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篇一:How to stay warm in winter

Vivian Huang


November 3, 2009

English Writing, Amy Proulx

How to stay warm in winter As the cold weather rolls in, you may hear your windows rattle or feel a cold breeze through your

back closed door. Then you look out the window: here comes the real freeze, with snow across half the country and icy air across the rest. How can we come through such a hard winter? Here are some of those tricks!

Dress appropriately

Several thin layers are better than one thick layer and wearing a hat, gloves and a scarf will help you keep warmer in cold weather. The warmth from your body will get trapped in the air pockets

between the layers. Besides a hat, a pair of earmuffs is a good choice for you to avoid your ears

feeling dead. Long and tight underwear is particularly good for helping you stay warm and dry.

Clothes made with wool, cotton materials protect you a lot against the coldness.

Wearing fleece slippers around the house can help keep your feet warm. Look for non-skid bottoms because they prevent slipping and possible falls. Stay active

Try to move around at least once an hour, and avoid sitting down for long periods of time. Light

regular activity and exercise not only help you get in shape but keeps you warm. Especially 20

minutes of vigorous exercise without taking risks can warm you up and keep you warm well after

the exercise session. And your healthy body is generally more tolerant of the coldness.

Eat well

Eat at least one hot meal a day. A healthy diet will reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and

some cancers. Eat high energy foods appropriately that give your body the fuel it needs to produce

heat. To provide you a steady source of energy, having complex carbohydrates is a good way.

Hot drinks like coffee and tea will give you warmth and energy. Sip them regularly throughout day

and before bedtime. Try to keep a cup of hot drink by your bed in case that you wake up by feeling cold.

Keep your home warm If your house isn’t equipped with heat system, there are still some ways to keep your home warm. One is to close all of your windows properly. But try to open them during the day if the outside

temperature is higher than the inside. If the glass material of window makes you feel cold, then put up curtains. A set of heavy curtains can block a draft. But open them as well when the sun is shining and close them when it's not. Moreover, you can use a hot water bottle, or electric blanket

(although never together at the same time) to keep warm overnight. It's very important to protect yourself against the cold. The real trick with staying warm in cold

weather is partly preparation -- and partly psychological. If you're dressed properly and go out with the intention of staying warm and having a good time, chances are you will. So let’s face cold

actively rather than being stuck by the coldness.

篇二:keep warm in winter

Making Merry With This Year's Holiday Music

Transcript of radio broadcast:

2009 - 12 - 25

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Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC in VOA Special English.


I'm Bob Doughty.

As always, music makers released lots of new holiday albums this year. There are country, jazz, gospel and other kinds of holiday songs. Since it is Christmas today we thought we would take time to listen to some of the new offerings.

The biggest surprise came from this artist. Maybe you will recognize the voice.


Bob Dylan's album, "Christmas in the Heart," has many traditional Christmas songs. The video for the song "Must Be Santa" has been very popular on the Internet. Dylan is wearing false long hair and dancing around with a crowd of mostly younger people at a wild house party. It is all very strange. But it does seem merry. "Christmas in the Heart" is truly a gift, too. All of Dylan's profits from the album are going to aid organizations.

Also for charity is another release in the "Very Special Christmas" series. Two thousand nine marks the seventh recording in the series. It began in nineteen-eighty-seven to help the Special Olympics. Artists who took part this season include Colbie Caillat, Miley Cyrus and this country superstar, Carrie Underwood. She sings "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing."


The country band Sugarland released its first Christmas album this year called "Gold and Green." The band's two members, Kristian Bush and Jennifer Nettles, perform some traditional songs. They also co-wrote many new holiday songs too, like the title track.


Straight No Chaser is a famous men's singing group that began at Indiana University. Former members formed a professional group of the same name. Straight No Chaser is an acapella group which means the singers do not perform with any instrumental music. Their voices do all the work.

Straight No Chaser released "Christmas Cheers" in November. Here the men perform a funny piece called "The Christmas Can-Can."


Last month, the British musician Sting released "If on a Winter's Night ... " The album is filled with beautiful, old music from the British Isles. The recording is more about the winter season than a holiday. However, in "Christmas at Sea" Sting takes a haunting Robert Louis Stevenson poem and sets it to music.


"My Christmas" is Andrea Bocelli's new holiday album. The Italian singer invited many guest artists to perform on the recording. They include the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Muppets, and Mary J. Blige.

Here Andrea Bocelli and Natalie Cole sing "The Christmas Song," from "My Christmas."


