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这是一个异乎寻常的星期二,住在女贞路4号的德思礼先生看见一只花斑猫正在家门口不远的地方看地图,而且听电视上说:一贯昼伏夜出的猫头鹰今天一早就四处纷飞,连专家们也无法解释这种反常现象。 就在这天晚上,失去父母的一岁男孩哈利·波特神秘地出现在女贞路4号的门前,开始了在他姨夫姨母家饱受欺凌的生活。姨夫和姨母好似凶神恶煞,经常对他大吼大叫,一直把他关在楼梯下的碗橱里。他们还有一个混世魔王一般的儿子达力,更是经常对瘦弱的哈利拳脚相加。 十年过去了,住在姨夫姨母家的哈利从来没有过过生日。但是在他十一岁生日那天,一切都发生了变化。一只猫头鹰送来了一封信:邀请哈利去一个他从来没有听说过的神奇地方——霍格沃茨魔法学校——去上学。 九月一日那天,哈利来到古堡般的魔法学校:大礼堂的天花板上闪烁着耀眼的星星,白色的幽灵在学生们的头顶上飘荡,宽大的餐桌上凭空出现了美味佳肴,会说话的肖像需要学生说出口令才能通行……这里的一切——从上课到吃饭到睡觉都充满了魔法。这里还有形形色色的老师:慈祥和蔼的老校长邓布利多教授,严厉正直的副校长麦格教授,处处呵护哈利的海格,还有不知怎的总是看哈利不顺眼、不断找他茬儿的斯内普教授。不过最让哈利波特高兴的是,他结识了两个朋友——忠厚善良的男孩罗恩和聪明伶俐的女孩赫敏。当然,同学中还有趾高气扬、一心与他作对的男孩德拉科·马尔福…… 哈利开始学习自己以前从来不知道的魔法,他学会了空中飞行,学会了使用基础咒语,还学会了骑着扫帚打魁地奇球。一件可以让他随时从别人视线中消失的隐形衣更给了他出入任何场合的自由。 然而,在这一切的背后,似乎有一种更加神秘的力量始终萦绕在哈利的周围:他额头上那道由伤害他父母的凶手留下的闪电形伤痕现在比起十年来的任何时候都更加频繁地隐隐作痛,而且一次比一次厉害;哈利和罗恩、赫敏偶然发现学校三楼的一个房间里竟然有一条长着三个脑袋的大狗;魔法界的银行古灵阁离奇被盗;黑魔法防御术课教师奇洛的头上为什么总是莫名其妙地围着一条大围巾,还发出令人恶心的味道…… 这一切都与一块神秘的魔法石有关,都与那个杀死了哈利的父母、被人称为‘伏地魔’的邪恶巫师有关,从此哈利开始了他在魔法世界中艰难多舛的命运……





















《哈利波特和魔法石》阅读导引单(二) 学校 班级 姓名



学校 班级 姓名

当我触碰到那一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》,我为它迷醉,为它感动,把它看了千万遍,牢牢记在了心中。以至于一念一个咒语,它就会浮现脑海,久久不能散去?? 拿起魔杖,念出熟悉的咒语,它便出现,与我同在!

1、一个不平凡的小孩( ),一出生便拥有了一个要与坏蛋( )作斗争的标志,一道形如( )的疤痕。

2、小魔法师( )在( )经过( )年的努力地学习和艰苦地磨练,在和恶魔斗智斗勇的战斗中,慢慢成长为一个出色的( )。

3、在哈利11岁生日时,发生了一件不平凡的事,改变了他的一生。一个表面恐怖实际很温柔的看守( )给他送去了一封( )录取信,证明他从一出生就是一个( )的命运。

4、哈利到了学校认识了两个好朋友,一个是( )的( ),有一个同样把哈利当孩子的妈妈。一个是品学兼优的( ),有两个平凡的( )父母。(非魔法人士)他们一起努力救了( ),与( )抗争,最后捣毁了( )的美梦,获得了大家的尊敬。


——《哈利波特与魔法石》导引单运用反思 东河区铁西小学 刘晓璐














指导学生阅读小说的读书方法。了解故事梗概,可用浏览法,可以看封皮、扉页、目录、简介、作者介绍等。了解故事内容,可以精读、细读、品读,理解词句的含义,了解作者的写作特点,体会文中的思想感情。揣摩文中各个角色的性格和心理。学会边读边想象,用自己的想象去丰富文中角色的形象。与他们同呼吸,共命运。 总之,这本书给我们的感觉只能用一个词来形容--“神奇”。在这个世界的另一个角落里,有一个神奇的国度。在那里,有一个拥有不可思议力量的男孩--哈利波特。而我们在阅读时,也随之掉入了一个魔法的时空。通过反反复复的阅读,在学生自己的心中构建一个不一样的魔法世界。



在学生已经读过一遍文章后,?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路⒌诙诺家ィ佳谢囟痢Q枰叨帘咦芙帷⒏爬ǎ岷献约旱南埠猛瓿傻家サ奶钚础U庋纳杓朴兄谘呓Хㄊ澜纾鲜段闹猩衿娴慕巧?/p>



1、哈利·波特与魔法石(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)——2001年11月4日英国首映 全球票房排名:第8名(截至2010年9月),974,733,550美元

