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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:28:15 体裁作文

篇一:campus love 校园爱情 作文

翻译2班 25# 朱桂香 Different Views on Campus Love

Nowadays, there are many loves appearing on our campus . It’s common to see the lovers wandering around us hand in hand , shoulder by shoulder. It seems that campus love already become kind of fashion which have been taken for granted too much by college students .However, is it really a must in our four-year campus life? Well,it all depends. Here,lets come to see two different views towards this controversial issue.

Some people think love on campus is nice.In the first place, campus life is a transition from a teenager to an adult, we should learn a lot of things, not only the knowledge, the working ability , but also the capacity of dealing with the relationship between love and life. And now, as adults, they have mature mind and clear judgment to organize and develope their love properly, and also keep it harmonious with their life.What’s more,the progress of love can be progress of growing through this kind of experience.Secondly, when two people fall in love with each other, there may comes a kind of power.and this kind of power can be considered as the mental and spiritual strength, which can stimulate them to keep enthusiastic about life. In a word, love can bring us beautiful color to our life,while other people think love on campus is congruous. In my opinion,it is natural to fall in love with a boy or a girl in our campus, but we can’t ignore our lessons in the course of our love.Instead of doing everything with a wild passion, we must be calm and realize that it is responsible for taking oon every possible affairs.After all, we are now standing in college with the financial help of our parents.


Should we fall in love on campus?

Nowadays,campus love is found everywhere.No matter what university you go to,you will see couples of sweethearts strolling past holding hands and sharing their own secrets happily or having some troubles and even quarrel sometimes.Obviously,love on campus seems to be a tendency in college life now.So what lead to the phenomenon?Is it good to fall in love with somebody on campus?

There is no doubt that campus love has some advantages.Facing a heavier stress than before as a undergraduate at present,some students need a way to reduce their pressure and need someone to listen to their feelings in deep heart.A romantic relationship not only can make each other more mature but increase the experience of dealing with emotional problems.

However,there is no garden without weeds.Campus love seems so wonderful but actually it also has many disadvantages.After all,we are students and our main purposes are study well.Falling in love with someone,will distract you from your studies .From another perspective,it is a heavy financial burden for those students in love.

Personally,I think we can fall in love with the one we adore.We need an integrated development on campus.A romantic relationship will enrich our college life which makes us gain more experience.But the most important point is that we must balance the relationship between love and study.In every sense of word,falling in love with your sweetheart maybe can give you a huge motive power and inspire you to progress for your future.Why don’t we turn a romantic love into the energy we need?

篇三:作文3 campuse love



姓名:李莎 Romantic love plays a negative role on campus

As well as I know, college is a perfect place for us to have a romantic relationship. Most of us appreciate love in college. Lovers can share lots of wonderful memories. Also, it’s a good way to kill the time. Life in college will become more colorful. However, I don’t think that romantic love plays a positive role on campuse. The reasons are as follows.

First, establishing a romantic relationship wastes our time. Life in college is less busy, but it doesn’t mean we can leave the studying alone. We are all students, studying is always the top priority. Facing the high employment pressure, we should lay the solid foundation for applying for a job after we graduate from the college.

Second, it is also an express of wasting money, especially for boys. Romantic can’t be realized without money. As for the lovers, they have a lot of anniversaries, such as one-month anniversary, one-year anniversary, let alone the Valentine’s day or Christmas day. On the other hand, when the boy goes out with his girl friend, he may think that it is embarrassing to let his girlfriend pay for the money. Love needs surprises, girls always want to receive gifts from her boyfriends. Love can’t carry out well without money.

Third, in my opinion, love in college is unrealistic. As my roommate

said: we haven’t been fell in love because the Mr. Right hasn’t come yet. Also, we all will experiences great changes after we graduate. When you start a long distance relationship, you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead. It really needs courage.

As we can see, establishing a romantic relationship has so many negative affections, we should consider a lot before we decide to have a campus love.

篇四:英语作文How I Look at Campus Love

How I Look at Campus Love

I do not agree on campus love. Maybe it is good for some people to fall in love, but I still think there are many disadvantages of campus love.

As for students, the most important thing is to study hard. Once they fall in love with someone, they will pay more attention to their relationship. It is not only a waste of time but also energy consumption. Especially, when they are disappointed in a love (转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:campuslove作文)affair, they would be in low spirits and have no willingness to learn any more.(cause). In this case, it will bring some bad influences to students’ study(effect). What’ more, students are too young to carry a responsibility for each other. Maybe some people go together just on impulse. As time goes by, they probably find the one, who was perfect before, now has so many shortcomings that they do not love each other any more(cause)! As a result, they have to break up(effect). Besides, most people have to be far away form each other after graduation, which means they are in the different city, even different country. They can not see each other and stay together for a long time. It is difficult to keep a long-distance relationship(cause).

relationship(effect). Finally, they have to end the

In any case, it is easy to break up for students to fall in love.


Nowadays, love among college students has become increasingly common. The campus romance has sparked a heated discussion on whether the students should devote their time and energy to love or to learning.

The majority of college teachers hold that the students should give up love and concentrate on learning, because campus love is

time-consuming and tears them away from their academic studies. If a student ever falls into love, he will undoubtedly neglect his study and lag behind his classmates academically. Therefore, the university authorities should restore the traditional regulations against love during the students’school years. On the contrary, the majority of students believe that it is natural for young people to fall into love on campus because they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towards each other. They insist that campus love is quite natural and that most of them can properly cope with their love and learning.

Personally, I am not quite in favor of the students being engaged in campus love. Anyhow, the students’main task at college is to learn knowledge and expertise. But I have no strong words against campus love. Here’s an advice to my fellow students. Don’t indulge yourself too deeply in love, or you will get it in the way of your study.
