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篇一:Chapter 1 Making friends教案

牛津英语(深圳版)7A Chapter 1 Making friends教案

Chapter 1 Making friends Period One(Reading I)

知识目标:(1)学生复习和学习各种运动,学习新词汇rugby。(2)学生学习写信的格式。(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My name is…; My favourite hobby is…; I live with…; I can…, I can’t…。(4)学生学会用Which is your favourite…?

技能目标:(1)听说——学生能说出各自喜欢的运动的名称并用Which is your favourite sport? 询问别人喜欢的运动。(2)写——学生能写对用英语写信的格式。 过程与方法

1. 通过谈论各种体育运动,学生复习新的运动名称rugby。 2. 通过学习一封信,学生了解信的内容。 3. 通过学习一封信,学生掌握书信的格式。 情感、态度与价值观



Pre-task Preparation


T: A lot of foreigners came to China to attend the 29th Olympic Games. We don’t know them but we can still make friends by having competitions. Do you like sports? Which is your favourite sport?

S1: My favourite sport is badminton. S2: I like playing football best.

T: Can you name some other sports that you know? S: Tennis, swimming, basketball…

T: I like different kinds of sports. So does my pen friend. Do you have a penfriend? S: Yes./No.

T: Do you often write to him/her? Tell me something about your penfriend.


My penfriend’s name is …. He/She lives in …. His/Her favourite hobby is… There are … people in his/her family. He is… tall and weighs… kilograms. … While-task Procedure

T: Ask students to take a look at the letter before reading it on the next page. Ask the students to tell how they know it is a letter and not a story or a poem?

S: It has a title, a greeting, an address at the top-right corner, a date under the address and a signature at the end.

T: Ask the students to read these five parts ( 1. the address and the date 2. the greeting 3. the first sentence 4. the last sentence 5. the signature) of the letter and complete the paragraph.

The letter is from a boy called to a girl called The boy lives in a country called ’

Check the answers.

T: Ask the students to try to use English to explain new words.

magazine---a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly own---have

architect---a person who designs buildings Form---Grade

friendly---people behave in a pleasant, kind way be keen on---be interested in

physics---a kind of subject that students learn at school engineer---a person who has and uses specific knowledge wish---desire

T: Ask students to write the address in the right order. Post-task Activities

Ask the students to write receiver’s right information on the envelop. Ask the students to talk about his/her penfriend.

Suppose every student has a penfriend. Ask him/her to write the right address, the first and last sentence of the letter. Consolidation

Suppose you want to give some suggestions on your school life. You will write a letter to your principal. Think about what you will write in your letter.

Chapter 1 Making friends Period Two(Reading II)

知识目标:(1)学生学习重点的生词和词组。(2)学生学习以what,where,how old,how many等开头的特殊疑问句的用法。技能目标:(1)听说——学生能说出各自笔友的情况。(2)读写——学生能写出信的提纲。 过程与方法

1. 通过课文的学习,学生了解特殊疑问句的用法。 2. 通过了解信的内容,学生学习分段说事的写信方式。 3. 通过学习一封信,学生掌握如何给笔友写信。




Pre-task Preparation

1. Ask students to give the names of different sports. Here are some examples:

making friends 教案

Baseball, tennis, table tennis, high jump, swimming, basketball, rugby, badminton, long jump, jogging, golf, hockey, football, diving, etc. Review the words and expressions.

Ask the students to finish Exercise C on page 4. Keys: b b a b a a

2. Ask the students to repeat after the tape sentence by sentence and learn new phrases and sentences, such as

would like to do, tell sb. about sth., play chess, work as, write to sb. like doing sth., be keen on, come from, (be) born, in the middle, best wishes, full name, etc. While-task Procedure

1. Ask the students to finish Exercise D on page 4. Give them a sheet of paper as a letter pad.

Try to put these ten items in the right place. 2. Ask the students to finish Exercise E1 on page 5 and ask them to find the evidence in the text

and underline.

3. Ask the students to finish Exercise E2 on page 5. Check the answers:

He likes doing sports.

His parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. He lives in the UK.

His best subject is physics.

Post-task Activities A quiz

Alice has many penfriends around the world. She likes writing to them and receiving their letters in return. She started writing to her first penfriend, Tom form Britain, when she was ten years old. They have been penfriends for three years. Alice enjoys writing to people from other countries because she finds it very interesting to learn more about those countries and the different things. She hopes to visit her penfriends some day. She will go on writing to them and enjoy their friendship. She will also try to look for more penfriends from Japan and China. ( )1. Tom is Alice’s first penfriend.

