一道英文数学题,Let f be a real-valued function of real and positive argument such that f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1) for all real numbers x>0.Find f(2003).

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一道英文数学题,Let f be a real-valued function of real and positive argument such that f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1) for all real numbers x>0.Find f(2003).
一道英文数学题,Let f be a real-valued function of real and positive argument such that f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1) for all real numbers x>0.Find f(2003).

一道英文数学题,Let f be a real-valued function of real and positive argument such that f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1) for all real numbers x>0.Find f(2003).
中间那个是‘x '还是乘啊.如果是乘则令x=1/x代入原式,联列2个关于f(x)及f(1/x)的表达式,得f(x)=3/x-2x+1.如果是’x'同理,则,f(x)=(x+1)/2.real-value指的是自变量x为实数.you know i*i=-1.题目出现x和1/x.把x带成i*x应该会出错滴

一道英文数学题,Let f be a real-valued function of real and positive argument such that f(x)+3xf(1/x)=2(x+1) for all real numbers x>0.Find f(2003). 数学里的“contraction”在汉语里是什么意思?例如:f :M → M is a contraction……但是这是一个数学里的概念……例如有一道题:Let [a,b] ⊂ R be a closed interval and F ∈ C1([a,b]).Show that F is a contractio 一道数学题(英文的)!关于(The derivatives)1.Let f(x)=2x^2-x a.Using the definition f'(x)=lim [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h,compute f'(2).h→0 b.Using the definition f'(x)=lim [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h,find f'(x).h→0 c.Does the formula in part(b)yield the corr 英语翻译If we let be the greatest prime number not more than a,than the result of the expression< ×× > is ( ) 这是一道数学题,请翻译. 一道大学英文数学题 find a formula for the inverse of f.f(x)=5 4x+7 f-1(x)=? 一道英文的题目的数学题 没看懂题let y be the 2-digit number formed by reversing the diguts of x上面那句话什么意思啊 Q(a,b,c,d) :如果 a/b < c/d,得 a/b < (a+c)/(b_d) < c/d这是一道英文数学题,怕翻译不准确,把原文放这儿了,Let a,b,c,d be positive real number.Consider the open sentence Q(a,b,c,d):if a/b < c/d,then a/b < (a+c)/(b_d) < c 一道数学题:f(x)的定义域为R,f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)-1,且x 又是一道英语的数学题.let a,b and c be rational numbers and b=12/5-13/5a,c=13/5-12/5a,then a²-b²+c²=—— 2005全国希望杯数学竞赛试题[一道英语数学题]For-a-real-number-a,let[a]denote-the maximum-integer-which-does-not-exceed-a.For example,[3.1]=3,[-1.5]=-2,[0.7]=0.Now let.x+1f(x)=—.x-1,then[f(2)]+[f(3)]+L+[f(100)](real-number:实数,t 问一道高中函数数学题已知函数f(x)在(-∞,+∞)上为增函数,a,b∈R,且a+b>0则有A. f(a)+f(b) > -f(a) -f(b)B. f(a)+f(b) < -f(a) -f(b)C. f(a)+f(b) > f(-a) + f(-b)D.f(a)+f(b) < f(-a)+f(-b)答案是C,可是请问A为什么是错的 一道高中数学题(命题)命题P:f(x)=lg[ax^2-x+(1/16)a]的定义域为R;命题Q:不等式3^x-9^x 一道简单的数学题.log~已知函数 f(x)=lg(ax ²+2x+1)的定义域为R 求a的取值 一道数学题.死活弄不出来~Let A(a),B(b),and C(c) be three points in the plane (here a,b,c are complex num-bers).Let G be the gravity center of the triangle ABC.Show that the complexnumber corresponding to G is g =(a + b + c)/3.Hint.Denote by 判断一道简单数学题证法设函数y=f(x)定义域为R,当x大于0时,f(x)大于1,且对任意a,b属于R 都有f(a+b)=f(a)*f(b).证明f(x)大于0 设a小于0,b大于0,且-a小于b,f(b)=f(a+b)/f(a)因为a+b大于0,f(b)大于1,所以f(a)大于0 一道英文数学题.if three different circles are drawn on a piece of paper,at most how many points can be common to all three? 英文数学题一道如图 一道英文的微积分数学题