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篇一:Unit 3 My friends

Unit 3 My friends


1.本单元教材以“My friends”为主题,让学生学会向别人介绍自己朋友的姓名。


3.句型:学会准确使用He’s/ She’s ? He’s/She’s my friend.来介绍不同性别的朋友初步感知句型This is ? She’s my sister.


5.字母:继续学习认读及书写字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk。



1.Goodbye.已经在第二单元的Cartoon time中出现,这一日常用语也是学生们不学也耳熟能详的。但是发音的准确性不够,尤其是单词中的爆破音读音技巧需要指导。在英语中除了用goodbye,它是比较正式的用语,用于对陌生或年长的人说。还可以拓展用于年轻人、小孩之间的随便一些的bye-bye和bye。在song time板块中出现了See you next time. 因此,建议老师补充口语化的表达See you.帮助学生比较系统地掌握比较简单的道别用语。

2.句型She’s ? She’s my friend. He’s ? He’s my friend, too.是陈述句式,在句型教学时,我们应避免枯燥的机械模仿训练,尽量设计交际性活动,激起学生的交际意向,让他们积极参与课堂互动,使语言呈现出较强的交际性。因此,我建议教学时增加问句Who’s she? Who’s he?

3.学生在前两个单元已经学习了Good morning. Good afternoon. Hello. Hi.等问候语,也学习了自我介绍的句子I’m ?。因此,教师可以引导学生在介绍自己的朋友时把这些内容有机滚入,通过新旧知识的有机整合,形成小语段Good morning./ Good afternoon. / Hello. / Hi. I’m ? She’s ? She’s my friend. He’s ? He’s my friend, too.适度加强对学生语言表达的纵向和横向的拓展。



2.能正确用He’s/ She’s ?来介绍自己的朋友。



5.能正确认读和书写字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk。






2.He’s/ She’s ?的准确使用。



4.字母Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk的准确发音以及书写笔画与笔顺。








Story time


1.能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s.

2.能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye,? He’s/She’s? He’s/She’s my friend.


4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的朋友。 教学重点:










1. Free talk (T-S,S-S)

T: Good morning/Hi/Hello?!

S1, 2, 3, 4: Good morning/Hi/Hello...

T: Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning?



T: Let’s play a game. Close your eyes. Listen and guess: Who’s this? S1: Hello/hi/ good morning, class!

S2,3,4: Are you??

S1: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

(当最后一个同学说时,教师参与其中)T: Let me have a try! Em,he’s/she’s? Ss: No!

T: She’s/He’s?

Ss: No!

T: Em,I don’t know. Who’s she/he? (睁开眼睛看一看)

T: Oh, she’s/he’s?



3. Try to say

T: You did a good job just now! Look! I have some other pictures. Do you know them?

(呈现一组学生熟悉的体育、影视名星)T: Who is she? Who is he?

S1, 2, 3, 4: She’s/He’s?


Ss: She’s Mei Yangyang.

T: Yes! She’s Mei Yangyang. And she’s my friend.

(通过呈现人物图片,让学生初步运用He’s/She’s句型,同时使学生在潜移默化中加深对she’s和he’s的认识,区分二者用法的不同,并适时引出生词词组my friend)

(领读friend,my friend,并让学生看口型,准确发音,分男女生读,小组读)

-Look and read: free from


4. Work in pairs (T-S, S-S)

T: Now, you know my friend. Can you introduce your friend to me?


T: Look!You may say ‘She’s/He’s?She's/He's my friend.’(PPT呈现句型) S1, 2, 3: (Try to introduce)


S1: Hello ?

S2: Hello?

S1: (手指另一个同学)She’s/He’s?She’s/He’s my friend.

S2: She’s/He’s?She’s/He’s my friend.


Step2 Presentation

1. Watch and match

(看完影像后指Miss Li头像)T: Who’s she?

Ss: She’s Miss Li.

