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Analysis of Henry Ⅴ in Henry Ⅳ and Henry Ⅴ


(班级:2009—1 学号: 014001091009)

Abstract:Shakespeare’s histories include ten historical plays, and Henry Ⅳ is one of the most remarkable ones,while Henry V is the countinuation of Henry Ⅳ . In depicting Henry Ⅴ as a prince and as a man, Shakespeare looks deep into the personality of his hero and shows a profound understanding of politics and social life of the time. So this thesis includes three parts aiming to give a comprehensive analysis of Henry Ⅴwho is the symbol of Shakespeare’s ideal king.

Key words:dissoluteness confidence ideal king

Introduction: Henry Ⅳ is one of the most remarkable historical plays. It deals with events of the 15th century and gives the picture of a troubled reign. And Henry Ⅴ is the countinuation of Henry Ⅳ.

Shakespear lives in an age when old feudal social and economic order was being destroyed and a new capitalist socitey was being born. As is shown to us all that, Henry Ⅴ is the symbol of Shakespeare’s ideal kingship. Therefore, there must exist many merits in Henry Ⅴ. Or in other words, Shakespeare adds his aspiration to the character, Henry Ⅴ.

Then my analysis will conclude three aspects under three different circumtances. By understanding the antions each circumtances Henry V took, we can get a conclusion on Henry V’s merits and clearly we will see Shakespeare’s aspiration he added into Henry V.

1.His Dissolute Life

Henry V is shown to be prodigal and leads a dissolute life. He keeps company with Sir john falstaff and other reputable persons and enjoys a low, riofous life with them. “ For the moment their pursuit of folly left them a little repose, and for lack of anything better-or worse-to do, falstaff sat drinking while the princs lounged and watched him. He drinks at the Boar’s head tavern and cracks coarse jokes with Falstaff. He cuts purses for fun. He consents to a highway robbery at Gadshill. Once he strikes the lord chief justice and is committed to prison. His dissolute life makes his royal father sad:

“Can no man tell me of my unthrifty son?

’Tis full three months since I did see him last:

If any plague hang over us,’tis he.

I would to God, my lords, he might be found:

Inquire at London,’mongst the taverns there,

For there, they say, he daily doth frequent,

With unrestained loose companions,

Even such, they say, as stand in narrow lanes,

And beat our watch and rob our passengers.”

Prince Hal, ie Hrnry V, his dissoluteness let not only his father down, but also the people of England. They couldn’t imagine such a person would be their future

King. However, what the truth is that his dissoluteness is only skin-deep.

2. The sharp Contrast between Prince Henry and Hotspur

Hotspur, the leader of the rebellious lords, is impulsive and lacking in self-control. He is loyal to the interests of the noble lords, and ready to lay down his life to defend the “honor” of his noble family: “I hope before night to embracehim so with a soldier’s arm that he will find himself shrinking under my courtesy.Esoerance! Percy!” Hoever, he fights for a decaying force and is doomed to perish.

In contrast with his impetuosity, Prince Henry goes to the battlefield cool-mindly and is full of confidence in his own victory.

“Percy is but my factor, good my lord,

To engross up glorious deeds on my behalf;

And I will call him to strict account,

That he shall render wvery glory up.”

Here are some detiled descriptions in the battlefield:

“Prince Harry had been fighting nobly.Early in the day an arrow had wounded him in the face, and his father, himself withdrawn from the hottest of the fight only by the vehement entreaties of the Earl of March, had vainly implored him to retire and have his wound dressed.To this he would not listen, and it was on the ground from which he has already beaten off an onslaught of Douglas upon his father that he and Hotspur at length came face to face.”At this point, we can draw a conclusion that Henry Ⅴ is depicted as a patriotic king and a brilliant miltary commander.Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere.This strong and powerful words shows his great confidence and ambition.

Above all, a confident and strong-willed man is showed to us.More importantly, we can see Henry’s desire for national unity.

3. The Real Strong king After His Accession to the Throne

In the scene of his accession to the throne, Henry coldly turns away his old friend John Falstaff:

“Reply not to me with a foot-born iset;

Presume not that I am the thing I was;

For God doth know, so shall the world perceive,

That I have turn’d away my former self,

So will I those that kept me company.”

Here ends the process of development of Henry as a budding stateman.

In , Henry is represented as a moderl of ideal kingship. At this moment, he cecomes another man: The breath no sooner left his father’s body.But thathis wildness...Seem’d to die too;... .

