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英语四级作文题目 【


图画作文: 一屋不扫何以扫天下

We cansee clearly from the cartoon there is a father talking with her son. Havingheard his son’s words that “ Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclearweapon.” The father replies that “ If you can empty the dustbin here, you cando anything”.

The importance of doing small things

From the carton, we can clearly see that the boy is worried about disposing of nuclear waste, while his father tells him to empty the dustbin first. This carton reminds me of a Chinese saying: If you don't clean the room(solve your problems), then how can you control the world. However, most people always attach great importance to something big, but neglect small things.

In my opinion, it is necessary and important to do small things. On the one hand, doing small things well helps us to develop good habits, which set a good foundation for our future development. There is no doubt that one of the greatest differences between success and failure is the importance placed on little things. On the other hand, the big is the little. If something needs

to be done, it is big. No matter what kinds of task, if it is worth doing, it can be big.

Taking all these into account, we can easily notice that it is reasonable to do small things before big ones. So before doing important things, let’s empty our dustbin first!



For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

The importance of learning basic skills

In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market, some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills, just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.

However, it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea. Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society, the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society. An investigation shows that millions

of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities. While focusing on creativity, innovation, management and leadership skills, we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic, essential skills.

It is universally known that opportunity is important, but you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped with competitive forces, such basic reading and calculating skills, to seize it.


图画作文:The Importance of Reading Literature

The Importance of Reading Literature

Literature is acknowledged as the most precious product of human

civilization and wisdom, especially by our teachers. So they always ask their students to read as many as literary works. Just as the drawing shown above, a teacher gives a literary work to her student, saying: “Just think of it as if you’re reading a long text-message.”

It is of great significance for us to appreciate literature due to the following reasons. Firstly, a good literature can get you to know a life experience through the eyes of someone other than yourself. The more experience you gain, the more knowledgeable you are. Secondly, a good literature allows you to learn about history in a personalized way. The stories told in the works can act as mirrors and help you adjust your own behaviors. Lastly, a good literature is an effective way for relaxation. The beautiful and moving scenes shown in the literature are helpful for one’s mental health.

In short, literature is indispensable in our life. We, students, should catch our time to read more literatures.




子:Dad, I'm a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste(处理核废料) 父:If you can empty the dustbin(垃圾筒) here, you can do anything

北京新东方学校 金凌虹

We can see from the illustration there is a father talking to his son. Having heard his son’s words “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapons”, the father replies, “If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything”, pointing the garbage can beside him.

Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking the big. Unquestionably, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are enabled to accumulate experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other word, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who set out to do something big will be constantly haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures. As when opportunity “something big” appears, they can hardly seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn’t know how to empty the dustbin?

From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small

things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. “Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly.” Aristotle once said.

北京新东方学校 赵子凌

What the author illustrates in the picture reflects a hot topic which causedour concern: the

importance of doing small thingsbefore undertaking something big. It is true that we are likely to overcomesome obstacles if we are proceeding forward to achieve success. However,this is the quality that many people lack in.

Asthe father in the picture says, those who can empty the dustbin in the roomfirst can tackle the big problems afterwards. Likewise, if one cannot deal withthe things in hand, he or she must fail in the following knotty problems. Wecan easily notice the phenomenon that the people who are in possession of thisquality finally become successful figures, such as Ma Yun, first worked as

anordinary employee in a small company, and then created his own business empireafter years of sufferings.

Tosum up, it is imperative that we all should possess the quality of doing smallthings, and put more emphasis on the details, only through this can weundertake the responsibilities of tackling big problems.



