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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:17:30 字数作文

篇一:About me

About me/关于我




呗:GUMI English


I have a story to tell/今晚你有空吗?

Do you hear me tonight/我想给你讲一个故事

It's things about me/是个关于我的故事

I'll be waiting in bedroom/我会在卧室等着

But anyway you can't come/但是我知道你来不了

I get it,never mind/不过没关系

Now, it is starting to rain/现在外面开始下雨了

I feel you drop tears/我能感受到你在落泪

And my heart become heavy/我的心情也随之变得沉重起来

What's this world coming to? /这世界将会变成怎样?

There's nothing that can be done/我什么都做不到

I couldn't careless/却也无法漠不关心

It's wonderful for me that world is moving now/世界继续发展 这对我来说是件好事 Some lights turn around and around/灯光不停旋转

I lost my head again/我又失去了控制

And just want to throw everything away/只想将一切都抛弃

It's not that easy/这并不简单

Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think/恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔 Looking your eyes, /看着你的眼睛

and I say "love you" with fake smile/带着虚假的笑容说出“我爱你”

I don't know what to do /我不知道该怎么办

Please tell me what should I do/请你告诉我应该怎么办吧

Just feel so sad inside, /我只是从心底里感到悲伤

but I kiss you/可我还是吻了你

Kiss you.../吻了你…

I have a story to tell/今晚你有空吗?

Do you hear me tonight/我想给你讲一个故事

It's things about me/是个关于我的故事

I'll be waiting in bedroom/我会在卧室等着

But anyway you can't come/但是我知道你来不了

I get it, never mind/不过没关系

I can't get my mind off you/我一刻不停地在想你

I'm such an idiot/我简直是个傻瓜

Same as usual/一如既往

You made me feel so better/你让我感觉好多了

It brings back memories/记忆回溯

It's things about you/全部是关于你的

My hands can't take back that the time I passed with you/我无法交还那些与你一同度过的时光

Some doubts broke me down, broke me down/些许猜疑将我击垮

If you are still alive,/如果你还在这个世上

I wanted to say it's not your fault/我想要对你说 那不是你的错

But it's too late for us/可对于我们来说 这已经太迟了

Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think/恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔 Looking your eyes, /看着你的眼睛

and I say "love you" with fake smile/带着虚假的笑容说出“我爱你”

I don't know what to do/我不知道该怎么办

Please tell me what should I do/请你告诉我应该怎么办吧

Just feel so sad inside,/我只是从心底里感到悲伤

but I kiss you/可我还是吻了你

Kiss you.../吻了你…

It's wonderful for me that world is moving now/世界继续发展 这对我来说是件好事 Some lights turn around and around/灯光不停旋转

I lost my head again/我又失去了控制

And just want to throw everything away/只想将一切都抛弃

It's not that easy/这并不简单





Maybe I'm afraid I'm not as tender guy as you think/恐怕我并不如你所想的那样温柔 I close my eyes,/我闭上了眼睛

and I say "love you" with true smile/带着真诚的笑容说出“我爱你”

I don't know what to do/我不知道该怎么办

Please tell me what should I do/请你告诉我应该怎么办吧

Just feel so sad inside,/我只是从心底里感到悲伤

but say good-bye/可我还是说出了“再见”


篇二:About Me

About Me


????Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.

????I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.

????My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.

????I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day. ????

篇三:M2U3 About me 同步练习

3A M2U3P22

知识要点:本页单词和 “be”动词is和are的句型,名词的复数形式



my mouth is big my eyes are big too


1、我的鼻子 2、你的眼睛

3、他的嘴巴 4、我们的头发

5、我们的书 6、你们的教室 三、be动词填空

1、Hello, I _____ Mary. My nose ________ small.

2、3、 you thin? Yes, I


1、My ears are big.




1、 你想告诉别人你的耳朵是大的,你怎么说:

2、 你对别人说Danny的嘴巴是小的,该怎么说:

3A M2U3P23

知识要点:本页 who 引导的特殊疑问句和名词的单复数形式



W ho am I are you kitty no im not


1、Hello, I ______ a dog. ______ name is Sam. My ears ______long.

2、 you draw? Yes,

3、Look, he ______ tall ______ fat. His hair _____ short.

4、 ______ am I ? ______ you Tom? No, _____ ______.

5、I ______ a rabbit. Its ears ______ long. Its eyes ______ red.

