her lessons.

Six weeks later, Sarah said to Mr White, “I?m (6) to play for you, Daddy.”

“Fine, Sarah,” Mr White said. “Begin.”

She began to play. She didn?t play well. She made a terrible noise.

Her father had one of his friends with him. The friend put his hands over his (7) when he heard the noise.

When Sarah (8 , her father said, “Well done, Sarah. You can go on with your lessons.”

Sarah ran happily out of the room. Mr White?s friend turned to him. “You?ve spent a lot of (9),but she still plays very (10)” he said.

Mr White said, “Since she started learning the piano, I?ve been able to buy five apartments (单元房间) in this building very cheaply. In another six weeks, I?ll own the whole building.”

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________

6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________


Tom was a poor boy.He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革for others

in the

street.Tom was also a .One day,Miser appeared in front of Tom.

,and then,looked at Tom. Tom knew this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend it.

Tom said,“Let me your shoes,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir.

Mr.Miser shook his head and walked away.

Tom thought for a second and then called out,??I?d like to clean it for nothing.”This time

Mr.Miser agreed.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly.

When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he wouldn?t clean it for

.Mr.He refused to pay

anything and went away.

,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even

dirtier.Mr Miser looked round.at him.

and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________

6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________







1.The policeman's ________ traffic directions made all the drivers quite ________.

A.confused; confused B.confusing; confusing

C.confusing; confused D.confused; confusing

2.Thank you for the great difficulty you have had ________ me with my designing work.

A.helping B.to help C.with helping D.to have helped

3.The position, however, ________ you are applying, is not quite a well- paid one.

A.that B.for which C.which D.to which

4. — __________ that made Mrs. White so upset?

—Her son’s making trouble in the school.

A. Where was it B. Why was it C. How was it D. What was it

5. —Is there a hospital here?

—No, but there _________ .

A. would B. used to C. used to be D. ought to

6. I ____ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my decision to move back to China.

A. was living B. have lived C. lived D. had lived

7.It’s important for the figures ___ regularly.

A. to be updated B. to have been updated C. to update D. to have updated

8.How can____ gentleman like you wear such a jacket in such ___ bad state on this special occasion?

A. a;\ B. he;\ C. the; a D. a; a

9.—What our teacher just said is so confusing to me.

--____.Maybe we can turn to the dictionary for reference.

A. We all get used to it. B.I don’t get it, either.

C. That’s a good point. D. Don’t make fuss of him.

10.Today,people are eating and drinking more sugar than ever, because it____ so many foods and beverages.

A. adds B adds to C. adds up to D. is added to

11.People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would ____ to go by land, sea or air.

A. prefer B. agree C. get down D. look forward

12.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness.____ all, he is over seventy.

A. After B. At C. Above D. In

13.You ____ have seen an airplane in such weather. You must have been dreaming.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

14.Mr White asked the students to ____ short dialogues by themselves yesterday afternoon.

A. take up B. look up C. give up D. make up

15.As soon as I receive my pass to the examination, I’ll ____ for Shanghai.

A. set off B. set in C. set about D. set up



The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red to go faster. I also can't understand why people don't move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those light turns red, and just keeps going. That is why so many happen! All these

situations make me , it's even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I'm It occurs to me that my have done much the same for me teaching me how to live. They have given me many lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to with joy and purpose. They 误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires. And there have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to school regularly and work hard.

If I obey these rules, my life will be as as it can be. Just as I'm wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I'm walking across the street, I'm wise to pay attention to the “__

16.A. suggests B. informs C. reminds D. warns

17.A. sight B. signal C. message D. switch

18.A. instant B. exciting C. dangerous D. cautious

19.A. notice B. sense C. remember D. feel

20.A. events B. problems C. situations D. accidents

21.A. think out B. wonder about C. care for D. worry about

22.A. Besides B. Anyway C. Instead D. However

23.A. noisy B. narrow C. crowded D. key

24.A. control B. direct C. improve D. serve

25.A. learn B. obey C. protect D. carry

26.A. supposed B. used C. devoted D. delighted

27.A. teachers B. friends C. leaders D. parents

28.A. in charge of B. in face of C. in terms of D. in danger of

29.A. safe B. green C. beneficial D. helpful

30.A. live B. share C. work D. communicate

31.A. unless B. when C. before D. till

32.A. still B. even C. only D. also

33.A. start B. attend C. leave D. miss

34.A. good B. colorful C. meaningful D. healthy

35.A. traffic B. light C. life D. confidence





I have raised dogs for many years. I’ve found out what they want and given it to them.

When you get a new like a small baby, its personality is already somewhat established. It may be a “ screamer” or a “cuddler (搂抱型)”or a quiet dog or an energetic dog. All puppies need sleep in massive (大量的) quantities. An energetic puppy will run around and suddenly fall down sound asleep. A quieter puppy will start to show signs of tiredness, then find a place to fall asleep. A “ screamer” will scream for attention: Puppy cries and yelps (狗吠), while a quiet puppy will usually give up and accept being put in a box. A “cuddler” will need your body, either your lap or next to you, to sleep soundly.

Puppy language is very simple. It is like a baby’s cries. They cry when they are in need or in pain; in need of company, in need of food, in need of sleep, etc.

As your dog grows, you should learn what they are saying to you, as they learn to take their cues(暗示) from you. If you rub(揉) your puppy’s stomach, and he likes it, he will learn to roll over and “ask” you for a stomach rub. Almost all dogs will “ask” to go out. In some cases, this consists of standing or jumping at a door. If you ignore this request, your dog will make it again, more firmly.

36.The underlined word “puppy” in Paragraph 2 most probably means a(n)________.

