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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:16:28 作文素材

篇一:The son and his mother


人物:narrator(N), mother(M), son(S), police(P)警察戏份不多,可以让一个人身兼两角或者找人临时客串一下。


N: There once lived a son and his mother. The son did many bad things, but his mother never punished him. Today is the first day the son goes to school.

S: I am home, mom!(偷了东西藏在身后)

M: How about school? Did you make any friends?

S: It was ok, but no friend.

M: Then what did you do in the school?

S(表情慌张):nothing much, can I go back my room now?

M(发现什么):Wait! What are you hiding behind your back?


M:Just show it to me!I won’t punish you.

S(疑惑的):You promise?

M: Absolutely.

S: Then here, it is a toy car.

M: Where did you get it?

S: Well, hmm……

M: It’s all right. Just tell me, I won’t punish you.

S: My friend gave it to me!

M(不信的):A friend? You said you don’t have any friends!

S: Hmm……

M: Tell me the truth, I won’t punish you.

S: You really won’t punish me?

M: Of course not.

S(开心的):Well, I stole it!

M: Really? That’s all right! Go ahead and play with it!

S: Thanks mother, you are the best.


N:The son kept stealing things, but her mother never punish him. He is now in the high school, but his bad habit was still the same. S: I’m home mom! Look what I stole today! (拿着戒指进场)

M(坐在餐桌边做着什么):What did you steal this time, my son?

S: This ring. It looks beautiful!

M: Yes, go ahead and take it.

S: You are nice! What should I steal next time?

M: I don’t care, son. Whatever you wish, sweetheart.


N:Time passed and the son now is a grown man. He continued to steal things from other people and became a real thief.(Son的打扮要流里流气一些)

S(自言自语):What should I steal today? I know! I’ll go to the bank!

N:The son breaks into the bank during the night.

S(看着金库): Wow! Look at all this money! I’m rich now!


N:All of the lights in the bank turn on, the son tries to run away. P: Freeze! You can’t get away! The police are everywhere. You are trapped.


P:Ha, ha, ha! I got you!

S: Let’s me go! Just this once, please!!! I won’t do this again!

P: Not a chance! I can’t let you go. You must be punished. Let’s go to the police station.



M:Are you ok, my son?

S: No, I’m in jail!

M: Why did you do that????

S: come here closer, mom. I’ll tell you.

N: The mother goes close to her son but the son bites her right ear! M: That hurt! What are you doing? You are a bad boy, you should be punished!

S: Why didn’t you punish me before? Because of you, I become a thief!

M: What do you mean, my son? I didn’t do anything.

S: That’s just it. You didn’t do anything. Why didn’t you punish me when I first stole a toy car? (欲哭无泪,悲哀的)

M:Because I love you, sweetheart!

S: Love me?

M: I am sorry, my son.

S: It is no use now.

最后齐声说:Spare the rod and spoil the child. Please recognize what is the true love!


篇二:A Mother and Her Little Son

A Mother and Her Little Son 2011/8/16

When I got off the No. 17 bus, a row of old buildings came into my eye. They are too old as well as dangerous for people to live in. To my astonishment, there are still a few people living in these houses!

I was wandering in Shengping Road. Suddenly, a fragrance of zongzi crowded into my nose. I stopped, looked around, and saw a shop which sales zongzi on a narrow alley. Its name is Lao Ma Gong Qiu Zong. In my hometown, people usually eat zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival and Spring Festival. But this shop sales zongzi on such a hot day! The fact is that they sell well. The shop was crowded with people.

A young mother walked by with her little son, about 5-year-old. The son stopped in front of the shop, staring at the zongzi, saliva all flow. His mother pulled his little hands. But there was no respond. After a while, the son said to his mother, “I want zongzi, mum.”

“Why? Today is not Dragon Boat Festival!” was the answer of the mother. “I’m hungry. I want to have a zongzi. It’s so delicious!” The little boy seemed a bit angry.

“We can have something else except zongzi, my boy.” The young mother tried to persuade him.

“But I just want to eat zongzi. I pray you, mum. I like zongzi!” The boy cried as he said these.

The mother was anxious to see that. “What a naughty a boy! Well, I’ll buy one for you. But you have to stop crying.” The mother realized that there was no use

persuading him. She had to buy one for her little son. She put her right hand on his face, wiping his tears. And then she went to the shopkeeper for a zongzi.

“Thank you, mum. I love you!” The little son burst into laughter as he received the zongzi.

篇三:son and mother 读后感

Sons and mothers

All that I am and hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.

-------Abraham Lincoln

The inspiration of all authors rises from their own experiences; of course, David Herbert Lawrence is not an exception.

