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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:27:34 体裁作文

篇一:英语写作---广场舞squaring dancing

Square Dancing: Leading a New Style

Today, in China, which sports attract the most people? If you still answer basketball, football, then you are outdated. It is the square dancing which is the most popular in China. In public sports field, tens of senior people dance to the light and happy music; on the small stage in central park, they shake posture rhythmically and selflessly; even in the narrow space between buildings in a community, they can find a place to shake. Just like a fire, square dancing, since it came into being, has gained its popularity around the country. But along with the fiery trend, opposing voices also flaw into social media. Nuisance, poor image and other labels are put on square dancing. But I don’t agree with them. From my standpoint, senior people are leading a healthy style of life by dancing, in others words, square dancing is a new way to enjoy life. I am completely support of its development. 30 years’ reform has brought great wealth change to most of Chinese, but few meet the spirit need. Square dancing just provides a way to relax and enjoy themselves for elder citizens who have devoted to work and family in the past century. We often say that we are leading a well-off life, the square dancing is just a powerful proof. Also, these elder people own the basis of dancing, for they have boosted the fiery disco in China 30 years ago. To some degree, dancing to them is just like computer games to youngsters, if you allow youngsters to play games, what is wrong with the square dancing? Moreover, dancing is healthier. Compared to games, the dancing is really the positive energy. Dancing brings the old a hale body, peers

who can have heart-to-heart talks; they are living happily without troubling anyone, thus reduce the burden of their dependents. As to the government, it is sensible to build more squares to provide a stage for the old to dance rather than spend more money on hospitals. With all the reasons above, who will say square dancing is not proper?

Square dancing is a new style of healthy life, there is every reason to treat it as a sport which brings positive energy. You can also say it is a special culture full of Chinese features. Perhaps one day you will love and join it.


Recently, the phenonmenon that many old ladies dance together on squares, known as square dancing or guangchangwu, has aroused wide concern and discussion. As the saying goes, the first wealth is health. Hence, some people suggest that square dancing, which is able to help the olderly build up a good physique snd beneficial to elderly people, be supported and generalized.

Every coin has two sides. Some people argue that square dancing may disturb others and be bad for public order. Compared with benefit, it may cause more problems that are difficult to solve. So, they hope square dancing could be regulated by related department restrictly.

In my opinion, as a form of folk art, square dancing should be well protected. However, it may disturb daily activities of others, so limits and management is also required Only in this way can we live a harmony life. Therefore, we must think twice when considering square dancing.




A recent survey found that Shanghai residents have more tolerance for public square dancing, or guangchangwu, which has become a national controversy in recent years.


“广场舞”就是public square dancing,是不少中国中老年妇女喜爱的一项娱乐休闲活动。她们通常在晚上跳广场舞。因为跳广场舞要伴随着amplified music(放大音量的音乐),因而让一些居民很困扰。

根据该调查,最让上海市民反感的噪音是apartment decoration noise(家庭装修噪音),其次是noise from vehicles(汽车等交通工具噪音),第三是noise from shopping mall loudspeakers(商场室外高音喇叭发出的噪声)。



第一节 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)


Dozens of people, often the retirees, gather in public parks and squares early in the morning, turn on the loudspeakers and dance to the music, which has been controversial because of the noise pollution it creates. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. 市民及退休老人对广场舞噪音扰民的看法;

2. 政府的措施;

3. 你的观点。


1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。

2. 已给出开头。



Dozens of people, often the retirees, gather in public parks and squares early in the morning, turn on the loudspeakers and dance to the music, which has been controversial because of the noise pollution it creates. Some citizens hold the view that the loud noise is unbearable, thus disturbing the normal life of the people living near the squares and they also hope that the groups can keep the volume down to create a quiet environment. However, the retirees think group dancing brings them health and happiness, without which their life will be extremely boring. Besides, they have their own right to dance on the square as it is also one of the recreational activities like playing chess or playing cards. According to this, the Guangzhou government has drafted regulation


s which include details such as the restrictions on the volume, the areas and the musical equipment. In my opinion, it is necessary to take some measures to solve the problem, so that we can live in harmony.


The square culture has a long history. With the development of the economic growing, public square dancing came into being in the process of its growth. This article mainly studies the characteristics and significance of public square dancing from the beginning and development of public square dancing and square culture. To keep up with the development of the times, square culture constantly has new art performance forms. The first chapter is the introduction of making instructions on the background, purpose and significance, research status, research object and research methods etc... The second chapter mainly states the causes of the rise of square culture, which are the promotion of the economic development, the need of urban operation and the policies which are put forward. The square cultural forms are divided into performance, exhibition and entertainment three categories; its features are publicity, festival and aesthetic. And this chapter also indicates the value of square culture. The third chapter mainly includes the meaning, characteristics, status and functions of public square dancing. Public square dancing is mainly divided into the collective of performing style, the joy of performing content, the particularity of performing forms and the self-entertainment of performance. These characteristics determine that public square dancing becomes popular in people’s life. At the same time, public square dancing has the function of physical fitness and making physical and mental cheerful, which makes it become more popular. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the problems and solutions of square culture, and puts forward its corresponding solutions to the nuisance, blindness and non economic support. The fifth chapter outlooks square cultural prospects. Because square culture complies with the development of times, the support of the government and people make much sure of its sustainable development. And this chapter puts forward the suggestion on the square cultural innovation from the content innovation, form innovation and institutional innovation three aspects.
