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篇一:The Wright brothers 莱特兄弟简介 英文

Brief Introduction

The Wright brothers, Orville (August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948) and Wilbur (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912), were two American brothers, inventors, and aviation pioneers who were credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, on December 17, 1903. From 1905 to 1907, the brothers developed their flying machine into the first practical fixed-wing aircraft. Although not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft, the Wright brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible.


Wilbur and Orville's father was a bishop, an official of the United Brethren Church. He traveled a lot on church business. Their mother was unusual for a woman of the nineteenth century. She had completed college. She was especially good at mathematics and science. And she was good at using tools to fix things or make things.

One winter day when the Wright brothers were young, all their friends were outside sliding down a hill on wooden sleds. The Wright brothers were sad, because they did not have a sled. So, Missus Wright said she would make one for them. She drew a picture of a sled. It did not look like other sleds. It was lower to the ground and not as wide. She told the boys it would be faster, because there would be less resistance from the wind when they rode on it. Missus Wright was correct. When the sled was finished, it was the fastest one around. Wilbur and Orville felt like they were flying.

When Wilbur was eleven years old and Orville seven, Bishop Wright brought home a gift for them. It was a small flying machine that flew like 3)helicopters of today. It was made of paper, bamboo and cork.The motor was a rubber band that had to be turned many times until it was tight. When the person holding the toy helicopter let go, it rose straight up. It stayed in the air for a few seconds. Then it floated down to the floor. Wilbur and Orville played and played with their new toy. Finally, the paper tore and the rubber band broke. They made another one. But it was too heavy to fly. Their first flying machine failed.Their attempts to make the toy gave them a new idea. They would make kites to fly and sell to their friends. They made many designs and tested them. Finally, they had the right design. The kites flew as though they had wings.

In Eighteen-Ninety-Nine, Wilbur decided to learn about all the different kinds of flying machines that had been designed and tested through the years. Wilbur wrote to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. He asked for all the information it had on flying.

The Wright brothers read everything they could about people who sailed through the air under huge balloons. They also read about people who tried to fly on gliders -- planes with wings, but no motors.Then the Wright brothers began to design their own flying machine. They used the ideas they had developed from their earlier experiments with the toy helicopter, kites, and bicycles. Soon, they needed a place to test their ideas about flight. They wrote to the Weather Bureau in Washington to find the place with the best wind conditions. The best place seemed to be a thin piece of sandy land in North Carolina along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:莱特兄弟英文简介) was called Kill Devil Hill, near the town of Kitty Hawk. It had the right wind and open space. Best of all, it was private. In Nineteen-Hundred, the Wright brothers tested a glider that could carry a person. But neither the first or second glider they built had the lifting power needed for real flight. Wilbur and Orville decided that what they had read about air pressure on curved surfaces was wrong. So they built a wind tunnel two meters long in their bicycle store in Dayton, Ohio. They tested more than

two-hundred designs of wings. These tests gave them the correct information about air pressure on curved surfaces. Now it was possible for them to design a machine that could fly.

The Wright brothers built a third glider. They took it to Kitty Hawk in the summer of Nineteen-Oh-Two. They made almost one-thousand flights with the glider. Some covered more than one-hundred-eighty meters. This glider proved that they had solved most of the problems of balance in flight. By the autumn of Nineteen-Oh-Three, Wilbur and Orville had designed and built an airplane powered by a gasoline engine. The plane had wings twelve meters across. It weighed about three-hundred-forty kilograms, including the pilot.

The Wright brothers returned to Kitty Hawk. On December Seventeen, Nineteen-Oh-Three, they made the world's first flight in a machine that was heavier than air and powered by an engine. Orville flew the plane thirty-seven meters. He was in the air for twelve seconds. The two brothers made three more flights that day. The longest was made by Wilbur. He flew two-hundred-sixty meters in fifty-nine seconds. Four other men watched the Wright brothers' first flights. One of the men took pictures. Few newspapers, however, noted the event.





