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篇一:Let's go for a picnic__family



了解课堂流程和规则。从问候天气引入全家外出活动的场景,通过教 具完整表述情景,建立情景的完整输入。

Class rules

Attention please, Everybody look here, There are our class rules. First ,Be on

time. This is a little bee, Buzz. Please be on time. Second one......

篇二:Let's go for a picnic__farm animal




Class rules

Attention please, Everybody look here, There are our class rules. First ,Be on time. This is a little bee, Buzz. Please be on time. Second one......

篇三:七年级英语上册 Uni4 Topic2《Would you like to go for a picnic》同步练习3 仁爱版


Unit 4 Topic 2

第二部分:笔试部分 (85分)


( ) 1. — Hello! May I speak to Jane, please? — Yes. _________ is Jane. A. That B. This C. She D. Who

( ) 2. — Don’t forget _________ your school bag home.

— All right, see you then. A. take B. to take C. bring D. to bring

( ) 3. — Would you like to go ________ a picnic.

— Yes, I’d love to. A. for B. to C. at D. out

( ) 4. Lucy _________ cook food for the picnic.

A. have B. have to C. has D. has to

( ) 5. — Do you have any time this afternoon?

— Yes. _________ A. What are you? B. What’s going? C. What’s up? D. What’s the matter?

( ) 6. — What about _________ an English song?

— Good idea. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings

( ) 7. — How about going swimming?

— I’d like that, _________ I’m afraid I have no time. A. and B. or C. but D. so

( ) 8. — May I _________ Lily?

— I’m afraid you have the wrong(错误的) number. A. tell to B. speak to C. say to D. ask

( ) 9. — Would you like to sing some songs with us?

— _________ I have to cook. A. Of course. B. I’d love to. C. I’m sorry I can’t. D. It’s fun.

( ) 10. — Would you please tell Maria about it?

— _________

A. Good idea. B. Sure. C. No, thanks. D.Yes,please. Ⅱ.情景交际。(5分)

从方框中选择适当的句子。其中有两项是多余的。 Lucy: Hello!

Tim: Good evening. May I speak to Lily? Who is that? Tim: This is Tim, Lily’s classmate.

Lucy: This is Lucy, Lily’s sister. Tim: Thanks.

Lucy: Sure. Does she know your phone number? Tim:

Lucy: What’s your phone number? Tim:

Lucy: 5667-8907. OK, I’ll tell her about it. Tim: Thank you.

11. _________

12. _________

13. _________

14. _________

15. _________


On Sunday morning, it’s fine. My friends Li Dong, Wang Lei, Robert and I would like to to the West Hill. We plan to have a vegetables. Wang Lei wants to buy four milk and some hamburgers. I have no many cups. I want to buy some in the shop. What about Robert? He’s new here. He from Canada. He has a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown. He likes on Saturday(星期六) with his mother. Now he isn’t at home. So I call Robert with my cell phone, “forget to take the guitar.” Of course, he doesn’t forget his white dog. He likes the pet. We like kites on the hill. I think it’s fun. ( ) 16.A. go B. going C. to go ( ) 17.A. party B. picnic C. meeting ( ) 18.A. any B. some C. a little ( ) 19.A. bottle B. bottles C. bottles of ( ) 20.A. knives B. cakes C. cups ( ) 21.A. come B. comes C. are ( ) 22.A. shop B. shopping C. swim ( ) 23.A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Isn’t ( ) 24.A. takes B. take C. to take ( ) 25.A. flies B. flying C. playing Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)

( ) 26. Who is the letter from? It’s from _________.

A. Jane B. Jack C. Michael

( ) 27. Who is NOT in Class 2, Grade 1? __________.

A. Kangkang B. Jack C. Jane

( ) 28. What does the letter talk about? It talks about __________.

A. food B. vegetables C. hamburgers

( ) 29. The students in Class 2, Grade 1 want to go to _________ this Saturday.

A. cook dishes B. have a picnic C. buy some food

( ) 30. Maria wants to take __________ to West Hill Farm.

A. camera, kite and apples B. bowls and guitar C. kite, chicken and knife


In the U.S.A. or Canada, on Sundays many people go out for a picnic. They often ask their good friends to go with them. They bring many things with them, like glasses, kites, knives, some nice food and some nice drink. Sometimes(有时), they take their pets with them. If(如果) it is very fine, they may have their food in a park(公园), in a countryside(乡村), or at the foot of(在……脚下) a hill. That’s great fun. 根据短文的内容,判断正(T)误(F)。

( ) 31. People in the U.S.A. don’t like to go out for a picnic on Sundays. ( ) 32. They often go for a picnic with their good friends. ( ) 33. They don’t like to bring pets with them. ( ) 34. In Canada, only kids have picnics. ( ) 35. People can’t eat in a park in Canada.