6、My hair ______ short. My eyes ______ small ______ brown.

7、 ________ your grandmother old? Yes, she______.

8、 三、按要求改变句型


2345 1233A M2U3P24

知识要点:本页的重点词组以及名词的复数形式,is, are的用法



hello im a rabbit my ears are long im a mouse my eyes are small


1、一只白兔子 2、两只老鼠

3、我的尾巴 4、你的嘴巴


三、 按要求改句

1、My eye is big. (改为复数句)

2、My ears are long. (改为单数句)

1、 2、 3、 4、 i的发音

表示 1、 )

3、 ( ) 4、 ( )

5、 ( ) 6、 ( )


( ) 1、 What do you like doing? A. No, I’m tall.

( ) 2、 What can you do? B. Yes.

( ) 3、 Are you short? C. I can draw.

( ) 4、 Are your eyes big? D. Mary.

( ) 5、 Who is your friend? E. I like playing with my ball.


A: Can I _____ you? B: ____ I have ______ peaches,_____? A: _______. B: _____ _____ are they?

A: Twelve ______. B: Here _____ _____.

A: Thank ______. B: _______ _______.

A: Goodbye. B:_______.


Hello, I’m Susie. I’m a cat. I’m two years old. I’m young. I’m small and very fat. My tail is long. My ears are small. My eyes are small, too. I like eating fish. I don’t like eating meat. I like to play with my ball. The ball is pink.

( ) 1、Susie is a cat. ( )2、 It’s old.

( ) 3、It’s not thin. ( )4、

3A 知识要点:本页单词和句型What’基础练习:


1、Whats this 2、 wheres the toilet


1、我的学校 __________ 2、两个图书馆 _______




2、That’一般疑问句/否答 _______________________________________________________

3、? It’s my classroom.

4、’s my toilet.

5、 __________________________________________ ? Yes, it’s a hall.

6、What’s this? (我的图片)_________________________________________

7、Is this a photo? (肯定句)________________________________________

8、Is that an umbrella? (肯定回答)__________________________________ 拓展练习:



篇四:教案(3A M2U3 About me Period 1)

Lesson Plan

主题: Oxford English 3A Modu(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:about,me柠檬排毒膏)le 2 Me, My family and friends 课题: Unit 3 About me 教时: Period 1

任务: 学生能根据所学句型介绍自己的外貌特征 教学目标:

1、学习有关五官的词汇,能辨认词形,并正确发音:eye, hair , ear , nose , mouth , face 2、能够运用to be的句型描写自己的外貌特征: My …is / are… 3、用祈使句来引起对方的注意力: Look at the boy!

Difficulties: 学生能根据所学句型介绍自己的外貌特征,正确使用be动词和名词的单复数。



W Hi, Chang Zhong wei .

C: Hi. Wang Guan ping. Nice to see you again. How are you? W: I’m fine, thanks, and you?

C: I’m fine. I heard you don’t adapt to the university, is it?

W: When I first arrived here, I did not used to. You know, this is the first I so far away from my home, was also the first time I live at school. C: Yes, I know. Do you adapt to life there at present?

W: .Now I’m used to be the life here.

C: I’m glad to hear you say so. How are you used to the life there.

W:: It thanks to my friends, every time when I encounter difficulties in their daily lives , I’ll call my former classmates. He would be very patient to tech me how to solve the problem. With the aid of him, I quickly adapted to life here. How are you

C: I’m fine, there are very friendly roommates.

W: That’s good. By the way, who would you take to if you had any difficulties that you can’t solve.

C: I’d first tell my parents, because parents are the people who know me best. They would give me the right solution, and then I will make every effort to solve it.

W: Have you ever come cross something that annoys you. Are you able to say about it?

C: Yes. That was when I was twelve years old. Because I just moved to a new environment, I didn’t have a friend.

W: So, how do you solve this problem?

C: My father told me I should take the initiative to help others and to treat others friendly, hence, I try to do what my father told me. Then, I made a lot of friends.

W: Your father is very kind of you.

C: The parents of the whole world are good for children. Your friend is also nice to you.

W: He is a very friendly person, he and I become good friends in high school. I hope that our friendship has been maintained.

C: I really envy you have such a good friend.

W In fact, every one of us has the very good friend. We should cherish our friends.

C: Yes. Oh, I have to return to the bedroom. We chat next time. W: Ok, see you.

C: Bey.