莱特兄弟指的是奥维尔(1871年8月19日—1948年1月30日)和维尔伯(1867年4月16日—1912年5月30日)这两位美国人。世人一般认为他们于1903年12月17日首次完成完全受控制、附机载外部动力、机体比空气重、持续滞空不落地的飞行,并因此将发明了世界上第一架实用飞机的成就归功给他们。 象鸟儿一样在天空飞翔,自古以来就是人类的梦想。为了它的实现,人们付出了多年坚持不懈的努力,甚至许多先驱者生命的代价。终于在1903年12月17日,世界上第一架载人动力飞机在美国北卡罗来纳州的基蒂霍克飞上了蓝天。这架飞机被叫做“飞行者—1号”,它的发明者就是美国的威尔伯·莱特和奥维尔·莱特兄弟。莱特兄弟的第一次有动力的持续飞行,实现了人类渴望已久的梦想,人类的飞行时代从此拉开了帷幕。

威尔伯·莱特生于1867年4月16日,他的弟弟奥维尔·莱特生于1871年8月19日,他们从小就对机械装配和飞行怀有浓厚的兴趣,从事自行车修理和制造行业。莱特兄弟原以修理自行车为生,兄弟俩聪明好学,从1896年开始,他们就一直热心于飞行研究。通过多次研究和实验,他们很快得出一个结论:要解决飞机操纵这个悬而未决的关键问题,必须装上某种能使空气动力学发挥作用的机械装置。他们按照这一想法,在基蒂霍克沙丘上空对载人滑翔机进行了几度寒暑的试验之后,他们的梦想终于变成了现实。 奥托·李林塔尔试飞滑翔机成功的消息使他们立志飞行。1896年李林塔尔试飞失事,促使他们把注意力集中在了飞机的平衡操纵上面。他们特别研究了鸟的飞行,并深入钻研了当时几乎所有关于航空理论方面的书籍。这个时期,航空事业连连受挫,飞行技师皮尔机毁人亡,重机枪发明人马克沁试飞失败,航空学家兰利连飞机带人摔入水中,等等,这使大多数人认为飞机依靠自身动力的飞行完全不可能。


“飞行者”号是一驾普通双翼机,它的两个推进式螺旋桨分别安装在驾驶员位置的两侧,由单台发动机链式传动。1904年,莱特兄弟制造了装配有新型发动机的第二架“飞行者”,在代顿附近的霍夫曼草原进行试飞,最长的持续飞行时间超过了5分钟,飞行距离达4 .4千米;1905年又试验了第三架“飞行者”,由威尔伯驾驶,持续飞行38分钟,飞行38.6千米。第一次试飞的那一天,天气寒冷,刮着大风,首先由弟弟奥维尔·莱特驾驶“飞行者”飞机进行飞行,留空时间12秒钟,飞行36.5米。在同一天内,飞机又进行了3次飞行,其中成绩最好的是哥哥威尔伯·莱特。他驾驶飞机在空中持续飞行260米。




In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircraft's rolling motion and balance.

Wright Brothers - Birds of a Feather

The Wright Brothers spent a great deal of time observing birds in flight. They noticed that birds soared into the wind and that the air flowing over the curved surface of their wings created lift. Birds change the shape of their wings to turn and maneuver. They believed that they could use this technique to obtain roll control by warping, or changing the shape, of a portion of the wing.

Wright Brothers - Gliders

Over the next three years, Wilbur and his brother Orville would design a series of gliders which would be flown in both unmanned (as kites) and piloted flights. They read about the works of Cayley, and Langley, and the hang-gliding flights of Otto Lilienthal. They corresponded with Octave Chanute concerning some of their ideas. They recognized that control of the flying aircraft would be the most crucial and hardest problem to solve.

Following a successful glider test, the Wrights built and tested a full-size glider. They selected Kitty Hawk, North Carolina as their test site because of its wind, sand, hilly terrain and remote location.

In 1900, the Wrights successfully tested their new 50-pound biplane glider with its 17-foot wingspan and wing-warping mechanism at Kitty Hawk, in both unmanned and piloted flights. In fact, it was the first piloted glider. Based upon the results, the Wright Brothers planned to refine the controls and landing gear, and build a bigger glider.

