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Unit3 2b

Dear Sir,

I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home,Kids these days already have enough stress from school. They do not have time to study and do housework, too. Housework is a waste of their time. Could we just let them do their job as students? They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. Also, when they get older, they will have to do housework so there is no need for them to do it now. It is the parents' job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. and anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. I do not mind doing them. Ms. Miller

Dear Sir, I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. It is not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days depend on their parents too much. They are always asking, "Could you get this for me?" or "Could you help me with that?" Doing chores helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness.

Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. Our neighbors' son got into a good college but during his first year, he had no idea how to take care of himself. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

Mr. Smith

Unit4 3a

Dear Mr. Hunt,

My problem is that I can’t get on with my family. Relations between my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really don't like it. It's the only communication they have. I don't know if I should say anything to them about this. When they argue, it's like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. I don't think this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? What can I do?

Sad and Thirteen

dear Sad and Thirteen,

It's not easy being your age, and it's normal to have these feelings. Why don't you talk about these feelings with your family? If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. Secondly, why don't you sit down and communicate with your brother? You should explain that you don't mind him watching TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon.

Robert Hunt


Maybe you should learn to relax! These days, Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university. Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win. However, this doesn’t only happen

in China. The Taylors are a typical American family. Life for Cathy Taylor's three children is very busy. “On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for my children's future. I really want them to be successful.” However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then it's time for homework. Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. “In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older," she says. “Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. It’s crazy. I don’t think that's fair. Why don't they just let their kids be kids? People shouldn't push their kids so har” Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's development. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although it's normal to want successful children, it's even more important to have happy children.”

Unit5 3a

The storm brought people closer together.

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama.Black clouds were making the sky very dark.With no light outside, it felt like midnight.The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.Everyone in the neighborhood was busy.Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.She also put some candles and matches in the table.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.After dinner, they tries to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.Ben could not sleep at first.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess.Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.


Do you remember what you were doing ?

People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. In the United States, for example, many people remember what they were doing on April 4,1968. This was one of the most important events in modern American history. On this day, Dr Martin Luther King was killed in the city of Memphis in America. Although some people may not remember who murdered him, they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event.

Even the most everyday activities can seem important. Robert Allen is now over 40. He was just a student at that time, but he remembers what he was doing when he heard the news. “It was a bright, sunny day.” Robert remembers. “We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing and listen. He told us the news: ‘Dr Martin Luther King died just 10 minutes ago!’ We couldn’t believe it!” School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.

Dr Martin Luther King’ s murder took place about thirty years ago, before many Americans were born. However, in more recent times, most Americans remember what they were doing when the

World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists. Even the date----September 11, 2001----has meaning to most Americans.

Not all events in history are as terrible as this, of course. Many Americana also say they remember what they were doing when man first walked on the moon on July 20,1969. In more recent history, most Chinese remember what they were doing when Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space. Yang went into space on October 15, 2003. His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours. When he returned, he became a national hero in China, and became famous all over the world.


工程英语对话——Engineering English


工程英语对话 1(问候和介绍).............................................................................................................................1




















1 Welcome to China.


2 Welcome to our job site.


3 I wish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days.


4 Let us work together for our common job.


5 Allow me to introduce myself, my name is yuan...


6 Please allow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr.___.mister


7 I am a manager. 我是经理?

(project manager项目经理, resident construction manager驻工地总代表, construction superintendent工地主任, controller 管理员,staff member职员, engineer工程师, technician技术员, economist经济员, supervisor检查员, foreman工长、领班, worker工人)

8 I work in the Second Construction Company of SINOPEC.(Market Department, Engineering Department). 我在中国石化集团第二建设公司(市场开发部?工程部)工作?

9 My technical specialty is civil engineering.(chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment ,electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace building, corrosion prevention, thermal-insulation, heating-ventilation, quality control).

