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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 13:25:09 字数作文







PS3, PS4上的indie作品,从左至右《浮游生物》,《旅途》,《花》



剧情方面不能剧透所以不便多说,我只想说一点:最后一关(world 1-1)的设计是我玩了这么多年游戏从未见过的神来之笔,将游戏这种艺术形式所独有的叙事方式与游戏玩法规则巧妙而完美地结







纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)


The Sun Also Rises


The Witness













Warming up




规矩:热身结束后状态应调整为老师为主导上课模式 (T:1,

Ss: 3, 2, 1。

About Numbers:

1 1 1 everybody run

2,3 。

2 2 2 tie my shoe

3 3 3 look at me

4 4 4 fall on the floor

5 5 5 jump up high

6 6 6 sit down please.

T:I say 1 S:I say 2

T:I say 5 S: I say 6

Practice:Odd and even number

One apple , two apples ,

three apples , four

five apples ,six apples ,

seven apples more .







I’ve got to do. (1)

I’ve got to do. I’ve got to go.

I’ve got to go and play a game.

I’ve got to go and see a film.

I’ve got to go and read a book.

I’ve got to go and smell the flowers.

I’ve got to go and have a class.

I’ve go to go and listen to a story.

I’ve got to do. (2)

I’ve got to do. I’ve got to read.

I’ve got to read a book in the library.

I’ve got to see a film in the cinema.

I’ve got to play a game in the playground.

I’ve got to have a class in the classroom

What are you doing now?

I am sleeping now.

I am cooking now.

I am eating now.

I am singing now.

I am dancing now.

One finger, one finger, turn ,turn,

turn.Turn to a dog, --- --- ---

Two Turn to a rabbit jump, jump, jump

Three Turn to a cat meow ,meow , meow

Four Turn to a bird fly, fly, fly

Five Turn to a duck quack ,quack, quack

Baa,baa, black sheep.

Have you any wool?

Yes,sir,yes, sir.

Three bags full;

One for the master,

one for the dame,

And one for the little boy.

cries in the lane.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Little children Little children

Little children want to play.

What can you do today?

I can jump jump jump jump

I can jump today.







The games for the competition

Flower growing

Body part

Mountain climbing

The shark

The parachute

Apple picking Money saving Poker Traffic lights Bridge-passing Word-making


小学英语课堂常用单词教学游戏 网络资源| 2010-02-05






以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a plane (bus, bike)?”回答:Yes, it is.或No,it isn‘t.等。哪个组猜对了就给记10分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得分最多的组为优胜。做这个游戏时,还可以找一位学生来主持,由他让学生们猜。




将全班分成若干小组,教师说一个字母(如:D),第一组的第一名学生立即站起来,说出并拼出三个(也可以是五个或十个,视学生词汇量的多少而定)以字母D打头的单词,如:desk, dog, door等,念不出或念错要扣分,这位学生说完后,教师念另一个字母,由第二组的第一名学生说。这样依次进行下去,最后看哪组得人最多为胜,做这个游戏时,也可以让两组的学生轮流说字母(如由第一组的第一名学生说字母,由第二组的第一名学生答)这样就成了对抗赛,注意不要说Q,X,Z等字母。











教师从书包中拿出一件东西放入一只不透明的袋子里,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a banana(an apple, orange)?”猜对了为优胜。




教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,请一名学生到前面猜,猜的学生面对全班,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中。猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it a plan(ship, bike)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“ No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。 12.猜颜色

教师先准备一些单词的图片。如白色的飞机,红色的小汽车,黑色的鞋,绿色的上衣等。游戏开始,请一名学生到前面来猜,猜的学生面对全班站立,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中并说:“This is a plane(car).What colour is it? Please guess.”猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it red (black)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。


这是训练学生记忆力的游戏。教师出示一些实物,放在讲台上,让上来猜的学生先看半分钟,然后背向讲台面向学生站立,再让另一位学生上来取走一样东西。然后说:“Pease guess What is missing?”猜的学生要在10秒钟内用英语把缺的东西说出来。






这是训练学生听单词并快速作出反应的游戏,在学了单词nose, ear, eye,

leg, hand, arm, finger等单词后,教师可快速说出这些单词,学生听到指令便用手触摸这个部位,最快最准的获胜,当学生做得非常熟悉后,还可以增加


Tour guide with a small game boutique summary.Txt

This is the number of tour guides to see the car on the small game, you can learn how to learn, or more simple. There is some from the following editorial.