This controversial novel, sons and lovers, tells of a love story between a son Paul, and his mother Morel. No one can deny the powerful and great mother love, but Lawrence challenged the traditional beliefs. In this novel, the main plot is taking place between Paul and Morel who treat each other far more than son and mother, but as each other’ lover. Namely, the connection between Paul and Morel is beyond the simple kinship, but also with an intimacy of love.

The novel, depicting the life of some low-class miners’ in a picturesque and quiet village that was being devoured by the rapid advancement of civilization, implied to some degree, technologies ruined things out.

From The moment I hoisted the sails to the moment dragging down the sails, I spent almost a week in my voyage on the vast sea of words, sons and lovers, when the navigation came to an end. Thought tides surged to my nerves and trains of thinking spread over my mind.

Same as Lawrence, the novel inspires the creation of my composition as well. Not being able to appreciate the thought conveyed by author, I decide to share my own viewpoints after reading some detailed information.

Once in the elementary school, I asked my mother a seemingly simple question“why does the mother attend their children so cautiously, devote whole life to cultivating their kids, and offer the best for their offspring unselfishly?” At that moment, the only response I got is, “because I am your mother”. I kept on digging out more, “why does mother have the obligation to foster their kids, why not discard or abandon the kids for freedom from the responsibility, no one forces the mother to take care of the children with powerful love…”, then again another simple words, she grinned, “if I am not going to care for you, who else I can rest my love on.” You may tease me for raising such a silly unanswerable question. But for me, these doubts still remain in me. In many occasions, I repeated the same doubts and confusions by asking some other women who had been the mothers. They didn’t crack the secret either, hence I ceased to indulge myself in the continuous “nuisance”. But as long as I hit upon something stories relevant to mother’ love, the emotion sprung up once again.

Whenever a traveling son is tired from leading a vagrant life far from home, his mother is always standing tranquilly and calmly there at the front gate, ready to hug her roaming son. The home which mother labors and lives in is the harbor or seaport for the sailing ships. No matter how far away the son goes, it is the mother that packs for him, stitches for him, consoles him and awaits him invariantly. When the nostalgia impinged on the son, all of a sudden, he remembers a woman waiting for him in the distance and makes up mind to return to stroke her wriggled face, hold her withered hands, and touch her sparse gray-moon hair, but something seem to go wrong, the merciless time and tide waits for no man, the only remained is the memory and a tree under which mother once rested, eyes staring in a one-way direction and anticipating someone to turn up.

This picture, I believe, lingers and occupies most traveling sons’ mind. I have the slightest doubt The greatest love ever existing in the world can find its shadow in quite so many cases where mother breaks her back to arrange household chores, soothes the bread-winner and endures her sons’ rebelling. Mother never stops to take a hand in caring for sons

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:mother,and,son,love)

Whereas, what about the sons? We have to be aware of the fact that there is still no shortage of sons who forget the sacrifice from their aged mother and gradually abandon the one who brings them to the world. Here and there, we can notice a corps of powerless and vulnerable beggars cowering in the street-corners due to their ailing health and fading age. I wonder where on earth their sons or daughters. Do these men have filial piety?

It is universally acknowledged that in present china, most youngsters are single child in their family;

hence they are the center focus absorbing the whole-heart devotion from the family and having the control of their life. When grown-up, parents prepare and arrange everything well for them, purchasing house for them, feed their grandsons, and cook delicious meals for them with no regret or murmuring at all. In contrast, what the sons pay back? The towering debt, the endless quarrel, and the bothering headache? Jokily, just as a popular satirical saying goes, “marry a wife, and forget the mother” here, the scene pouring in my mind is the time when Morel’ first son William took his fiancée back home. At that time, the mother demonstrated her cool-mindedness, patience and understanding, when persuading William to consider their marriage prudently. Paying little attention to his mother’ words, William finally led a miserable life and ground his mother’ heart to the ground.

Actually, the novel depicted peaceful scenery and the painting scroll of residents, but the industrialization or the advanced civilization smashed the balance, with machines clanking, trains rumbling and contamination stinking.

Nowadays, It seems that the mother—nature and the son—human beings are getting along poorly For thousands of years, humans have benefit from what’s bestowed by our mother nature. Picturesque landscapes compose of refreshing air, dancing streams, blossom flowers, towering aged tree. Fruitful harvests in fall embrace the grinning farmers’ face, the hanging heads of rice, and the floating leaves in the mild breeze. Harmonious scrolls of local residents depict with barking dogs, mewing cats, chuckling chickens. Dark curtain of the nightfall wraps up wolves howling, frogs’ quaking and men’s sleep-talking. All of these enable us to snuggly nestling amid the peace, but they are just a drop in the buckets. We are entitled with abundant prosperity from mother—nature who never expects our gratitude.

