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篇一:Jim's healthy lifestyle

Jim's healthy lifestyle


Jim is my friend. He exercises every day. He likes drink milk and he drinks milk once a day. He eats fruit four times a week. He eats vegetables three times a week. He hardly ever eats junk food. Because he knows junk food is bad for his healthy. He eats it once a week and he watches TV once a week. He is a good student. He does his homework every day. He sleeps about eight hours every night. He has good healthy lifestyle and the good healthy lifestyle help he get good grades.







Joseph D'Arrigo是另外一个例子。“我总把我自己看作是一个普通人,”D'Arrigo告诉我。“我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。我有幸与几个最棒的寿险推销员一起被指任为一委员会委员。一时间我吓得要命。”


为什么像D'Arrigo这样的普通人似乎经常能比像Jim一样的人取得更多的成功呢?为了找出其中的原因,在我作为公司咨询者的工作中,我与超过190个人进行了面谈。非正式调查的结果为我证实了Theodore Roosevelt曾经说过的话:“成功的普通人不是天才,他仅仅拥有平凡品质,但他将他的那些平凡品质发展到超出常人的水平。”


懂得自律。“你不需要成功的天赋,”科罗拉多州丹佛市Porter纪念医院的首席执行官,因扭转经营不善的医院而获得名望的Irwin C. Hansen 强调“你的全部所需是一大罐胶水。你在你的椅子上涂上一些,在裤子的臀部涂上一些,然后坐在上面,坚持做每一件事直到你做到了你自己的最好。”


五十年前,一组研究人员开始了一个雄心勃勃的长期研究,他们分析了268个男性大学生的即将走上的人生轨迹。在这些现在已经年近古稀的老人中,研究人员发现在校表现与工作能力的联系很小。而一些品质比如“沉着稳重和可以信赖”与“实践能力和组织能力”更为重要。根据现在主持研究工作的心理医生George E. Vaillant的说法,一个决定性的精神习惯是他所说的“延缓而非放弃满足欲望的能力”。

财务策划者Frances Johansen在她的工作上也从人们管理他们的金钱以及事业的方法中领悟到了这个的原则。她讲述了两对与她商议过的夫妇。一对是从事专业性工作的夫妇,两人都是大学学历的快速成功者。“他们每年能赚超过140000美元”Johansen 说“但是他们现在欠债60000美元,并且除了一大堆抵押物和账单之外没有什么能够作为他们努力工作的成果展示。然后是另外一对40多岁的夫妇,”她继续说道“他们牺牲了他们早先的几年,以最快的速度置办了一个家,之后他们做了些投资并且拥有了很多股票。现在他们住在一个温馨的家中,也再也不用过那些精打细算的日子了。”这家的男主人是一个蓝领,“只有一个中学文凭,”Johansen 提到。“但他十分努力地工作,用自律和耐心一步一步的建立他的事业。”

表现人们最好的一面。曾经的南加州大学洛杉矶分校校长,后任《镜报》首席执行官的Franklin Murphy直率地说:他的成功是建立在别人天赋的基础上的。“我一直在寻找那些有天赋,能自律的人。然后培养他们的爱心和忠诚。我招募他们,激励他们,每当我们取得什么成绩时,我与他们一起分享荣誉。”

很多与我交谈过的快速成功者无法忍受接受他人帮助或者与他人分享成功,这往往因为自我意识过强。合作是一把钥匙,Marilynn Surbeck是我见过最好的合作者,她为洛杉矶郡律师协会监管10人。“他们之中的很多人都比我聪明很多,这就是我乐在其中的原因。”Surbeck说“我在那里处理他们的矛盾并且给他们足够的刺激使他们可以把事情做好。”

她是如何学会这种能力的?令人惊奇的是,Surbeck提到,“因为我是一个需要很多专业帮助的带着个女儿的单身母亲。”二十四岁的Holly有多重身体和精神的障碍,多年来Marilynn Surbeck不得不从许多机构、医生和其他方面专家处获取帮助。