Prince Hal is now King Henry Ⅴ and Prince Hal no longer. All trace of that madcap, that haunter of taverns and dissolute company, had wanished in the young man who now held the sceptre of England with a firm hand and serious purposeThe wildness seemes to die out of him as the breath lefe his father’s body. Aa a result, his people wandered and were grateful with his change. Gone are the days when he had fun with the villians.They are forced to believe that“his thoughtfulness has been growing secretly

under cover of his old wild courses, as a strawberry ripens under a nettle, or grass springs fastest while the night hides it.”

In the play, we see him to be not only sober-minded, but shrew;of strong will, yet just; masterful, while willing to listen to advice.He is the ideal King.


In conclusion, through the analysis of the character, readers can have a deep impression that Shakespear is such a greatest humanist. By the description of Henry Ⅴ, Shakespeare gives us a picture of the time and the society. And Henry Ⅴ represents Shakespeare’s idea of a good king and aspiration for the national unity of England under a powerful and efficient monarchy.




An Analysis of Henry Ⅴ in HenryⅣ and HenryⅤ


(班级:2009—1 学号: 014001091009)

Abstract: Shakespeare’s histories include ten historical plays, and HenryⅣ is one of the most remarkable ones,while Henry V is the countinuation of HenryⅣ. In depicting HenryⅤas a prince and as a man, Shakespeare looks deep into the personality of his hero and shows a profound understanding of politics and social life of the time. So this thesis includes three parts aiming to give a comprehensive analysis of HenryⅤwho is the symbol of Shakespeare’s ideal king.

Key words: dissoluteness national unity ideal king


HenryⅣ is one of the most remarkable historical plays. It deals with events of the 15th century and gives the picture of a troubled reign. And HenryⅤ is the countinuation of HenryⅣ.

Therefore a large number of writers show their different ideas. “The distinct and definite character balance, especially between Hotspur and Prince Hal, endows historical material with a kind of dramatical conception. And the relationship between Prince Hal and his father HenryⅣ provides a sense of cordial to the greater and public events. ”(cited in Ifro Evens.1984:1) And Liuxiaofeng and GanYang in 2011 say “Prince Henry’s relationship with his father and Falstaff has a great political inflluence. They play a significant role in the young prince’s life, which supplies with great resourceflness to his future domination.”

Then my analysis will conclude three aspects under three different circumtances. By understanding the antions each circumtances Henry V took, we can get a conclusion

on Henry V’s merits and clearly we wi(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:亨利五世)ll see Shakespeare’s aspiration he added into Henry V.

1.His Life with Dissoluteness

Henry V is shown to be prodigal and leads a dissolute life. He keeps company with Sir john falstaff and other reputable persons and enjoys a low, riofous life with them. He drinks at the Boar’s head tavern and cracks coarse jokes with Falstaff. He cuts purses for fun. He consents to a highway robbery at Gadshill. Once he strikes the lord chief justice and is committed to prison. His dissolute life makes his royal father sad:

“Can no man tell me of my unthrifty son?

’Tis full three months since I did see him last:

If any plague hang over us,’tis he.

I would to God, my lords, he might be found:

Inquire at London,’mongst the taverns there,

For there, they say, he daily doth frequent,

With unrestained loose companions,

Even such, they say, as stand in narrow lanes,

And beat our watch and rob our passengers.”

(RichardⅡ,Ⅴ.3. )

Prince Hal’s about three month’s’ staying outside not only lets his father down, but also hte people of England. They wander, how could a king behave like that? However, only he himself understands that his dissoluteness is only skin-deep.

2. His Desire of National Unity

Henry V is coolly-minded and has a strong will. His former dissoluteness is only skin-deep. On one hand, Falstaff makes Henry happy and he has the method to let others live happily like him. On the other hand, while amusing with Falstaff, Henry studies life, studies the people of his country, and this proves to be essential for the future king.

Henry’s desire of national unity mainly lies the sharp contrast between he and Hotspure. Hotspur, the leader of the rebellious lords, is impulsive and lacking in self-control. He is loyal to the interests of the noble lords, and ready to lay down his life to defend the “honor” of his noble family. Hoever, he fights for a decaying force and is doomed to perish.

In contrast with his impetuosity, Prince Henry goes to the battlefield cool-mindly and is full of confidence in his own victory.

“Percy is but my factor, good my lord,

To engross up glorious deeds on my behalf;

And I will call him to strict account,

That he shall render wvery glory up.”

(Part Ⅰ,Ⅲ.2.)