我的技术专业是土建工程?(化工工程?工艺?机械设备?电气?仪表?管道?焊接?筑炉?防腐?保温?采暖通风?质量管理)? 10 What is your specialty?


11 I am a mechanican.我是一个机械工?

(electrician电工, Pipelayer管工, welder焊工, carpenter木工, turner车工, blacksmith铁工, builder建筑工人, erector安装工人, riveter铆工, rigger起重工, concrete worker混凝土工, engine-driver司机, repair worker维修工).

12 What is your nationality? Are you American?(English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian).


13 Can I have your name, please?


14 Which department do you belong to?


15 Kindly give us your advice, please.


16 Thanks for your direction.


17 Happy Spring Festival!


18 Merry Christmas!


19 Congratulations to your National Day!



37 Do you speak English?


38 Let us talk English?


39 I can speak English only a little, do you understand me?


40 Excuse me; sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.


41 Speak slowly, please. I intend to learn to speak English.


42 I am very sorry. I can not speak English very well, but I can read document in English.


43 Please write down the English words of this for us.


44 Write this word in English, please.


45 I can not understand you, say it again, please.


46 Do you know how we should express the idea in English?


47 What does this word mean?


48 We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him.


49 Is my pronunciation correct?


50 I have trouble with pronunciation.


51 How many languages do you speak?


52 I can read (speak) English only with the help of a dictionary. ( tape recorder).


53 Do you speak Chinese? (Can you write Chinese character?


54 Please tell me how to spell the English word.


55 I do not understand, can you repeat it?


56 I can not catch up with you .


57 I can follow you.


58 Let the interpreter continue.


59 please put the sentence into Chinese (English).


60 Have you a mind to learn Chinese?



61 What month is this?


62 This is January. (February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). 现在是元月份?(二月?三月?四月?五月?六月?七月?八月?九月?十月?十一月?十二月)?

63 What day is today?


64 Today is Sunday. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).


65 What is the date today?


66 Today is April sixth, nineteen eighty-two.


67 What time is it?


68 It is six o’clock.


69 It is seven past nine.


70 It is a few minutes after three.


71 It is a quarter to ten.


72 Will you be here at eight o ’clock tomorrow?


73 We shall come at half past seven, when will you come?


74 We shall be on time, I hope.


75 We get to work at seven thirty every morning and finish working at eleven thirty before noon. (a.m.) 我们每天早上七点三十分开始工作,到十一点三十分结束工作?(午前)

76 We work from two until six o ’clock afternoon (p.m.) every day.


77 We have breakfast at seven.


78 We have dinner at eleven forty-five.


79 We have supper at six afternoon.


80 We have a day of rest on Sunday every week.



81 It is very fine today; the weather is suitable for our work.


82 It is not at all a nice day. It will get colder.


83 We can not continue the outdoor work, because it is raining (sleeting) now.



SAT Practice Test 17 Passage1

Reading Test

Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage.

This passage is adapted from MacDonald Harris,

The Balloonist. ?2011 by The Estate of Donald Heiney.

During the summer of 1897, the narrator of this story, a

fictional Swedish scientist, has set out for the North Pole

in a hydrogen-powered balloon.

My emotions are complicated and not

readily verifiable. I feel a vast yearning that is

simultaneously For the first time there is borne in upon me the full

truth of what I myself said to the doctor only an hour

ago: that my motives in this undertaking are not

entirely clear. For years, for a lifetime, the machinery

of my destiny has worked in secret to prepare for this

moment; its clockwork has moved exactly toward Nobody has succeeded in this thing, and many have

