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expression.ChangeLink(Name, NewName, Type)

expression 必需。该表达式返回“应用于”列表中的对象之一。

Name String 类型,必需。要更改的 Microsoft Excel 链接或 DDE/OLE 链接的名称,与LinkSources方法所返回的名称一样。

NewName String 类型,必需。链接的新名称。

Type XlLinkType 类型,可选。链接类型。


本示例更改 Microsoft Excel 链接。

ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink "c:\excel\book1.xls", _

"c:\excel\book2.xls", xlExcelLinks




expression 必需。该表达式返回“应用于”列表中的对象之一。

Password String 类型,必需。密码名称。

Excel VBA教程:ChangePassword方法·示例

本示例中,Microsoft Excel 允许编辑活动工作表上单元格区域 A1:A4,并通知用户,然后更改指定区域的密码并通知用户所做的更改。

Sub UseChangePassword()

Dim wksOne As Worksheet

Set wksOne = Application.ActiveSheet

' Establish a range that can allow edits

' on the protected worksheet.

wksOne.Protection.AllowEditRanges.Add _

Title:="Classified", _

Range:=Range("A1:A4"), _


MsgBox "Cells A1 to A4 can be edited on the protected worksheet." ' Change the password.

wksOne.Protection.AllowEditRanges(1).ChangePassword _


MsgBox "The password for these cells has been changed."

End Sub



X-change is a TV program launched by Hunan TV, brodcasting in the mode of documentary and reality show, known as the "new eco-documentary". The show finds its characters combining with the current hot spots of society, arranges them to swap roles in seven days to experience each other's lives. The participants usually are children coming from wealthy families in city and from poor area. During the seven days, cameramen record their every details throughout the 24 hours, and then broadcast in an original way after rough cuts. This show draws public's attention because it supplies topics that people care most to discuss, family audiences especially.


In this show, the participants can experience a quite different life. On the one hand, for the children from poor area, they have an opportunity to look at the outside world and to live a life like citizens; on the other hand, the children from city can experience the hardship of poor area and realize how lucky to live in a better environment.


In addition, it also opens a window to the whole society to look deep into the poor area and think about what makes the gap between the rich and the poor so huge and what we can do to help the poor. In my opinion, the uneven distribution of wealth and educational unfairness are the two main reasons causing the huge gap,and they are the problems need to be solved by government and society.


篇四:英文诵读1.change the unchangeable

Change the unchangeable

In our life. We are always faced with things that are very difficult to change,what will you do when facing such a situation? change our moods ?or escape from it?NO! WE must challenge it bravely! Although there are chances that we’ll fail,we can benefit from it when we try our best to change the unchangeable.

Since the ancient times, human-beings keep making an effort to change the unchangeable all the time. Confucius said that--- we should try to do something which is known as impossible deliberately--. For example, in era of the war, patriotic heroes devoted themselves to defending our country. In spite of knowing they could not finish such a rough mission, regardless of dedication of their lives ,finally ,they change the things which cannot be changed, they protect our homes. In addition ,not only people, but also animals and plants try their best to change their lives through the unchangeable. Tercel realize that if they throw down their babies, they maybe lose their love babies. But to strengthen their survival technology , they change the unchangeable. Only in this way ,can they become the king of the sky. And The Pine Greeting Guests in mount Huang ,maybe the God make a joke on them. They are usually located on sheer cliffs and steep mountains. But they defeat the hard terrain and add a particular view to the nature scenery. Make up our mind to change the unchangeable in our life , regardless of the results, we can gain new experience like willpower and fitness.

Only in this way---

can we turn our life to a new state .

Only in this way

can we approach more aspects of fantastic objects and reach where we really want to go. Only in this way

Can we be persons we want to be in deep heart.

Come on ,my friends, Change the unchangeable ,you will be happier, life will be better a--n--d our country will be stronger!


How to Change a Bad Mood 如何改变坏心情

Welcome ladies and gentlemen.

I'm so glad you could join me.

I hope you're in a good mood today.

Get ready for some wisdom.

I have some great advice.

Let's all learn how to change a bad mood.

Learn to beat the blues.

Learn to adjust your attitude.

Listen closely,and I'll tell you how.

Self-awareness is the first step.

Realize you are upset.

Realize that something is bugging you.

Don't ignore a bad mood!

Don't tolerate it,either!

Don't sulk,mope or brood.

Refuse to feel angry.

Reject that nasty emotion.

Decide not to be a sourpuss.

Second,exercise and take action.

You must do something healthy.

You must get off your butt and move.

A walk or jog can lift your spirits.

A good workout can cure your gloom.

Exercise can eliminate a bad mood.

Physical exercise is stimulating.

Physical exercise will clear your mind. Exercise is the best therapy there is.

Third,seek fun things to do.

Seek outlets for your frustration.

Try healthy,outdoor activities.

Hit a bookstore or a library.

Hit the mall or see a movie.

Buy yourself or someone else a special treat.

Listen to inspiring misic.

Listen to the sounds of nature in a park. The positive results will amaze you.

Fourth,seek out a loyal friend.

Seek a buddy who can listen.

Companionship relieves low spirits.

Talk about your troubles.

Talk about anything at all.

Share your feelings and your bad mood will fade.

A bad mood is like an anchor.

A bad mood will sink you in the mud.

Use friends to break the chains of a bad mood.

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:change怎么读)

Finally,let me leave you with these words. They are from Abraham Lincoln.

They are priceless words of advice.

You control how you feel.

You determine your thoughts.

You must create your own happiness.

Bad moods are inevitable.

Take action to fight then.

Take the initiative and shake them off.