Ayiesha Woods is a Christian musician originally from Long Island, New York. The singer-songwriter has won several gospel music awards and has released four albums. They include this year's holiday recording, "Christmas Like This." It was released last month. Here Ayiesha Woods performs "O Holy Night."


Neil Diamond is another American singer-songwriter. He has been a superstar in the music business for almost forty years. "A Cherry, Cherry, Christmas" is Diamond's third Christmas album. Diamond says his latest record let people experience the special feelings of Christmas year after year. One of those feelings might be the fun of a sleigh ride through the snow.


There is also a nice seasonal album out for jazz lovers. "Jazzy Brass for the Holidays" is the latest recording by jazz trumpet player Eddie Allen. Allen arranged all fourteen pieces on the recording. He also leads the four-member brass band, drummer and bass player.

We leave you with Eddie Allen and the band playing "Let it Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" from "Jazzy Brass for the Holidays."


I'm Bob Doughty. This program was written and produced by Caty Weaver.

Do you have a question about people, places or things in America? Send it to mosaic@voanews.comand we may answer it on this show.

Join us again next week for AMERICAN MOSAIC, VOA's radio magazine in Special English.

篇三:How To Stay Warm 8 Healthy Ways To Heat Up This Winter

How To Stay Warm: 8 Healthy Ways To Heat Up This Winter Spend Time Being Social

If you're flipflopping between a night out with friends or a night under the covers, consider this: Spending time socializing could make you feel physically warmer than being alone. A study conducted by the University of Toronto researchers found that social exclusion literally feels cold. So despite the frigid temperatures and the temptation to hibernate, make an effort to spend some time with your buddies.

Get Nutty

Foods that are high in healthy fats -- like nuts -- help the body regulate its temperature, which is why people whose diets are deficient in fat often report feeling cold, Self

magazine reported. So grab a handful when you feel the chill (just be mindful of portion sizes) and reap the many other benefits of nuts.

Snuggle Up

As if you need more reason to cuddle up! Aside from the extra body heat, cuddling

releases that feel-good hormone, oxytocin, that reduces stress and lowers blood pressure, according to Shape.

Get Moving

Make an effort to exercise and you'll reap benefits beyond mood-boosting endorphins and maintaining a healthy weight.

Fitting in a sweat session will increase blood circulation throughout your body, which can help you stay focused, handle stressful situations and, of course, warm up. That's because when it's cold out, circulation in parts of the body, like the fingers, decreases,

which is why those extremities are often the first to feel cold when the temperature drops, Livestrong reported.

Sip On Something Steamy

Drinking a hot beverage will warm you right up (and of course, there's nothing like a

piping-hot mug against your frigid fingers). And, if you pick the right drinks -- like teas and coffees (preferably sans the added sugar and cream) -- you could be sipping on some serious health perks:

Green tea, for example, is high in antioxidant polyphenols which are able to help our bodies fight against the cell-damaging free radicals acquired through the environment. And coffee, which also contains antioxidants, has been shown in several studies to lower the risk of some cancers.

Start With Soup

Like tea, a hot soup can warm you from the inside out. But it could do more than help you heat up -- soup is filling, which means it could help if you're trying to cut calories. A 2007 Penn State study found that participants who first ate soup before their lunch entree

reduced their calorie intake by 20 percent, compared to their soup-less counterparts. Start with a broth-based, fiber-filled (that means veggies!) soup to cut your calorie-intake and warm up.

Spice It Up

Incorporate some more herbs and spices into your next dish and you'll heat up while adding some extra flava'.

Ginger, in particular, can get blood circulation going and the body temperature up, WebMD reported.

"It warms you up from the inside, " Judy Griffin, the author of "Mother Nature's Herbal, " told WebMD.

For other great herbs and spices and their health benefits, check out our list for some inspiration

Take A Warm Bath

Escape the cold with a warm soak in the tub -- and sleep better, too.

That's because our body temperatures naturally cool down around the time we should go to sleep. Health.com reports that taking a nice warm bath a couple hours before bedtime can raise your body temperature, prompting a greater drop in body temperature before bed -- helping you feel more relaxed.

篇四:【15】Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay

Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay

Staying positive2 through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill,new study findings suggest. In an experiment that.exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus3, researchers found that people with a generally sunny disposition4 were less likely to fall ill.

The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a "positive emotional style”5 can help ward off the common cold and other illnesses. Researchers

believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat6 or runny nose.