Prince Harry had been fighting nobly.Early in the day an arrow had wounded him in the face, and his father, himself withdrawn from the hottest of the fight only by the vehement entreaties of the Earl of March, had vainly implored him to retire and have his wound dressed. To this he would not listen, and it was on the ground

from which he has already beaten off an onslaught of Douglas upon his father that he and Hotspur at length came face to face. Prince Henry ignored his wound but still bravely fought with Hotspure. At this point, we can draw a conclusion that HenryⅤis depicted as a patriotic king and a brilliant miltary commander. Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere. This strong and powerful words shows his great confidence and ambition.

Above all, a confident and strong-willed man is showed to us.More importantly, we can see Henry’s desire for national unity.

3. The Real Strong king After His Accession to the Throne

In the scene of his accession to the throne, Henry coldly turns away his old friend John Falstaff:

“Reply not to me with a foot-born iset;

Presume not that I am the thing I was;

For God doth know, so shall the world perceive,

That I have turn’d away my former self,

So will I those that kept me company.”

(Part Ⅱ,Ⅴ.5.)

Here ends the process of development of Henry as a budding stateman.

In Henry Ⅴ, Henry is represented as a moderl of ideal kingship. At this moment, he cecomes another man. The breath no sooner left his father’s body.But thathis wildness...Seem’d to die too..

Prince Hal is now King HenryⅤand Prince Hal no longer. All trace of that madcap, that haunter of taverns and dissolute company, had wanished in the young man who now held the sceptre of England with a firm hand and serious purposeThe wildness seemes to die out of him as the breath lefe his father’s body. Aa a result, his people wandered and were grateful with his change. Gone are the days when he had fun with the villians.They are forced to believe that“his thoughtfulness has been growing secretly under cover of his old wild courses, as a strawberry ripens under a nettle, or grass springs fastest while the night hides it.”

In the play, we see him to be not only sober-minded, but shrew;of strong will, yet just; masterful, while willing to listen to advice.He is the ideal King.


In conclusion, through the analysis of the character, readers can have a deep impression that Shakespear is such a greatest humanist. By the description of HenryⅤ, Shakespeare gives us a picture of the time and the society. And HenryⅤrepresents Shakespeare’s idea of a good king and aspiration for the national unity of England under a powerful and efficient monarchy.




刘小枫 甘阳.莎士比亚的政治盛典[M].北京.华夏出版社.2011




A、荷马史诗 B、《神谱》C、《变形记》 D、《理想国》 2、贯穿希腊神话的基本思想是________。 A、一神教 B、偶像崇拜 C、来世主义 D、人本主义 3、希腊神话中,特洛亚王子帕里斯把“不和的金苹果”判给________而引起战争。

A、赫拉 B、雅典娜 C、阿芙洛狄忒 D、阿耳忒弥斯 4、古希腊奴隶主民主制全盛时期文学的主要成就是。 A、抒情诗和寓言 B、神话和史诗 C、戏剧和散文 D、戏剧和文艺理论 5、《伊利昂纪》的基本主题是________。 A、歌颂反侵略的爱国主义精神 B、歌颂氏族首领的英雄主义精神 C、歌颂人与自然的斗争精神 D、描写神对人命运的控制

6、《奥德修纪》的基本主题是________。 A、歌颂古代英雄保护私有财产的斗争精神 B、歌颂为氏族荣誉进行斗争的古代英雄 C、歌颂古代英雄与大自然搏斗的智慧与力量 D、歌颂忠贞不渝的爱情


A、埃斯库罗斯 B、塞内加

C、欧里庇得斯(舞台上的哲学家) D、索福克勒斯 8、古希腊抒情诗起源于________。 A、酒神祭祀 B、婚丧仪式 C、民歌 D、神话

9、被亚里斯多德赞为“十全十美的悲剧”是________。 A、《被缚的普罗米修斯》 B、《俄狄浦斯王》 C、《美狄亚》 D、《特洛亚妇女》 10、古希腊戏剧起源于________。

A、民间滑稽戏 B、酒神祭祀 C、婚丧仪式 D、神话 11、阿里斯托芬的作品涉及许多社会问题,其中他最为关心的问题是________。 A、道德伦理 B、妇女命运 C、贫富不均现象 D、战争与和平


A、《阿卡奈人》 B、《骑士》 C、《云》 D、《鸟》 13、新喜剧产生于希腊化时期,多以________为主题。 A、政治问题 B、社会矛盾


C、爱情与家庭问题 D、战争与和平


A、莫里哀的《史嘉本的诡计》 B、莫里哀的《悭吝人》 C、莎士比亚的《错误的喜剧》 D、莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》