One day, Susan goes shopping with her mother. When they get to(到达) the supermarket(超市), Susan is very happy. There are many things and many people in it.

Susan’s mother tells her to follow(跟随) her. They walk(步行) here and there, and they buy some things.

When they come to a shelf(货架), Susan sees some boxes of chocolates. Her mother wants to buy her a box of brown chocolates. Susan shakes(摇)her head and says,“I want a box of white chocolates.”

“Why?”asks her mother.

“I can’t bite my fingers(咬着手指) when I eat them at night(在晚上),”answers Susan quickly(快地,迅速地).


(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:go,for,a,picnic)

36. Where does Susan go one day?

_______________________________________ 37. Do they buy any things?

_______________________________________ 38. What does Susan want?

_______________________________________ 39. Why does Susan want white chocolates? _______________________________________ 40. Does Susan eat chocolates at night?

_______________________________________ Ⅴ.词汇。(10分)


41. I’m afraid I have no time. I’m. 42. Don’t f 44. — it?

— Of course.

(B)根据句意及括号内所给英文或汉语提示,完成句子。 46. — What about (fly) kites this afternoon, Kangkang? — Good idea.

47. He often goes 48. I’m (恐怕) I can’t come with you. 49. — Don’t forget to bring your 吉他). — All right.

50. Let’s have a (野餐) on the farm. It’s very fun. Ⅵ.综合填空。(5分)


On Sunday morning, Bruce goes out a picnic his classmates. They take some food there. Diana wants Bruce sing a song with her, he has no time. He to cook. Frank and Clark like to fly a kite, but they to bring it. Wendy is a nice girl. She water for them. about Helen? She calls their teacher, Miss Li. She asks to come here. 51. _________

52. _________

53. _________

54. _________

55. _________

56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________ Ⅶ.书面表达。(15分)

假如你认识一位叫Cynthia 的笔友,根据她的信息资料,向同学们做一简要介绍,

You may begin like this:

Hello, everyone, today I’ll introduce Cynthia to you. She is my pen pal. She _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

篇四:去野餐 go for a picnic 买东西go shopping

去野餐 go for a picnic 买东西go shopping

参加校乐队 Play in the school band

吹笛子 play the fulte 洗碗 do the dishes

制作航模 do the model plane 学表演learn to act

踢毽子 kick a shuttlecock 参加戏剧社 go to the drama club 一次once 两次twice 从未never

去滚轴溜冰 go roller ---skating打羽毛球 play badminton 1你放学后做什么?What do you do after school?

我经常… I often……

他/她放学以后做什么?What does he /she do after school ? 他/她经常… He /She often …

2你多久……一次 How often do you …

我…两次… I …twice a …

她/他多久…一次?How often does she /he …?

她/他… She/He…

课程表 School schedule

Ben’weekend 本的周末

Hello ,Ben .Are you busy ?Do you often get up so early on Saturdays ?

I often wake up at 9:00,but my grandmother is coming to visit early today.


我经常九点醒来,但我的奶奶今天会很早来我家。 Do you have a piano lesson at noon ?

Yes .I often have a lesson at one o’clock ,but my teacher is sick today .

Do you do your homework on Saturdays ?

Sometimes I do.but I do not have any homework this weekend. Do you often go out in the afternoon?

A cup of tea three glasses of water a loaf bread a piece of advice a fit of anger a burst of applause seven games of chess

The students of Class Tow are having a class meeting in the classroom.二班的学生正在教室里开班会。

She sings quite well.她唱歌唱的相当好。

T om often goes to bed at eleven.

It is quite late now and Mr White hasn’t left his office yet.

Could you give us two cups of black tea ?你能给我两杯红茶吗?

There is nothing important.没有什么重要的事。

Excuse me ,is this your umbrella?

What did you do when he made a noie?他吵闹的时候你怎么办?

The question is quite beyond me .

I am angry with him.

Tom usually plays football in the afteroon.

He is tall but I am short .

It is obvious(显然)that he did that thing他显然做了那件事。

She has not had her lunch.

Can you give me a piece of paper?

Let’t go swimming .

What an interesting story it is.多么有趣的故事啊!

The field adjoins the yard. .

