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篇一:A Perfect Indian

1. A Perfect Indian



Sinead Oconnor

[sini:d [u`kCn[]

A Perfect Indian is he

[[ `p[:fikt `indj[n iz hi:]


Remembering him life is sweet

[ri`memb[riN him | laif iz swi:t]


Like a weeping willow

[laik [ wi:piN wil[u]


His face on my pillow

[hiz feis Cn mai pil[u]


Comes to me still in my dreams

[kQmz tu: mi: stil | in mai dri:mz]


And there I saw a young baby

[And TZ[ ai sC: [ jQN `beibi]


A beautiful daughter was she

[[ `bju:t[ful `dC:t[ wCz Fi:]


A face from a painting

[[ feis frCm [ `peintiN]


Red cheeks and teeth aching

[red tFi:kz And ti:W `eikiN]


Her eyes like a wild Irish sea

[h[: aiz laik [ waild `ai[riF si:]


On a table in her yellow dress

[Cn [ `teibl | in h[: `jel[u dres]


For a photograph feigned happiness

[fC:r [ `f[ut[gra:f feind `hApinis]


Why in my life is that the only time

[wai in mai laif iz TAt Ti: `[unli taim] 为什么在我一生中那是唯一的时刻

That any of you will smile at me

[TAt `eni [v ju: wil smail At mi:]


I'm sailing on this terrible ocean

[aim `seiliN Cn Tis `ter[bl `[uF[n]


I've come for my self to retrieve

[aiv kQm fC: mai `self tu: ri`tri:v]


Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children

[tu: lCN hAv ai bi:n `fi:liN laik li[z `tFildr[n] 长久以来我感觉自己就好象李尔的孩子 And there's only one way to be free

[And TZ[z `[unli wQn wei | tu: bi: fri:] 这是获得自由唯一的机会

He's shy and he speaks quietly

[hi:z Fai And hi: spi:ks `kwai[tli]


He's gentle and he seems to me

[hi:z `dVentl And hi: si:mz tu: mi:] 他的温柔在我看来

Like the elf-arrow

[laik Ti: elf `Ar[u]


His face worn and harrowed

[hi:z feis wC:n And `hAr[ud]


Is he a day dreamer like me

[iz hi: [ dei `dri:m[(r) laik mi:]


I'm sailing on this terrible ocean

[aim `seiliN Cn Tis `ter[bl `[uF[n]


I've come for my self to retrieve

[aiv kQm fC: mai `self | tu: ri`tri:v] 我要重新找回我的人生

Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children

[tu: lCN hAv ai bi:n `fi:liN laik li[z `tFildr[n] 长久以来我感觉自己就好象李尔的孩子 And there's only one way to be free

[And TZ[z `[unli wQn wei | tu: bi: fri:]

篇二:A Perfect Indian

A Perfect Indian

——Sinead O'Cornner

A Perfect Indian is he 他就是那个英俊的印地安人

Remembering him life is sweet 他让我的生命变得美好

Like a weeping willow 像那轻舞的垂柳

His face on my pillow 枕边浮现他的脸庞

Comes to me still in my dreams 梦里出现他的样子

And there I saw a young baby 那里,有一个女子

A beautiful daughter was she 那么美丽的女子就是她

A face from a painting 有着油画中的面容

Red cheeks and teeth aching 红润的脸颊,带着一丝牙疼

Her eyes like a wild Irish sea 双眸好似宽阔的爱尔兰海

On a table in her yellow dress 着一袭黄裙坐在桌边

For a photograph feigned happiness 佯装快乐地照一张相

Why in my life is that the only time 我的生命里

That any of you will smile at me 为何唯有这次你才对我微笑

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean 在这片悲伤的海洋里,我徜徉

I've come for my self to retrieve 为了找寻我自己

Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children 那个很久以来都像是里尔孩子的自己 And there's only one way to be free 只有那样我才能做回自己

He's shy and he speaks quietly 他羞怯,他总是低声细语

He's gentle and he seems to me 他温文而雅

Like the elf-arrow 对我却像一把精灵的箭矢

His face worn and harrowed 看到他的脸憔悴忧愁

a perfect indian

Is he a daydreamer like me 我却梦寐以求

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean 在这片悲伤的海洋里,我徜徉

I've come for my self to retrieve 为了找寻我自己

Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children 那个很久以来都像是里尔孩子的自己 And there's only one way to be free 只有那样我才能做回自己