died.What I don’t understand is why I

am so intent on going to this particular place. Who

wants the North Pole! What good is it! Can you eat

it? Will it carry you from Gothenburg to Malm? like

a railway? The Danish ministers have declared from

their pulpits that participation in polar expeditions is

beneficial to the soul’s eternal well-being, or so I read

in a newspaper. It isn’t clear how this doctrine is to

be interpreted, except that the Pole is something

difficult or impossible to attain which must 5 10 15 20 25 30





55 nevertheless be sought for, because man is condemned to seek out and know everything whether or not the knowledge gives him pleasure. In short, it is the same unthinking lust for knowledge that drove our First Parents out of the garden. And suppose you were to find it in spite of all, this wonderful place that everybody is so anxious to stand on! What would you find? Exactly nothing. A point precisely identical to all the others in a completely featureless wasteland stretching around it for hundreds of miles.could take the slightest interest in it. Here I am. The wind is still from the south, bearing us steadily northward at the speed of a trotting dog. Behind us, perhaps forever, lie the Cities of Men with their teacups and their brass bedsteads. I am going forth of my own volition to join the ghosts of Bering and poor Franklin, of frozen De Long and his men. What I am on the brink of knowing, I now see, is not an ephemeral mathematical spot but myself. The

doctor was right, even though I dislike him.

Fundamentally I am a dangerous madman, and what

1.Over the course of the passage, the narrator’s attitude shifts from

A) fear about the expedition to excitement about it.

B) doubt about his abilities to confidence in them.

C) uncertainty of his motives to recognition of them.

D) disdain for the North Pole to appreciation of it.

答案:C,情感态度题(需要用瞬时记忆解题或是查看下一题是否为Command of Evidence题)。原文25-27行(“What …Pole!”)对应uncertainty;原文54-55行(What …myself.”)对应recognition

disdain vt. 蔑视(新SAT核心词)

appreciation n. 欣赏(托福核心词)

2.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A) Lines 10-12 (“For . . . moment”)

B) Lines 21-25 (“Yet . . . will”)

C) Lines 40-42 (“And . . . stand on”)

D) Lines 54-55 (“What . . . myself”)

答案:D,Command of Evidence题

3.As used in lines 1-2, “not readily verifiable” most nearly means

A) unable to be authenticated.

B) likely to be contradicted.

C) without empirical support.

D) not completely understood.


authenticate vt. 证实(新SAT核心词)

contradict vt. 否定(新SAT核心词)

empirical adj. 经验的(新SAT核心词)

4.The sentence in lines 10-13 (“For years . . . other”) mainly serves to

A) expose a side of the narrator that he prefers to keep hidden.

B) demonstrate that the narrator thinks in a methodical and scientific manner.

C) show that the narrator feels himself to be influenced by powerful and independent forces.

D) emphasize the length of time during which the narrator has prepared for his expedition.


5.The narrator indicates that many previous explorers seeking the North Pole have

A) perished in the attempt.

B) made surprising discoveries.

C) failed to determine its exact location.

D) had different motivations than his own.

答案:A,细节题(需要靠瞬时记忆解答或是查看下一题是否为Command of Evidence题),对应原文16-17行(“littered … explorers”),20-21行(“Nobody…died.”)

perish vi. 死亡(新SAT核心词汇)

6.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

A) Lines 20-21 (“Nobody . . . died”)

B) Lines 25-27 (“All . . . out”)

C) Lines 31-34 (“The . . . newspaper”)

D) Lines 51-53 (“Behind . . . bedsteads”)

答案:A,Command of Evidence题

7.Which choice best describes the narrator’s view of his expedition to the North Pole?

A) Immoral but inevitable

B) Absurd but necessary

C) Socially beneficial but misunderstood

D) Scientifically important but hazardous


immoral adj. 不道德的(托福核心词汇)

inevitable adj. 不可避免的(托福核心词汇)

absurd adj. 荒唐的(托福核心词汇)

hazardous adj. 危险的(托福核心词汇)

8.The question the narrator asks in lines 28-29(“Will it . . . railway”) most nearly implies that

A) balloons will never replace other modes of transportation.

B) the North Pole is farther away than the cities usually reached by train.

C) people often travel from one city to another without considering the implications.

D) reaching the North Pole has no foreseeable benefit to humanity.