T: Yes, she’s the teacher.

(指Mike爸爸头像)T: He’s Mike’s dad.

(指Yang Ling妈妈头像)Who’s she?

Ss: And she’s Yang Ling’s mum.

(指Mike头像)T: Who’s he?

Ss: He’s Mike.

T: Who’s she?

Ss: She’s Yang Ling.



T: Yes, they’板书本单元课题:Unit3 My friends(带读friends,注意/ds/的发音,同时加动作) T: Today let’s talk about friends.

2. Read and find

Mike和Yang Ling是怎样向父母介绍自己的朋友的?在文中找出来!

S1: She’s Yang Ling. She’s my friend.

S2: He’s Mike. He’s my friend.

Summary: 学生自主归纳出用‘-He’s/She’s?-He’/She’s my friend.’向他人介绍我的朋友)

3. Watch and think

T: Watch the cartoon again; find out what Miss Li and her students are saying. When we say like this? (让学生找出表示告别的交际用语,并联系文中的场景想一想,在生活中怎样去用?)

Ss: Goodbye, ?


S1: 在下课的时候说Goodbye。

S2: 放学离开校园时Goodbye。

S3: ?



4. Read the dialogue

1) Read after the video/ tape.


2)Open the books and read after the teacher(读对话时要提醒学生用手指着书上的句子逐句跟读)

3) Read by themselves

4) Read in groups(让学生在小组内分角色读,读出不同角色的感情色彩)

Step3. Practice and Step4. Production

1. Let’s summarize:


What have you learnt today? (今天你学习了什么?)

Topic: My friends(我的朋友)

Patterns: -Goodbye,?(表示与他人告别)

-He’s/She’s?-He’/She’s my friend.(向他人介绍我的朋友)

Please use them as much as you can! (请多多运用它们哦!)


篇二:Unit3. My friends. 教学设计---陈家亮



参评项目: 教学设计 作品题目:Unit3. My friends. 教学设计




日期: 2015 年 5月 17日

Unit3. My friend.教学设计



1. Goals for knowledge and ability. (知识与能力目标) (1)能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/her name is...He/she is ... (2)能用所学知识来简单描述一位熟悉的朋友。 2. Goals for progress and method. (过程与方法目标)

利用旧知识What's your name? My name is...及friend, tall, short, thin和新知识What's his/her name? His/her name is...He/she is ... 及friendly, strong的密切联系,让学生动口动脑。 3. Goals for feelings, attitude and values. (情感、态度、价值观目标) 懂得和身边的朋友友好相处,珍惜友谊。


四年级学生对这种句型已有所了解,三年级学习过What's your name? My name is...句型,以及friend和描述人物外貌的一些单词tall, short, thin等。


教学重点:能够用新单词、句子描述自己朋友的特征 教学难点:理解和区分his, her的不同





Hi!Gao Wei Hi! Peter.

Nice to see you again!

Hi! I’m Jim. I’m from America.

This is my new friend. Nice to meet you.

Hi! I’m Jim. I’m from America.

I’m Rani. I’m from Singapore.

Where are you from? I’m from Beijing , China. I’m from Shanghai.

We’re good friends! Yeah!

Mum, this is my new friend, Jim.

Hi, Jim. Where are you from? I’m from America.

Come on, boys. Have some fruit.

Thank you.

Look, Gao Wei! This is my father.

Wow! He’s cool! What’s your father? Guess! A driver?

No, he’s a teacher.

Look! This is my mother. Oh, she’s beautiful! What’s your mother? She’s a doctor. Oh, good!

Hi, Sue. Glad to meet you! Hi, Kate. This is my new friend, Sue.

Nice to meet you.

What class are you in?

I’m in Class Two, Grade Three. How about you?

I’m in Class One, Grade Four.

One, two, three, go! What’s your number? I’m number fourteen. What’s your number? I’m number thirteen.

Hi, Mimi. What’s your number?

