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黑龙江省德强安防科技有限公司成立于2008年3月。公司注册资金500万,拥有近百人的安防技术服务人员,技术力量雄厚。公司主要经营项目,视频安防监控系统(小区监控系统,大型超市监控系统,酒店监控系统),农用大(中)型收割机车载视频监控系统(玉米收割机车载实时监控系统)(水稻收割机车载实时监控系统)(大型挖掘机车载监控系统)。 德强安防科技有限公司本着诚信,安全,服务,快捷,高效的理念在行业中迅速发展。其业务量覆盖数百家企业。成为行业内三大安防系统服务公司之一。







(2011年黑龙江东金戈梅利农装集团1000台收割机车载后视视频监控系统安装现场) 1正在安装中的多画面液晶显示器

2安装中仓储 /粮箱/斗子 监控点


















项目编制单位: 北京华灵四方投资咨询有限公司

项目编制时间:二O一三年 月

目 录

第一章 总 论 ...................................... 1

1.1 项目名称及承办单位 ............................. 1

1.2 编制依据、内容及范围 ........................... 3

1.3 项目建设概况 ................................... 5

1.4 主要技术经济指标表 ............................. 7

1.5 结论 ........................................... 7

第二章 项目建设背景及必要性 ......................... 9

2.1 项目建设背景 ................................... 9

2.2项目建设的必要性 ............................... 17

第三章 市场分析及营销方案 ......................... 21

3.1 我国玉米收获机产业发展概况 .................... 21

3.2 玉米收获机械的现状分析 ........................ 22

3.3 农用工程机械生产行业面临的问题 ................ 28

3.4 发展趋势分析 .................................. 31

3.5 销售队伍与销售网络建设 ........................ 36

第四章 原辅材料、动力与公用设施 .................... 41

4.1 主要原材料 .................................... 41

4.2 动力及公用设施 ................................ 41

第五章 建设条件及场址选择 .......................... 42

5.1 项目区状况 .................................... 42

5.2 建设条件 ...................................... 44

5.3 场址选择 ...................................... 47

第六章 技术设计方案 ............................... 49

6.1 玉米收获机生产技术方案 ........................ 49

6.2 工程方案 ...................................... 55

第七章 总图运输与公用辅助工程 ..................... 72

7.1 总图布置 ...................................... 72

7.2 竖向设计 ...................................... 76

7.3 场内外运输 .................................... 79

7.4 公共辅助工程 .................................. 81

第八章 环境保护 .................................... 83

8.1 环境保护依据和标准 ............................ 83

8.2 建设地点环境现状 .............................. 83

8.3 环境影响分析 .................................. 84

8.4 环境保护措施方案 .............................. 87

8.5 环境影响评价 .................................. 91

第九章 节约能源 .................................... 92

9.1 原则与要求 .................................... 92

9.2 节能措施 ...................................... 93

第十章 劳动安全卫生与消防 .......................... 98 10.1 危害因素与危害程度 ........................... 98 10.2 设计依据及劳动卫生 ........................... 98 10.3 安全措施方案 ................................. 99 10.4消防设施 ..................................... 101 第十一章 组织管理与人力资源配置 .................. 103 11.1 组织机构 .................................... 103 11.2 人力资源配置 ................................ 104 第十二章 项目管理与实施进度 ....................... 106 12.1 项目管理 .................................... 106 12.2 项目建设工期和实施进度 ...................... 106 第十三章 投资估算与资金筹措 ....................... 109 13.1 建设投资估算 ................................ 109 13.2 资金筹措 .................................... 111 第十四章 工程招标方案 ............................. 112 14.1 概述 ........................................ 112 14.2 发包方式 .................................... 112 14.3 招标组织形式 ................................ 114

14.4 招标方式 .................................... 114 第十五章 财务评价 ................................ 116 15.1 成本分析 .................................... 116 15.2 销售收入 .................................... 117 15.3 税金 ........................................ 117 15.4 项目财务评价 ................................ 117 15.5 盈亏平衡分析 ................................ 119 15.6 财务评价结论 ................................ 120 十六章 风险分析 ................................... 121 16.1 风险因素识别 ................................ 121 16.2 风险对策分析 ................................ 123 第十七章 结论及建议 ............................... 126 17.1 结论 ........................................ 126 17.2 建议 ........................................ 126 附表:

附表1 项目投资预算表 .............. 错误!未定义书签。 附表2 主要生产设备一览表 .......... 错误!未定义书签。 附表3 固定资产折旧、无形资产和其它资产摊销估算表错误!未定义书签。

附表4主要原材料及能源动力消耗估算表.............. 131 附表5银行借款还本付息计划表 ..................... 132












Corn as one of the three main grain crops and feed sources, widely distributed in China, a large acreage. Therefore, in order to enable people to gain from the heavy labor freed to realize the mechanization of corn harvest, increase the utilization of existing tractors, combined with market demand, we had the design.