9.As used in line 47, “take the slightest interest in” most nearly means

A) accept responsibility for.

B) possess little regard for.

C) pay no attention to.

D) have curiosity about.


10. As used in line 48, “bearing” most nearly means

A) carrying.

B) affecting.

C) yielding.

D) enduring.


yielding adj. 屈服的(新SAT核心词汇)


verifiable adj. 可证实的 (托福核心词汇)

yearning n. 渴望 (新SAT核心词汇)

simultaneously adv. 同时地(新SAT核心词汇)

consummation n. 圆满完成(新SAT核心词汇)

be borne in upon 确信(识别词组)

machinery n. 体制 (识别单词)The machinery of a government or organization is the system and all the procedures that it uses to deal with things.

destiny n. 命运(新SAT核心词汇)

bore vt. 承担(bear的过去式)(托福核心词汇)

sustenance n. 食物(托福核心词汇)

hostile adj. 有敌意的(托福核心词汇)

litter vt. 乱丢(识别词汇)

wreck n. 残骸(识别词汇)

scrawl vt. 潦草的写(新SAT核心词汇)

enterprise n. 事业(托福核心词汇)

convert vt. 皈依;改变信仰(托福核心词汇)

minister n. 牧师;部长(识别词汇)

pulpit n. 讲道台(识别词汇)

expedition n. 探险(托福核心词汇)

beneficial adj. 有益的(托福核心词汇)

eternal adj. 永恒的(托福核心词汇)

attain vt. 实现(托福核心词汇)

sought for 追求(seek for的过去分词)(托福核心词组)

condemn vt. 谴责(新SAT核心词汇)

lust n. 强烈的欲望(新SAT核心词汇)

in spite of all 尽管(识别词组)

identical adj. 相同的(托福核心词汇)

stretch vt. 伸展(托福核心词汇)

bear vt. 承受(托福核心词汇)




Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man.

p-3)At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26_________ (go) along Zhonghua Road when the driver __________(see) an old man ____________ (lie) on the side of the road. A woman next to him was __________(shout) for help.

The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping,_________( stop) the bus without ___________ (think) twice He __________(get) off and asked the woman what _________ (happen) . She said that the old man had a heart problem and ________________( go)to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act_________ (quick). He told the passengers that he ____________( take )the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers ________________ (get) off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed _____________ (go) with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man on the bus. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors____________ (save) the man in time. “It’s sad that many people ____________ (not want) to help others because they don’t want any trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver didn’t think about __________ (he). He only thought about saving a life.”

p—6)Aron Ralston is an American man who ________________(对。。。感兴趣)) mountain __________(climb). As a mountain climbers , Aron is used to __________(take) risks, This is one of the exciting________( thing) about __________(do) dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life__________(由于) accidents. _______ April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when _____________(climb) in Utah.

______ that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that _________(fall) on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he __________(stay)there for five days and hoped that someone ___________(find )him. But when his water ________(run) out, he knew that he would do something ___________( save) his own life. He was not ready __________( die )that day. So he used is knife _________( cut) off his right arm. Then with his left arm, he bandaged himself _____________(为了)he would not lose _____________(太多的血). After that, he climbed down the mountain __________( find) help.

After____________( lose)his arm, he_________( write) a book__________( call) Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means__________( be)in a difficult situation that you cannot seem ________( get) out of. In this book, Aron tells the importance of _______(make) good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life. His love for mountains climbing is so great that he kept on ________(climb) mountains even after this experience.

Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let’s think about it before we find ourselves “Between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a_________ decide) that could mean life or death.


p—11)Mario green and Mary brown _________riverside high school__________(放弃) several hours each week _______( help) others .

Mario loves animals and wants_________( be )an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it_________( help) him _______( get) his future dream job."It's hard work, "he says, "but I want to learn more about how ________(care) for animals. I get such a strong _____________________(满足感))when I see the animals _________(get) better and the look of joy on their owners' faces.'

