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篇一:Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York歌词

Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York

Walkin' through a crowd, the village is a glow Kaleidoscope of loud, happy thunder coats Everybody here wanted somethin' more Searchin' for a sound we hadn't heard before And it said

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's a new soundtrack

I could dance to this beat

Beat forevermore

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me, me

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

When we first dropped our bags

On apartment floors

Took our broken hearts and put them in a drawer Everybody here was someone else before And you can want who you want

Boys and boys and girls and girls

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's a new soundtrack

I could dance to this beat

Beat forevermore

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me, me

Welcome to New York (New York!)

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Like any great love, it keeps you guessing Like any real love, it's ever-changing

Like any true love, it drives you crazy But you know

You wouldn't change anything, anything, anything Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's a new soundtrack

I could dance to this beat

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me

Welcome to New York

New soundtrack

It's been waitin' for you

Welcome to New York

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me

Welcome to New York

So bright, they never blind me

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

篇二:Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York-Taylor swife

Walking through a crowd, the village is a globe. 穿过人群,村庄是一个地球仪

Kaleidoscopes of loud heartbeats under coats. 大声的万花筒外套下心跳

Everybody here wanted something more在这里每个人都想要更多的东西,,

Searching for a sound we haven’t heard before. 寻找我们没有听过的声音

And it said welcome to New York, It’s been waiting for you它说欢迎来到纽约这是等待着你 Welcome to New York, welcome to New York欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

It’s a new soundtrack I can dance to this beat, 这是一种新的音乐我可以跳舞

forevermore. 永远地

The light are so bright but they never blind me, me. 灯光很明亮,但他们从不盲目的我,我 Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors, 当我们第一次把袋子在公寓地板 took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer. 把我们的破碎的心,把它们放在一个抽屉里 Everybody here was someone else before, 在这里每个人都是别人之前

And you can want who you want, 你可以要你想要的,谁

boys & boys and girls & girls. 男孩和男孩和女孩和女孩

Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you. 欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you. 欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

It’s a new soundtrack I can dance to this beat, 这是一种新的音乐我可以跳舞

forevermore. 永远地

The light are so bright but they never blind me, me. 灯光很明亮,但他们从不盲目的我,我 Welcome to New York (New York), it’s been waiting for you欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你 Welcome to New York, Welcome to New York欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

Like any great love, it keeps you guessing. 像任何伟大的爱,它让你猜

Like any real love, it’s ever changing. 像任何真正的爱情,是不断变化的

Like any true love, it drives you crazy. 喜欢真爱,它让你发疯

But you know you wouldn’t change, anything, anything,但你知道你不会改变,任何事 Anything.. 任何事.

Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you欢迎来到纽约,这是等待着你

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York欢迎来到纽约,欢迎来到纽约

It’s a new soundtrack I can dance to this beat, 这是一种新的音乐我可以跳舞

The lights are so bright but they never blind me. 灯光很明亮但他们从不盲目的我 Welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约

New soundtrack, it’s been waiting for you新音乐,等待你

Welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约

The lights are so bright but they never blind me. 灯光很明亮但他们从不盲目的我 Welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约