Taking into account the market characteristics of existing models can be broadly divided into self-propelled, tractor, backpack, etc. corn harvester three types. Needs and the actual production model work, structural features, we choose to carry the tractor Shanghai -50 Corn Combine Harvester as a research and design objects. Knapsack Corn Combine Harvester by the divider device, dial Wo chain, snapping rolls, the first elevator ear device (screw elevator device), the second elevator ear device (scraper conveyor), the cluster boxes and straw Breaking field machine, etc. The function of a completed harvest snapping, peeling, ear transmission, the cluster box, stem crushing other items of work to field. The advantage of affordable, work without having to manually clear the way, tractor utilization, and product reliability rate of more than 95%, operating results to meet customer needs, so popular among the peasants users.

This design focuses on machine configuration, the calculation of structural parameters, selection and delivery mechanism and calculation of parameters. Conveyor installations scraper conveyor, the ear gradually sent to the cluster trunk. Greatly reduce the labor intensity, time and effort.

KEY WORDS: back-carrying type,double line,corn harvester, machine of returning straw to field,Shanghai-50 tractors


第一章 绪论………………………………………………………………………

第二章 4YW2型收获机整体方案设计

第三章 主要工作部件参数选择

第四章 输送装置的设计计算

第五章 主要工作部件的功率消耗计算

第六章 典型零件的受力分析与校核

第七章 主要零件的结构工艺分析

第八章 技术效益评价

第九章 总结



第一章 绪论










(1)小型悬挂式玉米收获机 用于配套小型拖拉机,可实现单行作业。一次性完成摘穗、茎秆还田工作,具有价格低廉、机动性好的优点,较适合一家一户的经济模式。但是,随着农业机械化的发展,小型悬挂式玉米收获机越来越显示出其效率低、功率小、质量差、作业单一等诸多问题,并将逐渐被代替。

(2)牵引式玉米联合收获机 用于配套大中型拖拉机,一次可实现2~3行收获作业,可实现摘穗、剥皮、果穗升运、茎秆粉碎还田等多项作业。这种玉米收获机存在的主要问题是:作业时需要先人工开道,以供拖拉机行走,效率低,难以打开市场。

(3)自走式玉米联合收获机 这是一种专用的玉米收获设备。一次可完成3~4行收获作业,完成摘穗、剥皮、果穗升运、茎秆粉碎还田等项作业。而且效率高、收获质量好,但价格昂贵(每台在十几万元左右,甚至几十万元)、功率大、功耗高(60~100KW),并且设备利用率低,除在大兴农场使用外,一般农户难以接受。

(4)背负式玉米联合收获机 用于配套中型以上拖拉机,一般可实现两行作业,并一次完成摘穗、剥皮、果穗升运、集箱、茎秆粉碎还田等项作业。其次设备整机价格适中,采用正配置使收获机轴线与拖拉机轴线重合,无侧配置,作业时无需人工开道,提高了拖拉机的利用率(在非收获季节,可将收获机械调配上其他农用机具进行田间作业,而且还可作为运输工具),因而深受广大农民的欢迎,是近年来发展较快的一种玉米联合收获机。




Design and Experiment of Two-row Corn

Harvester Header

ABSTRACT: In order to reduce the consumption power and improve the working performance when cornsnapping unit is working,the overall structure of corn snapping unit was designed,then the key structureand kinematic parameters were analyzed in theory. After that,the 3-D model of corn snapping unit wasestablished by using Pro / E according to the design parameters. Finally,the power and noise level weretested at the different rotate speeds in testing bed. The results showed that the consumption power andnoise level were too high when this corn snapping roll was working without load. After changing the fingerrotor,the consumption power rose at low speed and dropped at high speed in contrast to before changing. KEY WORDS: Corn harvester Header Design Experiment