当他于1985年接管北美圣母大学的教鞭的时候,Lou Holtz已经拥有了广阔的教练知识基础,并且迅速使学校重回大学橄榄球的巅峰。在Holtz长达六个赛季的统治时期中,北美圣母大学取得了令人震惊的77%胜率。

发展特殊技能。心理学家Howard Gardner认为,标准智商测试根本上只确定两种能力:数学能力和语言能力。事实上,他认为至少有其中基础智力能力:数学逻辑能力,语言能力,乐感,空间感,躯体运动能力和两种个人智慧——我们如何理解别人以及我们如何应对我们的梦想、恐惧和挫折。所以说,你也许不擅长数学(线代,微分,吉米多维奇??泪奔ing??),但你也许有设计方面的能力,或者你有说服他人的能力并且可以在接受训练后成为出色的谈判专家。

小Thomas J. Watson一直生活在他的父亲,国际商务机公司长期领导者,的阴影之下。一直是一个平凡的学生,年轻的Watson甚至需要辅导才能通过国际商务机公司销售学校培训。“我没有特点,也没有成功,”他写在《父子与公司》中。


这唯一的成功带来了更大的成功。依靠飞行员经历,Watson在二战期间成为了美国空军的一名官员。直到他退伍他都不是十分的杰出。但是他发现他有“条理的精神以及超乎常人的专注,并且能够使之为别人接受。”Watson 最终成为国际商用机公司的首席执行官,并且带领国际商用机公司进入了计算机时代。在十五年中,他让国际商用机公司的收入增长近十倍。

信守承诺。我们小镇的一位律师Wendell Will曾经对我说“我很乐意说我的成功是由于我作为一名律师拥有一颗具有法学才华的大脑,但事实上我觉得我作为一个律师的成功归功于我重视能信守诺言。如果我向一个客户承诺在某个时间准备好一份文件,到那时文件一定是准备好的。现在这种特质太稀少了,以至于如果你拥有这种特质人们就会认为你是天才。”



那个项目的市场销售副董事长Samra Keller 印证了这种可靠的价值。“最好的能力是可靠性”她说,“我们到死的那一天也会与那些女士在一起,因为我们知道她们会一直信守承诺。”

最后,没有什么能比一个拥有普通思想但是却能昂首挺胸用热情和信念面对生活更让人觉得强大了。美国前总统Abraham Lincoln曾经被表面上的平凡击垮。他有着贫困的背景和笨拙的外表。但是,他走向了伟大——虽然他给了“普通”赋予了新的意义和尊严。正如Lincoln曾经在演讲中引用的那样“上帝一定深爱着普通人,因为他创造了如此多的普通人。”







Gordon Stracan在2005年接过苏格兰足球超级联赛两大豪门之一的Celtic(凯尔特人队,普及一下知识,苏超的凯尔特人队是踢足球的,NBA的凯尔特人队是打篮球的,不用质疑了,没翻译错??= =)的教鞭。不久之前他刚刚经历了“人生中最糟糕的夜晚”。














另外一个伟大的教练现在英格兰顶级联赛工作。他就是Chelsea(切尔西)的教练Jose Mourinho(穆里尼奥)。他在2004年6月来到英格兰之后很快表现出他对他自己以及他的球员的自信。他只希望用结果去评判。赢球的就是好教练,输球的就是差教练:













另外一个伟大的教练是朴茨茅斯的Harry Redknapp。他在2:2与伯恩利队握手言和之后这样评价他的球员:










最后,既然Gordon Strachan是一位毁誉参半的教练,我引用一句他的话来作为总结:



Negotiating for mutual satisfaction谈判的双赢

有一个传奇故事,已成为谈判的民间传说的一部分: 一个哥哥和姐姐已在一些吃剩的饼争吵,每个大的一块。每个人都希望得到一个大的一块,但又不想被对方欺骗。当男孩的获得控制刀的权利,并准备为自己切份大的馅饼的时候,他们的父母来到了现场。


