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篇一:英语作文 关于坏的习惯能损害人的健康

write a composition of no less than 120 words.

Bad habits can ruin your health


excessive coffee drinking

skipping breakfast

eating too much before sleep

smoking, excessive drinking

Bad habits can ruin your health

Nowadays, modern people's life rhythm faster and faster ,people’s life habits have a great difference .

As we all kown , office workers has always been in a busy state,

breakfast becomes a big problem, they don't eat breakfast, but excessive drinking coffee , and they don’t have a good sleep. Drinking too much coffee can cause nervousness, the rise of blood pressure, can also induce osteoporosis. These problems have potential harm to the body.

Some teenagers are accustomed to eating too much before sleep ,It can cause lots of problems, for example, eating too much can cause

obesity, there are also some potential disease. And now young people have picked up some bad habits, they are addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, they absorb too much smoke, excessive drinking, these problems can

cause lung disease.

To sum up, we want to keep healthy, there must be a good living habits, as a young people, we should have a healthy body, we want to eliminate the bad habits, and can have the chance to create our future.


To be or not to be,the monitor of our habit

In our life,we often leave our schedule behind our mind.For example,I had planned to study in the liarary last weedend,but finally I spent my Saturday and Sunday playing computer games and seeing the moives in the dormitory.I think many people would sometimes accour a mind that when I try to do something different,things would only develop in the way that it used to be,not what I want it to be.why?Because you are the slave of your habit and are controlled by it unconsciously.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it.there is a saying that habit decide character and character fixes our destiny.If you have a bad habit,you will not suffer form it until you correct it.On the contrary,you will benefit greatly in case of you have a good one or more.But how to develop a positive habit?It is simpie that you just have to do erery singe day the action you want.This is easy to say but difficult to do.There are some suggestions for you.Firstly,you must have a faith that you can do it.What’s more,you should ask your friends to supervise you.Finally,you can also make a plan.Write down exactly what actions you are going to take in the next weeks.

Everyone can change.Never forget that success is guaranteed for we if have positive habits in our life.If we refuse to quit,success will be ours.




为了得到一个坏习惯摆脱,重要的是,我们首先要知道如何有害的习惯是十分重要的。为例吸烟的习惯。很明显,吸烟有害人的健康。它可以导致肺癌和心脏病发作。此外,吸烟awasteof钱。烟瘾很大花费几乎是每天多少钱,他为自己的吃饭自付。所以,如果他能意识到危险和废物,很可能他会立即停止吸烟。 为了得到一个坏习惯摆脱,至关重要的是,我们也有一个坚强的意志。让我们再次采取例如吸烟的习惯。许多吸烟者拿起习惯后不久,他们再次放弃。他们中的很多也不能告诉他们有多少人试图放弃吸烟多少,他们没有这样做,倍倍。因此,它是不可能得到任何坏习惯,摆脱如果我们改变我们的思想不断。


篇四:小学英语作文-Get Rid of Bad Habits 改掉坏习惯

小学英语作文:Get Rid of Bad Habits 改掉坏习惯

Get Rid of Bad Habits 改掉坏习惯

We all have certain kinds of bad habits. For teenagers, it is very important to get rid of bad habits.

Let's take the habits of talking in class as an example. If we talk in class, we can't listen to the teachers carefully. Of course we can't understand the teachers, and can't finish our homework easily after class. Some students have to copy others' homework when the teachers ask us to hand it in. Then we will get weak in our school lessons and we will become a bad student in the teachers' eyes. Besides, talking in class maybe influences some other students.

So, we must get rid of bad habits at once.






Keywords from《the 7 habits of highly effective people》


第一部分:自我探索 self-exploration

? 品德与技巧Character & personality

? 思考thinking—行为behavior—习惯habit—命运destiny

? 思维定式 paradigm 思维转换 paradigm shift

? 习惯 habit :知识 knowledge + 技巧 skill + 意愿 desire

? 滤镜 map

? 原则 principle 自然法则 laws of nature


? 由内而外 from inside to outside

? 成熟模式 mature continuum

依赖 Dependent





产能/产出平衡 P/PC Balance

? 效能 efficiency

第二部分:个人领域的成功,从依赖到独立 Self-mastery,from dependence to independence 习惯一Habit 1:积极主动 be Proactive

? 四大天赋 four talents:

自我意识 self-awareness 独立意志 independent will 良知 conscience 想象力 imagination

? 自由选择 freedom of choice

? 刺激 反应 react

? 积极主动 proactive 和 消极被动 reactive

? 责任 Responsibility 与 职责 duty

? 关注圈 circle of concern 和 影响圈 circle of influence

? 承诺 commitment

? 各个级别的承诺 level of commitment

愿望Wish 希望想 尝试 try 要 want 承诺

习惯二 Habit 2:以终为始 begin with end in mind

? 两次创造 create twice:

? 智力创造 mental create 和 体力创造 physical create

? 意愿 desire * 行动 action = 成功 success

? SMART 原则: SMART principle

1 确定的 specific

2 可衡量的 measurable

3 可实现的 achievable

4 现实的 realistic

5 有时间限制的 time

? 生命的核心 center of life

? 配偶husband/wife-家庭family-金钱money-工作job-名利-享乐happy-敌人enemy&朋友

friend-宗教religion-自我 self

? 使命宣言 Mission Statement

? 心灵演练 visualization

习惯三Habit 3:要事第一 put first thing first

? 管理 management 和 领导 leadership

? 勇于说“不” say NO

? 重要 importance 和 紧急 urgent

? 时间管理 time management -- 4D原则 4D principle

? 规划做 do it later 立刻做 do it now

? 放弃做 don’t do it 授权做 delete

? 第四代时间管方法六标准 six standards of time management


? 自我管理四步骤 four steps

确认角色set role-选择目标choose targets-安排进度plan-每日调整adjust everyday ? 帕累托法则 80/20 rule

第三部分:公众领域的成功,从独立到互赖Public Victory,from independence to interdependence

习惯四Habit 4:双赢思维think win-win

? 情感账户 emotional bank account

? 人际关系六种模式 six relations

1. 双赢win/win

2. 损人利己win/lose

3. 独善其身win

4. 损己利人lose/win

5. 两败俱伤lose/lose

6. 无交易 no win or lose

? 勇气 courage 和 体谅 consideration

? 双赢五要素 five elements in win/win relationship


2双赢关系 3双赢协议

Win/win character connection contract

4双赢体系 system和 5双赢过程process

习惯五Habit 5:知己解彼Seek first to understand, then to be understood

? 沟通是生活中最重要的技能 Communication is the most important skill in life

? 绝大多数人都是带着答复的目的去倾听 Most people listen with the intent to reply ? 沟通的元素:10%语言+30%声音+60%肢体语言

Communication involves:10% language + 30%sounds+ 60%body language

? 先诊断后开方 Diagnose before you prescribe.

? 倾听的层次listening at one of four levels:

1、听而不闻 Ignoring

2、敷衍了事Pretend Listening

3、选择地听Selective Listening

4、专注地听Attentive Listening

5、同理心地听/移情聆听 Empathic Listening

? 四种自传式回应Four Autobiographical Response


2、追根究底 probing

3、好为人师 advising

4、 自以为是 interpreting

? 适时扮演知音:理解和感知 understanding and perception

? 同理心三字诀Three points of Empathic:等、问、换 wait a moment & shift

? 同理心包含四个发展阶段Empathic listening involves four development :

重复内容 mimic content

重整内容 rephrase the content

表达感情 reflect feeling

重整内容并表达感受 rephrase the content and reflect the feeling

? 同理心雷达(Empathic RADAR):了解realize、评估assess、决定decide、行动act、检


? 有效表达的基本方面The essence of making effective presentations:品格ethos、情感


? 一对一沟通 one to one

习惯六Habit 6:统合综效 Synergize

? 敞开胸怀,博采众议 open-minded and inclusive

? 尊重差异 valuing the differences

? 整体大于部分之和 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

? 沟通三层次 Three level of communication:互相提防defensiveness、互相尊重mutual


? 争执Dispute+妥协compromise≠第三条道路 the third alternative

? 双赢心态+方法+反映观点+创新思路理解尊重坦诚沟通=第三条道路

Think win-win+ Methods+ sharing + innovation+ understanding +communication= the third alternative

? 消极协作减效 negative synergy

第四部分:自我提升和完善 Self-renewal and Improvement

习惯七 Habit 7:不断更新 Sharpen the saw

? 自我提升和完善的四个层面Four aspects of self-renewal:

身体physical:锻炼Exercise、营养Nutrition、压力调节Pressure Control

精神spiritual:实现价值Realized Value、忠诚 loyalty、学习Leaning、冥想Meditation 智力intellectual:阅读Reading、想象Imagine、规划Plan、写作Writing

社会/情感social/emotional:服务Serve、移情Empathize、统合综效Synergize、内在安全感 Inner Sense of Security

? 平衡更新balance in renewal

? 螺旋上升 spiral rising
