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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 05:59:10 体裁作文

篇一:Angel 歌词 中文翻译


Sarah Mlachlan

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会

For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好

There’s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好

And it’s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过

I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱

Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出

Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂

And maybe I’ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静

In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

Fly away from here飞离此地

From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间

And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起

You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here 愿你能得到安慰

So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线

And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方

There’re vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后

The storm keeps on twisting暴风雨仍肆虐不止

You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言

That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的

It don’t make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次

It’s easier to believe会使人更容易相信

In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里

That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝

In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

Fly away from here飞离此地

From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间

And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起

You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰

You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰



2010-03-28 01:53:33

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance用全部的时间等待第二次机会 For a break that would make it OK 因为逃避能使一切更好

There’s always some reasons to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉不够好 And it’s hard at the end of the day在一日将尽之时觉得难过

I need some distraction or a beautiful release我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱 Memories seep from my veins回忆自我的血管渗出

Let me be empty and weightless让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂

And maybe I’ll find some peace tonight也许今晚我可以得到一些平静

In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

Fly away from here飞离此地

From this dark, cold hotel room远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间

And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here 愿你能得到安慰

So tired of the straight line厌倦了走直线

And everywhere you turn你转弯的每一个地方

There’re vultures and thieves at your back 总有兀鹰和小偷跟在身后

The storm keeps on twisting暴风雨仍肆虐不止

You keep on building the lies你仍在建构谎言

That you make up for all that you lack以弥补你所欠缺的

It don’t make no difference, escape one last time但那于事无补,再逃避一次 It’s easier to believe会使人更容易相信

In this sweet madness, oh this glorious sadness在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里 That brings me to my knees使我颔首屈膝

In the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

Fly away from here飞离此地

From this dark, cold hotel room 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间

And the endlessness that you fear和你无穷的惧怕

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起 You are in the arms of the angel 在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰

You are in the arms of the angel在天使的怀里

May you find some comfort here愿你能得到安慰

篇三:Angel 歌词的翻译

Angel 歌词的翻译

首先交代一下这首歌的创作背景,这有利于我们对这首歌的理解。毕竟翻译 也是我谋生的手段之一,我们都知道,在很多情况下,如果不对创造的背景有所 了解,是不可能反映作者的真实意图的。 依据我查阅的资料,这个歌的创作的背景是,1996 年Sarah 听说Smashing Pu mpkins 乐队的键盘手Jonathan Melvoin 因吸毒过量而死亡,此事让Sarah 非常震 惊,同时对脆弱的生命与多变的命运有所感触。她说,“《Surfacing》这张专辑 写的是关于我最终成熟起来,自己面对丑陋的心情。我们所有人都有阴暗的一面。 谁说自己没有这一面就是胡说八道。有的时候我们不得不正视这一点。”我认为, 这几句话有助于我们对歌词的理解。 普遍认为,这首歌表现的是Sarah 对生命的动荡、脆弱、变换无常的感悟,以 及对人的内心中善与恶交织与斗争的反省。因此,歌词看起来像在描绘旅途中的 人,他所面对的变化无常、他内心的纠葛、他的正反两面,这也是我在翻译时的 一个参照。这首歌有对亡魂祝福的意思,也因此很多西方人会在葬礼上使用这首 歌的旋律。也有人认为,歌词实际上主要是描绘了人与毒品的斗争,把“天使” 解释为“毒品”,并把“让天使拥抱着你”这句歌词,有人就认为是暗指吸毒之 后人的感觉。关于西方流行音乐歌手在歌曲中写吸毒的例子不在少数,比如著名 的《加州旅馆》。不过,我倒宁愿相信“投

入天使的怀抱”暗指死亡的说法。不 论怎样,这首歌的歌词含义确实比较模糊,语义多是有象征意味的,即便在西方, 人们至今也还在讨论这首歌词的含义,也没有一个统一的理解。不过,这种歌词 倒也符合旋律的空灵风格,为此,我也取用了佛教词汇。 Angle 天使 Spend all your time

waiting for that second chance 用一生等待机缘重现 For a break that would make it OK 等待通向无憾的转弯 There’s always some reasons 总能找到些理由 to feel not good enough 为完美而追求 And it’s hard at the end of the day 日暮时分难将息 I need some distraction oh a beautiful

release 我应思绪放轻松 Memories seep from my veins 那些回忆不须留 Let me be empty and weightless 万念皆空轻如风 And maybe I’ll find some peace tonight 我的心今夜或许得安宁 In the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 Fly away from here 飞离这俗世凡尘 From this dark, cold hotel room 离开这阴冷的驿馆 And the endlessness that you fear 这令人恐惧的苦海无岸 You are pulled from the

wreckage of your silent reverie 脱离那破灭的静谧虚 幻

You are in the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 May you find some comfort here 祝君从此得安详 So tired of the straight line 厌倦了大路通天 And everywhere you turn 总喜欢抹角转弯 There’re vultures and thieves at your back