这则故事可能是杜撰的,但其中蕴含的道德仍然持续至今。很多情况下,事件中的主角们需求没有形成对立。如果焦点转换形式,由为了击败对方而转变成战胜问题,那么大家都能受益。 在合作双赢的谈判中,我们都在尝试制作这种结果,让每一方都获得可以接受的增益。 争执被视为人类自然天性中的一部分.,如果争论被认为一个需要被解决的问题,可以发现创造性的解决方案,来加强双方的立场,各方甚至可能会更密切地联系在一起。





Jim was a worker. One of his feet was bigger than ___1__. He couldn’t __2____ the right shoes ___3___ his feet. One day his friend Mike said to him “___4___ don’t you go to a shoemaker? A good shoemaker can ____5__ you the right shoes.” __6____ Jim went to the shoemaker near Mike’s home, very soon the

shoemaker finished the work. Jim___7___ the shoes and wasn’t happy. He ___8___ the shoemaker, “ You aren’t a __9____ shoemaker! I wanted you to make me one shoe bigger than the other, ___10___ you made me one shoe smaller than the other.”

( )1. A. other B. the other C. another D. that one

( )2. A. see B. look for C. find D. find out

( )3. A. for B. with C. on D. of

( )4. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why

( )5. A. make B. pass C. do D. give

( )6. A. Then B. But C. So D. Because

( )7. A. saw B. watched C. found D. looked at

( )8. A. said B. said to C. spoke D. talked

( )9. A. good B. bad C. right D. kind

( )10. A. then B. and C. but D. so


1. Once(从前)there was a king. He was very rich(富有)and ____1____ great power(权

力). But he wasn’t happy. He was ___2_____ .It made him feel sad all the time. No

doctor knew ___3_____ was wrong with him. One day one of them ____4____ him, “After much thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way for you to get _____ 5___ .You must wear the shirt of a happy man. ”

So the king sent(派)his men to every part of his land ____ 6 ____ a happy man. First, they visited the rich and powerful(有权势的人). They asked these people if(是否)they were happy, ____7____each of them answered that they didn’t know _____8 ___ real

happiness meant(意味).

One day, one of the king’s men met a woodcutter. “Are you happy? ”asked the king’s men. “As happy as the day is long, ”answered the woodcutter.

“Oh, good! ”said the man, “ _____ 9___ me your shirt. ”“Why? ”said the woodcutter, “I haven’t got ____10____ .”


came to China. This was her first time to China and she some friends there. She met a Chinese boy, Wang Tong. Wang Tong was only

. So he came up and said “” to her, an English-speaking country.

“How old are you?”then.

“I’’,” she answered.

Wang Tong was surprised. He didn’. Can you help him?

1. A. another B. else C. other D. any

2. A.man B. boy C.woman D. child

3. A.make B. being C. do D. having

4. A.speak English B. speak Chinese C.speaking English D. speaking Chinese

5. A.OK B.Hello C. Sorry D. Good-bye

6. A.to B. at C. on D. from

7. A.asked B. told C.read D. spoke

8. A.sure B.shy C. happy D.sorry

9. A.dinner B. age C. job D. family

10. A.when B. why C. what D. where



Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football match. Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio, too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. He thinks hard and finds a way.

“ Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “ Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave ( 请半天假 ).”

“ Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “ But who’s that?”

“ It’s my father, Mrs. Black.”

( ) 1. Peter is a ______.

A. middle school student B. Young Pioneer C. worker D. teacher

( ) 2. Peter will be in ______ next year.

A. Grade Two B. Grade Three C. Grade One D. school

( ) 3. Peter often reads news newspaper because _______.

A. he likes to read news B. he likes to read stories

. .C. he want to know when and where a football match will be

D. his father wants him to read them

( ) 4. Peter wants to ask for half a day’s leave because _______.

