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篇一:《My days of the week》教案

My days of the week

2014/4/16 星期三

★Teaching content: My days of the week ★Teaching time: one period Ⅰ Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objective

Students learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns.

◆New words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, weekend

◆Phrases: on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday/Saturday/weekend

◆Sentence pattern: What does sb. Do on…/I have…/ What day is it today?

2. Ability objectives

1). Enable the students to talk in English about their days of the week.

2). Enable the students to strengthen their speaking and writing ability.

3. Moral objectives

Develop the students’ interest of learning English and keeping a

daily in English.

Ⅱ Important and difficult points 1. Important points

1). Students learn and master the new words of seven days 2). Students will be able to talk in English about days of the week and write them down 2. Difficult points

1).The distinguish between Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 2).The use of “in” and “on”. Ⅲ Teaching aid and method

1. Teaching aid: a multimedia computer

2. Teaching method: Communicative Language Teaching and Task-based Language Teaching Ⅳ Teaching procedures

篇二:The days of the week教学案例

《The days of the week》教学案例

一、 教材分析

本节课是学习Join in 小学三年级英语下册第二单元The days of the week 的 Part 8 部分,主要内容是复习认读有关一周七天的单词,另外掌握句型What’s your favourite ......? My favourite ...... is ...... .并完成教材第八部分的练习。

1. 教学目标:


(2)、学生能够听、说句子:What’s your favourite ......?

My favourite ...... is...... .并能用这些句子进行交流。



学生能够听、说句子:What’s your favourite ......?

My favourite ...... is...... .并能用这些句子进行交流。

二、 学情分析


三、 教学设计

一、 Warming up

1. Say the chant alltogether.

2. Look and read the words.

3. A guessing game: What day is it ?

二、 Presentation

Step 1

T points her coat,asks: What colour is it ? Ss answer. T says: I like green very much.

My favourite colour is green.

Show the new word :favourite

and sentence: My favourite colour is green.

Step 2 Drills

1. Read the word.

2. Read the sentence.

Step 3

T says: My favourite colour is green.

Then asks: What’s your favourite colour?

Show the senten on the board.

Step 4 Drills

1. T reads, Ss read.

2. Read it one by one .

Step 5

T shows a card, Ss read the colour word.

Then use the word to say the sentence:

My favourite colour is __________.

Step 6

Coninue in this way to show the other questions:

1. What’s your favourite day?

2. What’s your favourite number?

3. What’s your favorite pet?

4. What’s your favourite food?

Step 7

Use the word card to answer the questions:

My favourite _______is_________.

1. T asks, Ss answer.

2. Work in pairs.

3. Ask and answer in class.

三、 Do the exercise

Step 1

Open the books turn to page 17. Ss look at part 8, read and complete the sentences.

Step 2

Check the answers.

Ss read the sentences out.

四、 Practice

Introduce yourself

Hello, I’m ________.

My favourite day is________.

My favourite food is________.

My favourite colour is_______.

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:days,of,a,week教案)

My favourite pet is__________.

My favourite number is______.

五、 Homework

Write about yourself.


本堂课的重点是学习有关星期的词汇及句型 What’s your favourite day ? My favourite day is .... 的认读及掌握,在设计整堂课的教学时,我是这样做的:

1.本课时话题的功能性强,在学习了星期单词及句型后What’s your favourite day ? My favourite day is .... .之后,教师先给学生做一个示范,并逐步由教师与学生之间的问答过渡到生生问答,最终将不同类别的句子归纳起来,进行一个简短的自我介绍。


3.除教材本来的安排把星期单词和句型相结合外,我还设计了一个练习,让学生说说自己最喜爱的事物,如:My favourite day is Sunday. My favourite colour is green..... 让学生把接受的知识转化为自己的知识,学以致用。









篇三:Lesson 5 days of theweek教学设计

Lesson 5 Days of the Week 教学设计


1. 知识方面:


能够理解、应答和运用下列句子:What day is it? It’s Monday/Tuesday/……



3. 过程与方法:能够观察出有关星期单词的特征,在合作学习中掌握有关星期的单词。

4. 情感态度、价值观:了解东西方文化差异,继续产生并保持对英语的兴趣。


学生能够正确地说、读、写,用Sunday to Saturday七个单词




Step one: Class Opening and Review.


T:Hello,boys and girls.

S:Hello,Miss Li!

T:How are you ?

S:I’m fine,thank you,And you ?

T:I’m very well.

T:Nice to meet you!

S:Nice to meet you, too.

2.Play a game

猜猜Who is he/she?

He is wearing a red sweater.

She is wearing blue pants.


StepⅡ New concepts:

1.What day is it?


T:Boys and girls.Look at here. This is a plan about me at the week. 出示Plan at the week

由此引出Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday(并板书)

T: How many days in a week?

S: Seven.


T: 老师先不说呢,我请同学们猜一猜,这些单词是从星期几到星期几。 S1: …

S2: …

T: 大家说得可真好。你们看老师把Sunday星期日放在了第一位,在加拿大,每周的第一天是星期日,人们不工作,一般去教堂或走亲访友,周一到周五工作,周六Saturday是一周的最后一天,也是放假的日子。如果大家留心观察的话,现在我们的日历也是把周日放在第一位的。依次学习7个单词,先领读,然后拼读后齐读。采用慢读、快读、正常读、男生读、女生读等形式读单词 T: 今天的单词又多,又长,你有什么好办法能很快记住他们呢?小组之间先读一读,然后互相介绍和交流一下你的方法。





(2)用汉语提问今天星期几,引出“What day is it?”