篇三:A Perfect Indian 透过骨头抚摸你

A Perfect Indian 透过骨头抚摸你

sing by Sinead O’Cornner

A Perfect Indian is he 他 是个完美的印第安男孩

Remembering him life is sweet 沉浸在对他的思慕

中 生命如此甜蜜

Like a weeping willow 他的脸宛如垂柳

His face on my pillow 浮现在我的枕畔

Comes to me still in my dreams 他向我走来 沁入


And there I saw a young baby 在梦里 有一小小婴

A beautiful daughter was she 一个漂亮的小女婴

A face from a painting 她的貌美如画

Red cheeks and teeth aching 红红的脸颊, 尖尖的乳牙

Her eyes like a wild Irish sea 湛蓝的双眸 宛如狂野的爱尔兰海

On a table in her yellow dress 放着她黄色的裙子的桌子上

For a photograph feigned happiness 有一幅充满欢乐的图画

Why in my life is that the only time 为什么一生之中 总是要在如此之境

That any of you will smile at me我才能看到 你那甜美的微笑

I’m sailing on this terrible ocean 我遨游在这可怕的海洋里

I’ve come for my self to retrieve 只为了重新寻回自我

Too long have I been feeling like Lir’s children 长久以来 感觉自己就象李尔王的孩子 And there’s only one way to be free 而这 便是我通向自由的唯一途径

He’s shy and he speaks quietly 说话的时候他的神态文静带着腼腆

He’s gentle and he seems to me Like the elf-arrow在我看来 他就象传说里的精灵温文尔雅 His face worn and harrowed 他的面容疲倦而忧伤

Is he a daydreamer like me 或许 他也象我一样 日夜追逐自己的梦想


when you told me you loved me------Jessica (伤感,凄美,无奈。。。)

Fairy tale-----toni braxton (原来童话里的爱情终究只是童话)

cry on my shoulder----Bonnie Raitt (心累了的时候,听听这歌,安慰啊)

here in my heart-----plus one (男生对心爱女生的深情告白)

stay------Tonya mitchell (虽然爱远去了,曾经的感觉却依然刻骨铭心)

it's not goodbye (很好听的一首歌,同样也很伤感)

soledad -------westlife (被SHE翻唱了,就是“紫藤花”)

adagio------lara (夜深人静的时候听这首歌,真的会流泪)

that's why you go away----迈克学摇滚(这首绝对不比后街,西城的歌差!)

Unbreak my heart----toni braxton (沙哑的嗓音配上伤感的旋律,T,T)

insatiable------Darren (暧昧的嗓音,缠绵的旋律,爱情这东西。。)

eternally -------loona (好爱这样的旋律!一听前奏就知道是好歌!)

creeping up on you-----Darren (很多人都一听就喜欢上了,的确好听)

loneliness-----babyface (安七炫的“面具”就是抄袭这歌,听听就知道了)

everything but the girl----Darin (好听好听,而且是个大帅哥唱的哦·)

dreamy eyes ----Christina (你?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我话愕难劬Γ赏豢杉啊!!#?/p>

I'm all about you-----Aaron Carter (我觉得这是AC最好听的一首歌)

Never again---Justin Timberlake (干净的钢琴伴奏+JT迷人的嗓音,完美)

only love -------真情马克(经典,百听不厌)

anger management-----lovage (诗一般的歌词,梦一般的曲调,只是很伤感)

gone ---- N'sync (超爱N'sync的和声!特别是Justin的性感声线,不听损失啊!)

shape of my heart-----sting (《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲,超级感人)

if you want me ---- 电影《once》插曲 我坚信你会喜欢!

sorry seems to be the hardest word ----blue (经典之作,不用多介绍了)

are you the one ------- Timo tolkiki (很凄美..听了就知道了)

the best in me ----blue (朗朗上口)

no one else comes close----backstreet boys (后街不算出名的一首,但真的好听) to fall in love again ------ Jessica simpson (听一次 哭一次 T,T)

forever at your feet (歌曲里的雷声和雨声配上女歌手悲伤地嗓音,很有意境。。)

my last serenade ----joey moe (听了一万遍,还是会被感动! 好痴情的男人。。) calling ----- geri halliwell (伴随着海风飘来的清新女声)

you don't miss your water ----craig david (只有等井都干枯了,你才会怀念那些水)

one more time ----laura pausini (震撼了,原来歌曲可以如此伤感)

my all ----Mariah carey (我认为这是天后玛利亚凯利最好听的一首)

if you believe -----rachael lampa (无意中在电影《初恋的回忆》听来的,很喜欢)

keep believing -----Aaron carter (送给那些受过伤的女孩,永远不要停止梦想!)

indescribable night ----katest john (很适合夜晚独自散步的时候听)

any one of us --------gareth gates(这首虽不算伤感,但是真的舍不得丢掉)

night prayer ------iridio (这条孤独之路还要走多久?何时才能找到那颗最亮的星星?)

