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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:31:23 优秀作文


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below.

You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on the way people communicate and then explain whether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

“Dear Andy-How are you? Your mother and I are fine .We both miss you and hope you are doing well. We look forward to seeing you again the next time your computer crashes and you come downstairs for something to eat, Love, Mom and Dad.”

范文: The modern technology has greatly altered the mode of

communication among people. With the help of the Internet, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have become over-dependent on the Internet and neglected face-to-face communication.

As far as I'm concerned, electronic communication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of communication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Internet even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face communication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.

To conclude, the Internet enables more effective communication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.


Nowadays, Internet technology has more and more developed. It made our communication more and more convenience. young people incline to communicate with others on internet , and lack communication with people around them.

First of all, I want to talk about it's benefits . There has a example, a Chinese girl talked with her father on internet at four clock p.m , and her father is in the America at ten clock p.m .If there has no internet,they would have a very long time for wait a letter, but the internet can make you have a communication at anytime and anywhere .It eliminates the barrier of distance,and very convenient for us.

The second, It also have some bad influence . young people may spend hours chatting with friends through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face. Some people say,they become more and more indifferent to each other in real life. Some netizens who are immersed in virtual world even have difficulty in making friends in reality. So,e-communication is a double-edged sword , We should strike a balance between them and make the best of the internet.


Nowadays, Internet technology has more and more developed.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: technique, technology 均有“技术”之意。

: 多指具体的某种技术和技巧。

: 含义比technique广泛,泛指生产工艺、科学技术。





It made our communication more and more convenience.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: communication, traffic, transportation 均有“交通”之意。

: 指邮电、无线电、铁路、公路等各种交通方式或媒介。

: 指来往的东西的情况,表示一种抽象概念的交通流动量。

: 指将乘客或货物从一处运到另一处,也可指交通运输工具。



young people incline to communicate with others on internet , and lack communication with people around them.


? [教师点评][名词错误] on internet 冠词缺失 [句子错误] 句首单词请注意大写 好评报错 [批改提示] develop近义表达有advance/ progress/ evolve/ thrive/ flourish [批改提示] technology表示“工艺,技术”。注意与technique的区别。详情点击 好评报错 好评报错



? [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 [搭配统计] 动名搭配 lack...communication 在教材中出现过 次 好评报错

SeeAlso: 6


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: lack, need, want, require 均有“缺少,短少”之意。

: 指完全短缺或数量不足。

: 语气较重,指需要必不可少的东西,强调急需。

: 侧重缺少某种必需之物,或个人渴望得到的东西。

: 使用广泛,语气较轻。强调急需时可与need换用,但有时暗示所需的人或物是完成某一任务必不可少的。



First of all, I want to talk about it's benefits .



? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法,请检查! [语法检查] 建议把 about it's benefits 改成 about its benefits (Did you mean...) [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 好评报错 好评报错


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: advantage, benefit, interest, favour, profit, gain 均有“利益,好处”之意。

: 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。

: 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。

: 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。

: 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。

: 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。

: 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。




There has a example, a Chinese girl talked with her father on internet at four clock p. m , and her father is in the America at ten clock p. m .



? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查! [语法检查] 建议把 There has a 改成 There is a (Revise...) [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 好评报错 好评报错 [批改提示] want的近义表达有intend或tend。 好评报错


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: example, instance, case, sample, illustration, specimen 均有“例子,事例”之意。

: 普通用词,指能代表同类事物性质或一般规律的典型例子。

: 多指用于说明、支持或反证一般事实或理论的事例。

: 多指需要加以认真研究的实例,如病例,案例等。

: 通常指样品。

: 指用来说明、解释某种理论或看法而引用的例证。

: 可与sample换用,但常指人或物中选出的有代表性部分,或指供科研、化验或检验用的标本。


? [批改提示] 注意区别。

Chinese用作名词,表示“中国人”[a person born or living in China, a person of Chinese descent]时,是可数名词,单复数同形;指中国人民或特指—个或数个中国人时,均加冠词,泛指时不能加。 好评报错


If there has no internet, they would have a very long time for wait a letter, but the internet can make you have a communication at anytime and anywhere .



? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查! [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 [批改提示] very的近义表达有extremely, exceedingly, remarkably, intensely。 好评报错 好评报错 Improperly implemented, dials can be extremely difficult to manipulate.


Between 1890 and 1930 the woman suffrage movement became exceedingly militant. 一八九○年到一九三○年间妇女争取选举权运动变得非常激烈。

The surface of Mars is remarkablydiverse.


He was so informed and intensely forceful.