However, I wonder what we human beings—the son has pay back to our never-complaining mother. Known to us all is that the past years have witnessed the thriving industrialization, when machines held advantage over and then took place of the sluggish manpower, when technology assumed a superior air, when material achievements were all that mattered. It seemed that everything was rushing its way in order towards the long-expecting civilization. Being joyful as a lark, the son buried his mind to his triumph. Far away, the sight of mother gradually fades away, losing her in the distance. But it seemed that son, never noticing any abnormalness, kept on stepping up foot pace. To prove his success, he exerted his utmost to take advantage of his brother--earth: roaring vehicles drifted along the earth’s bending skeletons, stinking virus refuse flooded into earth winding bloodline, snarling sand winds blow and beat earth’ wriggling face. Finally, groaning, grief, and giving-up earth fell into wreckage awash with sores and wounds. Eyeing the woeful suffering of earth, Mother Nature is stuck in dilemma; the two are both her beloved sons, once admired for their brotherly affection and intimacy, now destroying and fighting against each other mercilessly. Failing to bear it any longer, she takes pains in making a decision that the little brother—human should be punished for his misbehavior, conceit and ignorance. Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, whirl storms, landslides, famine, plagues come on the heels of the other. Humans get the punishing retribution and haste in making compensation for the damage he h has left due to his misstep. Maybe, it is never too old or late to wake up and make up for the damage, but in most cases, where only remains the pity and regret, the loss can never be compensated. Bygone has been bygone.

Never do we ready to be humiliated or teased by other creatures.

Never are we willing to utter “mother, please, mercy on me, I’m sorry”.

Never do we want to beg for her tolerance, forgiveness and love.

So time for us to awaken ourselves to the reality, make apologies and wish for turning over a new leaf. After all, you are the son, mother is still mother.

篇四:21 The Son and his Mother

The Son and his Mother

There once lived a Son and his Mother. The Son did many bad things, but the Mother never punished him. Today is the Son’s first day at school. Son: I’m home, Mom. Mother: How was school, my son? Son: It was okay.

Mother: Did you make any friends? Son: No.

Mother: Then what did you do at school? Son: Nothing much. Can I go to my room now? Mother:

Wait a minute.

Son: Mother:

Son: Mother: Son: Mother: Son: Mother:

Son: Mother:

Son: What are you hiding behind your back? It’s nothing.

What is it? Just show it to me. I won’t punish you. You promise? Yes, I promise. Then here. It’s a toy car. Where did you get it? Well, um…

It’s all right. Just tell me. I won’t punish you.

A friend gave it to me. A friend?

You said you don’t have any friends.

Well, um…


It’s all right. Just tell me the truth. I won’t punish you.

Son: You really won’t punish me? Mother: Of course not.

Son: Well, to tell the truth, I stole it. Mother: Oh really? That’s all right.

Go ahead and play with it. Son: Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.

A few days later, the Son brought home a story book. Son: I’m home, Mom.

Mother: Did you have a good day, my son? Son: Yes. Look what I have. Mother:

What is it?

Son: It’s a story book. Mother: Where did you get it? Son: Promise not to punish me. Mother: Just tell me. I won’t punish you. Son: Well, I stole it. It’s new, too. Mother: Let me see. It really is new.

It’s all right. Go ahead and read it. Son:

Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.

The Son kept stealing things, but the Mother never punished him. He is now in high school, but his bad habit was still the same. Son:

I’m home, Mom. Look what I stole today.


What did you steal this time, my son?

Son: I stole this jacket. Isn’t it nice? Mother: Yes, it is. Go ahead and wear it. Son: Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.

What should I steal next time?

Mother: I don’t care. Whatever you wish, my son.

Time passed and the Son is now a grown man. He continued to steal things from other people and became a real thief. Son: What should I go to steal today? I know! I’ll go to the bank.

There must be lots of money there.

The Son breaks into the bank during the night. Son:

Wow! Look at all of this money! I’m rich now.

Just then a siren rings and all of the lights in the bank turn on. It is bright as day. The Son tries to run away. Police:

Stop there, you thief! You can’t get away.

The police are everywhere. You are trapped. Ha, ha, ha. I got you.

Son: Let me go! Just this once, please!

I won’t do it again.

Police: Not a chance! I can’t let you go. You must be punished.

Let’s go to the police station.

The guard takes him to the police station. The Son is locked up. His mother comes to visit him. Mother: Are you okay, my son?

Son: No! I am not okay! I am in jail! Mother: Why did you do this?


Come here closer, Mom. I’ll tell you.

The Mother goes closer to her Son. Just then the Son bites her right ear. Mother: Ouch! That hurt. Why did you do that?