( )2. Tom and Alice have been penfriends for four years.

( )3. Alice finds it interesting to learn more about different countries. ( )4. Tom wants to visit Alice next summer holiday. ( )5. Alice doesn’t want to make friends with Japanese. Keys: TFTFF Consolidation

Review the new words and expressions.

Use different sentence structures to make new sentences.

Chapter 1 Making friends Period Three(Listening)

知识目标:(1)学生通过提问的方式复习Wh-questions。(2)学生收集笔友的有关信息特别是人物的外貌描写。(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My penfriend’s name is…;

His/Her favourite hobby is…; He/She is …years old, …centimeters high. He/She lives in…etc。 技能目标:(1)听说——学生能从听力中抓住描述人物的信息。(2)写——学生能把听到的信息正确地填入表格。 过程与方法

1. 通过提问的方式让学生复习特殊疑问句。 2. 通过听力部分,学生了解如何描述一个人。 情感、态度与价值观



Pre-task Preparation

1.Ask students to use Wh- words to ask questions about each other’s penfriends. For example, What is your penfriend’s favourite sport? When was your penfriend born? Where does your penfriend live? How old is your penfriend?

What color is your penfriend’s hair?

2. Ask students to think about the adjectives to describe their penfriends’ appearance, such as While-task Procedure

Ask students to listen to the tape and fill in the table on page 6.


W: Could you tell me something about your penfriend David? M: Sure. What do you want to know? W: When was he born? M: On 18 January, 1989.

W: Where does he live?

M: He lives at 16 Park Street, London.

W: Can I have his telephone number?

M: Of course. His telephone number is 68350262. W: How many brothers and sisters has he got? M: One brother and two sisters. W: What are his hobbies?

M: Playing computer games and basketball. W: What’s his plan for the future?

M: He wants to be a dentist.

Keys: 1. 18 January 2. Park Street 3. 6835026 4. basketball 5. Dentist

Chapter 1 Making friends Period Four(Languang I)



1. 通过对话的方式,学生复习特殊疑问句。 2. 通过对不定冠词的归纳,学生掌握其用法。 情感、态度与价值观 培养学生的交际能力。


1.Review Wh-questions

What is your favourite sports? Where do you live? When is your birthday? How old are you?

How many people are there in your family? Review other Wh-questions

What time is it?

How much does it cost?

How many times have you been to America? Why didn’t you go to Alice’s birthday party? 2. Things to remember Question words what where when

Meanings things places times ages numbers

how old how many

3. Ask students to finish Exercise A1 and A2 on page 7. 4. Make a conclusion about a and an.

Things to remember

We use a and an before nouns when we mention them for the first time.

Some words start with vowel letters but with consonant sounds, and some words start with consonant letters but with vowel sounds. Give students some words to do practice.

honest, hotel, university, uniform, Europe, one-way road 5. Introduce some useful phrases

a few a cup of a kind of in a moment have a good time take a rest a little/a bit a couple of in a hurry once upon a time as a whole a lot of a piece of in a word as a result

篇二:Unit1 Making friends教案

Unit 1 Making friends



2.掌握不定冠词a, an的用法和特殊疑问句






Blog博客 grammar语法 sound声音 complete 完成 hobby 爱好 country 国家 dream 梦想 age 年龄 everyone 人人 Germany 德国 elder 年长的 mountain 山脉 friendly 友好的 engineer 工程师 world 世界 Japan 日本 flat 公寓 yourself 你自己 US 美国


Favourite subjects 最喜欢的功课 welcome to欢迎来到... be from 来自于... close to接近 go to school 去上学 be good at 擅长 play basketball 打篮球 make friends with与...交朋友 all over遍及


Getting ready

1.Friends often write to each other about their hobbies.

write to sb. about sth. 就某事写信给某人

each other= one another彼此,互相

2.. Write down your hobbies. 写下你的爱好。 write down写下 write to sb. 写信给某人

3. Can you match the hobbies in the box with the picture below?

match……with 把……和……匹配 in the box 在方框里

4. tell sb sth. 告诉某人某事 tell a lie/ story 说谎/ 讲故事

speak to sb. 对某人说话 speak English 说英语

talk to/ with sb 与某人交谈(to :单向;with:双向)

say 指说的内容


5. blog. sb?s 某人的

Her 以s结尾时,只加?即可。

6. I?m from Germany. 我来自德国。

be from = come from 来自于…..

