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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:32:16 小学作文

篇一:Tom's Christmas

Tom’s Christmas

Christmas was coming, and gifts should have been hung up on the beautifully-decorated Christmas tree. But nothing was left there for Tom. How disappointing!

Tom understood that his father had to deal with several cases. As it was a rare moment when the family gathered together, Tom was sure that his father would appear sooner or later. He stayed up late.

The clock stroke ominously 11, warning Tom to give up his helpless waiting.

Feeling that he would never see his father tonight, Tom reluctantly went to bed. Just at the same time, his father was driving back home at such a high speed, trying not to give Tom an upset Christmas, with a big present on the backseat which has been preserved carefully in a paper bag.

He arrived punctually at midnight, and quietly moved to Tom’s room. After putting the gift on the desk he left with a smile, kissing his dear boy in the forehead.

The next morning when Tom woke up, he immediately found the gift on his left. He knew his father would keep the promise, he believed his father was always a hero!

篇二:Tom cat's story

Tom cat’s story

Some pets have a hard life. Read this story and find out: what is this cat’s problem?

My name is Tom and I am a cat. I have a major problem whose name is Felina. Felina is my owner. You see, she doesn’t understand how people should take care of their pets. She has very strange ideas about the relationship between people and pets.

Felina treats me like a human child. She worries about me and tells me what to do all of the time. She doesn’t want me to go outside and play with the other cats. She makes me sit on her lap every night

while she watches television. Boring. And the programs she watches! No taste at all!

There’s more. Felina brushes and combs me twice a day. She takes me to the Pet Beauty Clinic once a week for a bath and shampoo. Really. Cats can take care of themselves. Doesn’t she know that we have tongues that we use to lick ourselves and keep clean? And the flea powder she puts on me---- it smells awful and I think it might give me skin cancer.

Feline thinks she knows what kind of food I like. She doesn’t even have a clue. She feeds me this gourmet cat food and she puts it in a silver dish.

Really! Who cares? All I want is some day-old fish that stinks. And a little water. That’s all. Is that asking too much?

One time I managed to get out of the house. Did I have a good time! I ran around with some other cats in the neighborhood. We ate garbage and chased a dog. I even killed a bird and ate it. Good fun. But when I returned home.,feline went crazy. She took me right to the Pet Beauty Clinic for a bath and shampoo, even though I had just been there the day before.

Once I had a relationship with a real sexy Siamese down the street, but feline stopped it. Then feline got

me fixed. Now I can’t be a father and have children, and I have lost all of my interest in female cats.

To make matters even worse, she wants to have me buried next to her! I won’t be free of her even when I am dead. What a life.

What do you think?

1. People should respect animal rights. Owning a pet doesn’t mean you can do anything you want.

2. People need pets for emotional support. I think they’re great.

3. People should not keep pets. They don’t belong in people’s homes.

4. People treat pets too much like humans. I think it’s silly.

5. People spend too much money on pets. What a waste!

world. Think of all the homeless the people in

篇三:7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate.课时练习doc

7A Unit 5 Let’s celebrate! Period1

(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)


1.在春节________________________ 2.猜一猜_______________________

3.在中秋节______________________ 4.装扮成鬼_____________________

5.在感恩节______________________ 6.在妇女节_____________________

7.聚会,联欢____________________ 8.许多精美的礼物_______________


1. We____________(庆祝) New Year?s Day at school every year.

2. What a clever girl! She always__________(穿衣服) herself in the morning.

3.Christmas is a Western(西方的)___________(节日).

4. Millie doesn't come to school today ___________(因为) she is ill in hospital.

5. Tom's home is near mine(我的家).We usually go to school and go home _________(一起).


( ) 1. Tomorrow is_______ The students want to buy some flowers for their teachers.

A. Teacher Day B. Teacher's Day C. Teachers' Day D. the Teachers Day

( ) 2. In China,_______ usually comes in September or October.

A. the Dragon Boat Festival B. the Mid-Autumn Festival

C. the Chinese New Year D. Thanksgiving Day

( ) 3. We like to eat_______ at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

A. moon cakes B. sweets C. bananas D. chocolate

( ) 4. Millie often_______ up_______ a princess(公主)at the party.

A. dresses; in B. dress; as C. dresses; as D. dress; in

( ) 5. - Which isn't a Chinese festival? - _______.

