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篇一:unit 10 i'm going to be a basketball palyer基础知识分类整理及考点典型例句精讲精析


Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.


1.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大以后打算做什么?

(1)“be(is,am,are)going to+动词原形”构成一般将来时态,表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。其中的be要根据句子主语来确定。一般将来时常与表示将来时间的状语如tomorrow,next week,next Sunday等连用。

He is going to visit his friend next Sunday.下星期天他要去看望他的朋友。

I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.我长大后打算当一名医生。

Are you going to have any lessons next-Saturday?下星期六你打算去上课吗?


I'm going to give her a present when she comes.当她来的时候我打算给她一份礼物。

注意:when引导的时间状语从句不用将来时态,而通常用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。用法相同的还有:as soon as,before,after等引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句。

(3)grow up成长,长大

My mother always says I'm growing up.我母亲总是说我渐渐长大了。

2.computer programmer电脑程序设计人员,程序师


What is the next one on the programme? 下一个节目是什么? .

3.how adv.如何,怎样


How did it happen?那是怎样发生的?


every day是副词,在旬中作状语;everyday意为“每天的”,是形容词,在句中作名词的定语。 He reads the everyday newspaper every day.他每天都读日报。

This is our everyday homework.这是我们每天的作业。

Do you go home every day? 你每天都回家吗?

He watches TV every day.他每天都看电视。


ask sb.a question向某人提一个问题


The question is:what do you want to do?问题是:你想做什么?

(3)the answer to the question问题的答案




That sounds like a relaxing place.那听起来像是个令人放松的地方。

That sounds like a good idea.这听起来像个好主意。

sound与sound like

(1)sound为系动词,意为“听起来”,其后须跟形容词;sound like意为“听起来像”,由于like为介词,所以其后一般跟名词或代词。

The music sounds nice.这音乐听起来不错。

Your idea sounds good.你的主意听起来不错。

篇二:重点单词(上册Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. )

Is your father a cook? 你爸爸是一名厨师吗?

第1页 版权所有 不得复制

She often cooks us delicious meals. =She often cooks delicious meals for us. 她经常给我们做美餐。 【拓展】

cooker n. 厨具 【例句】

The cooker is very expensive. 这件厨具非常贵。 do some cooking 做饭 【例句】

I’m doing some cooking when you call me. 当你给我打电话时我正在做饭。 【考题链接】

—What are you doing there?

—I am ____________________. Breakfast will be OK soon. A. running B. singing C. sleeping D. cooking 答案:D

思路分析:根据句意“早饭很快就好”可知“我正在做饭”。A项意为“跑步”;B项意为“唱歌”;C项意为“睡觉”;D项意为“做饭”,故只有D项符合句意。 2. send 【用法】

其后常接双宾语,用于:send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb. 寄(发送)某物给某人;但当sth. 是宾格代词时,只用send sth. to sb.结构。 【例句】

He sent me a letter last month.= He sent a letter to me last month. 他上月寄给我一封信。

v. 邮寄;发送

I want to send them to my friends. 我想把它们寄给我的朋友们。 【拓展】


give(pass, show, sell)sb. sth. = give(pass, show, sell)sth. to sb. 给(递;出示;卖)某物给某人

第2页 版权所有 不得复制


I don’t get your postcard. When did you _________________ it? A. show B. send C. give D. make 答案:B


3. promise n. 承诺;诺言 【用法】


make a promise to sb. = make promises to sb. keep/ break one’s promise 保守/ 打破诺言 【例句】


promise v. promise sb. to do sth. 【例句】


A. plan 答案:C


4. own 【用法】

常放于形容词性物主代词的后面。 【例句】

You can see it with your own eyes. 你可以用自己的眼睛看它。

adj. & pron. 自己的;本人的

第3页 版权所有 不得复制


own v. 拥有;占有 owner n. 所有者;物主 【例句】

Who’s the owner of the watch? 【考题链接】

——Yes, it’s ___




__ their teachers on Teachers’ Day. 4.

答案: 2. promised; to 3. sends; to 4. my own; owned


Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. The farmer likes ____________vegetables in his garden, and they all ____________ well. A. growing; grow up B. to grow; grow up C. growing; grow D. to grow; grows