(一) 图画的内容和构图不难:父亲和男孩子的对话,孩子说" Dad,I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste. (爸爸,我有点担心清除核武器这个问题)",父亲则回答" If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything. (如果你能把垃圾桶倒掉,你就能坐好任何事情)" ,说话间,手指着垃圾桶。

这幅图画和2012年6月的六级漫画作文非常相似,当时的图中,也是两人对话,女儿和父亲。父亲问女儿:" Hi, sweetie, how was your school today ? (嘿,小甜心,你在今天在学校过得怎么样?)" 女儿非常冷漠的回答:"Dad,you can read all about it on my blogs. (爹哋,你自己可以在我的博客上读到所有内容)",然后呢,女儿拔腿出门,留下父亲一脸惊愕。 说回这个四级的作文题。

作文的第一段,要进行简单描绘图画内容,这是必须的,也是题目中强制要求的(a brief description of the picture)。描述的时候,只要把父子两的对话移植到第一段,然后把父亲手指垃圾桶的动作描绘一下就可以了,非常简单。

作文的第二段,进行主旨提炼并且论述。这幅图画很容易看出主题,那就是做大事之前,要先做小事(一屋不扫,何以扫天下),而且题目中其实早就已经透露了主题了 (express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big.)因此,第二段通篇论述小事做起的重要性就可以了。属于我在课堂上讲过的作文三大分类之"积极主题,论述意义"


We can see from the cartoon that there is a father talking with his son. Having heard his son's words that " Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste." The father replies that " If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything" and points the garbage can beside him.

Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking big. Definitely, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are able to accumulate experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who desire to do something big at once will constantly be haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures, As when opportunities-"something big" appears, they can hardly seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn't know how to empty the dustbin?

From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. "Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly." Aristotle used to say.


The importance of reading literature


图画中,师生站在一个教师里,老师给学生一本书,挺厚的,孩子讶然,震惊并由几分不情愿。老师就安慰并鼓励学生:" 你就当做是在读一个长篇短信就行了"。





第三段,进入主题,阅读文学的重要性,不写出这点,跑题,要扣分。阅读文学有什么意义呢?一、可以丰富知识拓展视野;二、可以激发人们批判性的、独立性的思维;三可以完善人格,使人变得耐心和积极乐观。因此,我们为什么不花点时间在文学上呢? 范文赏析:

From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a teacher and a student standing in the classroom. When receiving a literature book given by her teacher, the little girl seems to be quite nervous and unwilling. Having observed her student's response, the teacher tells her that "Just think of it as if you are reading a long text-message."

The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that quite a few students or youngsters are reluctant to read literature nowadays. With the Internet and electronic communication tools such as microblogs, mobile phones and QQ becoming increasingly widespread, quite a few people are more used to reading short context. They hold that, compared with long contents such as literature, these short ones are more convenient and time saving. What's more, many students refuse to read literature in that they believe that literature is boring and of little use in modern society.

However, no one can disclaim the importance of reading literature. It enables people to enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. Moreover, reading literature also inspires people to think critically and independently. Last but not least, by spending time in reading literature, we can also develop and perfect human personality such as being patient and optimistic. Hence, why not just get out of the reality temporarily and spend some time on literature ?







图画中,一群学生坐在教室里,样子都傻傻地。老师正在讲解乘法口诀表,教的不亦说乎!这个时候一个傻孩子突然提问:"老师,我无意冒犯,但是等到我们工作的时候,这些你教的东西不会过时吗?(No offense, but by the time we're in the job market, won't that stuff(东西) be outdated?)"


第一段:图画描述,这个是本能,是直觉,同时,也是题目中明确要求的(a brief description of the picture),所以你不描绘图画,或者是图画信息不全,扣分。描述的时候,你要把学生提问的那句话写出来,把老师教课的动作写出来,以及老师听到学生挑衅性的提问之后的表情,也要写出来。


第三段:结论和表态,分析完了原因之后,你要回到主题,那就是我们不能忽视这些基本技能,要唤起大家对"基本技能的重要性"的认识。所以,这一段,你可以正面阐述为什么basic skills 如此的重要,就可以了。


As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many students sitting in a classroom. When listening to the teacher, one of the students just interrupts the teacher and says " No offense, but by the time we're in the job market, won't that stuff be outdated?" Having heard this question, the teacher stops demonstrating the Multiplication Table and seems to be quite shocked and embarrassed.

The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that quite a few students undervalue the importance of learning basic skills these days. Confronted with fiercer competition from society and employment market, students are more focused on practical skills which can be applied in daily work immediately. Moreover, they also fears that the basic knowledge and skills they learn today will be outdated by the time they are in the job market.

