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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 12:26:49 优秀作文

篇一:人物 地点 作文

Chen Binqiang, who is a Chinese teacher in the Experimental Junior Middle School in Pan’an County, Zhejiang Province, was born in October 1976. When he was 9 years old, his father was unluckily killed in a traffic accident, so his mother had to bring up three children alone by herself. What’s worse, in 2007, his mother, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, lost her self-care ability in everyday life. Since then, Chen Binqiang has taken care of her mother by carrying her on his back when going to work. His unselfish dedication and love has won him the honor as one of the top ten people touching China in 2012.

Cambridge, located to the northeast of London, UK, is a famous city in the world. Usually it takes only one hour to get to London from Cambridge by train. Though with a population of 140,000, Cambridge is regarded as one of the loveliest cities in the UK and attracts millions of tourists every year. More importantly, it has been considered as an academic city for its 31 world-famous universities, of which University of Cambridge is the most well-known. For several centuries, Cambridge has brought up such outstanding people as 13 UK Prime Ministers and 78 Nobel Prize winners.



审批人: 使用时间 2014-4-14


一) 介绍地理位置(Location)

1. “位置”的表达

(1) be situated in, be located in/on/to (2) be/lie in/on/to+ 方向 e.g.: Guangdong lies on the south of Human.

Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部(在境内)。

Ireland lies to the west of Britain. 爱尔兰位于不列颠之西。

(3) be/lie off +某一地点,常为海岸等(常指水中岛屿等,意“相隔、相离”)

e.g.: The island lies off the East coast. 这座岛在东海岸附近。

(4) lie/be on the river/ coast of (在?河畔或海滨) e.g.: London lies on the River Thame伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。

(5) There stands(使屹立)?. e.g.: There stands an old temple on the top of the mountain.

(6) be surrounded by/with? e.g.: The city is surrounded by suburbs.城市被郊区包围着。

2. “方向”的表达

(1) east, south, west, north , northeast , northwest, southeast, eastern, southern, western, northern ……

(2) in the middle/centre of (3) at the foot of, on the top of…(4) To the east/west/north/south of ……. is….. e.g.: West of the city stands a tall building.

3 “地位”的表达

political/commercial/cultural centre, the capital of, the (second) largest…..in China/ in the world

4. “海拔”的表达:

SP. lies + 数词 + metres above sea-level。某地海拔?米

e.g.: Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level. 西藏平均海拔4000公尺

5. “地址”的表达

(1)表示“在某村”:in + the village of + 村名。 e.g.: In the village of Huaxi

(2)表示“在某县”:in + 县名 + county。 e.g.: In Hanshou County

(3)表示“在某市”: ①in the city of + 市名 ② in + 市名 City。 e.g.: In the city of Changde/ in Changde City

(4)表示“在某省”:① in + 省名+province。② in the province of +省名。

e.g.: in Hunan Province/in the Province of Hunan

(5)表示“在门牌号,街道”:at +门牌号(基数词) + 街道名+ (Street/Road)。

e.g.: at 1203 Washington Street在华盛顿大街1203号 at 86 Xiwang Road 在希望路86号

(6)综合表达是:由小到大。e.g.: at 86 Xiwang Road, Jiangjiazui town, Hanshou county, Hunan Province, China


中国位于亚洲东部,太平洋的西岸。China lies in the east of Asia and on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. 这个美丽的公园坐落于湖的沿岸。 The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 这个村子坐落在群山之中。 The village lies among the mountains.

新教学楼坐落在学校的中央。 The new teaching building lies in the center of the school.


1. 表述“人口”的数量:

(1) The city has a large/ small population (of ?) e.g.: China has a large population of 1300 million.

(2) The population of ?is?e.g.: The rural population of the county is 400,000.这个县农村人口40万。

(3) The population increases/ decreases…e.g.: The population here is increasing year by year/ rapidly.

(4) The population has grown to…

(5)The city, with a population of…, is …, It is a …. with a population of….

e.g.: Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000.

(6) 数词+ percent of the population are ...百分之?的人口是?

e.g.: Eighty percent of the population here are farmers. 百分之八十的人口是农民。


这个村子有5000人, 大多数人为渔民。The village has a population of 5000, most of whom are fishermen.