A. The Chinese New Year B. The Mid-Autumn Festival

C. The Dragon Boat Festival D. Halloween


The Dragon Boat Festival is a wonderful in China. It is the 5th day of the fifth lunar (阴历,农历) month. It is said that more than two thousand years ago, Qu Yuan, a 3 poet (诗人) in China, jumps into the Miluo River. People rushes (冲) out in their boats to try to save (救) him when they hears the news, but it is too 扔) rice into the to feed Qu Yuan?s spirit (灵魂). So we can see the dragon boat races and have a of Chinese food. name is “rice dumplings (粽子)”.

The important event at the festival is the dragon boat race in memory of (纪念) Qu Yuan. People row their boats in the shape of dragons. The Chinese now throw rice dumplings into the water, so the can eat them. Later on it turns into the custom-eating rice dumplings.

( ) 1. A. game B. holiday C. book D. place

( ) 2. A. on B. in C. at D. to

( ) 3. A. woman B. girl C. great D. old

( ) 4. A. good B. bad C. wonderful D. great

( ) 5. A. busy B. free C. early D. late

( ) 6. A. river B. boat C. boats D. baskets

( ) 7. A. but B. then C. now D. past

( ) 8. A. lot B. cup C. glass D. kind

( ) 9. A. It is B. Its C. It?s D. Their

( ) 10. A. birds B. chickens C. fish D. ducks


In the United States,every year,Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.Because Canada is north of the United States,and is colder.The harvest comes earlier in the year.In Canada,people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October.

The harvest brings a lot of food to the people.On Thanksgiving Day people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family just like Chinese people do at Mid—Autumn Festival.Many Canadians and Americans put flowers,vegetables and fruits around their homes to say“Thank you”for the harvest.

At a Thanksgiving Day dinner,many Canadians and Americans will eat turkey,potatoes,and pumpkins pie.These are food like the food of many years ago.They are saying Thank you”for the harvest that comes every year.

( ) 1. Which country has the Thanksgiving Day like the United States?

A.Japan. B.China. C.Canada. D.Korea.

( ) 2. In the United States,Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of _________.

A.January B.May C.November D.December

( ) 3. Canada has Thanksgiving earlier in the year because_________.

A.they 1ike flowers B.the harvest come earlier

C.they have a big meal D.they want to be different

( ) 4. The harvest brings to people.

A.flowers B.turkeys C.food D.pumpkins

( ) 5. What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest?

A.Good morning. B.I?m hungry. C.Hello. D.Thank you.


1.孩子们认为万圣节是个很有趣的节日。 __________________________________________.

2.咱们一起庆祝圣诞节吧! __________________________________________

3.我们中国人不庆祝感恩节。 __________________________________________.

4.你妹妹最喜欢哪个节日? __________________________________________

5.在端午节你们通常做些什么? __________________________________________


一、1.in Spring Festival 2.have a guess

3.in the Mid-Autumn Festival 4.dress up a ghost

5.in Thanksgiving Day 6.In International Working Women's Day

7.get together 8.many fine gifts

二、 1. celebrate 2. dresses 3. festival 4. because 5. together

三、1. C 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. D

四、1~5. BACBD 6~10. ACDBC


六、1. Children think Halloween is a very interesting festival.

2. Let?s celebrate Christmas together!

3. We Chinese don?t celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

4. Which is your sister?s favourite festival/festival does your sister like best?

5. What do you usually do at the Dragon Boat Festival?

7A Unit 5 Let’s celebrate! Period 2 (Reading)


1.thank you for telling me about?______ 2.最喜欢万圣节______________

3.on October 31_____________________ 4.制作南瓜灯笼______________

5.dress up and wear masks____________ 6.和??玩一个游戏__________

7.knock on the door_________________ 8.在十月31日傍晚举办一个聚会_________

9.enjoy nice food and drinks____________ 10.特殊的一天______________________________


1. Please _________(敲门) on the door before you come in.

2. __________(十月) is the tenth (第十) month of the year.

3.Please_______(用颜料涂)the walls white.

4.Don?t _______(叫)! I can hear you.

5.That is really a _______(特别的)day.

6.When the evening comes, children play a game with the people_______(里面) .


( ) 1. Thank you for_______ my dog.

A. look for B. look at C. looking after D. looking around

( ) 2. People usually give us some apples_______ a treat.

A. like B.in C.for D.as

( ) 3. If people_______ give us a treat, we play_______ them.

A. aren't; a basketball with B. don't; a trick on

C. don't; the football with D. don't; games on

( ) 4. Do you have a party_______ the evening_______ January 1?