A.his father is ill in bed

B.he wants to watch the football match

C.he doesn’t like to have English or Chinese lessons

D.he is ill in bed

( ) 5. Where sentence ( 句子 ) is right?

A.Mrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor

B.Peter likes to watch TV at four in the afternoon.

C.Peter is a stupid ( 笨的 ) boy.

D.Peter isn’t an honest ( 诚实的 ) boy.


Mr. Smith works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep.

One day the man felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the

doctor all and the man understand why. He wrote out a prescription ( 处方 ) . And when Mr Smith brought the medicine to the resulting room, the doctor said to her, “ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills ( 药片 ) are for you.”

“For me?” the woman said in surprise “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”

“ I don’t think so, madam”, said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will soon be all right if you take them.”

( ) 1. Mr Smith is _____

A.too busy to have a good rest

B.too busy not to have a rest

C.busy enough to have a good rest

D.not busy enough to have a good rest

( ) 2.The sentence “His wife doesn’t stop walking until she falls asleep” means __

A.she doesn’t stop talking when she falls asleep

B.she doesn’t stop talking after she falls asleep

C.she keeps talking until she falls asleep

D.she likes talking as she falls asleep

( ) 3. Why does Mr Smith have to fed up when his wife is asleep in the morning?

A.Because he can’t fall asleep

B.Because he has to go to work

C.Because he doesn’t want to sleep

D.Because his wife asks him to get up

( ) 4. Why couldn’t Mr Smith go to work one day?

A.Because he didn’t want to work

B.Because his wife didn’t let him go

C.Because he fell ill

D.Because he was too tired to go to work

( ) 5. The sentence “ Your husband will be all right if you take them.” Means Mr Smith will soon be all right if ______.

A.Mrs Smith takes the bottle of medicine

B.Mr Smith takes the pills

C.Mr Smith takes the bottle of medicine

D.Mrs Smith stops talking too much at night


The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at one time. When the sun is shining on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.

At night, you can see the stars(星星). The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them. When night come, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer(近)to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.

1.When it is night, the sun ________ .

A. doesn’t shine

B. shines for a short time

C. disappears(消失)

D. shines on the other side of the earth

2.We can’t see the stars in the sky at daytime(白天)because ________ .

A. there are no stars there

B. the stars are much smaller than the sun

C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen(被看见)

D. the stars come out only at night

3.The stars look small because ________ .

A. they are far away

B. they are small

C. they have no light

D. they are in the sky

4.Small things may look ________ when they are close.

A. bigger B. small C. near D. far away

5.The sun looks bigger than other stars because ________ .

A. it’s bigger B. it’s far away in the sky

C. it gives much bright light D. it’s closer to the earth than other stars D

The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up(混合) and people won’t understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you couldn’t

understand them. But if you sense of humor (幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is :” Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”

( )1. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _____

A. writing it B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar

( ) 2. What should you do in learning English?

A. Be careful not to make any mistakes B. Write as quickly as you can

C. Speak English as much as you can D. Laugh more often

( )3. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _____

A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy

( )4. When you make s mistake, you should ______

A. keep quiet B. get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor

( )5. The story tells us :“______”.

A. Only foolish(愚蠢) people make mistakes

B. Few people make mistakes

C. People never make mistakes

D. There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes

A完形填空;1-10 B C A D A C A B A C

B完形填空;1-5 B.C.C.D.D 6~10 B.C.B.A.A

C完形填空 ;1-10. CCACB DADBB











A man and his wife were very poor.They kept hoping上new clothes and good food.One night an old woman came to their house and told them she would let them have three wishes.They could wish to have 2 they wanted.The man had j ust finished 3 a little bread for his dinner,but he was still hungry.He said,:1 wish I

had a big pancake.”Suddenly a pancake appeared—4_his plate.“You fool,”his wife

cried.“you could have wished for a house full of wonderful food,but you wish for a

pancake.1 wished that pancake was on the end of your foolish nose.”上the pancake s/uck to the end of his nose.Then the man and his wife started blaming each other. “It’S your fault,”the man cried.“No,it’S your fault,”she answered.What 6 they

do?The pancake still stuck to the husband’S nose.“Oh,”the wife cried“1 wish none of

this had 7 happened.”