However, no one can disclaim the importance of learning basic skills. It enables us to lay a strong foundation for further learning and exploration. In other words, those who have mastered basic skills well are more likely to acquire other skills and knowledge with ease. Basic skills are equivalent to the first step of success, as an ancient Chinese saying goes, " A road of thousand miles towards the success begins with the first step."



这幅图画告诉我们一个现象,那就是相当多的学生现在都轻视学习基本技能的重要性。面对着来自社会和职场的越来越激烈的竞争, 学生们更关注那些可以马上应用于日常工作中的实际技能。而且,他们也担心他们今天学的基础知识和技能可能等到他们工作的时候,就过时了。




讲解图画作文,分析,在2012年6月16日,六级考察了图画作文,而当时,图画作文出现在六级也是第一次;目前,四级已经考察了图表作文,考研考的题,六级都没有考过;因此这么推论分析,也可能这次四级轮到图画作文了 -- 考研考过,六级考过,就剩四级了!

图画的内容和构图不难:父亲和男孩子的对话,孩子说" Dad,I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste. (爸爸,我有点担心清除核武器这个问题)",父亲则回答" If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything. (如果你能把垃圾桶倒掉,你就能坐好任何事情)" ,说话间,手指着垃圾桶。

这幅图画和2012年6月的六级漫画作文非常相似,当时的图中,也是两人对话,女儿和父亲。父亲问女儿:" Hi, sweetie, how was your school today ? (嘿,小甜心,你在今天在学校过得怎么样?)" 女儿非常冷漠的回答:"Dad, you can read all about it on my blogs. (爹哋,你自己可以在我的博客上读到所有内容)",然后呢,女儿拔腿出门,留下父亲一脸惊愕。


(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:2013年6月四级作文)

作文的第一段,要进行简单描绘图画内容,这是必须的,也是题目中强制要求的(a brief description of the picture)。描述的时候,只要把父子两的对话移植到第一段,然后把父亲手指垃圾桶的动作描绘一下就可以了,非常简单。

作文的第二段,进行主旨提炼并且论述。这幅图画很容易看出主题,那就是做大事之前,要先做小事(一屋不扫,何以扫天下),而且题目中其实早就已经透露了主题了 (express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big.)因此,第二段通篇论述小事做起的重要性就可以了。属于我在课堂上讲过的作文三大分类之"积极主题,论述意义"



We can see from the cartoon that there is a father talking with his son. Having heard his son's words that “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste." The father replies that “If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything" and points the garbage can beside him.

Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking big. Definitely, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are able to accumulate experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who desire to do something big at once will constantly be haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures, As when opportunities-"something big" appears, they can hardly seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn't know how to empty the dustbin?

From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. "Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly." Aristotle used to say.

The importance of reading literature



图画中,师生站在一个教师里,老师给学生一本书,挺厚的,孩子讶然,震惊并由几分不情愿。老师就安慰并鼓励学生:" 你就当做是在读一个长篇短信就行了"。







From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a teacher and a student standing in the classroom. When receiving a literature book given by her teacher, the little girl seems to be quite nervous and unwilling. Having observed her student's response, the teacher tells her that "Just think of it as if you are reading a long text-message."

The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that quite a few students or youngsters are reluctant to read literature nowadays. With the Internet and electronic communication tools such as micro blogs, mobile phones and QQ becoming increasingly widespread, quite a few people are more used to reading short context. They hold that, compared with long contents such as literature, these short ones are more convenient and time saving. What's more, many students refuse to read literature in that they believe that literature is boring and of little use in modern society.

However, no one can disclaim the importance of reading literature. It enables people to enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. Moreover, reading literature also inspires people to think critically and independently. Last but not least, by spending time in reading literature, we can also develop and perfect human personality such as being patient and optimistic. Hence, why not just get out of the reality temporarily and spend some time on literature?










第一段:图画描述,这个是本能,是直觉,同时,也是题目中明确要求的(a brief description of the picture),所以你不描绘图画,或者是图画信息不全,扣分。描述的时候,你要把学生提问的那句话写出来,把老师教课的动作写出来,以及老师听到学生挑衅性的提问之后的表情,也要写出来。


第三段:结论和表态,分析完了原因之后,你要回到主题,那就是我们不能忽视这些基本技能,要唤起大家对"基本技能的重要性"的认识。所以,这一段,你可以正面阐述为什么basic skills 如此的重要,就可以了。


As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are many students sitting in a classroom. When listening to the teacher, one of the students just interrupts the teacher and says " No offense, but by the time we're in the job market, won't that stuff be outdated?" Having heard this question, the teacher stops demonstrating the Multiplication Table and seems to be quite shocked and embarrassed.