So bright, they never blind me. 如此明亮,他们不会盲目的我

Welcome to New York. 欢迎来到纽约

Welcome to New York欢迎来到纽约


[英语]走遍美国-全部中英对照 (1)★★★★★★★★★★ Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. 对不起,我叫 Richard Stewart, I'm a photographer. 我是一位摄影师。 May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗? What's it for? 是做什么用的? It's for a book. 是为一本书拍的。 You're writing a book? 你在写一本书吗? It's a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。 I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为「美国写真」 。 Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢,这想法不错。 Well, it's fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照,就请吧。 I'm Martha Vann. 我叫 Martha Vann。 Thank you. I appreciate your help. 谢谢,很感谢你的帮助。 I'm Richard. What's your name? 我是 Richard,你叫什么? Gerald. Gerald。 How old are you, Gerald? Gerald,你今年多大啦? Five. 五岁。 And where do you live? 你们住在哪里? We live in California. 我们住在 California 。 Well, welcome to New York. 噢,欢迎你们到纽约来。 OK, just a second. 好了,请稍等一下。 I'm almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。 Can I help you? 我能帮你忙吗? Oh, please. 噢,太好了。 Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! 请握住 Gerald 的手。很好! Now point to the buildings. 现在请指着那些建筑物。 Terrific! 好极了! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Gerald,亲一亲妈妈,很好! Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你,Gerald。 And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 谢谢你, Vann 太太。 Oh, my pleasure. 噢,不客气。 We'll be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。 Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Gerald,再见。 Thanks again. 再次谢谢你。 Oh, you're welcome. 噢,请别客气。 Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿!让我给你拍一张照! Wonderful. Please. 好啊,请。 Are you from New York? 你是从纽约来的吗? No, I'm from Greece. 不是,我是从希腊来的。 I'm an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。 When did you come here? 你是什么时候来这里的? Three months ago. 叁个月之前。 Your English is very good. 你的英语说得很好。 Thanks. 谢谢你的夸奖。 I studied English in school. 我是在学校里学的英语。 Would you like some coffee? 要不要来点咖啡? No, thank you. 不要,谢谢。 Tell me about your book. 谈谈你的书吧。 Oh, it's not finished yet, 噢,它尚未完成, but I have some of the pictures. 但我手头有一些照片。 Would you like to see them? 你要不要看一看? Yes. I'd like that. 要啊,我想看一看。 Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. 就在这里。 「美国写真」 , It's an album of pictures of the United States: 是关于美国的 the cities, the special places, and the people. 一些城市,一些特别的地方以及人们的摄影 选辑。 And these are pictures of people working: 这是工作中人们的照

片: steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, 钢铁工人、银行职员、警察、街头小贩、 ambulance drivers, doctors.... 救护车驾驶员、医生等等…… 1 Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢,这是我父亲,他是一名医生。 This is my mother. 这是我母亲。 What's her name? 她叫什么名字? Ellen. Ellen。 My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟 Robbie, He goes to high school. 他在上高中。 This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹 Susan, She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工作。 Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父,他住在 Florida。 And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太 Marilyn。 Oh, she's very pretty. 噢,她很漂亮。 Thanks. And what about your family? 谢谢。那你的家庭呢? They are in Thessaloniki. 他们住在 Thessaloniki, That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个大城市。 But now I'm living in the Bronx. 但现在我住在 Bronx 区。 With a Greek-American family? 跟希裔美国家庭住吗? No. Hispanic. 不是,是西语裔家庭。 Oh no! It's five thirty. 哎呀,已经五点半了。 Will you excuse me? 我失陪了, I have to meet my wife. 我得去见我太太。 It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。 It was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高兴碰到你。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 And good luck! I've got to go. 祝你好运!我得走了。 By the way, I'm Richard. 噢,我忘了说,我叫 Richard, What's your name? 你呢? Alexandra. Alexandra。 Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. 再见,Alexandra,谢谢。 Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard!Richard!你掉了一个旅行 袋。 [英语]走遍美国-全部中英对照 Excuse me, officer. 对不起,警官。 Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗? Sure. 当然可以。 Can you tell me 你能告诉我 how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 怎么去 Riverdale 的林登街吗? "Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, “Richard Stewart,林登街 46 号, Riverdale, New York." Riverdale,纽约”。 You should take the number 1 subway. 你应当搭一路地铁。 Is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗? Yes. The station's that way. 有。地铁站在那边。 You should take the number 1 train 你搭一路车 to Van Cortlandt Park. 到 Van Cortlandt 公园下车。 Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 一路车到 Van Cortlandt 公园。谢谢。 Anytime. Good luck. 不用谢。祝你好运。 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. 记住,搭一路车,在北线月台。 Thank you. 谢谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。 Is this pink too bright for me? 我穿粉红色会不会太过鲜艳了? Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. 是的,这种粉红是亮了点。 Try this. It's size eight. 试试这一件。尺码是八号。 But I wear size ten. 但我穿十号的衣服。 How about green? It's s