篇五:仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit 4 Having fun--Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic

Unit 4 Having fun--Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic

Section A 通过1a的看听说初步了解如何进行电话会话,1b 是对电话用语的训练,让学生熟悉打电话的套话,注意电话用语的特点;2是通过听录音填空,掌握建议和邀请及其答语的语境。注意Would you like to do …? How about doing…? What about doing…? 句型及答语的具体应用。通过操练,让学生掌握基本知识,进一步拓展练习,通过3 的提示,让学生编写一个打电话的对话,在练习电话用语的同时又训练了表示建议的句型。本节要求掌握的祈使句通过4a的练习完成。最后通过小组活动4b完成对本节所学祈使句知识的拓展。

Section B 1a着重介绍电话用语中如何进行电话留言的表达方式。通过听说,让学生熟悉电话留言。1b通过俩俩对话巩固1a所学知识;2学生听录音,根据语境选择正确的句子完成对话,让学生在做中学会本小节知识;在听3的录音过程中,让学生归纳总结连读规则,并

跟读进一步体会连读的特点;4a是电话用语的又一个语境,拨错电话号码应如何应对;4b 是一段电话留言,根据留言编写相关的电话用语。

Section C 通过1a 的猜活动和人与物的搭配练习,引出1b 中的词组fly a kite,sing songs,cook food,carry water进而进行1b的听说练习,判断1a 的搭配推断是否正确。通过1b的听力练习和跟读训练熟悉和掌握提建议及答语的应用。重点把握向他人提建议,提出邀请和接受建议或拒绝邀请的基本句型。根据2a的阅读进一步熟悉本节基本句型。根据2a 完成2b的短剧表演。注意本文中出现的表示食品的名词,并可以按可数名词和不可数名词加以分类。建议用课上或课下进行情景表演,通过打电话,邀请朋友周日野炊,嘱咐别忘了要带的食品等等,进一步提高学生的实际语言应用能力。

Section D 通过听录音和跟读掌握1中的/k/g/f/v/四个辅音,了解并归纳它们的读音规则。通过复习89页的1b 内容,过度到本节的2,通过听录音完成表格。总结3a 与89页1b 内容,总结表示邀请及同意和拒绝邀请的句型。通过3b 的总结复习电话用语的三种语境,并让学生自创情景进行电话会话。注意3a 和3b 在自创对话中的正确应用。4是通过课堂活动活跃课堂气氛。5是通过打电话的方式讨论并完成野餐计划,自编一段电话用语,完成电话留言。该环节综合了前几小结的中心内容,活跃学生思维,给学生充分的思维空间。发挥学生的创造力和想象力。


III. 分课时教案

Section A

Target language

a. Words and expressions

free, Sunday, picnic, guitar, forget, What’s up?

b. Key sentences

1) Hello? Hello! This is….

2) Are you free this Sunday?

Yes. What’s up?

3) Would you like to go for a picnic?

I’d love to.

4) Don’t forget to bring your guitar.

OK, Thanks.

Ability goals

Learn how to make a telephone call

Learn how to make an invitation

Teaching aids

Tape recorder and cards

Teaching procedures and ways

Step Ⅰ Lead-in

T: Now, boys and girls, I have a useful thing in my hand. It is not big, but we can use it to talk to someone who is not here. Can you guess what it is? Yes, you are clever. It’s a telephone. It is used for talking to someone who is not here, no matter how far he or she is. All of you can make a

telephone call in Chinese. But do you know how to make a telephone call in English? Let’s listen to the tape, learn how to make a telephone call in English.

Step Ⅱ Presentation (1a, 1b and 2)

Play the tape.

T: After listening to the tape. We know some useful expressions about how to make a telephone call in English. We use “This is Kangkang” instead of “I’m Kangkang.”

Learn some new words in this section: free, Sunday, picnic, guitar, forget, What’s up? And some useful expressions like:

1. Hello? Hello! This is…

2. Are you free this Sunday?

Yes. What’s up?

Would you like to go for a picnic?

I’d love to.

3. Don’t forget to bring your guitar.

OK, Thanks.

Ask Ss to listen to the tape. Then read 1a. Practice the telephone conversation with their partner. After that, let Ss listen to the tape of 2 and fill in the blanks. Listen to the tape again and check the answers. Then sum up the sentence patterns like:

Would you like to …?

Oh, I’d love to.

How about…? / What about…?

That would be very nice.

Ask Ss to master them by making some more sentences. Then leave Ss some time to make a telephone call, using Would you like…? What (How) about …? And ask and answer. Finish 1b.