A. in; in B. on; on C. on; of D. on; in

( ) 5. Can you_______ me_______ your family?

A. tell; about B. tell; in C. say; about D. talk; about

( ) 6. People always have a party _______the evening_______ October 31.

A. on; on B. on; of C. in; on D. in; in

( ) 7. Halloween is on the_______ day of October.

A. first B. last C. 10th D. 20th

( ) 8. Children play "_______" on the people at Halloween.

A. trick or treat B. right or wrong C. come or go D. up or down

( ) 9. Do children_______ on that day?

A. have a fun B. have good time C. have the fun D. have fun


The Lantern Festival comes at the end of the Spring Festival, in January or early February. The lantern is an important (重要的) part of it. Lanterns are red, red means (表示) happiness and good luck. People the lanterns out of paper or silk. There are lots of lanterns everywhere. in the gardens,outside the houses.

is the special food for the festival. The food means reunion(团圆). Family members get together and, a big meal. It?s the festival of the winter for people. the festival, the Chinese New Year is , and people go back to begin their busy 1ife.

( ) 1.A.1ate B.early C.the D./

( ) 2.A.so B.or C.because D.if

( ) 3.A.cut B.make C.do D.makes

( ) 4.A.such as B.1ikes C.are D.are like

( ) 5.A.Dumpling B.Rice Dumpling C.Yuanxiao D.mooncake

( ) 6.A.round B.long C.nice D.sweet

( ) 7.A.enjoy B.has C.enjoys D.drink

( ) 8.A.first B.second C.third D.1ast

( ) 9.A.Before B.After C.Later D.At

( ) 10.A.over B.happy C.bad D.coming


Mother?s Day is a holiday for mothers. People celebrate it in the United States, England, India and some other countries. Little by little, people in many other countries also celebrate it. Mother?s Day is on the 2nd Sunday in May. On that day, many people give presents of love to their mothers. If their mothers are alive (活着), they often wear a pink or red rose(玫瑰)or carnation (康乃馨). If their mothers are dead (去世), they wear a white one.

The celebration of the first American Mother's Day was held (被举行) in Philadelphia (费城) on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular all over the country and around the world. In China, people do the same on the day for mothers. And in some cities, people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast (广播) for his or her mother only.

( ) 1. Mother's Day is on _______in May.

A. the 1st Saturday B. the 2nd Sunday

C. the 2nd Saturday D. the 4th Sunday

( ) 2. On that day, people give_______ to their mothers.

A. pineapple(菠萝) B. presents of top C. flowers D. presents of love

( ) 3. The first Mother's Day was celebrated(被庆祝)more than_______ years ago(以前).

A. one hundred B. ninety C. eighty D. seventy

( ) 4. The word "celebration" means “_______” in Chinese.

A.庆祝会 B.演唱会 C.宴会 D.聚会

( ) 5. What kind of present do people give their mothers in some cities in China?

A. They sing songs for their mothers.

B. They ask songs to be broadcast for their mothers.

C. They buy beautiful presents for their mothers.

D. They wear flowers for their mothers.













一、1.谢谢你告诉我关于?? 2. like Halloween best 3.在十月31号 4.make pumpkin lanterns 5.乔装打扮并戴着面具 6.play a game with? 7.敲门 8. have a party on the evening of October 31 9.享

受美食和饮料 10.a special day

二、1. knock 2.October 3.paint 4.shout 5.special 6.inside 三、1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D


五、1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B

六、1. We have some festivals in China,and I like the Chinese New Year best.

2. How do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?

3. Children sometimes paint their faces.

4. Please don't play a trick on me.

5. It is really a special night.

篇四:2015 溧水九年级英语一模





第一卷 选择题(共40分)

一. 单选填空(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)

1. I am so sorry that I forgot to bring any food with me. And it’s kind of you to share _____with me.

A. us B. ours C. you D. yours

2. People can visit Tiansheng Bridge without paying money ______June 13, 2015.

A. for B. on C. in D. at

3. — Excuse me. Could you please tell me ______ my car?

—Sure. Park it right here. I’ll help you.

A. how to stop B. where to stop C. where to park D. wh

tom s 薄荷牙膏

en to park

4. To finish the task, we’ve tried three times, and after dinner we’ll try _________ time.

A. the fourth B. a fourth C. fourth D. four

5. The bus is coming. Oh, no! It's full. I'm afraid we can't ______.

A. get on B. get up C. get out D. get off 6. Look. How clean the window is! It ________ just now.

A. was cleaned B. is cleaned C. has been cleaned D. will be cleaned

7. The doctors in Shenzhen did all they ______ to save Yao Beina, a famous singer, but she still died.

A. would B. could C. must D. might

8. —Do you like eating sea food?