ize ten. 绿的怎么样?它是十号的。 Let me try it on. 让我试试看。 I'm taking too much of your time. 我耽误了你很多时间。 It's six o'clock. 已经六点了。 Where's my husband? 我丈夫怎么还没来? I was expecting him here at five forty-five. 我们约好了五点四十五在这里会面的。 Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 别担心。这个时间交通很拥挤。 I know. But we're going to be late for dinner. 我知道。但我们晚餐可要推迟了。 I'll take this green sweater. 我买这件绿毛衣吧, I like the color on me, don't you? 我觉得这种颜色较适合我,你说呢? I think it looks terrific on you. 我觉得你穿上它好极了。 I'm sorry I'm so late. 对不起,我迟到了这么久。 I had a really bad day. 今天真是糟透了。 It's ten after six. We're late. 现在是六点十分。我们迟了。 Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty. 今晚 Robbie 作饭,晚餐六点半开始。 I know. I know. I'm really sorry. 我知道,我知道。真的很抱歉。 I left my bag of film on the ferry. 我把装底片的旅行袋遗放在渡船上了, I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. 等我回去找的时候,船已经开走了。 I lost a whole day's work. 我丢掉一整天的工作成果。 I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. 我来打电话给 Staten 岛渡轮的失物招领处。 I didn't think of that. Thanks. 我倒没有想到这个法子。谢了。 Hello. 喂, Yes. The number, please, 我想问一下 of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Staten 岛渡轮失物招领处的电话号码, Five five five...zero eight zero eight. 555-0808。 Thank you. 谢谢。 I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 真的很感谢你,Marilyn。 Hello. 喂, Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, 请问今天下午有人捡到一个照像机旅行袋 吗? a small canvas bag, 一个小的粗帆布袋? on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?...No? 是在 J. F. Kennedy 号渡船上丢的。……没 有吗? Maybe someone will find it. 也许会有人发现的。 The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. 失主是 Stewart,Richard Stewart。 And the telephone number is five five five... 电话是 5552 three oh nine oh. Thank you. 3090。谢谢你。 Sorry, Richard. They don't have it. 对不起,Richard,他们那里没有。 Thanks, anyway. 不管怎样,我都得谢谢你。 There was a girl on the ferry. 在渡船上有一个女孩。 Now maybe... 也许现在…… Tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告诉我吧。 And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. 每餐之后给她吃一茶匙的药。 Don't worry. She'll be fine. 不要担心,她会好的, You're welcome. Good-bye. 不用谢。再见。 How are you? 你怎么样? I'm tired and hungry. 我累了,也饿了。 Well, Marilyn and Richard called. 好啦,Marilyn 和 Richard 打电话来了, They'll be here s

oon, and then we'll eat. 他们马上就到。他们一到就开饭。 All right. Is...is Susan coming? 好吧,Susan 来吗? Well, she'll be here later. 来,她会晚一点。 She has to work late tonight. 她今晚得工作得晚一些。 And what's Robbie cooking for dinner? Robbie 为晚餐准备了什么? It's a surprise. 会给你一个惊喜。 I hope it's pasta. 我希望是意大利面食。 Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Robbie,晚餐真是棒透了! Yes, it was delicious. 对,味道非常好。 What's for dessert? 有什么甜点呢? Oh, I forgot dessert. 哦,我忘了甜点了。 Robbie! Robbie! Don't worry. 别愁。 We've got lots of ice cream. 我们有很多冰淇淋。 Oh, I'd love some ice cream. 哦,我想吃冰淇淋。 Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. 好的。这里有巧克力冰淇淋、咖啡冰淇淋和 一点香草的。 I'll have vanilla. [英语]走遍美国-全部中英对照 我要香草的。 Is that all right with everyone? 各位有意见吗? I'll have chocolate. 我要巧克力的。 Me, too. 我也是。 Uh, one scoop of coffee 我要一勺咖啡的 and one scoop of chocolate for me. 和一勺巧克力的。 Robbie, will you help me serve? Robbie,你能帮帮我吗? I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. 我一直在想着旅行袋的事。一共有八卷呢! A whole day's work. 一整天的成果呀。 And good stuff, too. 而且都很精采。 Don't worry, Richard. 别担心,Richard, Somenoe will find it. 总有人