In 1901, at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, the Wright Brothers flew the largest glider ever flown, with a 22-foot wingspan, a weight of nearly 100 pounds and skids for landing. However, many problems occurred: the wings did not have enough lifting power; forward elevator was not


effective in controlling the pitch; and the wing-warping mechanism occasionally caused the airplane to spin out of control. In their disappointment, they predicted that man will probably not fly in their lifetime.

In spite of the problems with their last attempts at flight, the Wrights reviewed their test results and determined that the calculations they had used were not reliable. They decided to build a wind tunnel to test a variety of wing shapes and their effect on lift. Based upon these tests, the inventors had a greater understanding of how an airfoil (wing) works and could calculate with greater accuracy how well a particular wing design would fly. They planned to design a new glider with a 32-foot wingspan and a tail to help stabilize it.

Wright Brothers - Inventing the Flyer

During 1902, the brothers flew numerous test glides using their new glider. Their studies showed that a movable tail would help balance the craft and the Wright Brothers connected a movable tail to the wing-warping wires to coordinate turns. With successful glides to verify their wind tunnel tests, the inventors planned to build a powered aircraft.

After months of studying how propellers work the Wright Brothers designed a motor and a new aircraft sturdy enough to accommodate the motor's weight and vibrations. The craft weighed 700 pounds and came to be known as the Flyer.

Wright Brothers - First Manned Flight

The brothers built a movable track to help launch the Flyer. This downhill track would help the aircraft gain enough airspeed to fly. After two attempts to fly this machine, one of which resulted in a minor crash, Orville Wright took the Flyer for a 12-second, sustained flight on December 17, 1903. This was the first successful, powered, piloted flight in history.

In 1904, the first flight lasting more than five minutes took place on November 9. The Flyer II was flown by Wilbur Wright.


In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution

forinformation about flight experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small,biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wingwarping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircraft's rolling motion andbalance.

Wright Brothers - Birds of a Feather

The Wright Brothers spent a great deal of time observing birds in flight. They noticed that birdssoared into the wind and that the air flowing over the curved surface of their wings created lift.Birds change the shape of their wings to turn and maneuver. They believed that they could usethis technique to obtain roll control by warping, or changing the shape, of a portion of the wing.

Wright Brothers - Gliders

Over the next three years, Wilbur and his brother Orville would design a series of gliders whichwould be flown in both unmanned (as kites) and piloted flights. They read about the works ofCayley, and Langley, and the hang-gliding flights of Otto Lilienthal. They corresponded with OctaveChanute concerning some of their ideas. They recognized that control of the flying aircraft wouldbe the most crucial and hardest problem to solve.

Following a successful glider test, the Wrights built and tested a full-size glider. They selected KittyHawk, North Carolina as their test site because of its wind, sand, hilly terrain and remote location.

In 1900, the Wrights successfully tested their new 50-pound biplane glider with its 17-footwingspan and wing-warping mechanism at Kitty Hawk, in both unmanned and piloted flights. Infact, it was the first piloted glider. Based upon the results, the Wright Brothers planned to refinethe controls and landing gear, and build a bigger glider.

In 1901, at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, the Wright Brothers flew the largest glider ever flown,with a 22-foot wingspan, a weight of nearly 100 pounds and skids for landing. However, manyproblems occurred: the wings did not have enough lifting power; forward elevator was noteffective in controlling the pitch; and the wing-warping mechanism occasionally caused the airplaneto spin out of control. In their disappointment, they predicted that man will probably not fly in theirlifetime.

In spite of the problems with their last attempts at flight, the Wrights reviewed their test results anddetermined that the calculations they had used were not reliable. They decided to build a windtunnel to test a variety of wing shapes and their effect on lift. Based upon these tests, theinventors had a greater understanding of how an airfoil (wing) works and could calculate withgreater accuracy how well a particular wing design would fly. They planned to design a new gliderwith a 32-foot wingspan and a tail to help stabilize it.