A: music movies

1, singing: This is the most simple one. Popular, traditional, but why better adaptation -- like Han's "home", Aniu "waves", er a of the plateau is red, can be ha. Who can sing as long as it's not

5. Can a cappella, can also accompany singing karaoke. Many young people can choose the former, much older the best use of the latter, because many young people remember the song, and older will only some of the songs, some of the lyrics bean does not necessarily remember: ha ha)

2, singing in antiphonal style: tour guides and tourists Duige or divided into men and women singing in antiphonal style, as long as the amused tourists, the atmosphere naturally come up, then cooperate with each other, the tacit understanding.

3, put the film: but like the affairs of the affairs of the affairs of 1, 2, 3, even if it is, or to kill the shop to get off the guests, they may say, wait for us to read the next bar! Hee hee ~ ~ ~ "if put in the car" blue love of life and death ", a group of aunt are reluctant to get off the mountain, the car to prepare the tissue box has been used, to return still on the road, home can't finish what to do!!!!

B: small game class

1, "eat yak": "I like to eat cattle most of the XX (a part of the body)......" Let guests take turns, the cattle can eat have said over and over again, who repeated the performance show, this is very time-consuming, very fun. Eat not, may eat ox hair, cows... If it is a large group of more than 40 people, even if the ha! In particular, to pay attention to a little, encountered a group of ethnic minorities, such as the Xinjiang people do not eat pork, certainly can not let the guests to play the game of pig!

2, "song or joke": let the guests tell jokes or singing, may often encounter the guests do not match, causing the ice. Then you can drive the guests to clap (applause is n), can let a guest barking like a dog cat ah, let him tell you to learn tongue twisters like the relatively simple can. , of course, in order to encourage them to participate in can also be divided into several factions to do the show (like antiphonal singing contest), factions is named Sai: Emei, Qingcheng, Minshan pie like anything. Let the person who did not participate in the assessment, the first appropriate to the point of reward! For example, Jiuzhaigou can be a postcard.

3, "you do I guess": on television, there is a program, that is, a person than the action or language description, the other person to guess. Can guess the car on the item, you can guess the area, you can guess a kind of action... Tour guide when the referee, to the winning side of the award - a

package of beef, or a bottle of mineral water.

4, "wedding night": that is to let every guest to prepare a figure at the beginning of this figure includes one, two, three, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, such as "colorful", "sharply", "Kazuo when Kwan, Wan Kai Fu Mo" is a classic! ), the write it in a book, and write that corresponds to the guest's name, after the tour guide put the book back, make corresponding to the guests to read "the newly married night, XX (name of the guest) XX (four character idioms)", the good game Oh, field joke will have surprisingly effect!! On the way home with this, visitors will bring a smile to leave bus! Similar with "wedding night, my wife and I xxxx (AABB form words)". If the guest says the like overlapping, remittent, before moving into such words, the effect will be even better! Of course, this is a good grasp. For example, a group of children...

5, "my ass": let the guests say the words, the format is AA or abb. For example, "my ass up...""My ass red" are good, of course, to put the microphone to the guest, let him say.

6, "drumming Chuan flower": kindergarten kids play games, coca cola bottles, or tour guide flag instead of a handkerchief, guide singing in front, the song stops, which got the bottle (or tour guide flag), show, obtain award of "national treasure panda toys""postcards"; tie balloons guess riddles, Puzzles -- no answer, as long as the point of active molecules show prizes belong to him (her).

7, "the car on the dance": here said the dancing is just sitting in the car. You extend your left hand, the guests will have to stretch his right hand, no matter what you do, if there is a guest and you, you lose, and the penalty for singing!!!

8, "Ming dark seven": the so-called Ming is: 7, 17, 27 like, dark seven is: a multiple of 7, and sometimes play also 15 count, these are can not be said of the digital and turn to have jumped to a digital, 15 with the hand a large moon, if something wrong, sent him to perform.

9, "the frog trap": a frog a mouth, two eyes four legs; two frogs two mouth, four eyes eight legs... And so on, each one, or numeral quantifier words will be fined.

10, "story Solitaire": if guests encounter some comprehensive ability is strong, can also play a "story Solitaire" game. Guide first chosen a likely to create interest in the story, when you say at the beginning, by the guests down connected to a good grasp of the guests pick up the story of the speed and sense of propriety, encountered no connected. Of course he should show, the tour guide must play the role of a connecting link between the preceding and the following in the.