( )1.A.after B.about C.of D.for

( )2.A.something B.much C.anything D.things

( )3.A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eaten

( )4.A.for B.at C.on D.over

( )5.A.Slowly B.Naturally C.Immediately D.Certainly

( )6.A.could B.should C.would D.might

( )7.A.ever B.just C.never D。not

Ⅱ.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当


When you speak,write a letter,or里 a telephone call,your words竺 a message.People communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate婴 words?A smile Q your face shows you are happy and! .Tears in your eyes tell O that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions.You S your head,and people know you are saying no.You nod and people know you are saying yes.

There was a robbery in Mrs.White’s house yesterday evening.Detective Ken is now

investigating the case. .

A.Did they bring it with them?

B.No,she was upstairs in her bedroom.

C.Did anyone leave a door open?

D.Did anyone see them?


F.Did you lose fl lot of things7

.G.No,we went out for dinner yesterday.。.—————

Detective Ken:Can l ask you a few questions about the robbery?

Mrs.White: 72 ~

Detective Ken:Were you in the house when the thieves broke in?

Mrs.White: !!

Detective Ken:Did your housekeeper hear anything?


Detective Ken:How did the robbers get in? 75

Mrs.White:No,the housekeeper locked all the doors,but the thieves used a ladder to

come in through a window upstairs.

Detective Ken:A ladder? !!

Mrs.White:No,it was outside on the grass because the gardener didn’t put it away.

Detective Ken: !!

Mrs.White:No,because they set off an alarm by opening the window.When they tried

to leave,the police were waiting for them.

72. 73. 74. 75. 7 6-一一一


7 7I——


Jim walked into a shop which had a sign outside:“Old Clothes Bought and Sold.”He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop,“How much will you

give me for these?”The man looked at them and then said impolitely,“Two dollars.” “What!”said Jim.“I guess they worth at least five.”

‘‘N0.’’said the man,“They aren’t worth a penny more than two dollars.” “Are you sure?”asked Jim.

“Very sure.”said the man.

‘‘Well,”said Jim,taking two dollars out of his pocket,“here’s your money.These

trousers were hanging outside your shop with a price card that said$6.5,but I thought that was too much money,so 1 wanted to make sure how much they were really worth.” Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and went away before the surprised shop owner could think of anything to say.

True or FaIse(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表


( )78.Jim walked into the shop and chose a pair of trousers.

( )79.This was a shop which not only sold but also bought old clothes.

( )80.The owner gave the price of two dollars because be thought the pair of trousers was too old.

( .)8 1.The owner didn't realize that the pair of trousers actually belonged to

the shop.


Do you have any idea of the biggest animal that has ever lived on our planet--the blue whale,30 metres Iong and weighing over 200 tons?It’s far bigger than even the biggest di—

nosaur.Its tongue weighs as much as an elephant.Its heart is the size of a car,and some of

its blood vessels(血管)are SO wide that you could swim down them.Its tail alone is the

width of a small aircraft'S wings.Its body line,close tO perfection,enables it tO swim at

twenty knots(海里/d,时).It’s one of the fastest animals in the sea.

DesDite the enormoHs size of blue whales,we know very little about them.Their mi—

gration(迁徙)routes are still a mystery,and we have no idea where they.go tO breed(

殖).They are a dramatic reminder of how much we still have tO learn about the ocean and

the creatures that live there.

Our Dlanet is a blue globe.Over seventy per cent of it is covered by the sea.The Pacif‘

ic Ocean alone covers haIf the globe.You can fly across i't non—stop for twelve hours and

still see nothing more than a speck of land.

This series of Drogramme will reveal the complete natural history of our ocean planet,

from its familiar coasts tO the mysteries of its deepest seas.

Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(6分)

( )84.This is an introduction to a TV programme.We can find that the programme is


A.the blue whale B.the Pacific Ocean

C.creatures D.our ocean planet

( )85.Which of the following statement about the blue whale is FALSE?

A.A blue whale is much bigger than a dinosaur. ’

B.The heart of fl blue whale is as big as a car.

C.The blue whale have wings like a small aircraft.

D.Blue whales are good swimmers.

( )86.What does塑璺竺!竺mean?

A.Wide. B.Fast. C.Huge.D.Perfect.

()87.We can infer from the article that——·

A.we know fl lot about blue whales

B.we know a little about the migration routes of blue whales

C.we have learned a lot about ocean creatures

D.we still have a lot tO learn about the ocean and its creatures 。

( )88. of the earth surface is covered by the Pacific Ocean.

A.70% B.50% C.35 0A D.25 0A

()89.In the following programme,we can learn something about the——·

A.oceanS B.1and

C.natural history D.the mysteries

( )82.Jim cut down the price in a very clever way.

( )83.The owner would probably feel happy after Jim left the shop.



Jim was a young man in his early twenties who was studying to be

a carpenter(木匠). He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so

his boss was pleased with him. As he was such a likable man and easy to

deal with, he was popular with his workmates, too. They also made fun

of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only


But Jim’s one great shortcoming(缺点) was that he could never tell

a lie, no matter how hard he tried, not even a little one. In fact, he was so honest and shy that he would blush(脸红) even when he was telling the truth. He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away.

One morning, however, he didn’t like going to work because he had been to a party the night before and it hadn’t ended till the early hours of the morning. And then the first time in his life he decided to take the day off. He rang his boss, pretending to be a woman. He spoke in a high voice. “ Hello,” he said timidly. “I’m afraid Jim can’t come to work today. He isn’t feeling very well.” Poor Jim was thankful that his boss couldn’t see him just at that moment because his hands were trembling(发抖) and his face was bright red.

“Thank you for letting me know,” said Mr. Woods, his boss, and then just as he was about to hang up, he said, “ Just a moment, madam, who’s speaking.”

“Oh!” Jim stammered(口吃…的嗓音)like a woman, he cried in a loud voice: “This is my landlady speaking!”

1. in one’s early twenties 在某人二十出头的时候

2. be worthy of trust 值得信任

3. be pleased with 对……感到满意

4. be easy to deal with 容易相处

5. be popular with 受欢迎

6. make fun of 取笑

7. a great deal 大量

8. get angry with 对……生气

9. tell a lie 说谎

10. tell the truth 说实话

11. look away 转移目光

12. take the day off 休息一天

13. in a high voice 高声地

14. be about to 刚要,正打算

15. hang up 挂断电话


1. 他是一个好员工,既诚实又值得信赖,所以他的老板对他很满意。

He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so his boss was pleased with him.

2. 因为他如此可爱又好相处,所以他也很受同事的欢迎。

As he was such a likable man and easy to deal with, he was popular with his workmates, too.

3. 他们也经常取笑他,但是他从不生气,只是笑笑。

They also made fun of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only laugh.

4. 他过去经常站在镜子前练习一边说谎一边盯着自己看。但是他一看到脸变红就不得不转移目光。

He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away.

74. Jim was ________________________.

A) mid-aged B) a teenager C) over 25 D) between 20--25

75. He was a _________________________ .

A) skillful worker B) skillful carpenter

C) researcher studying how to be a carpenter D) being- trained carpenter

76. His boss was ________ with him.

A) displeased B) not pleased C) satisfied D) unsatisfied

77. His workmates used to __________________ .

A) cheat him B) play with him C) play jokes on him D) beat him

78. Telling lies always made him _____________.

A) go blue B) go white C) go red D) feel hot

79. At the end of the story poor Jim let the cat ________________ .

A) out of the bag B) out of the house C) into the bag D) into the house Keys:74. D 75. D 76. C 77. C 78.C 79.A


Venezuela(委内瑞拉)has produced many successful beauty queens, winning both Miss Universe(环球小姐)and Miss World five times. Many Venezuelan girls believe that they can gain confidence, poise(体态), public speaking skills and better ways to prepare for the future in beauty pageants(选美比赛). From a very young age, girls in this country grow

up dreaming of becoming Miss Venezuela. In Venezuela, the term(称谓)

“Miss” as in “Miss Universe” is an honored ___80____.