—Of course. Nothing can be _________, I think.

A. delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. most delicious

9. —I think I will recommend David as the chairperson of the club because he is . —I quite agree with you. He is always willing to share his things with others.

A. active B. practical C. energetic D. generous

10. —I didn’t go to Tom’s birthday party yesterday. What about you?

—________, because I was preparing for the exam all the time.

A. Neither was I B. Neither am I C. Neither did I D. Neither do I

11. More and more people come to visit Fujiabian. It has become the _______ of Lishui.

A. pride B. effort C. praise

1 D. courage

12. —Do you know ______?

—To meet her friends from America.

A. where is Anna going

C. why is Anna going to the airport B. where Anna is going D. why Anna is going to the airport

13. —Has your friend completed his design?

—Not yet. He _______ on it last night.

A. worked B. has worked C. is working D. was working

14. — Excuse me, is this seat taken?

—_____. That man got his books and left a few minutes ago.

A. I’m afraid so B. I don’t know C. I don’t think so

15. — I’m too tired to go any further.

—_______! I’m sure you can make it. D. I hope not

A. No problem B. Not bad C. Come on D. What a pity


I always felt sorry for people in wheelchairs. Some people, old and weak, cannot by themselves. seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits. But whenever I saw someone in a wheelchair, I didn’t want to treat him or her as a real person.

Then I fainted(晕倒) at Euro Disney low blood pressure. This was the first time I had for a while after First Aid. I stepped towards the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction!

I could not believe this was happening to me. Wheelchairs were for other people but not for me. As my father wheeled me out into the main street, people began to treat me differently at once. People looked down at me, pity in their eyes. Then they would look away, maybe because they thought the they forgot me, the better I will feel.

“I am just like you!” I wanted to scream. “The only is that you’ve got legs, and I have wheels. ”

Looking out at the faces, I finally understood: I was once just like them. I people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are disabled. We should respect every one.

16. A. look around

17. A. other

18. A. such as

19.A.sleep B. talk about B. another B. because of B.break

2 C.get around C. others C. in order to C.leave D. make out D. the others D. for example D.rest

20. A. as

21. A. sad

22. A. faster

23. A. choice

24.A. needed

25. A. badly B. until B. fine B. happier B. advantage B. thought B. truly C. after C. light C. sooner C. difference C. greeted C. mostly D.before D. cheap D. harder D. difficulty D. treated D. likely



26. Where has the writer been several times?

A. China. B. Greece. C. Scotland. D. The Maldives. 27. Which of the following is true according to the passage?


A. The writer wants to dive in the Maldives.

B. The world’s largest palace is in Greece.

C. The writer will visit the central part of Scotland.

D. The writer became interested in India two years ago.


Sometimes you just get so angry that you feel like you are going to burst(爆发). It may seem like your anger will be the boss of you, instead of you being the boss of your anger. What can you do to work off that anger and keep yourself and others safe? Here are some ideas to help you.

●Take a deep breath before you feel your heart slows back down again.

●Count to ten slowly in your mind before you open your mouth. Count to another ten if you are still feeling out of control. Stop and think about what to say and do, then make a good choice.

●Walk away the place that makes you angry and go somewhere else until you’ve thought about what you can do.

●Use your words to tell your feelings. You should never hurt someone with your hands, feet or by what you say.

●Say what you say in a strong voice, not a loud shouting voice.

●Doing a chore that you really hate is a pretty good idea. It can keep your anger away and you can feel good about getting that chore done too. In this way, you make anger useful.

28. What will happen if you are the boss of your anger?

A. You can burst. B. You can keep warm. C. You can shout loudly. D. You can be careless.

29. Before making a good choice, how much numbers should you count to control yourself.

A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40

30. How can we get the angry feeling out according to the passage?

A. Shout in a loud voice. B. Hurt others with our hands.

C. Do some chores that you really hate. D. Walk to the place that makes you angry. C

Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generous; be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don’t tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest, you may lose


your friend’s trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don’t have to give your lunch money or your clothes, or enjoyments, like your hobbies and your interests. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friend know you better.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friendships, you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding.