11, "word combinations": prepare paper and pen, send the guest 3 piece of paper, first piece of name, the second write place, the third piece of writing the love to do things, places and things more exaggerated the better), were placed into the bag, let the guests smoke, to form a new combination, there are many unexpected fun. Good thing - funny, killing time is long, the guests are easy to accept, if there is a small gift is better, the skills to master.

12, tongue twisters class: "go ahead, twist it, see a tree, hug a hug", the second have say: walk two go, twisted, see two tree, around two arms. After a count of ten, return from the start. The rules of the game who is wrong who to punish the program. Because it is a temporary play, many people may not come around, some people put his arms around the first to say, and some people forget the digital relay, ready to listen to the outbreak of the car bursts of laughter. Others, such as let them (guests) speak their own home, good results. Of course, the premise is from different parts of the fight group.

13, killing the game: not really kill ha, do not misunderstand. The rules of the game are a little bit longer. (omitted)

14, guess the names or names of guests from all corners of the country, swim on both sides of the Changjiang River is a lot of love to travel. That let them to guess: gold, silver, copper, iron, - Wuxi, the warm seasons, Changchun, a safe journey home - Lushun, patriarchal, Guiyang, calm - - Ningbo, the battle of Chibi, the Sun Yue Liu Huan, parachute, Zhang Fei, what sub are sold, is not selling quilt - Liu Bei. Foreign can also, such as "red Manor" (Denmark) "blue crops" (Holland). If the guest feels the difficulty is too big, can give some tips. At that time, the appropriate small gifts or to prepare.

15, this is a lot of riddles. Such as a piece of grass to play a flower (Prunus Mume), a sheep, playing a fruit (strawberry), a wolf, playing a fruit name (Yang Mei), a flock of sheep, playing a small food name (Lang)

16, brain sharp turn: 1, with the left index finger pointing to the top of the roof, ask the guests, what is this? "The guest generally will answer" 1 ", (the answer should be" this is the index ") with the right hand to do the same action and then ask the guest," this is a few? "" , most of the guests to answer is the index finger, (the answer should be "this is 1"), according to the question to find the answer. 2, Fang Fang at the school gate to the student card out, how to do? (pick up) 3, a hungry cat see a mouse, why run? Go after the oldMouse). 4. What's in the middle of the Pacific? (water level) with oil lamps, stoves, fireplace, which should be the first point? (match)

17, teach the guests to speak the Sichuan dialect or tell a similar story: "play comfortably," the young girl child looks good "just" oh. Another example: the teacher asked one student with "pray" and "request". The students said: my mom cooked a pot spareribs, Dad eat said: "beg" Mama anti said: "ask you to Ken." Or let the guests to do listening: 1 female: what is the child? Man: you're asking for something! Q: what does the man mean? A. ask me to tell you. B. is none of your business. C. is related to your ball. D. the above answer is wrong

18, playing cards: encountered a traffic jam or, let guests play Shu Feng Yayun before the hair of the playing cards, playing double Q ah, landlords, these can be. This way also let the guest know the Sichuan style of Kazakhstan, is pushing back into Sichuan sai!

Guest performances: let the guests tell jokes or singing, may often encounter the guests do not match, causing the ice. Then you can drive the guests to bean palm (palm black bean is n), can let

a guest barking like a dog cat ah, let him tell you to learn tongue twisters like the relatively simple can. , of course, in order to encourage everyone to in as silence can also be the guests on the car is divided into several sent to program (like antiphonal singing contest is very suitable for), factions is very good name Sai: Emei, Qingcheng, Minshan pie like anything. Let the people who are not involved (such as the elderly) to judge, the first appropriate to the point of reward! For example, a little beef, ah, the scenery of Jiuzhaigou VCD ah can be. The regiment often Crouching.Tiger,Hidden.Dragon, found active molecules, but also conducive to push the project at their own expense, the operation is not to say! In addition, if the guest is too loose or older, sometimes playing games is not a good operation. At this time, the tour guide will be more important, because the guests come out in addition to play, they pay special attention to the tour guide to explain the local culture, they want to know is the knowledge...

The tour guide in the car on the game to ask three questions, the first question is: to say you like to ride the most transport, second questions: to say your favorite animal. The third question is: say you love that pet phrase..... After a circle, you say: "we do a series of games. Do you remember what you said just now? Now we will say that we have just said the answer into a sentence. The format of this sentence is like this: I'm doing it... (the most favorite transport), met... (the animal that loves most), I said to him:... I love you. The animal says:... (the pet phrase of your smile to pour a large).