2. My uncle is a ______________.He can ___________ Beijing Duck ___________us. A. cook; cook; to

B. cooker; cook; for

第4页 版权所有 不得复制

C. cooker; cooks; to D. cook; cook; for

3. I want to ask a ____________: Can you deal with the math ____________? A. question; question B. problem; problem C. question; problem D. problem; question

4. This morning, my son promised me _______________ his homework for an hour. A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing

Ⅱ. 完形填空

10. Please make a __________________(week)plan.

第5页 版权所有 不得复制

篇三:Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.教案

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.

Section A1 (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, be sure about, make sure


① ─What do you want to be when you grow up?

─I want to be a basketball player.

② ─How are you going to do that?

─I’m going to practice basketball every day.

③ Where are you going to work?

④ When are you going to start?

⑤ I’m not sure about that.

2) 能了解以下语法:


3) 用一般将来时态表达将要做的事情。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

每个人都有自己的梦想和对未来的打算,对于将来想要从事的职业也充满了憧憬。 人们以常谈论他们的设想,因此,应通过学习这单元的内容来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,使他们更加有理想,并为实现自己的理想而不断努力。


1. 教学重点:

1) 学习一般将来时态的构成方式。

2) 学习本课时出现的重点句型,通过在不同情景下运用来熟练运用一般将来时态。

2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Lead-in

1. 介绍自己小时候想要从事的职业,由此归纳出以前所学过的一些职业的英语表达方式:

teacher, nurse, doctor, basketball player, runner, actor, actress…

2. 询问学生们想要从事的职业,从而引出句型:

─ What do you want to be when you grow up?

─ I want to be a basketball player.

3. 学生们看幻灯片,引导学生们进行问答自己将来所喜欢的职业。

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. 播放幻灯片,展示一些职业的图片,来引导学生们学习一些新的职业名词: computer programmer, cook, engineer, violinist, pianist, pilot, scientist,…

2. 让学生们看大屏幕来学习记忆这些生词。

3. Tell Ss to rank them [1-12]. 1 is most interesting, 12 is least interesting.

2. Try to remember the new words.

Ⅲ. Game

1. Show some pictures in the big screen.

2. Let Ss guess what he/she does.

3. Let Ss try their best to guess the job. See which group is the best.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: Tell Ss to read the words of jobs in the chart. Make sure they know the meaning of the words and sentences.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and fill in the blanks.

3. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the Ss.

4. Play the recording again. Ss listen and match the jobs with activities.

5. Show the answers on the big screen.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Let Ss read the model with a partner.

2. Use the information in the chart of 1b. Ask and answer with a partner.

3. Let some pairs ask and answer about the chart.

Ⅵ. Listening

Work on 2a:

1. Let Ss look at the pictures below. Explain the activities in the pictures if necessary.

2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check (√) the correct boxes in the picture.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Work on 2b:

1. Let Ss read the chart below. Tell Ss that they’ll listen to Cheng Han’s plan for the future. They should answer the questions:

“What” means “What is Cheng Han want to be?”

“Where” means “where is Cheng Han going to work?”

“How” means “How is he going to do it? ”

“When” means “when is he going to start?”

2. Play the recording for the Ss to write the correct answers in the chart.

3. Play the recording again to check the answers.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Tell Ss to ask and answer about Cheng Han’s plans using the information in 2b.

2. Give a model to the Ss.

3. Ss work in pairs. Try to ask and answer about Cheng Han’s plans.

4. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Read the conversations and answer the two questions:

① What does Ken want to be? __________________________________ ② How is he going to do that? __________________________________ ③ What does Andy want to be? ____________________________________

2. Explain main points in the conversation.

? The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. 海明威的《老人与海》。 此处介词

by为“由……所著”之意。再如:a short story by Lu Xun (鲁迅的一部短篇小说),the music by Mozart(莫扎特写的音乐),paintings by Van Gogh(梵高的绘画)等。

? Then you can be anything you want! 那么你就能当上你想做的人了。

此句的基本意思是you can be anything,不定代词anything指代未来所从事的某一职业,you want用来修饰anything。

3. Let Ss read the conversation after the teacher.

4. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out the



1. Recite the conversation in 2d after school.

2. 根据图片提示或自己的实际想法编写一个对话。

--What are you going to be when you grow up?

