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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 03:22:25 高中作文



4、如上右图,四个一样的长方形拼成一个边长为10厘米的大正方形, ??


? ? ?

? ? 线 ? ? ?1、 考生要按要求在密封线内填好考生的相关信息。 :?名??2、 不允许使用计算器

姓? ? ? ? ? 小学三年级试卷(B卷)

? ? ?一、填空题I(每题8分,共40分) ? : ?级 封 1、1+3+5+7+?+197+199=

班 ? ? ?

? ? ?2、用运算符号将1、4、7、7组成一个算式,使结果等于24。

? 学?小?

路?民??3、 将1、2、3、4、5、6这6个数字填入下左图的6个圆圈中,使每条人?市?阳?线上三个数字之和都等于10.

浏??? ?密? ???

??? ???

第1页 共4页 ?中间形成了一个小正方形,每个长方形的周长是( )厘米。

??????线???????5、将10000000000减去101011后所得的答案中,数字9共出现 次。



???6、伟伟今年8岁,爸爸34岁。再过 年,爸爸的年龄是伟伟的三倍。

题?????7、红色水笔5元一支,蓝色水笔7元一支,花102元共买了16支,蓝??? 支。

??????8、五个连续偶数的和是7的倍数,这五个数之和最小等于 。


答??2场,乙胜了1场,丙最多胜 场。 ??????

???第 2 页 共 4页


在同一条线上。有 几种不同放法。(旋转后位置相同的算同一种) 14、4×4的方格中应有30个正方形,下图已去掉了4个点,最少再去掉 ???

10、将黑、白各一粒围棋子放在下图方格的格点上,但两粒棋子不能???? ?线? ??? ??? ???


???11、A、B两地相距1200米,大成从A地出发6分钟后,小功从B地题??出发,又过了12分钟两人相遇,大成每分钟比小功多走20米,小功???每分钟走 米。 ???


???13、一瓶可乐2元,两上空瓶可以再换一瓶可乐,有30元,最多可以???喝到 瓶可乐。

?答? ??? ??? ???

?第3页 共4页 ( )个点,才能使图中恰好只剩一个正方形。 15.有6个边长为2厘米的等边三角形,2个边长为2厘米的正方形,请你选取其中的一些或全部,拼出一个八边形,在方框中画出多边形的拼法。

第4页 共4页





祖父 祖母 父亲 母亲

伯父 伯母 表(堂)兄弟

男人 女人 卧室 房子

厨房 起居室,客厅 浴室

在….之间 餐厅 在….旁边

床 椅子 电脑 书桌

台灯 海报 架子 门

墙 早晨 下午 傍晚

晚上 早餐 午餐 晚饭

十一 十二 船 手偶

拼图游戏 滑板 跳绳

宇宙飞船 足球 飞盘 鸟

鸡 驴 鸭子 农场 山羊

马 羊羔 绵羊 公牛 奶牛

盒子 樱桃 盘子 食物 叉子

玻璃杯 刀 三明治 草莓

竹子 桃子 土豆 连衣裙

夹克 牛仔裤 鞋 半身裙

短袜 裤子 外套 围巾













(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:第11届新概念作文b卷)













1、一架昂贵的相机: 2、自便:

3、去超市: 4、给你。:



7、一瓶水: 8、一张购物 清单:

9、我知道!: 10、让我想想。:


1、What kind of camera Claire got? --I can’t A have/remember B has/know C has/remember D does/know

2、Claire a pink pencil case. She want a blue one.

A want/don’t B want/doesn’t C wants/doesn’t D wants/ don’t

3、Show me ( ) menu!

A the B any C a D some

4、( ) some people on the bridge.

A They are B There is C They D There are

5、I’ve got potatoes in the kitchen.

A lots of B a lot C lot of D lots

6、It’s my favourite kind food!

A -- B to C of D at

7、It’s Daisy’s old cameras.

A of the B another C to the D one of

8、 kind of camera has Claire got,Jack?

A What B Who C Whose D Where

9、There’s ( ) rice in that jar.

A any B a C some D an

10、Pass ( ) a knife, please.

A I B me C my D for me

三、在必要的地方填入a an some 或any。

1、Can you drive ( ) car?----No, I can’t, but I can ride ( ) bicycle.

2、Are there ( ) people in the park?----No, there aren’t ( ) people there.

3、Pass me ( ) onion, please. There are ( ) in the fridge.

4、There’s ( ) coffee in this packet, but there isn’t ( ) tea.

5、I can’t see ( ) sugar in the bowl.----No, there isn’t ( ).

6、Have you got ( ) strawberries here?

7、We need ( ) sugar. There isn’t ( ) in the house.

8、Give the dog ( ) water. It’s very hot.

9、Give me ( ) apple, please. There are ( ) nice red ones in that bowl.

10、Is there ( ) bottle on the floor?----No, there aren’t ( ) bottles there.


1、(How much / How many) packets of tea do you need?

2、(How much / How many) sugar is there?

3、We need two(bar/bars)of chocolate.

4、Do you need a (packet/packets) of tea?

5、How many (loafs/loaves) of bread do you want?






一、Listening Part .( 10分)

house is in the.It's a little house with a

and blue windows. are trees and the house. There aren't houses next to the countryside to the town and there are shops in the town.

