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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:10:52 英语作文


The trip of Mount Tai

Mount Tai is the first largest mountain in China. When I was 6 years old,I went to there,it’s really nice,I have been hard to forget it.

When the sky hadn’t been light. We started to climb these mountains,it’s really difficult.When I nearly arrived at the top of the mountain,Ithought about a question,it’s just 1500 metreshigh,if we climb the Qomolangma,what will we feel,can I keep climbing?Finally,Iwon,Iarrived.I felt I was tired and cold but I felt happiness.

When the sun rose up,I saw (来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)half of the


had rosenup,like a red face.I was very excited,at that moment,I thought I climbed hard was worth.Suddenly all parts of the sun was bared.

Then we took many photos of these views,it’s really nice.Then we played sometimes and enjoyed there,we have to leave there.

When we went down,it wasn’t very easy,maybe,it’s harder than climbing. When the sun

set up,we also went to the hotel.The trip was really hard to forget,I hope I will go there next vacation again.


每所学校都有自己的规章制度, 下面是你们学校的一些规章制度。请你(Li Hong)写一封电子邮件向你的笔友Lucy做一下介绍。词数不少于50个。

1. 上课不准迟到。

2. 课堂上保持安静。

3. 见到老师要问好。

4. 不许在教室里吃东西。

5. 不许在课堂上听音乐或玩游戏。

Dear Lucy,

Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them.

We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should be quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we must say hello to them. We can’t eat in the classroom, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.

I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.

假如你们学校周日在大明湖公园进行了一次校游, 天气很好, 同学们都玩得很高兴。有的在唱歌, 有的在跳舞, 有的在拍照, 还有的在作画??请适当发挥想象, 描述一下这次校游的场面。不少于50


Today is Sunday, and it’s a sunny day. We’re on a school trip at the Daming Lake Park. All the students are having a great time. Some are singing under a tall tree, some are dancing, some are taking photos, and others are drawing pictures. Look, some boy students are playing soccer over there.

I think the trip is really relaxing.

请根据下面的汉语提示, 为店主写一篇小广告, 词数不少于60个。在南京路上有一家叫Happy Time的甜点屋, 现新上三种很好的新的特色甜点: ①苹果香蕉冰激凌,②橘子脆梨冰激凌,


Happy Time

Welcome to Happy Time! What kind of ice-cream would you like? We have three great new specials:

①Apple and banana ice-cream.

②Orange and pear ice-cream.

③Watermelon and strawberry ice-cream.

And what size cup of ice-cream would you like? We have large, medium and small cups of ice-cream. We also have juice, coke and green


Come and see for yourself at Happy Time!

请根据下表提示, 以“A Great School Trip”为题写一篇英语短文, 介绍七年级一班去泰山(Mount Tai)校游的情况。

成 员 七年级一班的全体师生

活动项目及要求 游览泰山、画画、拍照; 自带水和食物

出发时间 周六早7点

集合地点 公共汽车站


A Great School Trip

Last weekend all the teachers and students of Class1, Grade7visited Mount Tai. They met at the bus station at seven last Saturday morning and then they went to Mount Tai by bus. It took them about three hours to get there. They took some water and food with them. They climbed Mount Tai and painted some paintings there. They also took many photos. They were tired, but they all thought it was a great school trip.




现就2013级“泰山杯”英语写作大赛有关事项通知如下: 一、大赛主题及规则

(一)大赛主题:Writing Talent Show (二)大赛规则

1.参赛对象:泰安一中2013级全体学生。 2.大赛命题:见附件一。 3.大赛奖项:

一等奖:100名二等奖:150名 优胜奖:200名

4. 获奖作品将在全校通过展板进行展示,并将优秀作品印刷成为大家学习的模本, 同时获奖者将被授予相应等级的证书,以资鼓励。获奖者将在4月上旬参加决赛,进行“写作达人秀”最终名次的角逐。

5.优秀指导教师奖:获一、二等奖,优胜奖及达人秀作品的指导教师将获得优秀指导 教师奖。

6.比赛截止时间:2014年3月31日。 二、参赛流程


50%写作较好的作品。之后由Writing Talent Show 的组织委员会委员慎重筛选,选出本次的获奖作品。最后由进行全年级复评,择优选出一、二等奖和优胜奖,由年级部举行颁奖仪式,并组织颁奖。整个过程由组织委员会的主任监督实行。 三、注意事项



(三)参赛作文纸一式一份,望所有参赛选手认真书写。 四、组织机构


主任:许兴堂 华西广副主任:马启银 王学温

委员:刘士勇 蒋 丽 郭春秀王 存杨爱萍张烈强 孙 博 王海军刘 蕊刘 彤王冬华宋其姿





简况: 泰山为“天下第一山”,海拔1545米;世界自然文化双遗产。岱庙,俗称“泰庙”,连接了泰山和泰城。


交通:公共汽车K3路或4路,6路坐到岱庙,顺着红门路一直向北走20分钟即可到达。 特色:泰山西南侧有普照寺,历史悠久;东南侧有虎山公园,因虎山水库和老虎 而出名。

参考词汇:遗产:heritage; 水库 reservoir

岱庙:Dai Temple普照寺:Puzhao Temple 注意:1、词数150左右. 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



1.在3?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路莸恼獯涡醋鞅热校窠钡耐Ы竦孟嘤Φ牡燃吨な椤C挥谢窠钡耐г?/p>