You are a bad boy. You should be punished.

Son: Why didn’t you punish me before?

Because of you, I became a thief. Mother:

What do you mean, my son?

I didn’t do anything.

Son: That’s just it. You didn’t do anything.

You never punished me. And now I’m in jail.

Why didn’t you punish me when I first stole the toy car? Mother: Because I loved you. I’m sorry, my son. Son:

It’s no use now.


Spare the rod and spoil the child.

篇五:sons and lovers



Wan Peng

June, 2007

Xiaogan University


David Herbert Lawrence was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of great works, one of his most popular novel, Sons and Lovers, is an autobiographical account of his youth. This novel is about the life of the Morels. Mr. Morel, Mrs. Morel, Paul, Miriam and Clara are the main characters in this novel. The author develops the story by portraying the relationships between these characters. But the end of the relationship is a tragedy. And nowadays we also can find this kind of tragedy there and here in the world. And for its reason, different people have different opinions. This thesis will analyze the reason of tragedy from a new angle—possession, that’s to say, the desire of the holding or having something as one’s own or under one’s control. This thesis will prove this view from the spiritual possession of different relationships. That’s the possession of wife to husband, the possession of mother to sons, and the possession of two girl friends to Paul to analyze the destruction of possession.

Key words: possession; tragedy; relationship


摘 要




1. Introduction ······················································································································ 1

1.1 About David Herbert Lawrence ··················································································· 1

1.2 About Sons and Lovers ································································································· 1

2. The possession of Mrs. Morel to Mr. Morel, which causes the crippled

marriage ···························································································································· 2

3. The possession of Mrs. Morel to her sons ······································································· 4

3.1 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her eldest son, which causes the death of her

son ······························································································································· 4

3.2 The possession of Mrs. Morel to her second son, which causes the crippled love

······································································································································· 5

4. The destruction of possession to love ·············································································· 6

4.1 The spiritual possession of Miriam to Paul, which causes the distress

between Paul and Miriam ··························································································· 6

4.2 The physical possession of Clara to Paul, which causes the parting ··························· 7

5. Conclusion ························································································································· 9 Notes ········································································································································· 9 Bibliography ·························································································································· 10

Analysis of Possession in Sons and Lovers

1. Introduction

1.1About David Herbert Lawrence

David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire and he was an important English writer of the 20th century. He was best known as a novelist and short story writer, and was also a poet and essayist and an incomparable literary critic, meanwhile he was a productive writer. His prolific and diverse output included novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, literary criticism and personal letters.

And he also was a controversial English writer. For a long time, debate continues to characterize discussion of his life and work. But in that time, because of the sexual explicitness of his works, his many books were not allowed to publish. Such as his very great work, Lady Chatterley’s Lover. So D. H. Lawrence was a person who expressed his insights in the form least likely to make them acceptable to most of his contemporaries.

He was best known as a novelist. His works contain of Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley’s Lover. And he was most famous for Sons and Lovers (1913), and Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928).

Although Lawrence was a very controversial English writer, many experts like to study his work. Different people have different opinions. Some experts said that Lawrence’s novels are known for ―oedipal anxieties and sometimes-explicit descriptions of sexual relationships, a rarity in literature at the time and shocking to his contemporaries. But others said his fiction

[1] concerned the struggle for human fulfillment within a dehumanizing industrialized society.‖

Especially in his most popular novel Sons and Lovers.

1.2 About Sons and Lovers

Sons and Lovers is a faithful autobiographical novel. D. H. Lawrence was born in 1885 in Eastwood, which just as the Bestwood of Sons and Lovers, a mining town just outside Nottinghamshire, in the industrial midlands. Like Paul Morel, Lawrence was also the son of a coal miner. And his mother Lydia Beardsall Lawrence is a strong-willed, refined, middle-class lady and was a former schoolteacher, who, like Gertrude Morel, had married beneath her. In fact, the picture of Paul’s childhood given in Sons and Lovers reflects a picture of Lawrence’s own boyhood. Unlike Paul, Lawrence had two older brothers, an older sister and a younger sister, but there the differences end. So it’s the novel on Lawrence’s early life in the midland coal-mining village of Eastwood. And it’s the novel about growth, development and human relationships. The author develops the story by portraying several characters. The leading characters are Mr. and Mrs. Morel, Paul Morel, Miriam and Clara. In this novel, Mr. Morel drinks, and his children hate him. But Mrs. Morel is a strong-willed, refined and middle-class lady. She was once a schoolteacher. This couple fights constantly and, to a child, frighteningly. And Paul is a light, quick and slender boy. And he is also a quiet, good, and rather religious as