welcome to new york

发现它的。 I'll get it. Hello. 我去开门。哈罗! Hello. 哈罗! Does Richard Stewart live here? Richard Stewart 住这里吗? Yes, he's my brother. 是的。他是我哥哥。 I'm Robbie...Robbie Stewart. 我叫 Robbie,Robbie Stewart。 I'm Alexandra Pappas. 我叫 Alexandra Pappas, How do you do? 你好。 Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. 你哥哥将他的旅行袋遗放在渡船上了。 I found it. 我发现了它。 I'm really glad to see you. 非常高兴见到你。 I mean...my brother'll be really glad to see you! 我的意思是我哥哥见到你会非常高兴。 Robbie! Who is it? Robbie!是谁呀? It's Richard's film! Richard 的底片找到了! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. 我是说 Alexandra Pappas。 Come in, please. 请进。 Alexandra! Alexandra! Hello, Richard. I found your bag! 哈罗,Richard,我找到你的旅行袋。 Oh, thank you! Thank you! 哦,谢谢你,谢谢你。 Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. 噢……Alexandra,让我来介绍一下。 This is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太 Marilyn。 Richard showed me your photo. Richard 给我看了你的照片。 How do you do? 你好! Oh yes. 你好! Richard told us all about you. Richard 跟我们谈起你。 It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. 这是我妈妈,Ellen Stewart。 How do you do? 你好。 And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. 这是我

父亲,Philip Stewart 医生。 Nice to meet you, Alexandra. 很高兴见到你,Alexandra。 And...ah...you met Robbie. 还有……啊,你已经见过 Robbie。 Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi. 是的。你一定是 Susan 了。嗨! Hi. Welcome. 嗨,欢迎你。 I'm so glad you found the bag 我很高兴你发现了旅行袋, and took the time and trouble to return it. 而且不怕麻烦,花时间将它送来。 Oh, it was no trouble. 哦,没什么麻烦。 I just took the wrong train. 只是我坐错了车。 Would you like something to eat? 你来吃点东西,好吗? Thank you, no. 谢谢,不用了。 I'm late for dinner at my house. 我回家吃晚饭要迟到了。 I really have to go. 我真的得走了。 Would you like to call home? 你想跟家里通个电话吗? I'd appreciate that. 谢谢你让我使用电话。 Please, use the phone. 请随便用。 Thanks. Excuse me. 谢谢。失陪 一下。 Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece. Alexandra 是从希腊来的交换高中生。 Where does she live? 她住在哪里? With a family in the Bronx. 3 住在 Bronx 区的一个家庭里。 Oh, that's not too far from here! 噢,那里不很远! Take it easy, Robbie. 不要太紧张,Robbie。 Thank you. 谢谢。 I can only stay a few minutes. 我只能停留几分钟。 Have some iced tea. 喝点冰茶吧。 Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. 谢谢,Stewart 太太。 Please sit down, Alexandra. 请坐,Alexandra。 So, you're an exchange student. 哦,你是一名交换学生。 Where do you go to school? 你在哪里上学? At the Bronx High School of Science. 在 Bronx 区的理科中学读书。 Oh, that's a very good school. 哦,那是个好学校。 What are your favorite subjects? 你喜欢哪些课程? Biology and mathematics. 生物学和数学。 Richard tells me you're a doctor. Richard 告诉我您是医生。 Yes, a pediatrician. 是的,小儿科医师。 And what does your father do? 令尊是做什么的? He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. 他是 Thessaloniki 的一名律师。 Would you like some pasta? 你想来点义大利面食吗? I made it myself. 我自己做的。 It might be a little cold. 可能有点凉了。 Thanks, no. I do have to go. 谢谢了,不用。我真的得走了。 It was nice meeting you all. 很高兴见到你们一家人。 Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday, 既然如此,或许哪个星期天你能来吃中饭, so we can really thank you 让我们好好地感谢你。 for bringing Richard's bag back. 送回 Richard 的旅行袋。 Maybe. 再说,再说。 You're welcome anytime. 欢迎你随时来玩。 Good-bye. 再见。 Can I drive you home? 我开车送你回去好吗? [英语]走遍美国-全部中英对照 No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 The train is just up the street. 地铁车就在街的那一头。 It won't take me long at all. 不需要花很长时间的。 Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra. 你真的帮

篇四:Module 9 Did he live in New York教学设计

Module 9

Unit 1 Did he live in New York? 教学设计

北董小学 常 洁


1.能听、说、认读单词:welcome, postcard, cousin, on holiday, travel, came, pop, concert。




重点:询问某人过去是否做了某事:Did+主语+动词原形+过去的时间?及对应的回答Yes,主语+did. No,主语+didn’t. 难点:San Francisco ,Washington DC等地名的发音.