These days, people in some countries consider beauty contests to be

silly. They have tried to stop these contests, saying the contests treat

women as objects(物品)and place too much importance ____81____

women's looks. Others even say that all the girls that go there are made in

a lab and they are made to look less like themselves, and more like the “ideal”(完美形象). But in Latin America, beauty contests are a source of pride.

Are Venezuelan women really more beautiful than other women? “They are not really more beautiful here,” says Selena, who trains girls for the contest. “It's just that the girls here work harder and prepare more than anyone else.”

The preparation takes many hours a day. The contestants(竞赛选手) stretch(伸展)their bodies and practice their walks down the runway. They work on their speeches and practice answering questions such as, “Whom do you admire most in the world?” They starve(挨饿)to ___82__ slim. They take classes to learn how to style their ____83____ and apply make-up(化妆品).

It isn't easy. One Miss Universe winner immediately put on 20 pounds after the contest. She said the only thing she wanted to do after the contest was to eat. The cost is ___84____as well. Fortunately the television station that holds the contest pays the costs.

Yet most of the contestants say it's worth the effort. A former Miss Universe is now mayor(市长)of a large city. Although she had no political experience before ___85____, she has been asked to run for higher political office. Winners have an advantage they could not get anywhere else. “It's the only chance you have to make it.” says one contestant. “You can't get these opportunities by any other way.”

1. prepare for 准备

2. dream of 梦想

3. treat … as… 把……看作……

4. work on 从事

5. put on 增加

80. A) prize

81. A) of

82. A) look

83. A) hair

84. A) high

85. A) this B) title B) in B) seem B) clothes B) expensive B) that C) fame C) to C) stay C) bodies C) much C) it D) name D) on D) make D) steps D) large D) those

80. B 81. D 82. C 83. A 84. A 85. B


It may be hard to believe that many people eat insects (昆虫)and bugs

(虫子). Insects are now very common in all of their processed food(加

工食品). Imagine sitting down at the dinner table and b___86____ served

a bowl of worms(软体虫). It’s enough to make most Westerners stomachs

t____87____. But in other countries the same meal makes people’s mouths

water. Eating bugs has been around for thousands of years in some

countries . Today it’s estimated(估计)that more than half of the people of the world eat different kinds of bugs. Not only do these insects taste g__88___, but also they are a cheap and nutritious food source. In the US, some people eat bugs for quite a different reason to show their courage. In television shows l____89_____ Survivor, contestants(参赛者)eat beetles(甲壳虫)and spiders(蜘蛛), and viewers watch the shows at home, feeling shocked and disgusted(恶心的). But many of the viewers don’t realize that they may have done the same thing but just don’t know it! Many American people don’t p____90_____ eat bugs, but in the future they may. There are fewer and fewer natural r___91____ and the population is getting larger and larger. Experts say that insects will be raised as an alternative(可供选择的)form of protein(蛋白质). If more people did their part to eat bugs and broaden their diets and did not just go out and eat chicken, beef and pork, the 境况改善) today. Western children are not as n___92____ about bugs as their parents, because they often visit science museums and zoos, and at school they are learning more about the environment and bugs.

86. being 87. turn 88.good 89. like 90.purposely 91. resources 92. nervous


George Washington Carver was a scientist who helped farmers

learn how to grow new crops and take better care of the soil. He

studied many different plants and crops, but some of his favourites

were peanuts, sweet potatoes and pecans(美洲山核桃).

We don’t know exactly when George Washington Carver