15、希腊罗马神话总汇的作品是________。 A、《神谱》 B、《埃涅阿斯纪》 C、奥维德《变形记》 D、《金驴记》


A、柏拉图 B、贺拉斯 C、维吉尔 D、亚里斯多德 17、欧洲最早的一部小说是________。

A、维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》 B、奥维德的《变形记》 C、阿普列尤斯的《金驴记》 D、荷马的《奥德修纪》 18、《尼伯龙根之歌》是________的英雄史诗。 A、芬兰 B、西班牙 C、德国 D、法国


A、氏族社会瓦解 B、封建社会形成 C、封建社会繁荣 D、封建社会衰落

20、欧洲中世纪中期英雄史诗的中心主题是________。 A、爱情 B、行侠 C、爱国 D、护教

21、中世纪教会文学最常用的表现手法是________。 A、梦幻、夸张、浪漫 B、夸张、象征、寓意 C、梦幻、讽刺、寓意 D、梦幻、象征、寓意 22、骑士文学反映了________的思想意识。 A、僧侣 B、市民 C、世俗封建主 D、农民 23、《特里斯丹与绮瑟》是________。 A、英雄史诗 B、骑士抒情诗 C、骑士叙事诗 D、市民戏剧

24、中世纪城市文学最发达的国家是________。 A、英国 B、意大利 C、德国 D、法国 25、城市文学的主要成就是________。 A、韵文故事 B、讽刺叙事诗 C、市民抒情诗 D、市民戏剧

26、城市文学的主要艺术手法是________。 A、讽刺 B、抒情 C、叙事 D、梦幻

27、《列那狐的故事》中的列那是________的形象。 A、封建领主 B、骑士 C、早期资产者 D、农民


A、但丁的《新生》 B、洛利斯的《玫瑰传奇》 C、维庸的《大遗言集》 D、卢梭的《忏悔录》 29、但丁的《飧宴》是一部________。 A、抒情诗 B、叙事诗

C、历史著作 D、介绍科学文化知识的学术性论著 30、《神曲》的主要内容取材于________。 A、《圣经》 B、意大利现实生活 C、意大利历史 D、古希腊神话

31、但丁热爱古代文化,他最推崇的诗人是________。 A、维吉尔 B、奥维德 C、贺拉斯 D、塞内加 32、维吉尔在《神曲》中象征________。 A、理性和哲学 B、信仰 C、神学 D、至善和至美 33、《神曲》中引导但丁游历天堂的向导是________。 A、维吉尔 B、圣贝拉多 C、贝阿特丽采 D、天使 34、“知识就是力量”是________的名言。 A、拉佰雷 B、马洛 C、莎士比亚 D、培根 35、文艺复兴的策源地是________。 A、德国 B、法国 C、意大利 D、英国 36、人文主义文学的性质是________。 A、教会文学 B、市民文学 C、资产阶级文学 D、封建阶级文学

37、“这是一个需要巨人而且产生了巨人的时代”。这句话是________对文艺复兴的高度评价。 A、马克思 B、恩格斯 C、列宁 D、斯大林


A、意大利、法国、西班牙、英国 B、意大利、德国、西班牙、英国 C、法国、德国、西班牙、英国 D、意大利、德国、西班牙、法国


A、意大利 B、法国 C、西班牙 D、英国


A、法国、德国 B、西班牙、德国 C、西班牙、英国 D、法国、西班牙



A、法国、西班牙 B、法国、英国 C、西班牙、英国 D、英国、意大利

43、世界上第一部具有广泛影响的宣传空想社会主义思想的杰作是________。 A、《鸟》 B、《乌托邦》 C、《普罗米修斯》 D、《神谱》

44、文艺复兴时期,最早学习阿拉佰名著《一千零一夜》,用故事套故事的框架结构方式写成的作品是________。 A、《坎特佰雷故事集》 B、《十日谈》 C、《七日谈》 D、《巨人传》


A、《巨人传》 B、《十日谈》 C、《堂·吉诃德》 D、《托梅斯河上的小拉撒路》(《小癞子》) 46、《巨人传》中的三大巨人形象是________。 A、格朗古杰、卡冈都亚、庞大固埃 B、约翰修士、卡冈都亚、庞大固埃

C、格朗古杰、约翰修士、卡冈都亚 D、巴汝奇、卡冈都亚、庞大固埃 47、《堂·吉诃德》是一部________。 A、梦幻小说 B、骑士小说 C、现实主义小说 D、寓言小说

