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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 03:24:21 作文素材



今天我们紧接着上节课讲的健身房,来一起聊聊健身舞蹈班fitness dance class里阿罗多姿的健身舞蹈。其实,任何形式的舞蹈或多或少都有健身的作用。都可大体称为健身舞fitness dance。对于这个话题,女生可能相对感兴趣一些。不过男生也千万不能错过哦。表现男生帅气,自由,洒脱的街舞你可不能不学。

由各种走、跑、跳组合而成的街舞,被大部分青少年深深喜爱,用来张扬他们的个性,展示青春的活力和激情。街舞包括三大类:霹雳舞break-dancing、嘻哈舞hip-hop、疯克舞funk dance.

---Linda, would your boyfriend dance hip-hop?

---Not at all. He hates dancing.

---Ah, I can not believe it. I am always fascinated by my boyfriend’s cool street dance.




亲爱的男同胞们,为了自己女朋友对自己的迷恋,深深的锁住女友的心,也该尝试学学舞蹈啦。正在恋爱中的小情侣们,交谊舞ballroom dancing/party dancing/social dancing更是升华爱情的催化剂,浪漫自在心间荡漾。

He can not help kissing his girl friend with romantic music when they dance social dancing.当跳交谊舞的时候,伴着迷人的音乐,他情不自禁亲吻了他女朋友。

Ballroom dancing can create romantic atmosphere for lovers. They can feel each other’s breath and heartbeat.交谊舞可以为恋人创造烂漫气氛。当跳交谊舞的时候他们感受着对方的呼吸和心跳。

感受了浪漫的交谊舞,拉丁舞也是适合情侣的一种别有风味的舞蹈。拉丁舞Latin dancing包括恰恰恰Cha Cha、伦巴Rumba、桑巴Samba、斗牛舞Paso Doble和牛仔舞Jive.

Latin dancing mixes shoulder,abdomen,waist,and hip movement together.

Gigolette keeps gigolo at arm's length, very graceful.



1.Most women adore Yoga and Pilates,young or old,because they can help them keep fit and let them gain peace of mind.




2.This beautiful girl quickly swing her hip and stomach in rhyme, beautiful and moving. She deserves to be the goddess of belly dance.


3. Pole dance, despite full of controversy, become more popular now as its sexy and hot movement. 钢管舞,虽然满腹争议,现在已以为性感火辣的动作变得越来越流行。

4. Jazzercise comes out of jazz dancing, is a good way to vent and express dancer’s feelings.


面对各种优美动人的舞蹈,有没有在脑际遐想连篇呢?浪漫的,情调的,奔放的,优雅的,各式各样的舞蹈让我们仿若置身天堂,全是回味和享受。如果你有心动,那么就不顾一切的行动吧,开始舞蹈人生,舞蹈自己的人生Start dancing life, dance your life。




主旋律:创造性的舞蹈探索活动。通过自由风格的舞蹈或动作,来探索不同的舞蹈元素(如时间、空间、力量等与舞伴、组员间的关系)。通过手势和身体动作进行模拟表演,运用各种小道具(如皮筋、球、弹性布料)即兴表现某个主题。在活动中更真实地经验到内在深层的情感,并在分享中发现自我,得到成长。 尾声:运用各种技巧进行放松练习。最后要对团体舞蹈治疗进行评估,并就成员之间如何互动、如何通过舞蹈和动作来表达情感等,做进一步的分享整理。 舞蹈治疗现场场景描述






几个简单的动作,随着音乐舞动,神奇的,会员们体内自由的小孩似乎都被很快释放出来了,他们流泪,他们微笑,他们真诚的眼神互相感动着。 场景三:要大声的说“NO”









二、赛前所有竞赛数据(分组、统计代表队信息、统计报名费、划 分比赛场地、规划比赛时间精确到分钟、制订赛序、打印各类单据)













左上方为您的报名基本统计信息,右上方为相应的功能按纽。 右下方有两个功能链接,您可以点击查看比赛规程查看相应的报名组别。查看后点击我要报名,如图1-7。


填入男选手姓名,女选手姓名,组别序号(组别序号以比赛通知上的序号为准,如: 1 摩登舞职业组 那么这个组别相对应的组别序号就是 1),点击添加即可完成一对选手的报名。单人单项只填男姓名或女姓名即可。团体舞报名,请在男姓名中填入节目名称,


称,填一名参赛选手姓名即可,在女姓名中填入参赛人数。(如需要添加选手身份证号只要打开后台功能选项即可执行)如图1-8 、图1-9




全部报名结束以后可以通过右上角的打印报名清单来查看所有报名信息及报名费明细,如图 1-10.


Dancing to death

Dance is the art of life which is focused on by people’s thoughts greatly. Dance itself is based on the motional materials and is developed around the relationship among them. Dance, in my opinion, reflects life, expresses feeling, shows emotion, and pass positive thoughts. Dance is regarded as the lively and flying statue. Not only does the art reflect the national cultural spirits, but also it cultivates people’s figure. It also brings self-esteem and self-confidence to people. Many people in different ages love dancing for exercising. However, as a dancer, I want to succeed in dancing and be an excellent dancer.