--I’m going to be a/an…

--How are you going to do that?

--I’m going to…


Section A2 (Grammar focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:college, education, medicine, university, London, article, send

2)进行下一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。


4) 能够熟练运用一般将来时态的句子来表达自己未来的打算和做法等情况。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

每个人都有自己的梦想和对未来的打算,对于将来想要从事的职业也充满了憧憬。 人们以常谈论他们的设想,因此,应通过学习这单元的内容来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,使他们更加有理想,并为实现自己的理想而不断努力。


1. 教学重点:

1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 能够熟练运用一般将来时态的句子来表达自己未来的打算和做法等情况。

2. 教学难点:

1) 掌握一般将来时态的句子结构,并掌握其在不同句式中的句子结构。

2) 能够熟练运用一般将来时态的句子来表达自己未来的打算和做法等情况。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class.

2. Game: Give some riddles on jobs to the Ss. Ss try to guess the job.

3. Ask and answer what they want to be and how they’re going to do that.

4. Role-play the conversation in 2d.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

① 当你长大后,你想做什么?

What do you want ____ ___ When you _____ _____?

② 我想成为一名工程师。

I want to ______ ___ _________.

③ 你打算如何做?

How ______ you _____ to ____that?

④ 我打算努力地学习数学。

I’m _______ _____ ______ _____ really hard.

⑤ 想去哪里工作?

______ _______ you going to work?

篇四:I'm going to study computer science导学1

鸡西市田家炳中学导学指南 班级 姓名


篇五:八年级英语上册 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player单词巧记+句型语法剖析 人教新目标版

八年级上册 单词巧记+句型语法剖析(Unit 10 I’m going to be a

basketball player)


单词·巧记·典句·考点 

grow []v. 生长;发育


【经典例句】The green grass grows faster after rain.



In this way,they grew stronger and stronger.就这样,他们长得越来越强壮。

2)短语:grow up 成长,长大;be grown with长满了……


She to be an actor when she up.

A.wants;grows B.will want;grow

C.will want;grows D.wants;will grow


dream [] n.梦;梦想;幻想


【经典例句】In her dream,she went back home.


【考点聚焦】1)同义词:hope希望;wish 盼望

2)短语:dream of 渴望;梦想


Being a actress is my (理想的职业).

答案:dream job

hold [] v. 举行;召集;主持


【经典例句】We’ll hold a sports meeting tomorrow.


【考点聚焦】1)hold意思为“举行”,这里hold可以用have来替换,即:have a sports meeting。


The room can hold 50 people.这个屋子能容纳50人。

3)相关短语:hold up延迟;get hold of拥有,找到;hold on(打电话用语)请等一下。 rich []adj.富有的;富裕的;富饶的


【经典例句】I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and famous. 我打算举行美术展览,因为我想富有并且出名。

【考点聚焦】1)反义词:poor 贫穷的;坏的;劣质的

2)短语:be rich in 富含 

The river is rich in fish.这条河盛产鱼。


不论穷富)should help each other.

答案:poor or rich

yet [] adv.到此时;至今


【经典例句】He has not come yet.他还没来。


The moon has not yet risen.月亮还未升起。

I don’t want to go away yet.我还不想走开。



It’s already 6 o’clock,but the children are not back 

A.also B.either C.yet D.too


over [] prep. (在数目、程度上)超过


【经典例句】The old man is over 70.


【考点聚焦】1)短语:over and over again 再三;over there 在那边


The country decided to build a new bridge the bridge.


答案:B B.over C.above D.in

fit []adj.强健的;健康的


【经典例句】She is going to exercise every day to keep fit.