Step Ⅲ Practice (3)

T: Now boys and girls, can you tell us what your telephone number is? I’ll ask some of you to tell them to the class, other students try to write what you hear (…) Look at 3. Tom is free this Sunday morning. He would like to invite Mary to go swimming with him. Make a telephone call between Tom and Mary. Use the information in the table.

Sample conversation:

T: Hello? Mary. This is Tom. I’m free this Sunday morning. Would you like to go swimming with me?

M: I’d love to.

T: Don’t forget to bring your swimming suit.

M: OK, Thanks, Tom.

Let Ss pay attention to: Don’t forget to do sth.

Ask Ss to make a telephone call according to 3. Then let Ss invite some of their classmates to do some other things this Sunday by making a telephone call with the telephone numbers they have just heard.

Step IV Make a plan (4a, 4b)

T: Kangkang is going to have a picnic. Read the not in 4a. Who does he invite?

Ss: Jane, Michael, Maria, Wang Junfeng, Steve.

T: When and where will they have the picnic?

Ss: 8:00-16:00 this Sunday, West Hill.

T: Look at the notes in the box on the right. Can you give him some suggestions on the picnic? S1: Don’t forget to bring some bowls and salt.

S2: Don’t forget to bring some cups and vegetables.

S3: Don’t forget to bring a kite, a dog and some chicken.

S4: Don’t forget to bring a knife and some hamburgers.

T: Good suggestions! Do you want to have your own picnic?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK, now work in groups, discuss and make a picnic plan. Let’s see which group makes the best plan.

Ss work in groups and make a picnic plan. Then let each group report it to the whole class. At last, vote for the best picnic plan.

Step V Homework

Suppose you are inviting some friends for a picnic by making phone calls. Write a conversation based on the picnic plan in activity 4b.

Section B

Target language

a. Words and expressions

speak, message, ask, call sb. back

b. Key sentences

Hello! May I speak to Maria?

Sorry, she isn’t in now.

Who is that?

This is Jane.

Can I take a message?


Could you ask her to call me back this evening?

Ability goals

Master how to take telephone messages

Learn how to deal with wrong phone calls

Teaching aids

Tape recorder and pictures

Teaching procedures and ways

Step Ⅰ Function introduction (1a,1b)

In this step, first review how to make a telephone call in Section A. Then go over the sentence patterns about suggestions: Would you like to…? How (What) about…?

Check the homework. Ask several Ss to read their conversations about picnic plan.

T: Boys and girls, we learnt how to make phone call in English in last class. Suppose you are calling someone, but he/she is not at home. Someone else is on the phone, what would you say? Now

let’s learn how to take phone messages.

Play the tape of 1a. Let Ss find out:

Who is the message from?

Who is the message to?

Who takes the message?

If they can’t find the answers, let them read the conversation to find the answers.

Then call attention to the key expressions:

May I speak to …?

She/He isn’t in.

Can I take a message?

Could you ask her/him to …?

Important phrases:

be (not) in, take a message, ask sb. to do sth., call sb. back.

T: Now suppose you are Jane, and your partner is Maria. Maria calls you back in the evening and you tell her about the picnic.

Ss work in pairs and make conversations. (This activity helps Ss review the expression of making phone call and invitation.)

Step Ⅱ Practice and pronunciation (2, 3)

In this step, Ss will do some practice with the expressions about making phone call and taking messages.

Play the tape. Ss listen and choose the correct sentences to fill in the blanks.

Play the tape again. Ss check their answers.

Then let them practice the conversation orally in pairs.

Note: take a message VS give message

Activity 3 provides practice with pronunciation. Play the tape and let Ss read after it.

Step Ⅲ Function ( 4a, 4b)

T: We have learnt how to take a message when he or she isn’t in. You can leave a message and ask him or her to call you back. But if you dial a wrong number, what should you do? Let’s listen. Play the tape of 4a. Then let Ss read the conversation and pick out the important expressions: Pardon?

There is no … here.

I am afraid you have the wrong number.

Then pair work to practice this dialogue.

After that, ask some pairs to act it out.

Activity 4b provides writing practice with taking phone messages.

T: Now look at the message in 4b. Then finish the telephone call conversation below.

Sample conversation:

Lucy: Hello!

Mary: Good morning! This is Mary. Is that Lisa?

Lucy: Sorry, she isn’t in. Can I take a message?

Mary: Yes, thanks. Could you ask her to call me back?

Lucy: Sure. Does she have your phone number?