I’m number six. What’s one and two? Three!

Yes! And what’s seven and eight?

Er…, um, fifteen. Good!

my friend s hot mum

Good morning, class! Good morning, Mr Li.

Let’s count from one to eighteen.

One! Two! Three! …….

What’s eight and nine? It’s seventeen. Very good!

Wake up! Wake up, Peter. What’s the time, Mum? It’s 7:20.

Oh, no! I’m late! Have some milk. No, thanks!

Hi, Peter! What’s this in English?

It’s a pineapple. It’s for you. For me? Why?

Happy birthday to you!

What’s this in English? It’s watermelon. It’s so big,

Do you like watermelons? Yes, I do.

Me too. Let’s eat it. Good idea!

Yang Ming, what’s this in English? It’s a tomato.

What’s that in English? It’s a potato.

Hi, Kate. What’s that in English? It’s a carrot. Pardon?

Carrot. C-A-R-R-O-T, carrot. Thank you.

Hi, let’s play a game. Ok!

What’s this?

It’s a green pepper.

Are you sure? Is it green or red?

It’s green. Yes!

Hi, Peter! It’s fine today. Let’s play football. Great!

Hi, Kate! It’s nice today. Let’s play with my kite. Ok. Let’s go!

Mum, it’s cool today. Shall we go to the zoo? Ok!

I like pandas, bears and tigers. How about you, May?

I like monkeys, elephants and birds.

Dad, it’s hot today. Shall we go swimming?

Good idea! Let’s go.

Mum, can I have some cold water, please? Here you are.

Mum, how’s the weather today?

It’s sunny. Let’s go shopping. Great, Mum!

Can I have a new skirt, please? Sure, let’s go.

Mum, how’s the weather Can I try it on? short tail. today? Sure! Look at the monkey. Oh, dear! It’s rainy. Put on Wow! It has a big mouth and a your shirt. Dad, look at those jeans. long tail. Ok, Mum They’re really cool! Miss, can we have a look at Hi, Peter. Come here. It’s so hot today. Mum, those jeans? Ok, I’m coming. where’s my new T-shirt? Here you are. Look at me. How tall I am. Over there! Peter! Put on your Thanks. Ha! Ha! How funny! cap. Look! You’re tall, too. Thanks , Mum. Mum, I like those shoes. Ha, ha! We’re both tall. Can I have a look at those Lisa, this is for you. shoes, please? Come here, Lisa. For me? What’s in it? Sure, here you are. Coming! Open it and see. Thank you. May I try then Look! I’m short and fat. On, a dress! on? Ha! Ha! I’m short and fat, too. Wow! It’s pretty! Certainly. We look short and fat. And a hat! Happy birthday to Ha! Ha! We look like twins! you! Look at the elephant. Thank you, Mum and dad. Wow! It’s so big. Happy New Year! Look, it has big ears. Let’s go and see Miss Liu. Can I help you? And small eyes. Ok. Let’s go! Please show me that jacket. Hello, Miss Liu. Here you are. Look, Lisa. I have a rabbit. Thank you. Oh, it has long ears and a 注:要求学生能听,说,认读 China nineteen jeans 西红柿 America twenty trousers 风筝 England lemon socks 熊猫 Singapore watermelon shoes 水 Canada kiwifruit fat 短裙 friends carrot thin 衬衫 boy cucumber (无边的)帽子u girls eggplant 二 (有边的)帽子,student green pepper 三 礼帽 driver fine 四 T恤衫 teacher nice 五 女服,连衣裙 farmer warm 六 毛线衫,毛衣 doctor cool 七 马甲,背心 nurse hot 八 大的 postman cold 九 小的 class sunny 十 长的 grade cloudy 菠萝 高的 thirteen windy 苹果 短的,矮的 fourteen rainy 梨 新的 fifteen snowy 橙子,橘子,橙色幸福的,快乐的 sixteen blouse 的 seventeen jacket 香蕉 eighteen raincoat 土豆,马铃薯