Step 1 Warmer:

1. Greetings. 自我介绍,师生之间互相问候和自由谈话,引入新单词

“welcome”。教师做出欢迎的手势,引导学生说出欢迎,并教读,总结短语:welcome +to + some place 欢迎来到某地。(Welcome to China, Welcome to Beijing.) 全体学生起立,向后转,对教室后面的老师们说“Welcome to our school”。

2. Guessing game. 老师做一些动作,学生来说出短语,然后老师说短语,学生做动作,一同复习巩固以前学习过的短语。

watch TV, eat food, drink, listen to music, sing songs, go swimming, row a boat, dance, do the housework.

设计理念与意图:师生交流拉近师生关系,使学生快速进行学习状态。用多种方法复习旧知识,为新授学习打下基础。 Step 2 Presentation:


2. 引入句型“Did he/she...?”

T: What did you do yesterday?

S1: I watched TV.

T: Did he play basketball yesterday?

Ss: No, he didn’t.

T: Did he watch TV yesterday?

Ss: Yes, he did.

板书句型:---Did he/she ...?

---Yes, he/she did.

No, he/she didn’t.

3.学习新单词“postcard”“cousin”“dear”“on holiday”“travel”“came”“pop”“concert”

4.Play a game. Pass and read.学生传递卡片,边传边读,照顾到了教室的每个学生,逐个纠正发音。

Step 3 Learn the text.


Listen and chant.播放动画和录音学生跟读,注意单词发音的技巧,如:重读,语气语调。


1. 教师播放第二部分的课文动画,学生观看并且找出地名,教师解释并领读。

2. Listen again and answer questions.

Does Dalong live in New York?

Did Dalong live in New York last year?

Did Dalong travel by plane?

3. 学生讨论交流问题答案,教师核对答案。

4. Listen and repeat.

Step 4 Practise.

Present the pictures of Exe4 in the page 52. Let students look at the pictures and practice making the dialogue with “Did he...?”.

Step 4 Summary


--- Did you/he/she??

--- Yes, I/he/she + did.

No, I/he/she + didn’t.

Step 6 Homework:

1.Write the new words three times.

2. 向家人或同伴讲述Dalong的旅行。


Unit 1 Did he live in New York?

---Did you/he/she...?

---Yes, I/he/she did.

No, I/he/she didn’t.




对话1 我是一位摄影师。 打扰一下,我叫Richard Stewart, 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗? 是做什么用的? You're writing a book? 你在写一本书吗? It's a book of pictures. 这是一本摄影集。 I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 我称之为「美国写真」。 Oh, that's a nice idea. 噢,这想法不错。 Well, it's fine if you take our picture. 你想拍我们的照,就请吧。 It's for a book. 是为一本书拍的。 我叫Martha Vann。 谢谢,很感谢你的帮助。 Gerald. Gerald。 Gerald,你今年多大啦? Five. 五岁。 你们住在哪里? 噢,欢迎你们到纽约来。 我是Richard,你叫什么? We live in California. 我们住在California 。 OK, just a second. 好了,请稍等一下。 我能帮你忙吗?

Oh, please. 噢,太好了。 I'm almost ready here. 我快要准备就绪了。 请握住Gerald的手。很好! 好极了! Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你,Gerald。 Now point to the buildings. 现在请指着那些建筑物。 Gerald,亲一亲妈妈,很好!

谢谢你, Vann太太。 噢,不客气。 We'll be looking for your book. 我们会去买你的书。 Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。Gerald,再见。 再次谢谢你。


对话2 Wonderful. Please. 好啊,请。 Are you from New York? 你是从纽约来的吗? No, I'm from Greece. 不是,我是从希腊来的。 Hey, let me take your picture! 嘿!让我给你拍一张照! I'm an exchange student. 我是一名交换学生。 Three months ago. 叁个月之前。 Your English is very good. 你的英语说得很好。 Thanks. 谢谢你的夸奖。 Would you like some coffee? 要不要来点咖啡? No, thank you. 不要,谢谢。 Tell me about your book. 谈谈你的书吧。 When did you come here? 你是什么时候来这里的? I studied English in school. 我是在学校里学的英语。 Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. 噢,它尚未完成,但我手头有一些照片。 Yes. I'd like that. 要啊,我想看一看。 Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. 就在这里。「美国家庭写真」. 是关于美国的一些城市,一些特别的地方以及人们的摄影选辑。 And these are pictures of people working: steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors....