Our corn belt spanning boreal, warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical ecological zones, located in the highlands, hills and mountains and plains geographical environment, the vast region, diverse landscape and climate, resulting in corn planting pattern around the different greatly increasing the difficulty of the corn harvest mechanization. Compared to the level of 87.8% Xiaomaijishou, rice machine income level of 60%, corn machine income level of only 33%, the urgent need for technological innovation, in order to break through the bottleneck of the corn harvest mechanization, promote corn. [1]

Development of the industry. Cutting table is the core component of corn harvester, cutting station key components of design parameters and cutting table performance is closely related to

[2]. Firstly, the overall design were cutting table, cutting table and analyze key components of structural parameters and motion parameters theoretically. From the cutting station power consumption point of view, considering the cutting table performance, the use of digital design and test methods, test cutting station when the power consumed by work, guiding the cutting table key working parts of the design.

1 A cutting table design

1.1 cutting table the overall structure and technical parameters

Two rows of corn harvester cutting platform mainly consists of frame, sub-Wo agencies, dial Wo institutions, snapping mechanism, stem crushing mechanism and a gear box and other components. Cutting table 2D plans and three-dimensional map shown in Figure 1,2.

Fig. 1 Ichnography of corn snapping unit

1. Dial Wo sprocket 2. Dial Wo chain 3. Pull the stem roller 4. Gearbox 5. Input shaft6. Hob

7.divider 8 points. Snapping board

Fig. 2 3-D model of corn header

1.2 points Wo agency

1. 2.1 crop divider

He is an important sub-working member maize harvester, its main role is to both ends of the separation plant corn plants and corn crop divider between the two collapsed, and import dialing Wo feed mechanism [3-4] . Crop divider structure is simple, but the larger the performance impact

of corn harvester. The cutting table is designed crop divider as shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 Structure of corn divider

1. 2.2 crop divider critical parameters

China's corn harvest stem when the moisture content generally 70% to 80% [5], which determines the corn stalk relatively brittle, easily broken, especially when the corn stalk farther when departing from snapping means, in the sub-Wo The result is broken under the action of external forces prone to bending. Thus, crop divider tip height from the ground h, width b crop divider and crop divider cone angle β directly affect the performance of the crop divider.

To make corn plants will not be torn down, the angle of inclination γ corn plants must be less than the critical angle broken maize plants. Corn tilt angle calculated as

tanγ = b / 2h (1)

In order to reduce the loss of maize ear and grain loss rate, B point is generally lower than the lowest point of corn scion, scion since the lowest point is generally higher than 600 mm, that is the critical angle h≤600 mm broken maize plants generally take 20 ° ~ 30 °, thus available b≤440 mm. Corn plant for the study, when the crop divider velocity v along the direction of motion, assuming the presence of the corn plant the force F in the opposite direction along the velocity v,

to make corn plants will not be torn down, the force relationship corn plants should meet

N --- crop divider of corn plants stretchN --- crop divider of corn plants stretch

f --- corn plant crop divider for maximum static friction force

fs--- Corn plant crop divider and friction coefficient

According to the analysis, crop divider cone angle should be less than the crop of corn plants and points of friction angle. Friction factor range corn plants and steel material is 0.2 ~ 0.6 [6], drawn 30 ° ≤ β ≤60 °, therefore crop divider cone angle should be less than 30 °.

1.3 Dial Wo agency

1.3.1 Dial Wo Mechanism Design

Dial Wo agency requirements both during normal operation but also ensures rapid feed corn plants do not tear down the corn plant [7-8], so the design of shape and line speed dial Wo tooth higher. Cutting station dial dial Wo Wo chain organizations to adopt mandatory feeding technology to improve the cutting station spacing adaptability. Dial and dial tooth structure

design shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 4 Conveying chain and tooth

1. 3.2 line speed dial Wo chain analysis

Dial Wo chain interaction and maize plants dial Wo chain line speed is directly related to the normal operation. When the machine is to vj speeds forward, corn plants vz relative to the machine to move in the opposite direction. When the dial Wo chain in contact with the corn plant to ensure the corn plants without dial Wo chain of impact action and was torn down the condition that the chain speed dial Wo vb line speed in the horizontal direction is greater than equal to the forward speed of the machine, namely

α --- dial Wo chain and the horizontal direction, usually20 ° ~ 25 °

1.4 Harvesting agency

1. 4.1 snapping principle

Pull the stem cutting station to use the roll - snapping plate snapping mechanism. Harvesting mechanism rotating rollers pull the stem clamp with the bottom of the ear and pull down the stem, the stem is pulled down in the process, since the snapping plate barrier separating the ear

and stalk, ear is off. Corn ear and stalk motion when snapping as shown in Figure6.