48、英国文学史上第一部现实主义作品是________。 A、《坎特佰雷故事集》 B、《仙后》

C、《浮士德博士的悲剧》 D、《罗米欧与朱丽叶》 49、“大学才子派”的四大剧作家是________。 A、李里、格林、基德、查普曼 B、李里、格林、基德、马洛 C、李里、查普曼、基德、马洛 D、格林、基德、查普曼、马洛


A、格林 B、基德 C、李里 D、马洛 莎士比亚



B、《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《麦克白》《雅典的泰门》 C、《哈姆雷特》《麦克白》《雅典的泰门》《李尔王》 D、《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《麦克白》

52、莎士比亚剧作中的三大典型是________。 A、哈姆雷特、夏洛克、麦克白 B、哈姆雷特、夏洛克、福斯塔夫 C、夏洛克、麦克白、福斯塔夫 D、哈姆雷特、福斯塔夫、麦克白



B、鲍西娅、苔丝德蒙娜(《奥赛罗》) C、苔丝德蒙娜、赫米娅


54、最早提出“莎士比亚化”这个命题的是________。 A、马克思 B、恩格斯 C、列宁 D、斯大林 55、最早提出“福斯塔夫式的背景”这个命题的是________。

A、马克思 B、恩格斯 C、列宁 D、斯大林 56、福斯塔夫这个形象最早出现在莎士比亚的剧作________中。

A、《李尔王》 B、《温莎的风流娘儿们》 C、《亨利四世》 D、《亨利五世》

57、莎士比亚历史剧中的理想君主形象是________。 A、亨利四世 B、亨利五世 C、亨利六世 D、理查三世 58、莎士比亚悲剧中塑造得最成功的三个资产阶级原始积累时期极端个人主义野心家、阴谋家的形象是________。

A、克劳狄斯(《哈姆雷特》)、伊阿古(《奥赛罗》)、麦克白(《麦克白》) B、克劳狄斯、伊阿古、夏洛克

C、伊阿古、麦克白、爱德蒙(《李尔王》) D、克劳狄斯、伊阿古、爱德蒙

59、莎士比亚的三大传奇剧是________。 A、《暴风雨》、《辛白林》、《仲夏夜之梦》 B、《暴风雨》、《辛白林》、《冬天的故事》 C、《仲夏夜之梦》、《冬天的故事》、《暴风雨》 D、《冬天的故事》、《仲夏夜之梦》、《辛白林》 60、莎士比亚悲剧中最富喜剧色彩的一部作品是________。

A、《哈姆雷特》 B、《雅典的泰门》 C、《李尔王》 D、《罗米欧与朱丽叶》


A、《第十二夜》 B、《仲夏夜之梦》 C、《无事生非》 D、《威尼斯商人》 62、莎士比亚“内心独白”写得最成功的悲剧是________。

A、《哈姆雷特》 B、《李尔王》 C、《麦克白》 D、《奥赛罗》


A、《暴风雨》 B、《辛白林》 C、《冬天的故事》 D、《第十二夜》 64、《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克的主要性格特征是________。

A、怯懦、卑劣、无赖 B、贪婪、吝啬、残忍 C、骄横、狂妄、野心勃勃 D、反抗性、报复性 65、莎士比亚剧作中,有一段关于“金子”的名言,马克思在《资本论》中曾引用它说明货币的本质。这段名言出自剧本________。 A、《李尔王》 B、《暴风雨》 C、《奥赛罗》 D、《雅典的泰门》

66、表现人文主义理想与现实的矛盾和理想的幻灭,这是莎士比亚________的基本主题。 A、历史剧 B、喜剧 C、悲剧 D、传奇剧


A、喜剧 B、历史剧 C、悲剧 D、传奇剧

68、歌颂爱情和友谊,表达人文主义的生活理想,这是莎士比亚________的基本主题。 A、喜剧 B、历史剧 C、悲剧 D、传奇剧 69、莎士比亚的喜剧风格是________。

A、幽默讽刺喜剧 B、浪漫抒情喜剧 C、民间滑稽喜剧 70、莎士比亚的悲剧总体上属于________。 A、性格悲剧 B、命运悲剧 C、社会悲剧

71、莎士比亚的剧作是诗剧,基本上是用________写的。 A、无韵体 B、双韵体 C、斯宾塞体

72、17世纪欧洲最主要的文学思潮是________。 A、巴洛克文学 B、古典主义文学 C、资产阶级革命文学 D、民间文学


73、《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》取材于________。 A、古希腊罗马神话 B、英国历史 C、英国现实 D、《圣经》