Mary is a book lover. she could read by herself ______ the age of four. Last year, she decided _________(try) out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there _________(一周一次)__________( help) kids learn to read."The kids_________(sit) in the library, but you _________( see) in their eyes that they're going__________ a different journey _________each new book.

___________(volunteer) here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others________________( 同时)."

P---14) Dear Miss Li,

I'd like __________( thank )you for ___________(give) money ______ “Animal Helpers”, I’m sure you know that this group was set up _________(help) people like me. You helped to make it possible for me __________( have) Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference ________my life. Let me tell you my story. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or imagine you can’t walk _______use your hands easily. Most people would never think _______ this, but many people have these difficulties, I can't use my arms or legs well, so normal things like__________( answer) the telephone, opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of_______(I) helped me ______. She talked to Animal Helpers about__________( get) me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me_______. I love animals and I was excited _______ the idea of________(have) a dog.

After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able ________( bring) him home. My dog's name is Lucky---a good name _______ him because I feel very lucky ________( have) him. You see, I'm only able to have a “dog-helper” because ________ your kindness!

Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He___________( understand) me when I give him orders. For example, I say, “Lucky! ________(get)my book,” and he does it at once.

Lucky is a fantastic dog. I'll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for ____________(change) my life.

Best wishes, Ben Smith


P-19 Last month, our dog ________(welcome) me when I _______(come )home from shool. He wanted a walk ,but I was too tired. I ________(throw) down my bag and went to the living room. The minute I _________(sit) down _______ front of the TV, my mom came ________,'' could you please______( take) the dog for a walk?' 'she asked.' 'Could I watch one show first?'' I asked. ''NO!'' She replied _______(angry).''You watch TV all the time and never help _______ around the house! I can't work all day and do housework all evening.'' ''Well, I work all day ________ school, too ! I'm just as tired as you are!'' I shouted back. My mom__________( not say) anything and walked ________.For one week, she did not do and housework and neither did I. Finally , I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt. The next day, my mom came home ____________work ________( find) the house clean and tidy.'' What happened?'' she asked ________ surprise.'' I'm so sorry, Mom. I finally understand that we need________( share ) the housework __________( have) a clean and comfortable home,' 'I_______( reply).


Dear Sir,

I do not understand why some parents make their kids______( help) _______ housework and chores at home. Kids these days already have enough stress from school. They do not have time _______( study )and do housework, too. Housework is_____________(浪费)their time. Could we just let them______( do) their job as students? They should spend their time_________ schoolwork ____________(为了)get good grades and get into a good university. Also, when they get older, they _________(have) to do housework so there is no need for them________( do) it now. It is the parents’ job __________( provide) a clean and comfortable environment at home ______ their children. And anyway, I think ________(do) chores is not so difficult. I do not mind __________(do)them.

Ms. Miller

Dear Sir,

I think it is important for children _________( learn) how __________( do) chores and help their parents _________housework. It is not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days

depend_________ their parents too much. They are always __________(ask) “Could you get this for me?” or “Could you help me with that?" Doing chores _________(help)__________(develop) children’s independence and ___________(teach) them how to ____________(照顾) themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. Since they live_______ one house________ their parents, they _________( know )that everyone should do their part in _________(keep) it clean and tidy Our neighbors’ son into a good college but during his first year, he had no idea how_______( take) care of himself. As a result, he often __________(fall)ill and his grades ________(drop) .The ______(early) kids learn to be independent, the__________( good)it is for their future.

Mr. Smith


Dear Mr. Hunt,

My problem is that I can’t_____________(相处)my family. Relations between my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really don't like it. It's ___________(唯一) communication they have. I don't know if I should say anything_______ them about this. When they argue, it's like a big, black cloud __________(hang) over our home. Also, my elder brother is not very nice ________ me. He always refuses_________( let )me ________(watch )my favorite TV show. Instead he ________(watch)whatever he_________( want) until late at night. I don't think this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal? What can I do?