Edison ever said: “none of my inventions came by accident. I see a worthwhile need to be met and I make trial after trial until it comes. What it boils down to is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Edison’s inventions are all dependent on inspiration and perspiration, so is dance.

The essence of dancing is that a dancer dances by heart and integrate herself/ himself with her/his body and use every part of body to express one’s feeing and inner heart. A great deal of perspiration must be devoted to dance for reaching to this step. From the first move of my dancing, I love it and make no efforts to make every move perfect. Every jumping, stretching, grapevine, touching step are nothing like what we call move. I keep stretching my every part to the limitation. After my all-day practice, my bones and muscles are too painful to move any step. I fell exhausted. There is an old saying: the 365th power of one point zero one is about thirty-seven; the 365th power of one is one; the 365th power of zero point nine nine is zero point zero two. That is to say, if I make progress a little each day, after 365 days, I will make great progress. If I remain in the same place, I will never make breakthrough. If I fall behind each day, after 365 days, I will be abandoned by the times. Therefore, every time I am tired to dead like the fish without water, I will be encouraged by the inner sound that I must keep moving for there is only one step to success. According to the comprehensive feeling of move, I gradually grasp the nature of the dance’s beauty, and feel the power of life explored from the process of dancing. Only from my own

dancing do I realize the essence of charm of art.

Though practice makes perfect, we cannot avoid failing during the long way to the top of the mountain. Confronted with failure, I think I must keep quiet. We always concerned too much about failure. Master Wugui in Kongfu Panda has ever said that noodles, no noodles; quit, no quit. Yesterday is a history; tomorrow is a mystery; today is a gift. Failure is not frightened, the only frightening thing is quitting. What we can do is to face it and take every minute you have now to move on.

Music is the soul of dance. Music is in heart. We can’t reach the state where we can dance without music. Music is the same as inspiration. As a dancer, inspiration and music grow up as the endeavor is poured into my dancing life. I think that dancing to music is like floating up the heaven. I can show my figure, express my feeling, and pure my soul by dancing to music. So it’s the music that can lead to my success.

The dancing I understand is endeavor combining with technique and soul. My body can show my story. My attitude to life, my experience in life, my understanding to failure, and my dream to dance all can drive to move on. Neil Postman in his Amusing Ourselves to Death points all are attached to amusing. I want to say let’s dance to death. The dream lives on, the work continues.


摘 要

舞蹈艺术是人类不可缺少的一种塑造人物形象和表现情感的手段之一,在淋漓尽致地表现思想感情的同时,给观众带来无穷的审美享受。而“蹲”是使舞蹈中的人体动作具有美感形式的最基本的条件和主要因素。它的美,是在舞蹈艺术特有的时空中获得的,是在表达情感所塑造的动态舞蹈形象上体现出来的。在日常生活中,人的精神和情感生活是人生命中的一部分,舞蹈就是以一种抒发宣泄的形式表达人类情感的。任何一种艺术门类都有其独具的风格特性,而这种所谓风格特性,也就是中国舞蹈这门艺术的神韵特征之所在。舞蹈是通过动作和肢体语言展现出来的形态艺术,对舞蹈训练的总要求就是要围绕着形、神、劲、律进行的整体而系统的训练。它是中国舞蹈的神韵特征的突出表现。蹲在舞蹈训练中有着重要的意义,蹲完成的好坏直接决定着舞蹈演员跳跃能力及技术技巧动作完成的质量。蹲可以通过科学、合理的训练方法来跨越这个极限,使肌肉、韧带的弹性和伸展性达到最大限度,从而达到扩大关节结构运动的幅度。本文分析了“蹲”在舞蹈训练中的重要性, 探索了训练“蹲”的正确方法,以及预期取得的成果。




Dance art is a kind of indispensable human characters images and show emotion, one of the means of incisively and vividly performance in the meanwhile, thoughts and feelings bring boundless aesthetic enjoyment of audiences. While "squat" is to make dance of human motion aesthetic forms of the most fundamental condition and main factors. Its beauty, is endemic in the dance art space, is obtained in expressing emotion on the dynamic dance image shaping manifested. In daily life, people mental and emotional life is a part of life, the dance is a kind of express vent in the forms of expression of the human emotions. Any art categories has its unique style

characteristics, and the so-called style characteristic, also is the art of Chinese dance. What are the verve of features Dancing is through action and body language to reveal form of art, the general requirements of dance training is to revolve around the shape, spirit, strength and pitch, overall and systematic training. It is the Chinese dance the verve of the characteristics of the outstanding performance. Squat in the dance is of great significance in training, squat direct decides the complete dancer jumping ability and the quality of technical skills action is finished. Squat down through the scientific and reasonable can training methods to surmount this limit, make muscle, ligaments flexibility and stretching, so as to achieve maximum expansion joint structure range of movement. This paper analyzes the "squat" the importance in the dance training, explored training "squat down" the right approach, and expected achievement.


Dance; Squat down; Flexibility; Training; Muscle; joint

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