Unit 3 My friends

Part A


一、Look and match.(看图片,并连线。)

二、Read and find.(读单词,找不同。)

三、Look and write.(根据提示补全单词。)

1.d__g(狗) 2.n__s__(鼻子)

3.n__t__(笔记) 4.C__k__(可乐)

5.n__t(不) 6.b__x(盒子)

四、Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断下列句子与相应图片是“√”否“×”一致。)

( )1.Zhang Tao is thin. )2.My friend is quiet. )3.My brother is strong. )4.She is thin. )5.

Her name is Sarah.

五、Read and match.(读一读,并连线。)

1.Who is this boy? A.Her name is Mary.

2.Where is my toy? B.He is my brother.

3.What colour is it? C.It is on your desk.

4.What's her name? D.Many books.

5.What's in your bag? E.It's red.

六、Read and choose.(读句子,选图片。)

( )1.My uncle is thin.

( )2.John is thin and short.

( )3.My sister is friendly.

( )4.He is very strong.

( )5.

He's quiet.

七、Read and choose.(读句子,选择正确答案。)

( )1.I have a ______ friend.

A.old B.very C.new

( )2.______ Chinese friend?

A.An B.A C.The

( )3.What's ______ name?

A.her B.she C.am

( )4.He ______ very thin.

A.am B.has C.is

( )5.Who is ______?

A.him B.am C.


八、Read and order.(读一读,给句子排序。)

A.Mum,I have a new friend.

B.A Chinese friend?

C.No,he is from Canada.

D.Yes,he is thin and very tall.

E.What's his name?

F.A boy?


His name is John.

九、True or false.(阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。)

Sarah is my good friend.She is an American girl.She is fourteen years old.She's tall and thin.She has long hair,big eyes and a small nose.She is quiet and cute.We all like her.

( )1.Sarah is from China.

( )2.Sarah is 16 years old.

( )3.Sarah is tall and thin.

( )4.Sarah has small eyes and a big nose.

( )5.Sarah has long hair.

十、Read and choose.(读短文,选择正确答案。)

My name is Tom.I have a new friend.My friend is a girl.Her name is Mary.She is

thin.She has long hair,big eyes and ears.She has a small nose and a small mouth.She is cute.

( )1.What is the name of Tom's friend?

A.Ann. B.Mary. C.Jane.

( )2.Mary is ______.

A.thin B.fat C.tall

( )3.Mary has ______ eyes and a ______ mouth.




( )4.Mary has ______ hair.

A.long B.short C.black

( )5.Mary is Tom's ______ friend.

A.new B.old C.boy

参 考 答 案

一、A.friendly B.thin C.quiet D.strong 二、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A

三、1.o 2.o,e 3.o,e 4.o,e 5.o 6.o 四、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.× 五、1.B 2.C 3.E 4.A 5.D

六、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.C

七、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C

八、A F D B C E G


十、1.B 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A


短文改错题 1

Attention, please, everyone.

rain tonight. Make sure to shut windows and doors until you leave classrooms. The sports meet when After it becomes fine, we'll make announcement. We will have classes Wednesday as usually. Since it is tomorrow, please dress on more your umbrellas open while riding.

短文改错题 2 Dear Peter,

Thanks very much

inviting me to your birthday on Sunday. I'd like very nuch but I had an examination Monday morning. It is a fail it. I'll spend all the So I'm really sorry that I won't to wish you wonderful time birthday. Happy birthday, Peter, many happy return of the day. 短文改错题 3

I went fishing with my father on last Sunday. We started at daybreak. Before

that we could see fish swimming. It is a good place for fishing.

After the few minutes' preparation, we sat down and began fishing. An hour passes, but I didn't get a single fish. I felt very disappointing. I often lifted the fishing rod, because I almost lost my patient. On the other side of the stream, my father had got lots fish. I went up to him and asked for some advice. With his help, we got some fish, too. How happy I was!