Fig. 5 Picking principle of corn snapping unit

1. Snapping plate 2. Pull the stem roller 3. Dial Wo chain

1. 4.2 snapping mechanism of structural parameters

Pull the stem roller arrangement angle θ and the ground, is one of the main design parameters of harvester. θ value is too small, we need to increase the length of pull stalk rolls, increasing the overall length of the cutting table [9-10]. In order not to make the cutting table length is too large, but also to lower the cutting table set aside more space, taking into account the overall configuration of the machine, the cutting table designed to pull the stem roll angle 25 ° ~ 35 ° in the range of adjustable. Take into account the stability and pull the stem ability to crawl, pull stalk roll type hexagonal cross-section type is selected, the outer diameter D of 75 mm, an inner diameter d of 60 mm. Pull stem roller working length larger range of existing models, is 480 ~ 1 100 mm, the majority of 600 ~ 800 mm, a diameter of 80 ~ 102 mm, the peripheral speed of 4. 5 ~ 5. 1 m / s, speed is generally 600 ~ 800 r / min. This article is designed to pull the stem cutting table roll length of 560 mm, snapping plates located above the rolls pull the stem, and pull the stem rollers work the same length, in order to reduce snapping plate to squeeze the ear, snapping board into a curved edge design . Pull the stem roller gap is 28 ~ 40 mm, the outlet gap of 22 ~ 35 mm adjustable

1. 4.3 pull stem roller line speed analysis

Line speed pull stalk rolls and corn ear damage rate and broken stems rates. When the pull stem roller speed too fast, pull the plants larger and larger ear snapping version of the impact force, it could easily lead to ear damage and broken stems, easy to plug snapping means; pull stems when roller speed is too small, to Rally smaller maize plants, straw likely to cause blockage. So, pull the stem roller speed directly affects the efficiency and quality of harvested corn harvester. According to the working principle of the plate snapping mechanism, corn plants in the dial Wo chain action to pull the stem roller sports, when exposed to import the corn plant to pull the stem roller cone

section, the cone section at the import role of spiral ribs corn plants fast motion to pull the stem section. Shiraz stem segment length l, corn plant height is H, stem pull the front section from the ground height h ', then pull the stem roller linear velocity vl relationship with the machine

forward speed vj is

Corn plant height is generally 2 500 ~ 3 500 mm, a height of about knot spike 1 000 mm. Because this article is designed to cut Taiwan's inclination is adjustable, so pull the front end of the stem section from the ground height h 'variable, vl / vj≈3. 5.

1.5 Straw and agencies

Stalk chopper mechanism mainly flail, Hob, flail hob and Stubble Field modular machine [11-12]. Flail Field mechanism provided in the high-speed rotating flail downward pull stalk rolls, unsupported by cutting the corn stalk cut into segments like farmland. Hob Field mechanism has a pull stalk shredding rolls and accompanying arc gravure below the snapping plate, arc gravure support in the drop-down stems chopped stalk pulled a roll and cut into segments like field. Hob flail Combined Field mechanism hexagonal rollers and quadrangular stem pull pull stalk rolls used in conjunction with, the bottom two pull stalk roll is provided with a disc cutter will stalk flattened, broken, disposed below the disc cutter the high-speed rotating flail will split the stem further cut, chopped improve quality. Stubble Field via a high-speed rotating flail the field crushed corn stalks and stubble. Straw and agencies This article is designed to Hob, shown in Figure 7. Hob mechanism comprises four shredding blade composition, rotation radius of about

300 mm, when the machine work, hob speed in 2 200 ~ 2 400 r / min.

Fig. 6 3-D model of cutter

2 indoor test

2.1 Test Bench

In May 2013, using the buil


t indoor test bed for cutting station a load test, the main test of the cutting table to pull the stem roller speed is 350 ~ 900 r / min, the hob and the entire cutting station power consumption and noise Level. Test rig shown in Figure8.