Sad and Thirteen

Dear Sad and Thirteen,

It's not easy _________(be) your age, and it's normal __________(have) these feelings. Why don't you ________(talk) ______ these feelings _______your family? If your parents are ________(have) problems, you should offer________( help). Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time ______ proper communication. Secondly, why don't you sit down and communicate ________ your brother? You should explain that you don't mind him ___________(watch) TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things__________(be) better for you soon. Robert Hunt


The Storm Brought People Closer Together

Ben____________( hear) strong winds __________ his home in Alabama. Black clouds____________( make) the sky very dark. _______ no light outside, it _______(feel) like midnight. The news _______TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.

Everyone in the neighborhood_______(be) busy. Ben’s dad __________ (put) pieces of wood _______ the windows while his mom__________( make) sure the flashlights and radio___________(work). She also put some candles and matches on the table.

Ben was__________(help) his mom ________(make) dinner when the rain began _______(beat)________( heavy) _________ the windows. After dinner, they tried_______( play) a card game, but it was hard __________(have )fun ________ a serious storm ___________(happen)outside. Ben _________( not sleep) at first. He finally felt asleep when the wind was _______(die) down _______around 3:00a.m. When he ______ (wake)up, the sun____________( rise). He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood________ a mess. Fallen trees, _________(break)windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors_________( help )clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm _______(break) many things apart, it _________(bring) families and neighbors closer together.

篇五:2012版人教新目标八年级下册unit3Could you please clean your room

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

1a Do you do these chores at home? Discuss them with your partner.

1. do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish 3. fold your clothes

4.sweep the floor 5.makeyourbed 6.clean the living room

1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check (√) Peter’s mother or Peter.

Chores Peter's mother Peter

do the dishes

sweep the floor

take out the rubbish

make the bed

fold the clothes

clean the living room

1c Make conversations about the chores in la.

A: Could you please sweep the floor?

B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes?

A: Well, could you please do them? I'm going to clean the living room.

B: No problem.

2a Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check (√) yes or no.

Peter want to Peter’s father says His father’s reason

go out for dinner yes no I have to do some work

go to the movie yes no You have to clean your room

stay out late yes no I need to eat breakfast

get a ride yes no You have a basketball game.

2b Listen again. Why does Peter's father say “no"? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in2a..

2c Make conversations between Peter and his father.

A: Could I use your computer?

B: Sorry. I'm going to work on it now.

A: Well, could I watch TV?

i do not understand

B: Yes, You can, but first you have to clean your room.

2d Role-play the conversation.

Sister: Tony, could you please help out with a few things?

Brother: Could I at least finish watching this show?

Sister: No. I think two hours of TV is enough for you!

Brother: Fine. What do you want me to do?

Sister: Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes?

Brother: So much?

Sister: Yes, because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. And she won't be happy if she sees this mess. Brother: But the house is already pretty clean and tidy!

Sister: Yes, well, it's clean, but it's not “mother clean”!

3a Read the story and answer the questions.

1. Why was Nancy’s mom angry with her?

2. Did they solve the problem? How?

Last month, our dog welcomed me when I came home from school. He wanted a walk, but I was too tired. I threw down my bag and went to the living room. The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over.

“Could you please take the dog for a walk?” she asked.

“Could I watch one show first?” I asked.

“No!” she replied angrily. “You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house! I can't work all day and do housework all evening.”

“Well, I work all day at school, too! I'm just as tired as you are!” I shouted back.

My mom did not say anything and walked away. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. Finally I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.

The next day my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy.

“What happened?” she asked in surprise.

“ I'm so sorry, Mom. I finally understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home,”I


3b Read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.

1. Neither of us did any housework for a week.

2. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.

3. You're tired, but I'm tired, too.

3c Decide whether the underlined words in the sentences are verbs or nouns. Then write another sentence using the underlined word in the other form.