A.small baby B.young dog C.old dog D.big child

37.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.An energetic puppy is one that runs around and suddenly fall down sound asleep.

B.A quiet puppy is one that shows signs of tiredness, then finds a place to fall asleep.

C.A “screamer” is a puppy that cries and yelps.

D.A “cuddler” will need a box to sleep in.

38.What does a dog mean by standing or jumping at a door?

A.Hey, you. I’m needing a stomach rub. B.Hey, you. Get off my turf.

C.Oh, boy, let me go out. D.Oh, boy, I’m so excited.

39.The author writes the passage in order to tell us ________.

A.his experience of raising dogs

B.how he likes to raise dogs

C.something about a dog’s language and personality

D.dogs are very clever


A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising. The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000, a legacy (遗产) from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch who died in an accident. “It really made a difference when we were going under financially,” says Dave.

But the Fusses weren't the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive the unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Dozens of other families were touched by the Hatches' generosity. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars; in others, it was more than $ 100,000.

It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $ 3 million—they were an elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.

Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving. They liked comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store, checking prices before making a new purchase.

Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn't afford it. “Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything,” says their friend Sandy Van Weelden. “They could see things they could do to make you happier, and they would do them.”

Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches' had their farmland distributed. It was the Hatches' wish that their legacy—a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents—should enrich the whole community and last for generations to come.

篇五:牛津小学英语5B 随堂检测Unit8

Period 1

一、 从B栏中选出与A栏相匹配的应答。


( )1 What day is it today?

A Yes, he does.

( ) 2 Does Ben often surf the Internet?

B It’s Wednesday.

( ) 3 How does Helen spend her weekends?

C They usually swim.

( ) 4 What do they usually do on Sundays?

D She usually reads books.

二、 连词成句。

1 do usually in what do evening the you (?) ?

2 weekends your do spend you how (?) ?

3 day do do they housework every (?) ?

4 Mr does his spend Brown weekends how (?) ?

5 to music Helen often listens (..) .

三、 英汉互译。

1 在周末 2 喜欢运动 .

3 接住书 4 向他们学到很多 . 5 catch insects 6 talk about animals . 7 of course 8 go climbing . 9 watch cartoons 10 捉蝴蝶 .

四、 给下列句子排序。

( ) No, he doesn’t.

( ) Sometimes he goes to the cinema. Sometimes he plays the guitar.

( ) Yes, he can.

( 1 ) Does Liu Tao often fly kites at weekends?

( ) How does he spend his weekends?

( ) Can he play the guitar well?

Period 2


1 The little boy often (catch, catches) ants after school. 2 Let’s go (climb, climbing). 3 We like (listening to, hearing) music. 4 (There is, There are) a lot of insects in the park. 5 How (do, does) their English teacher spend her weekends? 6 We can learn a lot (of, from) other people.


1 你爸爸是怎样过周末的? 他很忙。他经常去上班。 --How your father his weekends? -- very .He often to work.

2 苏海经常做家务吗? 是的。她打扫房间并洗衣服。 -- SuHai often housework? -- Yes, she does. She the room and clothes.

3 现在几点了? 一点半了。该上课了, 我们去教室吧。 -- is it?

-- It’s one. It’s time class. Let’s to the



1 Mr Green often surfs the Internet in the evening.

(改成一般疑问句) 2 My brother often watches cartoons at weekends.


四、根据上下文情景完成对话。 A: do you usually do at the weekends? B: I usually the violin. A: you play it every day?

B: Yes, I do. I like music very much. A: How David his weekends? B: He often swimming. He sport. A: I like sport, too. I always play table tennis my father.

Period 3

一、 英汉互译。

1 谈论体育运动 2 过周末 3 向你学到很多 4 去游泳 . 5 spend money 6 every Tuesday . 7 catch grasshoppers 8 play on the slide . 9 go to the cinema 10 do some exercise .

二、 找出句中错误,并订正在横线上。 ( ) 1 How do Mike spend his weekends? A B C . ( ) 2 Ants can carrying big things. A B C . ( ) 3 Does your mother cooks every day? A B C . ( ) 4 They often go skate on Saturday afternoon. A B C .

三、 根据汉语完成句子。

1 怀特先生怎样过周末的? 他喜欢上网。他能从网上了解很多信息。 -- How Mr White his weekends? -- He surfing the Internet. He can a lot it.

2 简喜欢阅读。她每个周末都去图书馆。 Jane likes . She to the library every .


1 Does Jim like catching insects? (改成陈述句)

2 They are talking about sports in the office.


3 Miss Li washes clothes on Saturdays.

(改成否定句) 4 Helen often grows flowers at the weekends. (对画线部分提问)

Period 4

一、 根据汉语完成句子。

1 你怎样过周末? 我有时去游泳,有时打篮球。我喜欢运动。 -- do you your weekends? --Sometimes I go . Sometimes I basketball. I sport.

2 周六和周日你的父母喜欢干什么? 他们喜欢在家看电视。 --What do your like on Saturdays and Sundays? -- They like TV home.

3 迈克怎么过周末? 他经常去公园。他喜欢荡秋千。 -- How Mike spend . ? -- He . to the park. He . on the swing.

二、 根据上下文情景完成对话。 A: What do your parents do weekends? B: They usually watch TV or play cards their friends. A: they like climbing?

B: Yes. They sport. do your parents spend their weekends? A: My parents work Saturdays or Sundays.My mother often housework. My father often fishing. B: I like , too. your father teach me?

A: Sure. You can join us at weekends.

三、 用4-5句话写写你或你的朋友一家的周末。 . . . . .