A you are so smart, that is not a tongue twister! When I was with car group, and guest tongue twisters! Such as: "go one step further, twist it, see a tree willow hug a hug", "take two steps, twisted, see two tall willow around two floor"... If the guest, and so on, many words, to step back from the beginning of sixteen. Request is the guest must speak in Mandarin, in front of a person, followed by the people to keep up with the talk, and does not allow a stop, the tour guide also want to participate, who can not say, it is necessary to perform a program! The game to see the performance of the guests!! Guide must be more active in the atmosphere of the time to do, the effect will be good. For example, after the end of a joke.

B eat chicken or eat any other game. The rules of the game: a chicken, in front of everyone, everyone turns to eat, to know each person to have to eat the exact location of, eaten the front, behind can not besides, in the end, did not eat to the program. .

C the wedding night "game? I do not know if you have not played is to let each guest to say a word idioms, then you after they say idioms and a sentence: bridal chamber spends candle night, I + word idioms. Some of the guests said: wedding night, I kill two birds with one stone. Nuptial chamber flower candle night, I bent on dual-use. But the game to Baotuan, everybody knows to have fun, fit group is not fun! You may wish to try!

D says a conjunction. Such as: glowing red, soft, and so on, let a guest in front: a few words to my face, and some damage to a point, let guest on my butt... , but also one to say it out, the game is sometimes good, sometimes not...

E if you play the game on a tour bus.

Version 1 (popular version) Narrator: what is the most love to ask why? (mysterious) answer: I don't know. (curious) Narrator: pig! (affirmative) answer: why? (naive and cute) Narrator: quite obvious, of course, the pig is the most like to ask why. (answer: kick up a cloud of dust.) why? (still don't understand)

Version 2 (the first upgrade) Narrator: choose the title, take an examination of everyone! (amused) everybody! What's the problem? (from the weary of the work, the bar is not easy to relax) Narrator: the following animals, which one of the most like to ask why? A rabbit B squirrel

D dog C pig answer a: d! (prior to bribe broker, answer pleasant) Narrator: Yes, yes. (an amazing look, as if asked, how can you so quickly answer such a difficult question, how can they not answer) other participants: why? Narrator: ask him \ her. (pointing to answer a) other participants: Hey, why? Why? (around answer a)

Version 2.1 (2 of minor upgrades) Narrator: come and go, do the word choice. Everybody: what is the problem? (curious) Narrator: please point out what is the most stupid animal in the following animals? (such as Jiang Taigong fish biting) a B C D donkey mule pig goose everyone to think...... Narrator: of course, pigs! (Ariadne.) you: why? Narrator: because, the most stupid animal must not understand here, do not understand there, so, always like to ask: "why?" Why?". And pig this kind of animal, the most like to ask why, that is, of course, the most stupid pig. Everyone:...... (his fist bash)

Version 3 (fairy tale version) tells the story of the beginning of the story...... (the slow witted like place, always shows a slow witted like, in order to mirth distract the audience's attention) woods lived all kinds of animals, you can all live in peace and happily life. But one day, everyone began to argue, the core of the debate is: who is the most intelligent animals in the forest? Because the debate is very intense, who does not admit that he is stupid than others, so finally decided to hold a small forest intelligence contest. Because to control the number of entries, the provisions of a variety of animals can only send a representative to participate in the race, when the representative who wins, we agree on who is the most intelligent. Game news comes down, a variety of families will be busy starting to select their own representatives. Pig also want to participate in the competition, because in the eyes of the people, always think that they are the most stupid, they of this prejudice and racial discrimination very dissatisfied, pigs were agreed that this is an excellent opportunity to them to clarify the facts, they want to let everyone see, from the pig eight quit in Gao Lao3 Zhuang cheat to illustrious fact beautiful girl began, pig is very clever. Pigs after careful discussion, finally decided to send the pig "Benben" competition. Because the stupid childhood is particularly easy to learn, do not understand things always in a timely manner to ask, so a quick learner, "my brother called my brother, I have to ask his brother for... What...... What?""The bird in the sky can fly, but the pig can't fly...... What...... What?""Pig eight quit don't call pig nine quit, for...... What...... What?""Little girl like Andy Lau don't like me, for...... What...... What?""...... As...... What...... What?" Now let a stupid stupid pig called "million" why, I think the problem should not. In short,We think, let the learned stupid entries, for pigs is as sure as a gun. On the day of the contest, all kinds of animal games here, bustling, tiger referee to host the game, game to answer. "The first question, the world's deepest freshwater lake is