二、 填空。(16分)

d _sh(盘子) b_at(船) tr_u_ers(裤子) b_ll(公牛) s_pp_r(晚饭) c_w(奶牛) b_scu_t(饼干) t_m_t_(西红柿) d_ _r(门) m_ _th(嘴) h_d_(藏 sh_ _p(绵羊) (18)______+2=_____ 三Read and classify.(读并且分类)(14)

bird catch drink chicken donkey jacket jeans eat duck

hide shoe stand goat jump shoe skirt sock run trousers

horse shout lamb sit dance sheep dress draw touch



四、 Read and choose.(选择题)10

( )1.What colour do you like ?

A.I like apples. B.I like pink. C.I like cats.

( )2.How many ducks are there ?

A.There are five ducks. B.There are some ducks. C.There are any ducks.

( )3.Is there a lamp next to bed?

A.Yes,there is. B.No,there aren't. C.Yes, there are.

( ) 4.That's puppet.A.Ted B. Ted's C.Teds'

( )5. football is it ? It's pop's .A. Who B.Whose C. What ( )6.Are those cows?A.Yes, they are. B.No,it isn't. C.Yes, it is.

( )7.Whose coats are they?

A.They are our coats. B.They are blue. C.It's my coats.

( )8.Are you hot?

A.Yes, you are. B.No,you aren't. C. Yes, we are.

( )9.Are there shops in our town?

A.Yes, they are. B.No,they are. C.Yes,there is . 

( )10当你想让坐在窗户旁边的同学把窗户关上,你说()

 A、Look over there. B.Close the window,please. C.Open the window,please




3.房间里面没有一个电脑。 4.

5.该睡觉了。 6. 7. 8书桌上有一本书。



七、按要求完成句子. (10)

1.your sweater where is? (组句子)

2.Is she a teacher?(做出否定回答)

3.books are whose those? (组句子)

4. we arent hungry(正确书写句子)

5. .I can touch my toes. I can stand on my hands.(将句子并为一句话)


1.sing that song don't ____________________________________

2.under hide bed the ____________________________________

3.write don't desk on your ____________________________________

4.next your stand to chair ____________________________________

5.eat in don't class ____________________________________

6.ball catch the please ____________________________________

7.caps are they whose ______________________________

8.socks are green mum's my are ____________________________

9.is what it time ____________________________________

10.time is it for supper ____________________________________



Mr. Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with is wife. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are beautiful and Mrs. Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr. Brown.


( )Mr. Brown lives in with his wife.

A. a city B.a small town C. a big town ( )He works days a week in his office.

A.four B.five C.six ( )He isn’t on Saturdays and Sundays

A. free B. busy C.happy ( )He likes on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. working in his garden B. walking in his garden C. looking at his garden ()Mrs. Brown flowers

A. likes B.doesn’t like C.often helps


My room

I have a small room. It’s clean. There is a desk, two chairs and a bed in my room. The door is here. The window is there. I have got a radio on the desk. There are some books and a bog in the bookcase next to the desk. The chairs are next to the desk. The bed is next to the window. Under the bed there is a ball and my shoes. There is a photo of my family on the wall. too. There are your people in my family. It’s a nice photo.

In the evening. I do my homework in my room. I like my room.


( )1.My room is very big.

( )2.There is a computer on the desk.

( )3.My shoes are under the bed.

( )4.There are five people in my family.

( )5.I watch TV in my room in the evening.



姓名__________ 班级__________ 分数_________ 听力部分(共四十五分)

一、 听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(每题3


1. A. Yes, she has. B. Yes, she does.

2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she does.

3. A. She’s got a British one. B. I have got a German one.

4. A. Yes ,it does. B. Yes, it is.

5. A.I want a new camera. B.I like purple.

二、根据你所听到的内容写出下列空缺的单词。(每空2分) Lucy: Bob, do you like_____________?

Bob: No, I don’t.

Lucy: Do you like ____________?

Bob: No, I don’t.

Lucy: What _______ ________ _________ do you like? Bob: Let me think. I like potatoes.

Lucy: ______? I have got some_________ and some_______.

Let’s have dinner at my home ________.

Bob: This is great ,Lucy. I like them _____________.


1.I ______got a new camera. I ______ it very much.

A. have ; likes B. has ; like c. have ; like

2.I _____ got a pet.Susan _____got two pets.

A.has;has B.have;have C.have;has

3.Mike can play____ football. He cann’t stand on ______head.

A.the;his B.不填;his C.不填;her

4.My father ____ like bananas.My mother and my father _____like apples.

A.doesn’t ;doesn’t B.don’t;don’t C.doesn’t ;don’t

5.There ___ five pens in the box.There ____ a ruler in the box.

A.is;is B.are ;is C.is;are

6.I often _______ TV. She ofen _______TV.

A.watch;watch B.watch;watches C.watches;watch

7.What kind of camera________Bob got?

A.has B.does C. have

8.What kind of camera does Claire ______?

A.got B.want

9.She _______ a British camera. I ________ a German one.

A.want ;want B.wants;want C. wants;want

10.I’ve got_____potatoes.

A.lots of B.a lot C.lot of


How many; How much; What about ; some; bring; any; on ; really;

1. There isn’t______ suger in the tin.

2. There are _______potatoes in the kitchen.

3. Do you want _______ fruits?

4. ______ is this pen?

5. _______ chairs are there in the classroom?

6. _______ suger do we need?

7. _______ some cream for dessert?

8. I ______ like lettuce.

9. Can you _______ us some coffee?

10. What’s _____ the shopping list?

五.用there be 句型写五句话描述你的教室或卧室。(共五分)