lullaby for lucas -----standfast (很轻柔的女声,摇篮曲!睡前必听)

dry your eyes ----- 3rd storee (超深情的小男孩,很纯真的感觉)

his mistakes -------usher (个人认为是亚瑟小子最棒的一首歌)

tonight i wanna cry ------keith urban (今晚 我想哭泣。。)

someone's watching over me -------Hilary duff (我知道总有一个人会在那里支持我)

Honesty ----Billy joel (“真诚”是一个多么孤独的词,每个人似乎都那么虚伪。)

a perfect indian-------Sinead O'connor (空灵,能穿透心灵,触动你心底最深那根弦. )

back at one------brain mcknight (我找了很久的一首歌,要是不好听,我也不会找)

never meant to be----samantha mumba (如果注定不能在一起,又何必开始?)

with him-----baby face (恐怕只有真正被伤过的男人才能唱出这种无奈)

imagine me without you----jaci (我以前的空间背景音乐,喜欢)

the hill ------marketa irglova (电影《once》里,女主角在钢琴边弹边唱边哭,我也哭了

bring me to life ------Evanescence (很幽静 很凄美 很不甘!带点摇滚)

angel on my shoulder -------gareth gates(好听不需要理由)

living to love you-------sarah connor (她的歌大家应该很熟悉,不多介绍了)

tell me one more time ----gareth gates (明明已失去,却还是不愿接受事实。。)

say it isn't so -----gareth gates (很有westlife的风格,不错)

hurt-----Christina (第一次听觉得一般,但越听越好听)

rule the world -----电影《星尘》主题曲

everyday i love you ------boyzone (还不错)

you are my everything ----- lexington bridge (是不是好歌 一听前奏和第一句就知道)

we are one ---------kelly sweet (很悠扬,?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路鹪谝雇砻位冒悴ü怍贼缘暮嫔匣?/p>



1 yesterday once more the carpenters 2 my love withney huston 3 god is a girl grove coverage 4 as long as you love me Michael jackson 5 my heart will go on 6 we will rock you 7 hero 8 pretty boy 9 one love 10 yesterday 11 i want it that way 12 all rise 13 i will always love you14 right here waiting 15 big big world 16 far away from home 17 seasons in the sun 18 the day you went away 19 lonely 20 because of you 21 you raise me up (20)

celine dion queen m2m u2

john lennon

backstreet boys blue

withney housten Richard max emilia

grove coverage wistlife m2m akon u2 nickelback

22 loving you (19) 23 scarborough fair (19) 24 when you believe (19) 25 anyone of us (18) 26 hotel california (18) 27 i believe i can fly (18) 28 better man (17) 29 hey jude (17) 30 only love (17) 31 dying in the sun (16) 32 heal the world (16) 33 here i am (16) 34 say you say me (16) 35 thank you (16) 36 don\'t cry (15)

37 just one last dance (15) 38 tears in heaven (15) 39 baby one more time (13) 40 complicated (13)

41 take me to your heart (13) 42 without you (13) 43 close to you (12)

44 moon river (12) 45 moonlight shadow (12) 46 rhythm of the rain (12) 47 shape of my heart (12) 48 unchained melody (12) 49 yellow (12) 50 casablanca (11) 51 in the end (11) 52 no matter what (11) 53 only time (11) 54 the power of love (11) 55 you are not alone (11) 56 此情可待 (11) 57 昨日重现 (11) 58 everybody (10) 59 la isla bonita (10) 60 never gone (10)

61 never had a dream come true (10) 62 sailing (10) 63 forever (9) 64 i swear (9) 65 let it be (9)

66 she (9)

67 there you\'ll be (9) 68 to be with you (9)

69 when you say nothing at all (9) 70 加州旅馆 (9)

71 boulevard of broken dreams (8) 72 careless whisper (8) 73 kiss from a rose (8) 74 lemon tree (8)

75 smells like teen spirit (8) 76 somewhere i belong (8) 77 the sound of silence (8) 78 time of our lives (8) 79 卡萨布兰卡 (8) 80 我心永恒 (8) 81 angel (7)

82 are you the one (7) 83 bye bye bye (7)

84 don\'t cry for me argentina (7) 85 everytime (7)

86 flying without wings (7) 87 i could be the one (7)

88 mirror mirror (7) 89 miss you (7) 90 my happy ending (7) 91 never grow old (7) 92 only you (7) 93 take me away (7) 94 there you will be (7) 95 you make me wanna (7) 96 毕业生 (7) 97 人鬼情未了 (7) 98 any man of mine (6) 99 back at one (6) 100 because i love you (6) 101 because you live (6) 102 because you love me (6) 103 bressanone (6)

104 can you feel the love tonight (6) 105 craigie hill (6) 106 eternal flame (6) 107 everything i do (6) 108 gloomy sunday (6) 109 god is girl (6)