【考点聚焦】1)同义词:healthy 健康的

2)短语:keep fit 保持健康;be fit for 适合于

短语·典句·考点 

grow up 生长

【经典例句】I am going to be a policeman when I grow up.


【考点聚焦】1)grow up是不及物动词短语,后面不能加宾语。

2)be grown with 长满了……

somewhere interesting 有趣的地方

【经典例句】I am going to move somewhere interesting for vacation.


【考点聚焦】修饰不定代词的形容词要后置。如:something interesting 有趣的事情,someone important 重要的人物


Is there I can do for you?

A.anything important

B.something important D.important something C.important anything


send...to... 把……寄给(送给)

【经典例句】Please send the parcel to him tomorrow.


【考点聚焦】1)send...to..=send sb.sth.送某人某物。

2)相关短语:send up 发射;send for 派人去请;send out 发出(光、热等)如: Please send for a doctor.请派人去叫医生。


My teacher sent me a book for my birthday.

My teacher for my birthday.

答案:sent a book to me

make more friends 交更多的朋友

【经典例句】We should make more friends.我们应该多交朋友。


2)短语:make friends with sb.,表示“和某人交朋友”。


I want to (交更多的朋友).

答案:make more friends

句子·剖析·拓展 

What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大后打算干什么?


2)本句用be going to来表示按计划将要发生的事情。

3)grow up表示“长大、成长”。


When I grow up,I’m going to do what I want to do.



2)本句用be going to来表示按计划将要发生的事情。

3)what I want to do作动词do的宾语。

【拓展】when/as soon as/before/after/as soon as/until 可引导一个时间状语从句,if 引导条件状语从句,在时间及条件状语从句中表示将来的动作用一般现在时。

I’m going to buy a big house with the money and I’m going to travel all over the world. 我打算用这笔钱买一幢大房子,并且我打算周游世界。

i am going to造句


2)with 的意思是“用,和……在一起,带有”。


A:Where are you going to work?你准备去哪儿工作?

B:I’m not sure yet.Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.


【剖析】 1)“Where are you going to work?”此句型的句式为where+be sb.going to do?表示“打算在什么地方做某事”。

2)be sure一词后可加of,that从句及动词不定式,即:be sure of sth.对……很肯定;be sure to do 肯定做……



Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit.



2)表示“锻炼”时常用以下短语:do exercise/take exercise。

语法·剖析 



例1(2010博山模拟模拟)He doesn’t know if she .If she ,he won’t,either.

A.will leave;leaves B.leaves;doesn’t leave

C.leaves;will leave D.will leave;doesn’t leave



There is going to have a football match this afternoon.

思路解析:本句意为“今天下午将有一场足球赛”。实际上是把There be句型和be going to连用,即There is going to be,表示“将有”。答案:have→be

绿色通道:there be 句型在不同的时态中的形式需要注意,特别是注意其在将来时态中的形

式,把“be going to” 换成“will”后比较一下,就会发现其中的奥妙。

例3(经典回放)There are many clouds coming,it rain soon.

A.will B.is going to

C.looks like D.likes

思路解析:根据句意可确定本句应该用一般将来时。但一定要注意will 和be going to的区别:前者表示不以人的意志为转移的、自然发展的、未来的事情;后者表示事先经过考虑、安排要做的事情。本题属于前者所说的情况。答案:A


例4下题画线部分有一处错误,指出错误并改正。 What is he going to be when he will grow up?

A B C D

思路解析:在时间状语中,主句部分若是一般将来时态,则从句部分用一般将来时,这是语法要点。该从句主语为第三人称单数词尾应加s。答案:D→grows up。

例5Is there I can do for you?

A.anything important B.something important

C.important anything D.important something

思路解析:此题考查不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在所修饰词之后,故此题首先考虑A、B选项,一般来说,something 用于肯定句,anything 用于疑问句及否定句。答案:A

绿色通道:常见的不定代词有someone,somebody,anyone,anybody,no one,nobody,something,anything,nothing等,学习时注意总结归类。









hit hurt let spit


rid cost read put cut