It eliminates the barrier of distance, and very convenient for us.


? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查! [搭配统计] 动名搭配 eliminate...barrier 在教材中出现过 次 好评报错

SeeAlso: 24,16,5,4


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: obstacle, barrier, obstruction, bar, hindrance 均含“障碍,障碍物”之意。

: 指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。

: 常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。

: 常既指具体的障碍又可指抽象或喻意上的阻碍。

: 既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。

: 指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。


? [批改提示] eliminate近义表达有do away with/ get rid of/ extinguish/

obliterate/ exterminate



The second, It also have some bad influence .



? [教师点评][动词错误] 主谓不一致,建议将it后的谓语动词改为第三人称单数形式。 [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 [推荐词汇] bad在写作中使用的太泛,在某些语境下可考虑换为unfavorable/dreadful或好评报错 好评报错 be less impressive等。

He had formed an unfavorable opinion of my work.


I' ve had a dreadful day everything seems to have gone wrong.






young people may spend hours chatting with friends through QQ or MSN, but rarely do they talk with other face to face.


? [教师点评][句子错误] 句首单词请注意大写 [低频警示] hours chatting with friends through 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评报错 [高分表达] 建议将bad改为negative/unfavorable更好一些。 [批改提示] influence近义表达有act upon/ affect/ bear upon 好评报错 好评报错 好评报错

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: friend, mate, acquaintance, pal 都有“朋友”之意。

: 一般用词,指某人喜爱并乐意与之相交往的人。

: 最普通用词,既可指好友、同事,又可指合伙人,还可指配偶的一方。

: 指彼此相识,但交往不甚密切,相互间没有深厚情感的人。

: 口语用词,指十分要好的朋友。




Some people say, they become more and more indifferent to each other in real life.

? [教师点评][学习提示] 易混词汇: genuine, authentic, actual, real, true, factual 均有“真的,真实的,实在的”之意。

: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的。

: 常可与genuine换用,指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠。

: 指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。

: 普通用词,含义较广,有时可与actual和genuine换用。指一切真实的或 表面看不出虚假的事物。 : 指同实际情况或标准完全一致。口语中多用。

: 与actual同义,但更测重根据事实,不扩大或缩小,不渲染。 [批改提示] through的近义表达有in term of或via。 好评报错



Some netizens who are immersed in virtual world even have difficulty in making friends in reality.




? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查! [名词错误] virtual world 前面冠词缺失 [名词错误] in virtual world 冠词缺失 [搭配统计] 动名搭配 make...friend 在教材中出现过 次 好评报错 好评报错 好评报错

SeeAlso: 162,70,69,10


? [搭配统计] 动名搭配 have...difficulty 在教材中出现过 次

SeeAlso: 18663,28,3



So, e-communication is a double-edged sword , We should strike a balance between them and make the best of the internet.



? [教师点评][句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查! [标点错误] 标点与其前面的单词之间不应该有空格,请检查 [搭配统计] 动名搭配 strike...balance 在教材中出现过 次 好评报错 好评报错

SeeAlso: 77,24,3


? [搭配统计] 动名搭配 make...best 在教材中出现过 次

SeeAlso: 8836


? [学习提示] 易混词汇: remainder, surplus, rest, remains, balance 均含“剩余部分”之意。 : 含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分后的所余部分,或一群人走掉一部分剩下的人。

: 指超过需要数量之外的剩余。

: 最普通用词与定冠词连用,指任何指定数量的人或物等。

: 常指人或动物死后的遗体或遗骨,也指古代文明的遗迹或去世作家尚未发表的遗稿。 : 指支取存款的余额或减去各种开支后的尾数。




Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?

First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel. When you don't agree someone, please discuss with him.

Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend's interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.



Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends?

First, to make friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. You should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be. Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.

Second, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel. When you don't (来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:英语作文交网友的好坏)agree someone, please discuss with him.

Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend's interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.



????If I ask you: "Do you have friends?" You might smile and answer,"Sure, I do!" Yes, everyone of us needs friends and we all have friends. Friends are like small boats that take us to safe harbors. Friends are like trees that give us shade in hot summer days.

????True friendship depends on mutual trust. True friends always help and learn from each other, but they never trouble each other with trifles. A true friend will keep a secret for you and so will you for him. True friends may not share the same way of life, but they are likely to share the same way of thinking. True friends never take advantage of each other. In a word, true friends are friends through thick and thin. ????I appreciate the kind of friendship mentioned above. I adhere to the principle of making friends with those who are honest and reliable, that is to say, friends should be trustable and dependable.