这是工作中人们的照片:钢架工人、银行职员、警察、街头小贩、救护车驾驶员、医生等Would you like to see them? 你要不要看一看? It's an album of pictures of the United States: the cities, the special places, and the people.


Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢,这是我父亲,他是一名医生。 This is my mother. 这是我母亲。 What's her name? 她叫什么名字? Ellen. Ellen。 He goes to high school. 他在上高中。 My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟Robbie, This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹Susan. Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父,他住在Florida。 And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn。 Oh, she's very pretty. 噢,她很漂亮。 Thanks. And what about your family? 谢谢。那你的家庭呢? That's a large city in northern Greece. 那是希腊北部的一个大城市。 But now I'm living in the Bronx. 但现在我住在Bronx区。 She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工作。 They are in Thessaloniki. 他们住在Thessaloniki。 With a Greek-American family? 跟希裔美国家庭住吗? Oh no! It's five thirty. 哎呀,已经五点半了。 Will you excuse me? 我失陪了, I have to meet my wife. 我得去见我太太。 No. Hispanic. 不是,是西语裔家庭。 It was nice meeting you. 非常高兴遇见你。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 And good luck! I've got to go. 祝你好运!我得走了。 What's your name? 你呢?

Alexandra. Alexandra。 It was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高兴碰到你。 By the way, I'm Richard. 噢,我忘了说,我叫Richard, Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. 再见,Alexandra,谢谢。 Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard!Richard!你掉了一个旅行袋。


Excuse me, officer. 打扰一下,警官。 Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗? Sure. 当然可以。 Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale? 你能告诉我怎么去Riverdale的林登街吗?

"Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." “Richard Stewart,林登街46号,Riverdale,纽约”。

Is there a station near here? 附近有地铁站吗? You should take the number 1 subway. 你应当搭一路地铁。 Yes. The station's that way. 有。地铁站在那边。 Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Thank you. 一路车到Van Cortlandt公园。谢谢。 You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park.你搭一路车到Van Cortlandt公园下车。 Anytime. Good luck. 不用谢。祝你好运。 Thank you. 谢谢。

You're welcome. 不客气。

对话4 Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. 是的,这种粉红是亮了点。 Try this. It's size eight. 试试这一件。尺码是八号。 But I wear size ten. 但我穿十号的衣服。 Let me try it on. 让我试试看。 It's six o'clock. 已经六点了。

I was expecting him here at five forty-five. 我们约好了五点四十五在这里会面的。 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. 记住,搭一路车,在北线月台。 Is this pink too bright for me? 我穿粉红色会不会太过鲜艳了? How about green? It's size ten. 绿的怎么样?它是十号的。 I'm taking too much of your time. 我耽误了你很多时间。 Where's my husband? 我丈夫怎么还没来? Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 别担心。这个时间交通很拥挤。

I know. But we're going to be late for dinner. 我知道。但我们晚餐可要推迟了。 I'll take this green sweater. 我买这件绿毛衣吧, I like the color on me, don't you? 我觉得这种颜色较适合我,你说呢? I think it looks terrific on you. 我觉得你穿上它好极了。

I'm sorry I'm so late. 对不起,我迟到了这么久。 I had a really bad day. 今天真是糟透了。 Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty. 今晚Robbie作饭,晚餐六点半开始。 I left my bag of film on the ferry. 我把装底片的旅行袋遗放在渡船上了。 I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. 等我回去找的时候,船已经开走了。 I lost a whole day's work. 我丢掉一整天的工作成果。 I didn't think of that. Thanks. 我倒没有想到这个法子。谢了。 Hello. 喂,

我想问一下 Staten岛渡轮失物招领处的电话号码, Five five five...zero eight zero eight. 555-0808。

Thank you. 谢谢。

I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 真的很感谢你,Marilyn。



Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?...No?

请问今天下午有人捡到一个照像机旅行袋吗?一个小的粗帆布袋?是在J. F. Kennedy号渡船上丢的。??没有吗?

The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. 失主是Stewart,Richard Stewart。 And the telephone number is five five five... three oh nine oh. Thank you. It's ten after six. We're late. 现在是六点十分。我们迟了。 I know. I know. I'm really sorry. 我知道,我知道。真的很抱歉。 I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. 我来打电话给Staten岛渡轮的失物招领处。 Yes. The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Maybe someone will find it. 也许会有人发现的。