31. Some friendships don’t last very long because_______.

A. they don’t know friendship is something serious

B. there are too many people who want to make friends

C. those who give others friendships receive friendships from others

D. those who never give others friendships receive no friendship from others

32. According to the passage, honesty is________.

A. something countable B. the base of a friendship

C. as important as money D. more important than anything else

33. Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?

A. Always tell your friend the truth.

B. Sharing your mind with your friend is of great value.

C. A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.

D. Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.

34. What does the word “them” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. your ideas and feelings. B. your hobbies and interests.

C. your lunch money and clothes. D. your clothes and enjoyments.

35. The best title of this passage is________.

A. How to Be a Friend B. Honesty Is the Best Habit

C. Three Important Points in Life D. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed


I don’t like talking openly about my feelings. That’s probably why I am writing this, because it


篇五:《Uncle Tom's Cabin》英文版读后感

Uncle Tom's Cabin

These days I’ve just finished the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin that left a really deep impression on me. At first, I think this is a fairy tales book, but when I opened the first page, I was attracted by two people’s dialogue, and the author writes in the chapter: This chapter introduces a good man to the readers, Tom.

In the book, at the beginning, the author presents us a very beautiful image of a rather harmonious family who live a very happy life.

Tom was outgoing, optimistic and steady and imbued with the Christian idea that revered the God. He was loyal to his owner. He knew and stood up and help the Eliza’s escape, however, he didn’t escape. In the novel, he met three slaveholders.

The first was Shelby. Shelby’s manor was the place where he grew up. Shelby also treated him as one of family. Tom’s cabin was a warm house; in the house hang some pictures of bible. And this place is where slaves sang hymns and enjoyed freedom. His wife always cooked delicious food to feed George Shelby who was Shelby’s son and other slaves. However, that beautiful image couldn’t last long, the darkness came soon.

Shelby’s speculate business was failed and his IOUs were in Mr. Haley’s hand, so he had to sell Tom and Eliza’s five-year old son Harry to Mr. Haley. Tom helped Eliza and his son escaped, but he stayed because he said if he escaped, too, the other salves would be sold. Then, on the way of sold, he ran across a lovely spirit who named Evangeline. She was a beautiful, virtuous and outgoing little girl. Her father Augustine also was a virtuous and wealthy people and doted on her very much. They both liked Black and hated the Slavery. So Evangeline become Tom’s second holder. It was a nice time with Evangeline for him. Not only did he not be destroyed, but also the enriched his mind world. He had learned to write letters to his family. But best time always not last very long, little Evangeline died after two years late, and her father who promises to give Tom freedom was stabbed in an accident and died very soon. So Tom was sold again.

He was not as lucky as last time. His third holder was Simon who was very rude, crude and fetishistic. He let Tom and other slaves did hard work without long rest, and if they want to rest or did work late they will be punished by chargehand. And one day Tom help two female slaves

escaped from the plantation, Simon was furious and he beat Tom without any mercy. Under Simon’s destroying, Uncle Tom went to the Heaven at night when George Shelby ran to save him.

As we all can see that Uncle Tom's Cabin was an anti-slavery novel and it was even considered as one factor that caused the Civil War. In the novel, the slaves were sold from one place to another frequently, and their fate was tragic, with no exception— just like Uncle Tom, no matter he was under the control of kind masters or evil masters, he can’t escape the misfortune of being sold from one master to another. We can’t see any human right of them, that’s so terrible.

I think Tom’s ending is a gray ending, but also a red ending. Because he said to Simon: "You just bought my body, and my soul has been bought by the one of the wealthiest people.” and the one, which he has been revered God, his body was tortured to death, and his soul went to heaven to enjoy life is to it! George Shelby go back later, made a freedom certificate issued to each slaves, in front of Uncle Tom's grave he sworn that he will not keep a nigger any more.

Uncle Tom, the hero in the writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe, was a sacrifice of slavery. However, he was a supreme model of human spirit. With his Christian love, which he thought can overcome all——even something as destructive as enslavement of fellow human beings, he comforted numerous people who were suffering poverty and misery. His spirit of sacrifice made many off-springs weep, and shocked and feared a lot of upper rulers. Nowadays, people always remember the honest and loyal Uncle Tom who makes every effort to protect his master. Also, people remember that in order to keep his Christian faith such an obedient Uncle Tom dared to resist his master. In this monetary world today, Uncle Tom’s spirit of selflessness, purity and nobility edify human’s soul. Tom says that Jesus loves everyone, yes, he believed Jesus, Jesus is God, but he does not know, he is God, too, with Jesus as he lovingly.