你背负侥幸与贪婪 The storm keeps on twisting 骇浪在心中涡漩 You keep on building the lies 你用谎言圆说谎言 That you make up for all that you lack 掩盖你所有的缺欠 It don’t make no difference, escape one last time 就算终解脱,也无法换日欺 天 It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness 那甜蜜的癫狂却令人信其然 oh this glorious

sadness 高尚的忧伤啊 That brings me to my knees 让我拜倒在君前 You are in the arms of the angel 让天使拥抱着你 May you find some comfort here 祝君从此得安祥 *注释 endlessness——佛家认为尘世烦恼太多,苦海无涯,我认为,歌里的endlessness 是类似这种的含义。 vultures and thieves——“秃鹫”这个词通常都是用作贪婪的代称,而“贼”之 所以敢于偷窃,就是因为心存侥幸。 sweet madness——比较难理解的词,一般都猜测是指人在吸毒之后的感觉。 glorious sadnes——sadness 应该是从Smashing Pumpkins 乐队的Mellon Collie a nd the Infinite Sadness 专辑里面借过来的。从这句歌词里可以看出,这首歌当 初确实是写给Jonathan Melvoin 的。

篇四:Angel in Blue Jeans歌词中文翻译

Angel in Blue Jeans - Train

And though I never got her name 尽管我从未知晓她的名字 Or time to find out anything

也没有时间发现什么有关她的故事 I loved her just the same 我仍爱她

And though I rode a different road 尽管我选择了一条不同的道路 And sang a different song 唱了首不同的歌

I'll love her till my last breaths gone 但我仍爱她直至我逝去我的生命 Like a river made of silver 如同银河闪现

Everyone came running to the scene 每个人都奔赴观赏

I was shot down in cold blood

我被一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使击中 By an angel in blue jeans 在寒冷中鲜血直流 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

Late that night she got away 那天晚上她逃掉了

I chased her to the turnpike


Then lost her where the music never plays 然后在没有音乐的地方丢失了她的踪迹 And though I rolled upon the stones 尽管我翻开了所有的滚石去找寻 and fell into the water

尽管我跳进了所有的河流去寻找 I'll love her till my judgment day 我会永远爱她,直到我的末日 Like a sunrise made of white lies 像是善意的谎言

Everything was nothing as it seems 看起来一切都没有什么不同 I was shot down in cold blood

我被一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使击中 By an angel in blue jeans 在寒冷中鲜血直流

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦

I hear voices calling all around 我听到呼声

I keep falling down 我不停下坠

I think my heart could pound right out of me 似乎我的心都要蹦出

I see a million different ways 我看到成千上万种不同的手段 To never leave this maze alive 却从来没有活着离开这个迷宫 I woke up in somebody's arms 我在你的怀里醒来 Strange and so familiar

那么的陌生却又是那么的熟悉 Where nothing could go wrong 那里一切都是那么的完美 Barely alive or nearly dead 好像勉强过活着

Somehow awake in my own bed 突然在自己的床上惊醒 And there you are 还有你

Like a highway headed my way 向前行的高速公路 Life is but a dream 生活不过是一场梦

I was shot down by your love 我被你的爱击落

My angel in blue jeans

我的穿着蓝色牛仔裤的天使 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Whoa oh oh oh oh oh 喔~哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊


Spend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅

For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机遇

For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破

There's always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因

To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾

And it's hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉

I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉

Oh beautiful release - 哦,就像天使般的美丽

Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢

And may be empty - 那或许就是空虚孤寂

Oh and weightless and maybe - 哦,我乏力无劲,也许

I'll find some peace tonight - 今晚我才能找到一些宁静

In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上

Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际

From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间

And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切

You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱

Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想

You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上

May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平

So tired of the straight line - 每天为工作事业奔波劳累

And everywhere you turn - 犹豫在每个十字路口上

Cause vultures and thieves at your back - 因为奸贼和小人总是在你身旁 The storm keeps on twisting - 风暴总是不停延蔓

Keep on buliding the lies - 继续编造着谎言

That you make up for all that you lack - 继续为你的名利空耗心扉 It don't make no difference - 那有什么区别


Escape one last time - 最后不是也要远离尘世

It's easier to believe - 那是多么简单的事情

In this sweet madness - 陷入甜蜜的疯狂

Oh, this glorious sadness - 哦,这么光荣的悲伤

That brings me to my kness - 那带我去到天堂

In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上

Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际

From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间

And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切

You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱

Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想

You're in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上

May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平 In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上

May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平 Some comfort here - 在这里将心抚平