短文改错题 4

During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first time in my life. I generally travel by train or by bus. It's all cheaper and safer. But this was

a short journey. In the begining I didn't fall happy, but this feeling wasn't last long. The journey was very exciting. I was soon high up in the sky among the cloud. The view of mountains, fields and rivers were interesting.

I enjoyed my short and comfortably trip very much. This experience has been shown that traveling by air is actually safest way of making journeys.

短文改错题 5

It was Sunday today. Early in the morning my classmate and I went to the park by bus to plant trees. As soon as we got there, we began work. Some were digging, some planted, and there were still some watering. Both of us were trying hard to plant as much as we could. Each of us was afraid of falling behind. After

work, we were all wet over. Looking at lines of young trees, we forgot our tiredness. We came back at 12 o'clock. It is not only does us a lot of good, but also benefit the people.

短文改错题 6

I often read English aloud and trying to learn something important in heart. It helps me remember what I have learned and form good habit of thinking in English. I listen a lot and communicate with the others in English. In this way, I improved both my listening ability and my speaking English. I keep a diary in English every day and my written English is becoming better and better. I also try my best master the necessary grammar knowledge. By this means, I can express me correctly. That's why I have been learning English.


短文改错题 7

"I am so excited. I have not words to describe that I saw Beckham today," said Liao Wending, a factory worker who took the

day off see the team arrive. "I'm so moving, I was screaming and shouting as he walked by." Fans on white Real Madrid T-shirts reached out toward the players as they got close to the training camp. Some players stopped to shake hand. Soccer is very popularly in China, with tens of millions of fans is following 15 teams in the country's top league or dozens of smaller clubs. China has sent players to British team. Though few had spent time in China, Beckham and other foreign stars have already celebrated here.

短文改错题 8

The Dead Sea is really a larger lake. The river Jordan flows into it. It's surface has an area of over a thousand square kilometers. Because there is no outlet and the weather is very hot, the water is slowly flowing up, the water in the sea has unpleasant smell and a very salty bitter taste. It is full with salt and other minerals. Human bodies will not sink in it. People can sit up there and to read newspapers without sinking, but it is not a good place for swimming, so the water is bad for the skin. No alive things can live in it. That is why it called the Dead Sea.

短文改错题 9

Paul was in hospital. Jesse went to see him Last week, Jesse heard of his friend on hours began. He found out Paul in a nice 7:30 one evening when the visiting room who many had with another patients, an old man, on magazines the same and ill cards as Paul. from There are him a feeling that table he near the Paul's bed. Paul friends told medicine every third hour and getting lots much had good a now. high He fever was and taking was of rest. After their talking for while, some of The small room became too crowding. Jesse decided the old man's friends came in to visit. to leave. Jesse was glad that Paul enjoyed his visit.

短文改错题 10

The Problem with Television

Now I can't watch many television but a few yeas ago I was used to watch it every night. I was often a little tired after a day's work and watch TV demands very little effort. Unfortunate, there are too many people among my family. Some wanted to see the programme while others preferred another. I am happy with any programme but the others spent a lot time arguing and there was no way of settling the matter except by selling the set. Now someone at home reads instead. 短文改错题 11

I don't often lose things and I especially careful with money. So I was very surprising when I reached at my wallet and found it wasn't there. At first, I thought it was possible that I must have forgotten it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I have it with me just after I walked into the restaurant. I wondered that it was possible that it could have slipped out off

I turned and walked back to the table which I had been sitting. 短文改错题 12

My friend Kate was a pretty girl whose sweet voice drew others’ attentions. Last year, she left to study at a music school. Yesterday she called to say that she wants to see me but not at my house. So we fixed a time and a place and then hung. Today I met her at a given time and place. Greatly to my surprise, I found her so much changing. She looked very sorrowful and worrying. She said she had made such little progress that she was almost hopeless of success. She wondered that whether she had been wasting her time doing nothing. I knew she just needed some encouragement. So I did what I could persuade her to gain her courage again.