星期二 It is Tuesday.


Read the day as quickly as you can .

Play “What is missing?

Play “What day is it?”

(4)Sing a song

(5)Open your book, turn to Page10, listen and read.

(6) 完成第五课练习册第三题

2. Song 《He’s Wearing Red Pants》 T: Look at this picture.Who is he? S:He is LiMing.

T:What is he wearing?

S:He is wearing red pants.

T:What day is it?

S:It is Sunday.


放录音 听歌曲

再次听歌曲,会唱的可以小声跟着唱。 Step3 Class closing.




Lesson 5 Days of the Week What day is it? It is Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

篇四:Unit 2 My days of the Week教案及反思

Unit 2 My days of the Week

Section B let’s learn


Main scene (Let’s chant) B (Let’s learn Let’s chant) C (Story time)


1、能听懂会唱两首 chant。

2、能够听、说、读、写单词“Saturday”“Sunday”和词组“do homework”“watch TV”“read books”,并能结合所给句型“What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays”“I often …”在实际情境中运用。




本课时的教学重点是Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语:

Saturday, Sunday, do homework, watch TV,read books。要求学生能结合所给句型“What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often…”在实际情景中熟练运用新单词和词组。









(1)听音跟唱:教师播放本单元(Main scene) Let’s chant,复习关于星期的单词等内容,如:Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday;Thursday,Friday,Saturday;让学生熟悉所学单词和音乐节奏,轻轻松松进入英语学习课堂。

(2)Free talk:


A:What day is it today? B: It’s Wednesday.

A: What do you have on Wednesdays?

B:we have Chinese ,math English and PE on Wednesdays. (通过师生会话,复习上节课学习的知识)

2. Presentation(新课呈现)


师生共同有节奏地读周一到周五等学过的单词,老师问:How many days are there in a week? 学生回答:seven days.教师说:Then,the day after Friday is…学生回答“星期六”,引出本课时的新单词。教师播放课件,学习“Saturday”。对学习的新单词进行操练。



播放课件,显示“Sunday”, 因学生已掌握Monday~Friday五个单词,教师引导学生巧记单词Sunday,”sun+day”。



T: Let’s guess,what day is the first day of the week? What day is the last day of the week?学生做出猜测。最后老师做出总结:The first day is Sunday in the western countries. The last day is Saturday in the western countries.


(4) watch TV

通过对话引入新知watch TV。先提出问题,让学生回答。Do you like Saturdays? What do you do on Saturdays?


教师出示图片,问学生:Look at the boy!What does he do on Saturdays?教师模仿图片上的动作,学生猜测,引出Watch TV,教师领读,提醒学生注意TV中“V”的发音。利用I often …操练Watch TV。


分别引出短语do homework和 read books。

利用I often …操练do homework和 read books。



What do you do on Sundays?

I often ______ .

3.Practice (操练)


Boys: What do you do on Sundays?

Girls: I often _____ (do housework, paint, play computer games, play football, sing).

(2)教师播放B部分Let's learn的录音,听录音跟读,注意理解和体会。可让学生进行适当的动作编排,以更好地把握其中动词词组的意思。

4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(1)让学生听Let's chant部分的歌谣,唱给同学听,对于学生比较难掌握的often,fun,可适当解释和范读,帮助学生更好地领会意思。 (让学生在歌谣中对本课所学新知进行整体感知,以歌谣的形式加强记忆)

(2)let’s practice。看课件做习题。

1. is it today? (今天星期几?) ○


2. do you on Sundays? ○

I often my .(做作业)

3. ○

I often do my homework on Sundays.

4. I often __________ books and _ _____ _ __ TV ○

on __________ (星期六).

5. Summing up小结

篇五:Unit 4 There are seven days in a week教案

Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.


1. 能听说读写下列单词:day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday week today

2. 能运用下列句子进行简单的对话:How many days are there in a week? There are seven. When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday. What day is it today? It’s .....

3. 能唱以下英文歌曲和歌谣:In a week/Days of the week.

4. 能理解本单元所述中西方文化知识。

Lesson 19

Teaching aims:

1. To learn the new words: week, day, Sunday and excellent.

Four skills: day, Sunday. Learn the new sentences: How many days are there in a week? What’s the first day?

2. Can ask and answer the questions about “Week”.

3. Let’s chant. Guide Ss to love English.

Teaching important and difficult points:

1. Learn some words of the week.

2. Can ask and answer the questions about “Week”. Teaching methods: speaking and practice.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warm up

1. Listen to a rhyme about days of the week. And then try to follow it.

Step 2. Presentation

1. Learn the follow new words: Sunday, day and week using a calendar.

2. Learn the patterns: How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.

3. What’s the first day of the week?

4. Listen to the new dialogue.

5. Listen and repeat the dialogue several times.

Step 3. Practice

1. Ask the students to practice the dialogue in groups.

2. Invite several groups to performance the dialogue for their classmates.

3. Let’s chant.

Homework :

1. Listen to the tape recording and then repeat.

2. Write the four skill words.

Bb Design:

Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.

Lesson 19

How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.