The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that quite a few students




OnDoing Small Things

On Doing Small ThingsOn Doing Small Things

图画的内容和构图不难:父亲和男孩子的对话,孩子说“ Dad,I am a bitworried about disposing of nuclear weapon. (爸爸,我有点担心清除核武器这个问题)”,父亲则回答“ If you can empty the dustbin, you can do anything. (如果你能把垃圾桶倒掉,你就能坐好任何事情)” ,说话间,手指着垃圾桶。

这幅图画和2012年6月的六级漫画作文非常相似,当时的图中,也是两人对话,女儿和父亲。父亲问女儿:“ Hi, sweetie, how was your school today ? (嘿,小甜心,你在今天在学校过得怎么样?)” 女儿非常冷漠的回答:“Dad,youcan read all about it on my

blogs. (爹哋,你自己可以在我的博客上读到所有内容)”,然后呢,女儿拔腿出门,留下父亲一脸惊愕。

作文的第一段,要进行简单描绘图画内容,这是必须的,也是题目中强制要求的(a brief description of the picture)。描述的时候,只要把父子两的对话移植到第一段,然后把父亲手指垃圾桶的动作描绘一下就可以了,非常简单。

作文的第二段,进行主旨提炼并且论述。这幅图画很容易看出主题,那就是做大事之前,要先做小事(一屋不扫,何以扫天下),而且题目中其实早就已经透露了主题了 (express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertakingsomething big。)因此,第二段通篇论述小事做起的重要性就可以了。属于我在课堂上讲过的作文三大分类之“积极主题,论述意义”



We can see from the cartoon that there is a father talking with hisson. Having heard his son’s words that “Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste。” The father repliesthat “ If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything” and points the garbage can beside him。

Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the fatherintends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking big.Definitely, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay rootfor doing something big. By doing something small, we are able to accumulateexperience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words,we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of

fulfillingsmall things. By contrast, those who desire to do something big at once willconstantly be haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures, As

whenopportunities-“something big” appears, they can hardly seize them because ofthe lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking thepicture

presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed indisposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn’t know how to empty the dustbin?

From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue thepower of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as thesource of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. “Greatachievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly。” Aristotleused to say。

The importanceof reading literature

The importance of reading literatureThe importance of reading literature



图画中,师生站在一个教师里,老师给学生一本书,挺厚的,孩子讶然,震惊并由几分不情愿。老师就安慰并鼓励学生:“ 你就当做是在读一个长篇短信就行了”。





第三段,进入主题,阅读文学的重要性,不写出这点,跑题,要扣分。阅读文学有什么意义呢?一、可以丰富知识拓展视野;二、可以激发人们批判性的、独立性的思维;三可以完善人格,使人变得耐心和积极乐观。因此,我们为什么不花点时间在文学上呢? 范文赏析:

Fromthe cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a teacher and a

studentstanding in the classroom. When receiving a literature book given by herteacher, the little girl seems to be quite nervous and unwilling. Havingobserved her student’s response, the teacher tells her that “Just think of itas if you are reading a long text-message。”

The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenonthat quite a few students or youngsters are reluctant to read literaturenowadays. With the Internet and electronic communication tools such asmicroblogs, mobile phones and QQ becoming increasingly widespread, quite a fewpeople are more used to reading short context. They hold that, compared withlong contents such as literature, these short ones are more convenient and timesaving. What’s more, many students refuse to read literature in that theybelieve that literature is boring and of little use in modern society。

However, no one can disclaim theimportance of reading literature. It enables people to enrich their knowledgeand expand their horizons. Moreover, reading literature also inspires people tothink critically and independently. Last but not least, by spending time inreading literature, we can also develop and perfect human personality such asbeing patient and optimistic. Hence, why not just get out of the reality temporarilyand spend some time on literature ?