短文改错题 13

I went out to see a film with my brother after supper. On our way to the cinema ,we meet an American girl named Alice she had got lost and looked very anxious. We went up to see that was the matter. We then took him to the hotel. While going there, we told her the great changes that had been taken place in our country in the past few years and Alice told us a lot about youth in America. Although we missed the film, but we felt very happy for we had not only helped Alice get out of troubles also knew something about the States. We see English can strength understanding and friendship 短文改错题 14

The Olympic Banner is made of five crossed rings with five different colour: blue, yellow, black, green and red. They stand as the Unity of the five continents and the meeting of sportsmen all over the world at the Olympic Games with just and open-minded attitude and friend spirit. The Olympic Games have been held each four years in the world's great city. All the greatest sports men and players took part in the Olympic Games. The only prizes silver and copper medals.

短文改错题 15

Like many other places, our hometown is either facing the problem of pollution. Unfortunately, people there have realized the importance of protection the natural environment. Factories have been taken measures to stop pouring polluted water into the rivers. The citizens no longer put waste, such as rubbish or human waste into the rivers. Every year, a great number trees are planted. As a result, the water in the rivers are becoming cleaner and cleaner. The hills around the city were covered with green trees and the air there is much more fresher than before.


短文改错题 16

Dear Grandma,

Thank you for your letter and the check. It was really kind for you to send me such much money. I was so glad to receive them. I spend one week at an ecology summer camp in the countryside. Yes, we did see a snake. Five of the boys drove them away. I was excited when they did it. Thank you for your good wish about my that knee. That afternoon, after I returned to school, I fell over on the stairs. It was not seriously and it is getting better now. Since I very interested in nature, I’ve decided to spend the money you sent me on a telescope. I can use it observe natural things. Will that be all right? I’m waiting for your reply. Yours,

Li Ping

短文改错题 17 Dear friends,

How time flies! It has been one year after Miss Green came to our school. Today we gather here to have a farewell meeting. Our English teacher Miss Green is going to leave her post and return her country, the United States. During her stay there, she has helped us a lot with our English and we greatly appreciated her help. We are deep impressed by her lessons as they are so lively and interesting. We feel very sorry that she has to leave for our school. I’m sure we will miss her very much. I do hope we will keep touch with each other in the day that are coming. Now let’s hope Miss Green good luck and a pleasant journey. That’s all. Thank you.

短文改错题 18

Hello. You’ve no idea that how much I’m missing you! Why hadn’t you written to me for such a long time? Are you all right recently? My summer’s holidays have already started. What about yours? You said last time when you would pay a visit to my city, did you still remember? Will you be able to carry your plan this summer? Please write to me all about 短文改错题 21

I often read English aloud and trying to learn something important in heart. It helps me remember what I have learned and form good habit of thinking in English.I listen a lot and communicate with other in English.In this way, I have improved both my listening ability or my speaking English.I keep a diary in English every day and my written English 短文改错题 24

Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theatre. Most of his students are from other part of China and have come to Beijing at a very young age of sixteen or seventeen.He hopes create an environment for his students that

it is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. He thought that an actor should relax that so that I can be well preparing ahead of the time if you do come. As you know, I’m fond of collecting stamps very much. Could you send me some American stamps if possibly? With love to you.

短文改错题 19 Dear Tom,

I was glad to accept your letter of May 22th. I don’t expect that you would answer my letter so soon. You suggested in your letter that I must read more. I agree with you. It is true that one need to read a lot to improve his reading ability. It is the same like swimming. One can’t learn to swim if he goes and swims in the water. So this summer I am going to get down to read some books. Although I am not the kind person who always does things according to his plan, but I will try my best.

