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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:36:45 体裁作文

篇一:My dream house

My dream house

My dream house needn’t to be very big or luxurious(奢侈). But it must be warm and finesse(精致).

It must be located in a small quiet village. I want to furnish my house with wooden furniture. And I want to decorate my house roof with coffee beans. I will make them in different shapes, for example the world map or some art Chinese characters. I will take some beautiful photos, and I like to hang them on the wall

I also want to have my own garden. So I could plant some fruit or vegetables for food, I think I must be pretty good. I will also plant some flowers, just for myself or for the passer-by. And I will send the flowers and bless to my family or my friends or the girl I love. I think we both will gain a lot . It will be good memories to we all. I want to have a big shelf in my bedroom. And there are many interesting books on it. My desk is near the window. I like reading under the setting sun, with a cup of coffee or tea. When I feel tired I will go downstairs, then take a walk in my garden. I want to buy a stereo(一套音响). So I could play music when I was working in the garden or when I was taking a walk in the garden.

I will have my own kitchen, because I like cooking. I think cooking is a relaxing thing, I enjoy a lot from cooking. Maybe I

will raise a dog to company me. Dog is the loyal friend of human. I will play with my dog. That must be a great fun. And when I go back home, he will run to me, and welcome my back home.

It will be much better if there were mountains near my house. So I could climb mountains everyday. I will take photos for memory. On the one hand I like to discovery new things, on the other hand I like to recall. I think that is the reason why my life is more meaningful.

That is my dream house. Easy but quit warm.

篇二:My Dream House

My dream house is a very big villa, it is near the sea. The best thing to do is to build in a small island alone on the island, from the city very My Dream House near very near.

It has two yard villas. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers. There is a swimming pool in the backyard, my family are like swimming. On the first floor has a hall, when you enter the gate. In the right of the hall is a sitting room, where we can relax, have a rest, watching TV and enjoy the entertainment. On the left there's a computer room and study belongs to me. On the second floor, there are six bedrooms and a bathroom. The roof has a large indoor stadium, such as basketball, football, ping pang ball, golf, etc... Villa will be equipped with modern equipment, such as security alerts by computer control system, visual telephone, elevator automatic door. In my house, all the furniture is made of wood, and it is good for our health. This is my dream house, the luxury to approach nature! In order to build the dream house, I attentively to attain it!!!!!

铁道工程技术 杨斌 103020300122

Always beautiful English teacher

篇三:My dream house

My dream house

教材分析:该课是join in 剑桥小学英语五年级unit8 My room.以主题是My dream house来写作。


教学目的:My room这个单元学习了一些与房间有关的单词(sofa, mirror, clock,computer,TV,table, curtains,bed, desk,picture),学习了句型:what’s in your room? There is /are.......该课时的目的是能指导学生将本课所学的单词、句型等语言知识进行综合灵活的运用,通过想象,画出自己未来理想中的房子,并能在课堂完成达80字左右的想象作文“My dream house”.





Teaching process:

Step I Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Review the words.

sofa, mirror, clock,computer,TV,table, curtains,bed, desk,picture

3. Review the sentence pattern.

what’s in your room? There is /are.......

Step II Presentation

1. Show the video about the various kinds of future houses

2. Discuss your dream house with your partner and Draw your dream house.

3. Write a passage on your dream house.

my dream house

4. Using the projecting apparatus and check some of them.

Step III Extension

Show the similar topics on the blackboard. Ask the children to choose one to write a short passage. My school/my classroom.



篇四:My dream house英语写作教学案例

My dream house英语写作教学案例

1、 教材分析:该课例是上海牛津出版社推出的教材《牛津英语》5AUnit 6Family life中的第4课时,以主题是“My dream house”的想象作文写作课例。

2、 学生分析:太原市小店区各小学早在1994年就开设了英语课,其中1~2年级为启蒙阶段,重在培养学生学习英语的兴趣,打好语音、语调基础,重点放在学生的听说能力上。3~4年级为过渡阶段,对学生进行基本的听、说、读训练,同时进行最基本的写作技能训练。5~6年级为发展阶段,对学生进行听、说、读、写综合能力的培养,为中学的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。本册教材是供五年级学生上学期学习的,五年级学生已学习英语将近5年,有了一定的听、说、读、写基础,并具备了最基本的写作技能。

3、 教学目的:本课书学习了8个与房子有关的单词( kitchen, living room, bedroom,their, light,watch,TV, bathroom),学习了将来时态的句型:there will be ?,该课时的目的是能指导学生将本课所学的单词,句型,语法,时态等语言知识进行综合灵活地运用,通过想象,画出自己未来理想中的房子,并能在课堂完成达80字左右的想象作文“My dream house.”

4、 教学思路:循序渐进,由浅入深,鼓励学生寓词于句,寓句于境,让人既见树木又见森林,避免孤立地学单词和语法,根据自己所画的图画,能用英语写出条理清楚,意思连惯,语句通顺,无严重语法错误的短文。

5、 教学手段:培养写作兴趣,创设优雅的环境,设计形式多样的写能游戏,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中学习写作。为了达到教学目的,我注重体现以下几个方面:

(1) 坚持“以学生为中心”。即在课堂教学中尽可能发挥学生的能动性和主动性,培养其创造欲望。

(2) 注重实践与参与,英语的学习不是个人的,它应是语言参与的过程。

(3) 追求和谐的课堂活动,课堂教学中尽可能地发挥教师、学生、教材三者各自的特长,并达到教学的最优化。

(4) 遵循教学的循序渐进原则。从字母、单词、句子过度到短文的一个教学写作课的过程。


(mainly) Teaching steps

The thoughts of teaching plan

Warm up (with music)

1. Greeting.

2. Composing Words.

Materials: Paper with English letters is written in advance.

Purpose: Review words.

Give each pair a sheet of paper with the alphabet. ask them to organize as many words as possible within 3 minutes.

Letters: a b c d e g h i k l m n o p r s t u v w y

Words: apartment living room kitchen bathroom bedroom garden balcony dining room

在轻松愉悦的音乐中师生互相问候,增强师生感情,减少学习压力。 设计孩子们喜爱的字母拼词游戏,生动活拨的复习有关房间的单词。游戏以分组比赛的形式进行,游戏的难度较大,培养学生的思维能力,创设合作学习的机会,培养团结协作的好习惯。


1. Show many pictures of the houses in the future on TV.

2. Making rooms with seven-piece puzzles,guess and say sentences.(There will be a ?)

3. Draw your dream house. Discuss your house with your partner. Write a passage on the colour card by yourself.

4. Talk about and check the passages by each other .

5. Use the projecting apparatus and check three or four passages.

6. Ask all the students to stick the cards on the back wall of the classroom.




Show the similar topics on the blackboard. Ask the children to choose one to write a composition. ( has/have , there is / are…)

My school/ my classroom/ our library

将类似的话题“我的学校”、“我的教室”、“我们的图书馆”让学生自由选择性地写作,还可以运用has/have ?there is/ are?句型进行写作,让同类知识得以巩固使用,培养和提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 Conclusion

Learn how to describe the places. Can you?





篇五:my dream house

My dream house is a special house which is the villa beside the sea. And it is made of glass. The ceiling is blue and

many stairs on it

like the house on TV.

There are three big

bathrooms and many

living rooms in my

dream house for my

friends who come to

visit me. There is

in my house. We can

the rising sun and the

It would be beautiful.

is my dream house. French window see the sea, setting sun. This