9,6million square kilometers with a population of (人口) over 2million.


1. 表示“占地面积”的句型:

(1) ?? has/ covers an area of/ takes up ...square kilometers/ metres。 某地占地?面积。

e.g.: The small town covers an area of 5 square miles. 小镇占地5平方英里。

Xingjiang takes up about one-sixth of our territory. 新疆占我国国土的六分之一。

(2) It’s a city/town/school….. with an area of……square kilometers

e.g.: It’s a town with an area of over 100 square kilometers. 城镇面积 100多平方公里

(3) The size of……+ is….

??. + is + 数词 + long and +数词 +单位词 wide。某地多长多宽。

e.g.: The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide. 这花园长三十米, 宽二十米。

2. 常用度量单位:inch英寸, foot英尺, mile英里, millimeter 毫米, centimetre厘米, metre米, kilometers公里, square metres平方米, square k(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:作文地点时间人物)ilometers 平方公里。


我们学校很大,占地120亩。 Our school, which covers an area of/takes up 120 mu.


to south.

=Tiananmen Square, covering an area of one million square kilometers, is the largest square in the world.

g and 1500 meters wide.


The city is home to … It is abundant in natural resources.

The scenery here is splendid. The climate here is pleasant.

The city, known as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.


假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter 打算今年暑假来中国西藏旅游,请你根据下表内容用英语向他简单地介绍有关西藏的一些基本情况。

1. 归属 中华人民共和国

2. 地理位 置 中国西南方,被誉为“世界屋脊”。

3. 人口 约2,800,000。 面积 120多万平方公里。 省会 拉萨,被誉为“世界上最高的城市”。

4. 特征 700多年的悠久历史;风景秀丽。有很多享誉海内外的名胜古迹,如布达拉宫。

5. 发展 自1951年5月23日解放以来,西藏在政治、经济、文化等方面都取得了很大的进步。 Dear Peter,

I am so glad to know that you will come to Tibet for a visit. Tibet, known as the “Roof of the World”, belongs to the People’s Republic of China and it is located in the southwest of China. It has a population of about 2.8 million, covering more than 1.2 million square kilometers. The capital city is Lhasa, which is honored as “the highest city” in the world. With a long history of more than 700 years, Tibet has a number of world-famous places of interest, such as the Potala Palace. Since the liberation of Tibet on may 23, 1951, it has witnessed significant progress in politics, economy and culture. I’m sure you will have a wonderful journey in such a great land.


Li Hua

























1基本简介 编辑 作用介绍
























2常用修辞 编辑 比喻

根据事物的相似点,用具体的、浅显、熟知的事物来说明抽象的、深奥的、生疏的事物,即打比方。作用:能将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,用浅显常见的事物对深奥生疏事物解说、帮助人深入理解。比喻的三种类型:明喻、暗喻和借喻。 明喻 甲像乙 出现 像、似的、好像、如、宛如、好比、犹如 如: 那小姑娘好像一朵花一样 暗喻 甲是乙 出现 是、成为 如:那又浓又翠的景色,简直就是一幅青山绿水画 借喻 甲代乙 不出现 无 如:地上射起无数的箭头,房顶上落下万千条瀑布。


对事物的性质,特征等故意地夸张或缩小。 作用:提示事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。 类别 特点 例句 扩大夸张 对事物形状、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以夸大柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化 缩小夸张 对事物形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以缩小 只能看到巴掌大的一块天地 超前夸张 把后出现的说成先出现,把先出现的说成后出现 她还没有端酒杯,就醉了。


把物当做人写,赋予物以人的言行或思想感情,用描写人的词来描写物。 作用:把禽兽鸟虫花草树木或其他无生命的事物当成人写,使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。 如:桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。


把结构相同或相似、语气一致,意思相关联的句子或成分排列在一起。 作用:增强语言气势,增强表达效果。 如:他们的品质是那样的纯洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广。(魏巍《谁是最可爱的人》)


为了强调某个意思,表达某种感情,有意重复某个词语句子。 反复的种类:连续反复和间隔反复,连续反复中间无其他词语间隔。间隔反复中间有其他的词语。 如:山谷回音,他刚离去,他刚离去。(柯岩《周总理你在哪里》)(连续反复) 好像失了三省,党国倒愈像一个国,失了东三省谁也不想,党国倒愈像一个国。(鲁迅《“友邦惊诧”论》)(间隔反复)


字数相等,结构形式相同,意义对称的一对短语或句子,表达两个相对或相近的意思。 作用:整齐匀称,节奏感强,高度概括,易于记忆,有音乐美感。 如:横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。(鲁迅《自嘲》)


无疑无问,用疑问形式表达确定的意思,用肯定形式反问表否定,用否定形式反问表肯定。 如:我呢,我难道没有应该责备的地方吗?