"People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus,,’ explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “ And when they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe. ”

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less Susceptible to7 catching a cold, but some questions remained as to8 whether the emotional trait itself had the effect.

For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional "style". Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy,tense and hostile had a negative style.

The researchers gave them nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days,the volunteers reported on any aches,pains,sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.


bay /bei/ n.绝境,穷途末路

flu /flu:/ (influenza 的简称)n.流(行性)

感(冒) virus /'vaiarss/ n.病毒 disposition /jdisps'zijsn/ n.本性,性情 psychosomatic /jsaiksuso'maetik/ adj.心身

的,身心的 boost /buist/ vt. 提高,举起 scratchy /'skraetji/ adj.刺痛的,使人发痒的 runny /'rAni/ adj.流黏液的 Pittsburgh /'pitsbaig/ n.匹兹堡(美国城 市)

colleague /'kDliig/ n.同事

susceptible /so'septobl/ adj.易感的,敏感的 catch / kaetJV vt.感染到 trait /trei,treit/ n.特质;特性 perceive /po'siiv/ vt.发觉,觉察;理解 energetic /丨ens丨d3etik/ adj.精力充沛的,精

神饱满的 easy-going /iizi'gsuig/ adj.随和的 tense /tens/ adj.紧张的 hostile /'hDstail/ adj.敌意的 nasal / 丨neizl/ adj.鼻的 ache /eik/ n.(长时间连续的)疼痛,酸痛 sneeze /sniiz/ vi.打喷噴 congestion /kon'dsestpn/ n.充血 mucus /'mjuikss/ n.點液 woe /wou/ n.痛苦,苦恼;(复)灾难,苦头


1. Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay:情绪乐观的人不易患感冒。warm people 原意是 “热心肠的人,情绪高昂的人” ,keep/hold.. at bay是“使……走投无路,不使……接近”的意 思,因此本题目如果直译则是“情绪高昂的人可能让感冒不能得逞”或“情绪高昂的人可能 远离感冒”或“情绪高昂的人可能拒感冒于千里之外”。

2. staying positive:保持积极向上(的情绪)

3. exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus:使健康的志愿者接触感冒(病毒)或流感病 毒。expose原意是“使暴露,使面临”,这里expose sb. to sth.是“使……接触……”的意思。

4. sunny disposition:乐观开朗的个性

5. positive emotional style:乐观情绪型,情绪积极型

6. scratchy throat :嗓子痛

7. susceptible to:对……敏感的,容易受到……影响的 ‘

8. as to:关于,至于


1. According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think

A that their illness is very serious. B that their illness is not so serious.

C that they do not get any illness at all. D that the illness they get is not a mild one.

2. People with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT A happy. B selfish.

C easy-going. D energetic.

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have?

A Hostile. B Unhappy.

C Warm-blooded. D Tense.

4. How did the researchers test their volunteers?

A By giving everyone nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. B By giving everyone a medicine that help lessen the probability of catching cold. C By giving everyone an injection boosting immune function. D By investigating everyone's characteristics, interests and hobbies.

5. Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that the researchers collected? A Mucus production. B Aches and pains.

C Sneezing or congestion. D Blood test.