Wright Brothers - Inventing the Flyer

During 1902, the brothers flew numerous test glides using their new glider. Their studies showedthat a movable tail would help balance the craft and the Wright Brothers connected a movable tailto the wing-warping wires to coordinate turns. With successful glides to verify their wind tunneltests, the inventors planned to build a powered aircraft.

After months of studying how propellers work the Wright Brothers designed a motor and a newaircraft sturdy enough to accommodate the motor's weight and vibrations. The craft weighed 700pounds and came to be known as the Flyer.

Wright Brothers - First Manned Flight

The brothers built a movable track to help launch the Flyer. This downhill track would help theaircraft gain enough airspeed to fly. After two attempts to fly this machine, one of which resulted ina minor crash, Orville Wright took the Flyer for a 12-second, sustained flight on December 17,

1903. This was the first successful, powered, piloted flight in history.

In 1904, the first flight lasting more than five minutes took place on November 9. The Flyer II wasflown by Wilbur Wright.


莱特兄弟—Wright Brothers

1. Wright Brothers - Birds of a Feather

The Wright Brothers spent a great deal of time observing birds in flight. They noticed that birds soared into the wind and that the air flowing over the curved surface of their wings created lift. Birds change the shape of their wings to turn and maneuver. They believed that they could use this

technique to obtain roll control by warping, or changing the shape, of a portion of the wing.

莱特兄弟 - 鸟类的羽毛


2.In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight

experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircraft's rolling motion and balance.


3.Wright Brothers - Gliders

Over the next three years, Wilbur and his brother Orville would design a series of gliders which would be flown in both unmanned (as kites) and piloted flights. They read about the works of Cayley, and Langley, and the hang-gliding flights of Otto Lilienthal. They corresponded with Octave

Chanute concerning some of their ideas. They recognized that control of the flying aircraft would be the most crucial and hardest problem to solve. 莱特兄弟 - 滑翔机

在未来三年内,他的兄弟威尔伯和奥维尔将设计出这将是在这两个无人(如风筝)和航班的飞行驾驶滑翔机系列。他们阅读有关的凯莱,和Langley的作品,和悬挂式滑翔奥托利林塔尔航班。他们对应的八度夏奴特关于他们的一些想法。 他们认识到,控制飞行的飞机将是最关键,最难解决的问题。

4.Following a successful glider test, the Wrights built and tested a full-size glider. They selected Kitty Hawk, North Carolina as their test site because of its wind, sand, hilly terrain and remote location. 滑翔机试验成功后,莱特兄弟制造和测试的全尺寸滑翔机。


5.In 1900, the Wrights successfully tested their new 50-pound biplane glider with its 17-foot wingspan and wing-warping

mechanism at Kitty Hawk, in both unmanned and piloted flights. In fact, it was the first piloted glider. Based upon the results, the Wright Brothers planned to refine the controls and landing gear, and build a bigger glider.







“飞行者”号是一驾普通双翼机,它的两个推进式螺旋桨分别安装在驾驶员位置的两侧,由单台发动机链式传动。1904年,莱特兄弟制造了装配有新型发动机的第二架“飞行者”,在代顿附近的霍夫曼草原进行试飞,最长的持续飞行时间超过了5分钟,飞行距离达4 .4千米;1905年又试验了第三架“飞行者”,由威尔伯驾驶,持续飞行38分钟,飞行38.6千米。第一次试飞的那一天,天气寒冷,刮着大风,首先由弟弟奥维尔〃莱特驾驶“飞行者”飞机进行飞行,留空时间12秒钟,飞行36.5米。在同一天内,飞机又进行了3次飞行,其中成绩最好的是哥哥威尔伯〃莱特。他驾驶飞机在空中持续飞行260米。 1903年12月14日至17日,“飞行者”1号进行第4次试飞,地点在美国北卡罗来纳州小鹰镇基蒂霍克的一片沙丘上。第一次试飞由奥维尔〃莱特驾驶,共飞行了36米,留空12秒。第四次由威尔伯.莱特驾驶,共飞行了260米,留空59秒。1906年,他们的飞机在美国获得专利发明权。