为了引起别人的注意,故意先提出问题,然后自己回答。 作用:提醒人们思考,有的为了突出某些内容。 如:花儿为什么这样红?首先有它的物质基础。(贾祖璋《花儿为什么这样红》)


引用现成的话来提高语言表达效果,分直接引用和间接引用两种。 如:"虚心使人进步,骄傲使落后",大家应该记住这一真理。


用与本意相反的词语或句子表达本意,以说反话的方式加强表达效果。有的讽刺揭露,有的表示亲密友好的感情。 如:(清国留学生)也有解散辫子,盘得平的,除下帽来,油光可鉴,宛如小姑娘的发髻一般,还要将脖子扭几扭,实在标致极了。(鲁迅《藤野先生》)


用相关的事物代替所要表达的事物。 借代种类:特征代事物、具体代抽象、部分代全体、整体代部分。 如:不拿群众一针一线。(《三大纪律八项注意》) 先生,给现钱,袁世凯,不行么?(叶圣陶《多收了三五斗》)


对比是把两种不同事物或者同一事物的两个方面,放在一起相互比较的一种修辞。 例如: 有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。(臧克家《有的人》)(编录人教版小学语文六年级上册)



1.Venice was built on over ____ islands and ____ canals.

2.San marco, is home to many of Venice’s attractions, including St Mark’s Basilica. This spectacular church has ___ main arches.

3.The Carnival is an annual celebration before Lent, a ______ -day period of fasting that preceeds Easter.

4.There are some _____ palaces and homes of major historic importance in Venice. Notable among its _____ bridges is the Bridge of Sighs and among its churches is St. Mark's Basilica.

5.Most of the city's workers find employment in ___________ and related industries.

2. 3.

5. church ____________ 6. palace _____________

7. 位于….__________________ \ ________________ \ __________________

8. 有…人口 _________________________________

9. 由…组成 _______________________\ _____________________

10. 交通工具 ________________________________

11. 历史文化名城 ______________________________

12. 被分割成 ___________________

13. 叹息桥 _______________________

Venice 是意大利东北部的城市,人口约34万,由118个小岛组成,有水城之称。船是唯一的交通工具。它也是意大利的历史文化名城,城内古迹众多,有各式的教堂和宫殿。全城最长的街道是大水道,它把城市分割为两部分,两岸有许多著名的建筑。2月份会有狂欢节,期间人们戴着假发和面具庆祝节日。Venice的必访景点是叹息桥,据说以前的囚犯经过那里总会发出一声叹息。沐浴在阳光里,泛舟水上,你会有一种满足感。









1.地理位置、周边环境 (Location)

1) My hometown stands on the bank of the changjiang river.

2)Our library lies in the middle of the school.

3)Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river.

4)….be located in\ on \ to ; …be situated in\ on\ to ; …lie in \ on \ to…; 位于…; 坐落于…;

a. 我们的校园位于文峰塔下。


5) …be covered with…

b. 那个区域常年被绿地覆盖。


5)in the middle of….; = in the centre of…; 在….中央

at the foot of…; 在….脚下

on the top of….; 在…顶端

6) 4000 meters above the sea-level ________________________________

2. 面积 (Area)

1) Our school covers\ has\ takes up an area of 21,000 square meters.

2) Our school is a place with an area of 21, 000 square meters.

3. 人口 (Population)

Qingyuan is a developing city with a population of about 4 million.

80% of the population are farmers.

3. 交通 (Transportation)

It takes 6 hours to reach xiushan by bus.

The new city has convenient transportation.

4. 历史 (History)

China has a history of 5,000 years.