1. B本题i案来自第三段,其中第二句说:“当他们的确患感冒时,他们认为病情并不太严 重” O

2. B i项A、C、D在第五段第二句均提到,只有B项没提到,而且从逻辑推理,情绪乐观的人 绝不会是“自私自利”的人。

3. C选项A、B、D也均在第五段第二句提到,而C项“热情洋溢”也不应属于情绪低落、消极 的人所应有的性格特征。

4. A第六段第一句说的就是“研究者给这些志愿者一些含有感冒病毒或某种流感病毒的滴 鼻剂”,这正是本题答案。

5. D选项A、B、C在第六段第二句均提到,而D项则不在其中之列。


乐观情绪助你远离感冒最新研究显示,保持乐观积极的情绪是预防感冒的最佳途径。一项令健康受试者接触感冒病毒 的实验证明,积极情绪类型的受试者受感染的几率相对较小这个名为“积极情绪可以帮助预防感冒及其他疾病”的发现被刊登在《身心医学》期刊上,而究 其原因则分为客观和主观两方面。客观原因是积极乐观的情绪有助于增强免疫系统的功能,而主观 原因则是:心情快乐的人较少受到咽痛和流鼻涕的困扰。来自匹兹堡卡内基?梅隆大学的Sheldon Cohen博士是此研究的主要参与者.,他解释道“积极 情绪类型的人对于病毒的免疫反应可能较常人不同”,“而且当患感冒时,他们往往不会把自己的病 情想象得太糟糕。”在此前一项更早的研究中,Cohen及其同事就曾经发现,积极情绪型的人对感冒病毒似乎不太 敏感,但当时并不能确定引起这种区别的是性格特征因素。在这次新的研究实验中,研究者对193名健康的受试者进行了规范的性格测试,包括自我认为 的健康程度以及情绪类型等。其中那些更倾向于心情愉快、精力充沛且平易近人的受试者为积极情 绪型,而那些总是心情不快、紧张并对旁人心存敌意的受试者则属于消极情绪类型。研究者给每位受试者提供了含有感冒病毒或某类流感病毒的滴鼻液,在接下来的六周里,每位 受试者每天汇报他们各自的身体反应,如疼痛、鼻塞、打喷嚏等。而研究者则要统计各种客观数据, 如受试者每日黏液分泌物化验结果等。根据实验的一些客观统计数据(如鼻涕化验结果),Cohen 及其同事发现,积极情绪类型的人患感冒的机会相对更小一些。



[英] [ki:p] [美] [kip] 生词本

vt. 保持;保留;遵守;阻止 vi. (食品)保持新;保持健康 n. 保持,保养;供养,抚养;生活,生计;饲料;牧草

复数:keeps 过去式:kept 过去分词:kept 现在分词:keeping 第三人称单数:keeps 行业释义:








have, hold, own, possess, keep, enjoy


have: 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。

hold: 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。

possess: 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。

keep: 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。 enjoy: 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。

keep, retain, reserve, preserve, conserve, withhold



keep at

1. 坚持做?:继续某项工作或行为

keep down

1. 压制,镇压:阻止?成长、完成或成功

keep down prices; keep the revolutionaries down.


keep off

1. 躲开,避开

keep to

1. 坚持,信守

keep to the original purpose.



for keeps

1. 永远地:无限长的一段时间

gave the ring to me for keeps.


2. 严肃而永久地

We're separating for keeps.


keep an eye out

1. 警觉

keep company

1. 相爱

a couple who kept company but never married.


keep (one's) chin up

1. 乐观,坚定:在困难面前坚定、勇敢或乐观


1. V-LINK-ERG 连系动词(及物/不及物)(使)保持 If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it. 【语法信息】:V n adj/prep

【语法信息】:V adj/prepThe noise kept him awake...噪音吵得他一直没有睡着。

Reggie was being kept busy behind the bar...


To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel...


For several years I kept in touch with her.


2. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)处于;(使)留在 If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it. 【语法信息】:V adv/prep

【语法信息】:V n with adv

【语法信息】:V n prepKeep away from the doors while the train is moving...列车运行过程中要远离车门。

He kept his head down, hiding his features...


It was against all orders to smoke, but a cigarette kept away mosquitoes...


Doctors will keep her in hospital for at least another week.


3. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(使)坚持(避免或不卷入) If you keep off something or keep away from it, you avoid it. If you keep out of something, you avoid getting involved in it. You can also say that you keep someone off ,away from or out of something. 【语法信息】:V prep/adv

【语法信息】:V n prep/advI managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods...我努力做到了只吃规定饮食,不沾甜食。

He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women...


The best way to keep babies off sugar is to go back to the natural diet and eat lots of fresh fruit. 避免婴儿摄入食糖的最好办法是让其回归自然的饮食,多吃新鲜水果。

4. VERB 动词阻止(或防止、阻碍)?做 If someone or something keeps you from a particular action, they prevent you from doing it. 【语法信息】:V n from -ingEmbarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things...我总是害怕受窘,什么事都不敢去做。

He kept her from being lonely...


What can you do to keep it from happening again?


5. VERB 动词忍住(或克制)不做 If you try to keep from doing something, you try to stop yourself from doing it. 【语法信息】:V from -ingShe bit her lip to keep from crying... 她咬住嘴唇不哭。

He had to lean on Dan to keep from falling.


6. VERB 动词保守;隐瞒 If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.

【语法信息】:V n from nShe knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.


7. VERB 动词重复;继续 If you keep doing something, you do it repeatedly or continue to do it.

【语法信息】:V -ing

【语法信息】:V P -ingI keep forgetting it's December...


I turned back after a while, but he kept walking...