Unit 1 Winter Activities


1. 本单元的话题是有关冬天的活动(包括春节的活动),主要的功能是谈论寒假的生活,语法学习内容为一般过去时。语音学习内容为元音字母a,e,i,o,u在开音节中的读音规则总复习。 2. Hi,Julia. Did you go anywhere in winter? (你好,朱莉娅。冬天你去哪儿了吗?) 在这个句子中anywhere 是副词,意思是“在、向或到任何地方”。anywhere多用于否定句或疑问句,如:

I can’t find my pen anywhere.(我到处都找不到我的钢笔。) Did you see it anywhere?(你有没有在什么地方看见它?) 3. I climbed a famous mountain.(我登上了一座著名的山。) famous是形容词,意思是“出名的,著名的”。例如: Shanghai is a famous city.(上海是一座著名的城市。) “以??出名”的表达法是 be famous for,如: This city is famous for its tea.(这个城市以茶叶出名。) 4. I traveled along the Yangtze River.(我沿着长江旅行。) (1) along 是介词,意思是“沿着,顺着,靠着??边”,如: Go for a walk along the road.(沿着路散步。)

A dog is running along the wall.(一条狗正沿着墙跑。)

(2) the Yangtze River扬子江,也就是长江。在江河的名字前面要使用定冠词the,如:the Yellow River(黄河),the Nile(尼罗河)。

5. I went skating on the lake.(我到湖上滑冰。)

冬天哈尔滨的湖上结了厚厚的冰,人们可以在湖面上滑冰。注意go swimming/skating/shopping的句型教学。


7. Did you go to see the Ice and Snow Festival? (你去看冰雪节了吗?) 注意类似的表达法:Kite Festival(风筝节),Film Festival(电影节)。

8.There was a big ice city. There were many people.(有一座很大的冰雕城,那里有很多人。) 注意there be的过去时教学。如:

There was a basketball game between Class One and Class Two yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午一班和二班有一场篮球赛。)

9. Ben and I made a snowman.(我和本堆了个雪人。) (1)在汉语里,“我和本”要先讲“我”,在英语中“I ”则要放到最后,说成“Ben and I”。又如:“我和爸爸妈妈”要说成 “my father,mother and I”。

(2)snowman(雪人)的复数形式是 snowmen,make 的过去式是made。 10. And I took a photo of it on my mobile.(我用手机给雪人拍了张照片。) 此处it指的是“雪人”。

11. Show me the photo,please.(请把照片给我看看。) 这个句子也可以说成 Show the photo to me,please. 又如:

Show me your homework./Show your homework to me.(请把你的作业给我看看。) 12. It’s short and fat.(雪人又矮又胖。)

(1) fat是形容词,意思是“胖的,肥的”。注意:在英语中说一个人fat会显得很不尊重他人,一般用委婉语 stout (壮的)来替代。

(2) short解释为“矮的”时,其反义词是“高的”tall;short 解释为“短的”时,其反义词是 “长的”long。

13. Many children go back to their hometown with their parents.(很多儿童和他们的父母一起回到家乡。)

go back to?是“回到某处”的意思,如:

Pupils go back to school on September 1st. (九月一日学生们回到了学校。)

14.grandparents是“祖父母,外婆外公”的意思,grandchildren 是“孙子,孙女,外孙,外孙女”的意思。grandson 是“孙子,外孙”的意思,granddaughter 是“孙女,外孙女”的意思。 15.课本第7页的韵律诗及其译文如下: Sightseeing

I climbed a mountain, A famous mountain.

I traveled along a river, A long, long river.

I went skating on a lake, A beautiful lake.


我登上了一座山,一座名山。 我沿着大江旅行,一条长长的江。 我在湖上滑冰,风景秀丽的湖。

Part A


◆ 语言知识目标

1.学习词汇:anywhere,famous,travel,along,the Yangtze River,go back。

2.学习句型:Did you go anywhere in winter?

Yes. I went to Shandong. I climbed a famous mountain.