China enjoyed a world-wide reputation with a history of 5,000 years.

5. 气候 (Climate)

1) The climate here is dry, humid, cold, sunny, stormy, rainy…

2) The average temperature in HongKong is about 22 degrees centigrade.

6. 特色 (Specialty)

1) The place is famous for the hospitality.

2) NanShan is rich in natural resources.

3) Sichuan is home to pandas.




locate) in the northwest of North China Plain, Beijing, the capital of China, is a educate). It 3_______ (cover) an area of more than a population of 13,819,000. Besides, it has has a 5______ (vary) of climates, rainy in summer and dry in winter. The annual average temperature is 11.8 degrees Celsius. What’s more, Beijing, has 2 counties and 16 districts, is famous ancient city a long history in the world. 8______ has a large number of places of interest, 9______ which the Forbidden City is the largest palace in the world. It is also famous 10______ the Temple of heaven, the Great Wall and so on.

Description of a place:

1. 位于美洲大陆的北部,加拿大是世界上第二国。( located in…, X is …)

2. 它有着7686850平方公里的面积,同时拥有3千万人口。( It covers a total area of …, with a population of …)

3. 这里有着多样的气候。( 温暖、凉爽、寒冷、干燥、湿润、阳光明媚的、有风暴的、下雨的…)

4. 这里有很多大城市,其中温哥华气候宜人。( …, among which)

5. 它以它的自然资源和野生动物闻名于世。( … be famous for…)

1. Located in the north America continent, Canada is the second largest country in the world.

2. It covers a total area of 7,686,850 square kilometers with a population of about 30 million.

3. It has a variety of climates. (warm, cool, cold, dry, humid, sunny, stormy, rainy…)

4. It has many big cities, among which Vancouver is with pleasant climates.

5. It is famous for its natural resource and wildlife.

For your reference





Qian Xuesen , born in Shanghai in 1911, is one of the greatest Chinese scientists . Not only was he interested in science ,but he also loved music. He graduated from the Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934. A year later, he left to study in America, where he received / got his doctor's degrees in both aerospace and mathematics. In 1955 , he returned to China, and devoted all his life to scientific research. However, to the sorrow of the Chinese , the great man passed away this year at the age of 98. As the pioneer in the new Chinese missile and nuclear weapons development, he was honoured with the title “Father of the missile” for many outstanding contributions he made to our country.


my horizons. What interested me most were the art galleries, where all kinds of paintings could be seen. While in England, it took us a whole week to tour round London, the most famous historical and cultural city. In addition, we spent several days in the countryside, which made us feel at ease and content with our life there. To my delight, I made friends with (课后作业)It's my honor to have this chance to show you around the ISLAND ON THE LAKE. First, we will set out for the island by ferryboat at 9:00a.m. On arriving at the island, we will visit the botanical gardens, which are full of a variety of plants and the site of an ole temple with a long history of over 600 years. We will have lunch in the restaurant on the island at 11:30 and after that we will move on to visit the bird house, where there are a range of valuable birds. At the end of the tour, I will lead you to the gift shop, where you will be able to buy some souvenirs to remember this special trip. Please return at 3:30 p.m. by cable car.


Healthy eating

Living a healthy life makes people feel so happy that everyone dreams of good health. Here are some ways to achieve it.

First, you need a balanced diet. It pays to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, which are easy to digest and rich in fibers and vitamins. Don't eat the food which contains too much sugar and fat, like butter, cheese, and chocolate. Fat and sugar make people put on weight easily.

Second, getting into good living habits is very important. Do regular exercise to build up your body every day. Besides, enough rest is necessary. Don't work too hard and never smoke.

The last, love your life and the people around and try to bring them laugh and amusements.



South China, Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, 743, 4 square 9.94 million. cool wet winters and hot damp summers. the Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held twice a year there.


Save the Giant Panda

The giant panda is one of the rare animals in the world, which lives in Wolong Natural Reserve, Sichuan province. There are only about 1000 wide giant pandas left. In the past few years, a great many bamboo forests have been destroyed as the result of the unusually hot weather, which also makes pandas in danger of dying out. Fortunately, our Chinese people have realized the importance of protecting pandas. a new natural reserve is being built. I am appreciated that the number of pandas is increasing gradually.