短文改错题 20

I’m very thank to you for inviting me to stay with you in Beijing in the coming summer vacation. I have been dreamed of seeing you again so that I can get more help from you in my English learning. And I’m afraid I cannot go to your place in this summer. I’ve promised my grandmother, she lives in the country, to spend this summer with her. She misses me too much that I find difficult to refuse her request. I’m busy with preparing for my examinations in present.Best wishes.

is becoming better and better. I also try my best master the necessary grammar knowledge. By this means,I can express me correctly. That’s why I have been 1earning English.

短文改错题 22

Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to

catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the back room. 短文改错题 23

I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and technologies of the game, and I am getting the better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improve our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won't make any mistakes.


himself when performing. Yet his students deep respect him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to be hearing . For his opinion, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a mistake in their performances because the moment is already gone but people can never be back to it. So art is always changing and developing.

短文改错题 25

Today is Sunday, I have been studying all day long. On the morning, I had a dry breakfast. We have no water to drink because the water supply has cut off. The water had come back in the evening. I did math then. I didn't stop after 12 Then I went to my Sunday English Class .After a long and tired class for more than two hours, I got to home. Some work had been done but some hadn't. I must review all my subject such as the Sciences, the Humanities, which include Chinese, English, Politics and History as well. That's terribly! Especially when there was no water.

短文改错题 26

loud I was recent told that hard of music hearing. is gradually listening I'm sure making it has turn her radio down. When she gave his discovered own room. Now a scientist have they strange a effects certain on electronic rats. He with legs break trembled. down, almost Then it paralyze(is simply 瘫wonder my neighbor someday. if the same thing

will happen

短文改错题 27 Dear Ralph,

I'm a senior student. I have be in love with a boy for three years. But he is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly to express my feeling. And he wrote back me. In his letter he said, "We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait to see until we have any chance after graduation." So after graduation I telephoned to him, asking him about go out. But he said he didn't want to. He just wanted to sleep and watched TV. What do you think I should do? Do you think I should continue to love him and give up, Sheila. 短文改错题 28

Before leaving the class, the teacher, Miss White, said to her class, "Don't leave your seats. Read your books on yourselves. You would study hard and be good students." As soon as the teacher went away, the classroom becoming noisy.

One boy drew a picture of the teacher on the blackboard. Another boy began to make face just to make the other students to laugh. The boy put his finger close to his mouth and tell the class that Miss White is coming back. All the students sat down their seats and the classroom became quiet again. The door open and in came Miss White.

短文改错题 29

books. So he had to borrow them from rich man lived far away. The boy tried hard to finish read the books returned them to the owner within giving time. So the rich man was lending him any of the books he them. In this way he read a lot late became a well-known writer of time. However, the rich man's son little knowledge.

短文改错题 30

Our four-years-old son came into the house proudly to showed me a caterpillar(毛毛虫)that was crawling up

his arm. Trying hard to hiding my nauseating feeling(掩饰我的恶心), I said, "Mark, why don't you take them back outside. Its mother will be looking for it, but it will miss its mother. " I was feeling rather pleasing at the way I had handled the situation. And a few minutes later Mark returned back to the house with two caterpillars and said excitedly , "Look, I founded the mother!"

短文改错题 31 (2001NMET)

Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters---in any other words, I am an only child. My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure that I get a good education. They did not want me to do any work at family; they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my subject. We may be one family and live under a same roof, but we do not seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks as if my parents treat me

as a visitor and a guest. Do they really understand their own daughter. What things are in other homes , I wonder. 短文改错题 32

March22nd , Tuesday , cloudy

I watch TV until nearly 12 o clock, so I could not go over my lessons. This morning I got up very late that I had to hurry school without breakfast yet. I was late of the first class . When I entered the classroom, the maths teacher had to stop explaining an important problem, and all the eyes fixed upon me . My face turned to red. Something even worse happened to me in the English class. The teacher asked me to recite the text, but I could speak nothing but Sorry , as I did not spend any time preparing my lessons . The teacher looked at me with his coldly eyes, I stood at my bench without daring to raise my head . What a terrible day I had! I will never do anything like this.