2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)——2002年11月3日英国首映 全球票房排名:第19名(截至2010年9月),共878,643,482美元

3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)——2004年5月31日英国首映,2004年9月中国上映 全球票房排名:第27名(截至2010年9月),共795,634,069美元

4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)——2005年11月6日英国伦敦首映,2005年11月18日全球同步上映 全球票房排名:第16名(截至2010年9月),共895,921,036美元

5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)——2007年6月28日日本东京首映,2007年8月11日中国上映 全球票房排名:第11名(截至2010年9月),共938,212,738美元

6、哈利·波特与混血王子(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)——2009年7月15日全球同步上映 全球票房排名:第12名(截至2010年9月),共933,959,197美元

7、哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上)(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1)——2010年11月19日英国伦敦首映 全球票


哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)——2011年7月7日英国伦敦首映。7月13至15日在全国上映,北美公映时间是7月15日,由于国产电影保护月推迟,中国大陆预计于8月4日上映。(该片已确定会有3D版本与影迷会面。)


Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone’s Reading Report

J.K. Rowling, a British writer who was born on July 31, 1965, the British gwent, graduated from the university of Exeter.

In 1989, Rowling was 24, when she had the idea of writing Harry Potter. In June 1997,she promoting the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone. Later, Rowling haswrote "Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets and Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban in 1998 and 1999. In 2001, the first novel "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone to the screen by Warner Brothers in The United States. In June 2003, she again make the fifth Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. In 2004, Rowling has topped the Forbes list of the rich, she has $1 billion.In July 2005 the sixth Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, ", In July 2007 the final "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows”. By 2008, "Harry Potter" series of novels have been translated into 67 languages to sell about 400 million copies in the world. In 2010, the film of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows finished as the final film of the Harry Potter .

The series of novels about Harry Potter was began in a accident.

In the spring of 1987, Rowling graduated from the university of Exeter. In 1989, 24 years old, Rowling in Manchester for London train journey, a thin, small wizard wears glasses and with black hair, smile to her through the window. His appearance made the thoughts of the creation of Harry Potter. Although at that time, she don't have a pen and paper, but she has already started to imagine. So, Harry Potter was born, an 11-year-old boy, small height, black but matted hair, and bright green eyes, a round glasses, has a long and thin, the lightning scar on forehead. Harry Potter became fashionable characters all the world.

The first book tell us the beganing story about Harry .

This is an unusual tuesday, In No. 4 Privet Drive, Mr. Dursley saw a calico cat is not far from where the door look at the map, and listen to television, said: consistent nocturnal owl today a long everywhere and even the experts can not explain this anomaly.

At that night, the only one-year-old boy Harry Potter who just lost parents to number 4 privet drive door mysteriously, started his sad life at his aunt and uncle home. Uncle and aunt of a fierce, often yelling at him, always lock him in the cupboard under the stairs. They also have a bad son, Dudley, often fight to thin Harry .

After 10 years, Harry has never had a birthday. But in his eleventh birthday, everything changed. An owl sent a letter: invite Harry to a place he had never heard of the magic - hogwarts school go to school.

That day on September 1, Harry came to the school: the great hall of the flashing dazzling stars on the ceiling, the white spirits floating in the students' head, wide appeared out of thin air on table delicacies, talking portrait requires students speak a password to pass... All of this -- from class to eat to sleep is full of magic. There are all kinds of teacher: kindness because of the old professor dumbledore, strict integrity of gryffindor dean professor McGonagall, fussing around Harry's hagrid, and somehow always watching Harry not pleasing to the eye, constantly looking for him about professor snape. But the most let the delight of Harry Potter, he met two friends - and honest kind-hearted boy RON and hermione smart girl. Students, of course, there are high horse and against his boy Draco malfoy.

Harry started learning the magic what he didn't know before, he learned to flight, learned to use spell, also learned to play quidditch ball on a broom. One cloaks make him disappear from others at any time gave him access to any occasion more freedom.

Behind all this, however, there is a more mysterious force always around the Harry: on his forehead that the damage whithleft by his parents' killer lightning form a dull pain in the wound more frequently than any time; Harry and RON, Hermione, accidentally discovered that there is a big dog with three heads in a room on the third floor; The wizarding world bank gringotts bizarre theft etc.

All this is associated with a mysterious philosopher's stone, with the man who killed Harry's parents, be called a mystery man, formerly known as Tom Riddle for name change after voldemort's evil wizard, and from then on, Harry began his difficult rocky fate in the wizarding world.

As Harry Potter's first book, it is certainly the best of the books.

As a magic as background to teenagers as the main audience's book, "Harry Potter" is a good book. What is more, the book is growing with Harry’s growing. We see a weaker to a stronger. It give us the belief that he can success ,we can too.

We all thought that Harry was talent, just was born a striking power, but it turned out to be the power of motherly love. We all thought that hogwarts is a perfectly safe place, but there is darkness. We all thought that light can defeat darkness, but the light almost destroyed by the dark. These seven books tells us that the real power comes from ourselves.

Back to this book, as the beginning of a long story, the head is quite good. First of all, show the bad situation of Harry Potter to go to another world, this process can cause the audience's emotional resonance. Second ,show how Harry study hard and the real interpersonal communication problem in the school whith give us the true sense. This is why the book wonderful all over the world.