Keep on means the same as keep .keep on 同keep

Did he give up or keep on trying?...


My wife keeps on saying that I work too hard.


8. VERB 动词(与某些名词连用,表示持续一段时间或继续做某事)持续,继续(持有或控制) Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it. For example, if you keep a grip on something, you continue to hold or control it. 【语法信息】:V nUntil last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country...直到去年,那个国家还处于该政权的严密控制之下。

One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles... 他们中会有一人看着后面的路,提醒我们注意过来的车辆。

His parents kept a vigil by his bedside as he was given brain and body scans.


9. VERB 动词保留;保有;留有 If you keep something, you continue to have it in your possession and do not throw it away, give it away, or sell it. 【语法信息】:V n'I like this dress,' she said. 'Keep it. You can have it,' said Daphne...


Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.


10. VERB 动词存放;储存 If you keep something in a particular place, you always have it or store it in that place so that you can use it whenever you need it. 【语法信息】:V n prep/adv

【语法信息】:V n adjShe kept her money under the mattress...她把钱放在床垫下。 She remembered where she kept the gun...


To make it easier to contact us, keep this card handy.


11. VERB 动词遵守;笃守;恪守 When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do. 【语法信息】:V nI'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit...


He had again failed to keep his word.


12. VERB 动词记下;记录;记载 If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later. 【语法信息】:V nEleanor began to keep a diary...


The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for a week.


13. VERB 动词供养;抚养;养活 If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things. 【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V pron-refl

【语法信息】:V n in nShe could just about afford to keep her five kids...她勉勉强强能养得起自己的5个孩子。

I just cannot afford to keep myself...


The pay was enough to keep him in whisky for a day or two.


14. N-SING 单数名词生活费用 Someone's keep is the cost of food and other things that they need in their daily life. 【搭配模式】:poss NRay will earn his keep on local farms while studying...


I need to give my parents money for my keep.


15. VERB 动词饲养 If you keep animals, you own them and take care of them. 【语法信息】:V n

【语法信息】:V n as nI've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens...


This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.


16. VERB 动词开设;经营;管理 If you keep a business such as a small shop or hotel, you own it and manage it. 【语法信息】:V nHis father kept a village shop.


17. VERB 动词使耽搁;使延误 If someone or something keeps you, they delay you and make you late. 【语法信息】:V nSorry to keep you, Jack...


'What kept you?' — 'I went in the wrong direction.'


18. VERB 动词(食物)保持不坏 If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time. 【语法信息】:VWhatever is left over may be put into the

refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.


19. VERB 动词(用于询问健康状况)保持健康 You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well. 【语法信息】:V adv

【搭配模式】:only contShe hasn't been keeping too well lately...


How are you keeping these days?


20. N-COUNT 可数名词(中世纪的)城堡主楼 A keep is the main tower of a medieval castle, in which people lived.

21. PHRASE 短语继续做;坚持干 If you keep at it, you continue doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop. 【搭配模式】:V inflectsIt may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it...


'Keep at it!' Thade encouraged me.


22. PHRASE 短语永远;永不更改地 Something that is for keeps is permanent and will not change. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHR

【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式Ensure that whatever you gain now will be for keeps... 确保你现在所获得的一切永远不会失去。

He advised them to leave town for keeps.


23. PHRASE 短语继续移动;坚持干 If you keep going, you continue moving along or doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop. 【搭配模式】:keep inflectsShe forced herself to keep going...


I was shouting: 'Keep going, keep going!'


24. PHRASE 短语协调/不协调;一致/不一致 If one thing is in keeping with another, it is suitable in relation to that thing. If one thing is out of keeping with another, it is not suitable in relation to that thing. 【搭配模式】:v-link PHRHis office was in keeping with his station and experience...他的办公室与其身份和阅历相称。

In keeping with tradition, the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony...


His own resp

how to keep warm

onse to it seemed to be out of keeping with his earlier expressed opinions. 他自己对此的反应与其早前表达的看法并不一致。

25. PHRASE 短语继续努力 If you keep it up, you continue working or trying as hard as you have been in the past. 【搭配模式】:V inflectsThere are fears that he will not be able to keep it up when he gets to the particularly demanding third year...


You're doing a great job! Keep it up!


26. PHRASE 短语把?秘而不宣;不将?说出去 If you keep something to yourself, you do not tell anyone else about it. 【搭配模式】:V inflectsI have to tell someone. I can't keep it to