3. 复习巩固元音字母a,e,i,o,u在开音节中的发音。 4. 学说韵律诗:Sightseeing。 5. 功能:假日活动。

◆ 语言技能目标

1.能准确使用动词的过去式讲述过去发生的事情。 2.能运用所学语言完成调查任务。


◆ 情感态度

合理安排假期,让自己的假期生活愉快而充实。 教具准备

1.五个元音字母卡片。 2.有关单词和词组卡片。 3.一张中国地图。

4.录音机或多媒体教学光盘。 教学过程

Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.教师播放本套教材五年级下册第7页的韵律诗:How Was Your Vacation? 全班学生模仿录音说一说。

Step 2 Review

1.根据韵律诗内容,教师说:“Winter vacation was just over. Can you tell me your winter activities?”(板书 Winter Activities)

2.学生自由说,教师在黑板上板书学生说到的句子中的单词或词组,如: went to… visited…

did my homework played football ?

3.教师出示学过的动词原形及其过去式,复习它们的音、义、形及变化规律。 4.教师再出示一些动词词组,如:took some photos,went skating,climbed a mountain,listened to music等,进行复习巩固活动。 5.游戏——限时抢答。

游戏规则:教师随机出示动词过去式的单词卡片,学生按组,一个接一个说出相应的动词词组,看哪一组在限定的时间里说的词组多且不重复。如: 教师出示went第一组学生A:went to Beijing 教师出示took第一组学生B:took some photos 教师出示played第一组学生C:played football 教师出示went第一组学生D:went swimming

6.教师揭示课题,并在黑板上写有Winter Activities的地方将课题补充完整:Unit 1 Winter Activities Part A。

Step 3Presentation

(一)呈现课文内容并学习新知识 1.课文导入。 (1)教师说:“Just now we talked about our winter activities. Look! Wang Tao,Julia and Sally are talking about their winter activities. What did they say?”

(2)教师请学生完整地听一遍课文录音或观看多媒体教学光盘,让学生整体感知课文。并在黑板的左边板书问题:Where did Julia/Wang Tao/Sally go in winter? 2.教学句子:I traveled along the Yangtze River. (1)请学生再读课文,然后回答问题。

(2)教师出示一张中国地图,请学生指出the Yangtze River的位置,引导学生说:“It’s the Yangtze River. It’s a very long river.”


(4)教学介词along。along 的意思是“沿着,顺着,靠着??边”,例如: They are walking along the river.(他们正沿着河散步。) There are many trees along the street.(沿街有很多树木。)

Walk along this road and you will find the library.(顺着这条路走,你会找到图书馆。) 3.教学单词famous。 (1)教师再提出问题:“What did they do there?”然后分段播放课文录音,请学生认真听并找出问题的答案:

Julia climbed a famous mountain in Shandong.

Wang Tao took many photos when he traveled along the Yangtze River. Sally went skating on the lake.

(2)教学单词famous,并请学生用famous来说一说一些著名的风景名胜,如: —Do you know the Great Wall? —Yes. It’s very famous.

I would like to travel along the Yangtze River. It is very famous in the world. Big Ben is a famous clock in the world.

4.学习单词anywhere及句型Did you go anywhere in winter?

(1)教师在黑板上句子Where did ?go in winter?的旁边板书句子:Did you go anywhere in winter?请学生读课文对话,找到该句话,并通过上下文,猜测这个句子的意思。 (2)教师告诉学生,这两句话的意思大致相同,然后教学单词anywhere。 (二)熟读课文内容并表演对话

1.教师再播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘二至三遍,请学生跟读并模仿语音语调。 2.请学生三人一组,分角色朗读对话。

3.请几组学生到台前表演对话,要求学生要根据对话内容加上适当的表情和动作。 (三)巩固练习

1.完成课本第3页的Ask and answer.部分。

(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读,并教学词组went/go back。 (2)请学生两人一组进行对话练习。

(3)请个别学生进行对话展示,教师或同伴纠正语音语调。 2.学说课本第7页的韵律诗:Sightseeing。

(1)请学生读一读韵律诗的内容,先个别后全体。 (2)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。

(3)请学生模仿课本韵律诗自编一首,如: I visited the Great Wall. A long,long wall.

I visited Big Ben. A big,big clock.

I took many photos. Many beautiful photos.

3.完成课本第6页的Learn to write.部分。

(1)学生独立完成练习,将答案写在课本上。 (2)学生两人一组交换课本,互相订正。 (四)语音教学

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:mountain游戏)




4.请学生上台,在元音字母卡片下写出相应的单词,并读一读。 5.请学生看课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分,先自读一遍,然后教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。最后再请几位学生示范朗读。

Step 4 Extension




××× went to Hainan with his parents in winter. They went there by plane. It’s hot and sunny there. They went swimming. They had some delicious sea food. They ?.

Step 5 Homework