74、古典主义者所强调的理性,是指________。 A、反对蒙昧主义,主张人应该受教育,发挥其聪明才智


C、以理智克制情欲,履行公民义务,维护国家统一 D、以理智克制情欲,鼓吹禁欲主义

75、法国古典主义文学成就最高的是________。 A、小说 B、诗歌 C、悲剧 D、喜剧

76、法国第一部标准的古典主义悲剧是________。 A、高乃依的《熙德》 B、拉辛的《安德洛玛刻》 C、拉辛的《费得尔》 D、高乃依的《贺拉斯》 77、莫里哀剧作中以仆人的智慧揭露和嘲讽贵族等上层人物的著名剧本是________。

A、《可笑的女才子》、《伪君子》、《史嘉本的诡计》 B、《可笑的女才子》、《贵人迷》、《唐·璜》 C、《恨世者》、《太太学堂》、《伪君子》 78、莫里哀以揭露资产阶级拜金主义而闻名于世的喜剧是________。

A、《太太学堂》 B、《贵人迷》 C、《悭吝人》 D、《伪君子》


A、桃丽娜 B、达米斯 C、玛丽亚娜 D、欧米尔 80、启蒙运动中最典型、革命精神最强烈、影响最大的国家是_______。

A、英国 B、德国 C、意大利 D、法国 82、鲁滨逊作为资产阶级形象的主要精神特征是________。

A、讲求实际和精于算计 B、勤奋劳动和富于创造性 C、不怕困难和坚忍不拔 D、冒险精神和占有欲望 83、法国“百科全书派”的创始人是________。 A、孟德斯鸠 B、伏尔泰 C、狄德罗 D、卢梭 84、在法国启蒙运动中提出著名的“返回自然”口号的作家是_______。

A、孟德斯鸠 B、伏尔泰 C、卢梭 D、狄德罗 85、“狂飙突进”运动是一个全德性的________。 A、思想文化运动 B、政治革命运动 C、文学运动 D、学术争鸣运动


86、启蒙运动作家塑造的人物往往是他们思想的代言人,在德国以________的创作最具代表性。 A、莱辛 B、歌德 C、席勒 D、克林格尔


A、莱辛 B、席勒 C、歌德 D、克林格尔 88、摩菲斯特形象的主要作用是________。 A、作为恶的代表来映衬善


C、通过他的口来揭露现实社会的丑恶 D、说明邪恶的社会力量必然走向灭亡

89、浪漫主义文学思潮最本质的美学特征是________。 A、自然崇拜 B、主观理想性 C、夸张与对比 D、偏爱民间文学

90、法国文学中第一部浪漫主义小说是________。 A、《巴黎圣母院》 B、《阿达拉》 C、《嘉尔曼》 D、《勒内》

91、“在绝对正确的革命之上,还有一个绝对正确的人道主义”这句话出自雨果的小说________。 A《笑面人》 B、《海上劳工》 C《悲惨世界》 D、《九三年》


A、《欧那尼·序言》 B、《悲惨世界·序言》 C、《海上劳工·序言》 D、《克伦威尔·序言》 93、海涅在《西里西亚的纺织工人》中描写的纺织工人的“三重诅咒”是指________。

A、上帝、国王和祖国 B、上帝、国王和封建主 C、上帝、国王和资本家 D、封建主、资本家和上帝 94、________不属于拜伦作品中的“拜伦式英雄”形象。

A、康拉德 B、曼弗雷德 C、唐璜 D、恰尔德·哈罗尔德 95、拜伦的《唐璜》是一部________。 A、哲理是剧 B、抒情长诗 C、诗体喜剧 D、诗体长篇小说

96、雪莱的《西风颂》中的西风________。 A、是破坏者 B、是保护者

C、是旁观者 D、既是破坏者又是保护者


A、《父亲,赶快从田地里上来》 B、《敲呀!敲呀!敲呀》 C、《大路之歌》


98、批判现实主义文学最常用的体裁是________。 A、戏剧 B、中短篇小说 C、诗歌 D、长篇小说 99、________的问世,标志着批判现实主义文学真正的107、属于丹麦童话家安徒生创作的著名童话是________。

A、《皇帝的新装》 B、《灰姑娘》 C、《渔夫和金鱼的故事》 D、《小红帽》 108、俄国批判现实主义的奠基作是________。 A、《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》 B、《当代英雄》 C、《死魂灵》 D、《驿站长》