短文改错题 33

A king liked to write

One day, the king showed some stories with a famous writer. king felt pity for the writer and him freely. When the him some stories and asked how thought them. The writer into the soldiers and said, "Take back prison. "

短文改错题 34

At beginning of term I introduced my teacher for my parents. Our teacher Mr. Wang asked my parents of my summer holiday. To my parents' opinion I have a good time with my classmates. I told my teacher that I had finished homeworks at home. Then I helped my father in the farm.

We went on work by the lights of the tractors . Father had only two and three young men working for him at harvest time.

短文改错题 35

Time flies as an arrow. I'm

I realized it. It is only a little more three months before I graduate my lessons in order to take the entrance examination. I hope to go universities not only in China but also the world. I'll try my best to turn dream to reality. Most of my are also studying very hard to enter a very good university college.

短文改错题 36

Once, lately at night,

Englishman came out of his room into room, and a few minutes later he into the passage again and once asked the servant a glass of water.

Every a few minutes 短文改错题 39

I've a friend who has a big

dog is named Jack. Every afternoon my friend takes Jack a the park very well. One Sunday a man dropped in my friend. He stayed long time. He talked and talked. his walk, but the visitor still sat 短文改错题 42

and for a certain length of time. seem to have natural clock inside that tells them when sleeping. their regular sleep, cats take naps(打盹also take cat nap. The habit would good for people's health. Cat Englishman would come out of his man what he was doing with the "Nothing," answered he calmly. simply that the room is on fire.

短文改错题 37

I gave my housekeeper an old pair trousers to wash and went in the study to read. My housekeeper usually looks through my pocket before wash my clothes, but for some reasons she failed to do so this time. As I was reading, I suddenly remember that there was

a five-pounds note in the back pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it. I dropped my book and rushed into the bathroom, and it was too late. My housekeeper says that my trousers had been in the washing machine for fifteen minutes already.

短文改错题 38

One afternoon on April, 1912 ,

themselves. The next day was even was night. Suddenly, the man on shouting "Look out! Iceberg!" It was late, a ship hit the iceberg and came to ship started to go down.

and looked him. But the visitor none attention. He continued Finally Jack could stand it no longer. hold the visitor's hat in his mouth. 短文改错题 40 June 12,Sunday Fine

Today is Sunday, I didn't get up early

as usually. In the morning after I finished my homework, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmate and invited him to see a film. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema at 3:00 p.m. we found all the tickets

had sold out. Then we went back to school and played the football. After this, when we were about to go home, we saw our English teacher, Mr. Wang, coming into the school gate. He told us we have made great progress in English this term. He also suggested that we should read more and wrote more. We promised him that we would listen his advice. 短文改错题 41

In autumn of 1935,when I was a

young man, I was traveling in north of

Indian. One evening, after hunting in the

forest all day, I was returning to the place

which I had put up my tent. It was getting dark, but I was walking along a road. Suddenly I saw two eye glaring at me from among the trees. What can I do?

Should I jump into the river and help to

save my life by swimming. I looked at the

right. In the river there had a big crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth was wide open.


cats have moods(情绪) like these people, scientists believe that people improve their moods with People might become more happier and active.

短文改错题 43

A MAN shot two students died and wounded five other at an Australian university on Monday, after he

was overpowered by classmates of the victims (受害者)The two dead were both male of Asian-appearance in his early 20s. The others have being treated for minor(未成年的)injuries. The man, in his mid-30s and of Asian appearance, was seized several students in classroom at Monash University, Melbourne and was late arrested.

短文改错题 44

When I first learned to write in English , I ran into much difficulties. The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English.

One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. He liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me .