1. Could you take the dog for a walk? I walked home from school.

2. Could I watch one show first?

3. I can't work all day.

4. You watch TV all the time.

5. “What happened?" she asked in surprise.

Grammar focus

Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK.

Could we get something to drink after the movie? No, you can't. You have a basketball game tomorrow. Could you please take the dog for a walk? OK, but I want to watch one show first.

Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes, sure.

4a Write R for requests and P for permissions. Then match each one with the correct response.

1.Could I hang out with my friends after the movie? a. Yes, here you are.

2.Could you please pass me the salt? b. Hmm. How much do you need?

3.Could I borrow that book? c.Yes,sure. No problem .I reading it last night.

4.Could you help me do the dishes? d.Yes, but don’t come back too late.

5. Could you lend me some money? e. No,I cant. I cut my finger and I'm tyring not to get it wet.

4b Fill in the blanks in the conversation.

A: I hate to B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.

A:you please my clothes for me?

B: I don't want to do that! It's boring!

B: Sure, no problem. But we go to the movies after that?

A: Sure. I'll finish my homework while you help me with the dishes. Then we can go to the movies.

4c Make a list of things your group needs to do for a camping trip. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart.

A: Could you please bring a tent, Liu Chang?

B: Sure. And could you please...?

C: Sorry I can't. I have to...

Section B

1a What do teenagers ask their parents’permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase.

1.buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money

3.clean your room

4.invite my friends to a party

5.go to the store

6.use your CD player

7. take out the rubbish

8.make your bed

1b Use the phrases in la to make conversations.

Parent: Could you clean your room?

Child: Yes, I can.

Child: Could I invite my fiends to a party?

Parent: No, you can't have a party. You have a test on Monday.

1d Listen again. Fill in the chart.

What are they going to do?


Sandy invite her friends,

Sandy and Dave

1e You are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things:

go to the store

buy drinks and snacks

do the dishes

clean the living room

take out the rubbish

A: Could you please take out the rubbish?

B: Yes, sure.

2a Discuss the questions with your partner.

l. What do you often do to help your parents at home?

2. Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?

2b The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should do chores at home. Skim the following letters. Which one agrees and which one disagrees?


This means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word. It is still a good idea to read the first sentence in each paragraph a little more carefully.

Dear Sir,

I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home. Kids these days already have enough stress from school. They do not have time to study and do housework, too. Housework is a waste of their time. Could we just let them do their job as students? They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. Also, when they get older, they will have to do housework so there is no need for them to do it now. It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. I do not mind doing them.

Ms. Miller

Dear Sir,

I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. It is not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days depend on their parents too much. They are always asking “Could you get this for me?” or “Could you help me with that?" Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy Our neighbors’ son into a good college but during his first year, he had no idea how to take care of himself. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped .The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

Mr. Smith

2c According to Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith, what are the pros and cons about kids doing cbores?

Pros cons

Doing chores helps to develop children's independence. Housework is a waste of children's time.

2d Write one sentence with each phrase from the letters.

1. a waste of time

2. there is no need for... to

3. do not mind

4. spend time on

5. in order to

6. it is not enough to

7. the earlier... the better

2e Discuss the questions with a partner.

1.Which letter do you agree with? why?

2.What would you say to the person who wrote the letter you don’t agree with?

2a Do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes. Children should do chores because

Children should not do chores because...

3b Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I think/believe that

I agree/disagree that

] I think it is fair/unfair for children to

I think children should/should not


For example, they should/should not


Yours truly

Self check

1 Make a list of chores using these verbs

1. do

2. clean

3. make

4. fold

5. sweep

6. take out

2 Are these polite requests or permissions? Write the numbers in the correct places in the chart.

1Could you please do your homework?

2. Could I watch TV?

3. Could you take out the rubbish first?

4. Could I use your computer?

5. Could I leave now?

6. Could you come back before nine?

Requests permissions

3 Use the questions in activity 2 to write a conversation.