109、《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》是________。 A、长诗 B、小说 C、散文诗 D、诗体长篇小说 开端。

A、《红与黑》(司汤达) B、《高老头》 C、《双城记》 D、《名利场》


A、《意大利遗事》 B、《巴玛修道院》 C、《拉辛与莎士比亚》 D、《法尼娜·法尼尼》 101、巴尔扎克把《人间喜剧》分为三类,其中最重要的是________。

A、哲学研究 B、分析研究 C、风俗研究


A、要和整个上流社会对抗 B、要和金钱罪恶斗争

C、要和高老头的两个女儿、女婿对抗 D、要成为上流社会的强者


A、《情感教育》 B、《三个故事》 C、《包法利夫人》 D、《萨朗波》 104、萨克雷的代表作是________。 A、《名利场》 B、《玛丽·巴登》 C、《艰难时世》 D、《荒凉山庄》


A、《名利场》 B、《艰难时世》 C、《玛丽·巴登》 D、《双城记》 106、代尔那、卡尔登是________中的人物。 A、《双城记》 B、《伟大的期望》 C、《小杜丽》 D、《艰难时世》


A、塔吉雅娜(《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》)普希金 B、娜塔莎 (《战争与和平》) C、卡杰琳娜(《大雷雨》) D、吉娣(《安娜·卡列尼娜》)


A、《钦差大臣》 B、《死魂灵》 C、《米尔戈罗德》 D、《外套》

112、果戈里最突出的艺术手法是________。 A、议论 B、抒情 C、讽刺 D、对比

113、19世纪后期的西欧文坛流派众多,成就最高、影响最大的文学流派是________。 A、无产阶级文学 B、自然主义文学 C、象征主义文学 D、批判现实主义文学 114、自然主义文学的发源地是________。 A、英国 B、德国 C、意大利 D、法国

115、哈代的《德佰家的苔丝》属于________一类。 A、罗曼史和幻想 B、爱情阴谋故事 C、性格和环境小说

116、法国自然主义文学的理论家是________。 A、左拉 B、莫泊桑 C、龚古尔兄弟 D、福楼拜 117、法国自然主义文学创作上的典型代表是________。A、左拉 B、莫泊桑 C、龚古尔兄弟 D、福楼拜 118、左拉描写劳资矛盾的作品是________。 A、《萌芽》 B、《金钱》 C、《小酒店》 D、《妇女乐园》

119、柯洛克斯泰是易卜生________中的人物。 A、《人民公敌》 B、《群鬼》 C、《玩偶之家》 D、《社会支柱》








Hundred war ━ HenryⅤ Henry V was the king in the third stage of hundred war. If he did not die at a young age, Maybe Europe will not be the situation now.

His father opposed CharlesⅡ when Henry V was brought to Ireland by Charlie, but Charles Ⅱ did not put him as a hostage, this lets Henry V feel grateful. Henry was dedicated to his grand goal what his older generation didn't complete-- Conquer France. In fact, he is a real conqueror, natural god of war.

Henry V reignition the war of one hundred war, and he even made more than the victory of EdwardⅢ. when French internal contradictions: Two big noble group Orleans and Burgundy bloodshed. Henry V utilized the situation well. In fact, he made the duke of Burgundy betrays his own country to support Britain. A French shall help to cope France, it will certainly make any British ruler who claimed that he was the authentic heir of French chuckle. Henry V sent the courier to French and showed his conditions, his requested Princess Catherine marry him, and France must give Henry the two piece of territory original English once own in France as dowry. In this condition, even if his is neuropathy can't promise. Henry V have expected to each other will refuse to himself, so at the first time, Henry collected six thousand cavalry, thirty thousand archers, carry a large number of fire, with the traitor's (duke of Burgundy) support, landing Seine river mouth sooner. right now, the hundred years' war started the third stage.

In October 1415,after a long fatigue march the England army was pluged at Agincourt. Because of the great casualties in previous siege, plus the marching

overworked, provender shortage, looks like a very weak army. All of the French aristocracy think that they can annihilated the England invaders at Agincourt, and it is a once in a blue moon opportunity for building a solid career. Almost idle French nobles came, in twos, more than fifty thousand French army set in Agincourt. Neatening army and waiting for Henry V’s pathetic army that less than ten thousand troops. Even if Henry V is a generation brave general, natural god of war, but in this situation, he also have some shirnk back. It is said that he once put forward peace talks with French, but the French looks the England army like fat at the side of the mouth, they can eat it as their wish. So they will never promised to HenryV reconciliation plan. It forced HenryV had to bite the bullet and go ahead regardless the name. And this was called Battle of Agincout, it’s a very famous battle in the hundred war with fewer wins many campaign.

