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我们突然发现阿甘的经历正是代表了我们每个人的纯真年代,而我们的身上却已经覆压着太多的偏见与虚荣。阿甘所表现出的诚信,是自然的,是没有条件的,是人类最美的品德。 阿甘的诚信有着强大的震撼力。 同时,阿甘也有一股“傻劲”,做阿甘的成功,从某种意义上说,拜赐与他的轻度弱智、不懂得计算输赢得失。他唯一做到的就是简单坚持,认真的做,傻傻的执行。他成功的方法只有一个——那就是不计成本的努力。任何事都执着而投入,这是取得成功不可或缺的精神。

我们常以智商来决定一个人的聪明与否,但再聪明的人也有其短,再笨的人也有一长,例如阿甘虽然智商低,可他跑得很快、会橄榄球、会打乒乓球,可见凡是都是学习而来的,只要恳花功夫学,一定能在某一领域有所发挥。 我们也许都比阿甘聪明,可我们都不能够专注于一件事上,虽然做了很多事,却常常失败。阿甘知道自己的不足,所以比别人专心,结果他成功了。

在生命的每一个阶段,阿甘的心中只有一个目标在指引着他,他也只为此而踏实地、不懈地、坚定地奋斗,直到这一目标的完成,又或是新的目标的出现。 很多时候我们都远不及阿甘,那些不知为何而做的事情总是非常轻易的半途而废了。生活中,我们常常找不到做一件事的理由, 我们经常会抱怨我为什么要这样,为什么要那样,也会因此感到沮丧,有的时候我们也常常会感觉到生活的负担过重,就因为面前的困难重重,而整天垂头丧气、郁郁寡欢。

在影片的开头和结尾都会出现这样一幅画面人的一生往往就是这样,就象影片中提到那片随风飘浮的白色羽毛,大多数时候,我们也许都在随波逐流,这种飘浮没有具体的方向,平淡到令人厌倦。可是,一个腾挪一个转身,总还是可以由自己控制的,你只须尽力将它做得完满,不要计较你究竟得到了多少,你不得不承认,其实很多事情的成功是有其偶然因素的,它并不会因你的处心积虑而更接近终点,却会在你不经意的时候,给你的努力以一个最恰当的褒赏 。阿甘终归只是小说中一个虚构的人物,通过这个人物的经 历,教导人们一种不一样的人生态度,就像阿甘那样,不管下一步要面对什么,他总能平淡地接受,并把自己做到最棒,不是怨天尤人,也不是自暴自弃,阿甘所做的,其实是最简单,做最好的自己,别停下你的脚步。



篇二:英文演讲稿 阿甘正传对我的影响

Name :

Student number :

Major :

How did the Film Forrest Gump Influence Me

My favorite movie is Forrest Gump, which I have seen for many times. The film is adapted from Winston Groom’s novel. Each time I saw it, I was deeply moved and inspired by the male leading role—Forrest Gump.

The plots designed in the movie are very extraordinary. It tells the story by Forrest Gump himself. He sits on the chair by the road and tells his life experiences to the strangers who are waiting for the bus. Many important events and people of American from the 1950s to (来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)the 1970s are shown fluently in his description of his life experience. Moreover, the value and the spirits of Americans, especially the youngers’, are also revealed. Besides, the character portrayed in the film is inspiring. Forrest Gump is unfortunately to be born with a low IQ and muscle problems. However, he becomes very successful through his struggling. His pure, honesty, integrity, bravery, perseverance, loyalty in love and promise not only touch me greatly, but also set a good example for me. In addition, the movie is full of philosophy. Many lines in this movie are classical. For example, life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. The sentence that death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do is also of wisdom. They make us think of life profoundly.

On the whole, this movie is special, inspiring, educational, philosophic and moving. I love it every much. It is worthy of our appreciation for many times. Everyone who have seen the film may have some perceptions. The movie expresses a truth for us that people should learn to make progress and keep running forward.


Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is not real life person,he is a fictional character.He grows up in Greenbow Alabana.He is different. Why ?

Not because he is quite smart or he has some special skill.Just because his IQ is only 75.

But his mother strives to make him feel no differents from others. She always said to him,

"You're no different than anybody else is."

So,although his IQ is just 75,he achieves a lot more than normal people may dream of.

There is a classic lines in the movie:

"Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you’re going to get. "

So no matter what we will face,just do not give up our hope.

Through Gump I want to tell you,"Just do yourself!"He’s a hero in my heart.

He’s the most beautiful person.That’s all,Thank you !!