The night of October 24/25 was marked by heavy rain which turned the newly plowed fields in the area into a muddy quagmire. As the sun rose, the terrain favored the English as the narrow space between the two woods worked to negate the French numerical advantage. Three hours passed and the French, awaiting reinforcements and perhaps having learned from their defeat at Crécy , did not attack. Forced to make the first move, Henry V took a risk and advanced between the woods to within extreme range for his archers. The French failed to strike with the England were vulnerable. As a result, Henry V was able to establish a new defensive position and his archers were able to fortify their lines with stakes. This done, they unleashed a barrage with their longbows. With the England archers filling the sky with arrows, the French

cavalry began a disorganized charge against the English position with the first line of men-at-arms following. Cut down by the archers, the cavalry failed to breach the English line and succeeded in doing little more than churning the mud between the two armies. Hemmed in by the woods, they retreated through the first line weakening its formation.

Slogging forward through the mud, the French infantry was exhausted by the exertion while also taking losses from the English archers. Reaching the English men-at-arms, they were able to initially push them back. Rallying, the English soon began inflicting heavy losses as the terrain prevented the greater French numbers from telling. The French were also hampered by the press of numbers from the side and behind which limited their ability to attack or defend effectively. As the English archers expended their arrows, they drew swords and other weapons and began attacking the French flanks. As a melee developed, the second French line joined the fray. As the battle raged, the sources indicate that Henry played an active role at the front.

Having defeated the first two French lines, Henry V remained wary as the third line, led by the Counts of Dammartin and Fauconberg, remained a threat. The only French success during the fighting came when Ysembart led a small force in a successful raid on the English baggage train. This, along with the menacing actions of the remaining French troops, led Henry V to order the killing of the majority of his prisoners to prevent them from attacking should the battle resume. Though criticized by modern scholars, this action was accepted as necessary at the time. Assessing the massive losses already sustained, the remaining French troops departed the area.

Though he had won a stunning victory, Henry V was unable to press home his advantage due to the weakened state of his army. Reaching Calais on October 29, Henry V returned to England the following month where he was greeted as a hero. Though it would take several more years of campaigning to achieve his goals, the devastation wrought upon the French nobility at Agincourt made Henry's later efforts easier. In 1420, he was able to conclude the Treaty of Troyes which recognized him as the regent and heir to the French throne.

Maybe the god made a big joke with England, Henry died on 31 August 1422. The elderly and insane Charles VI of France died two months later, on 21 October 1422. Henry V left an only child, his nine month old son, Henry, later to become Henry VI. Henry V hadn’t put on the crown of France in the end.

Source from :

The Chinese book named The strong British Empire (《老大的英帝国》)






2、“他(费尔迪南多)能用教会的金钱来维持它的军队”。 ——亨利得到教会的经济支持,战争责任还由教会承担。

亨利:“我可以合理合法、良心无愧地提出这个王位要求吗?” 坎特伯雷大主教:“倘若有什么罪,就让它落到我头上吧”。








5、马氏建议,被爱时应比被敬畏时更谨慎。最好是二者统一。 ——哈弗娄之战;“你们那些光屁股的婴儿就要被挑在长矛尖上,那些发疯的母亲们会狂呼乱嚎,她们的惨叫声直刺云霄??你们究竟是愿意投降,避免这种下场,还是继续顽抗,自取灭亡?”







7、务必把承担责任的事情推给别人,而把施恩布惠的事情留给自己。 ——亨利发现,斯克鲁普爵士、剑桥伯爵和格雷爵士接受了法国贿赂,要杀死他。亨利假装一无所知,然后上演了精心安排的一幕戏。他向三人建议宽恕一个被指控辱骂国王的人;并诱使他们的反对:他们说他太仁慈了。这时他才告诉他们,已知他们的阴谋,然后当他们如其所料的那样请求宽恕时,亨利王回答:“我的仁慈,刚才还在心中活着,已经被你们自己的劝告扑灭了、扼杀了。如果你们还有羞耻心,一定不敢再谈什么仁慈,因为你们的论点反过头来扑向你们自己的心窝,就像恶狗反扑向自己的主人??





8、亨利的作为符合马氏的最高目标:王权的合法化和民族的统一。 ——阿金库尔之战,面对“敌众我寡”的危急局面,亨利表现出了君王的风范和统治者的威严。(92)