Peter is from America. 比特来自美国。= Peter comes from America.

7. I?m 11 years old. 我十一岁。

问句:What is his age? = How old is he? 他多大了?

1) at the age of= when sb. was … years old 在……岁的时候

He could swim at the age of six. = He could swim when he was six years old

2)the same age of = as old as 和……一样大

She is the same age of Kate. = She is as old as Kate.

(注意:the same height as = as tall as 和……一样高; the same length as = as long as 和……一样长)

8. I have long hair. 我有长头发。

have “有” have sth. to do 有某事要做 have a cold 感冒

have ”吃,,喝” have a cup of tea喝一杯茶

have breakfast/ lunch/ supper吃早/中/晚餐

have to 不得不 have sth. on= have on sth.=wear sth. 穿着…

9. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. 我与家人一起住在靠近山区的一栋房子里。

1) live with与……一起生活

live in 居住在……

2) close to= near 接近,离……近(也可放于被修饰词之后做后置定语)

I live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。

She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的公寓。 our school is close to Baoan stadium. 我们学校靠近保安体育馆。

3) family, house与home

(1) Family 指家庭,一家人或全体家庭成员。如父母,子女等,与居住的房子无关。

(2) House 指家庭住宅,着重房屋的概念。

(3) Home 指家庭共同生活的地方,又是也指出生的城市或国家。

如:My family are very tall. 我们全家人的个子都很高。

He has one house in the city. 他在城里有栋房子。

I leave home at 8:30 every morning. 我每天早晨8:30离家。

10. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

elder 是old的比较级,意为?年长的,较大的?,old还有一个比较级为older. elder对应younger, older对应newer.

younger brother弟弟 younger sister妹妹

elder sister姐姐 elder brother哥哥

I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

My English book is older than yours. But my math book is newer than yours.

11. I go to school by school bus.

by bus= in a bus乘公共汽车

go to……by…… 乘坐……去……

take a bus to sp=go to sp by bus 乘公交车去学校

12. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science.

favourite= like…best 最喜欢

favourite: things I like doing in my free time

= Some students don?t do well in math.

be good/ nice/ friendly to sb.对某人友好 be good/ bad for 对……有益处/害处

13. My dream is to be an engineer. 我的梦想是成为……

to be 成为

work as = be (am / is / are) 是……职位

14. I?m good at swimming and playing basketball. 我擅长游泳和打篮球。

]be good at = do well in 擅长于…

Some students aren?t good at maths. 有些学生数学学不好。

15. These are my favourite hobbies. this复数为 these;that复数为those


16. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world !

=.I want to make friends with young people from_________ __________ __________ . 我想跟世界各地的年轻人交朋友。

(1) want to do sth.想要做某事

= would like to do sth.

= feel like doing sth

make friends with sb. 与……交朋友

(2) all over 遍及,全部的

all over the world=around the world 全世界

17. I like my school because the teacher are all very friendly.

friendly: adj. 友好的

通常以ly结尾的词是副词,但friendly, lovely, lonely, lively及friendly是形容词。 “对某人友好”用be friendly to sb. = be good/ nice to sb.

make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友

The owner of the shop is very friendly to us.

18. Do you live close to or far away from school?

be far away from 离……远

19. Anna enjoys her school school life.

enjoy: v. 喜欢,享受……的乐趣

enjoy后面接名词、代词或动词ing形式,即enjoy sth. / doing sth. 喜欢做某事

拓展:enjoy oneself = have a good/great time = have fun 玩得开心,过得愉快

Did you enjoy the movie last night?


20. When you listen to a conversation, you need to pay attention to the Wh-questions.

(1) listen to强调动作“听”; hear强调结果“听到”

类似:look at”看”(静止的画面);read“阅读”,看(书);

watch “看”(运动的画面,如电视,比赛);see 强调结果“看到”

look for寻找 find找到

(2) need to do sth.需要做某事

pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事, 此处“to”为介词,后面跟v-ing;

类似look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事 。 大部份情况下,to不定式,后面接动词原形。

21. You should then listen carefully for the answer.

should 应该 then: 那么;然后

listen carefully: v+adv. be careful: be+adj.

for: 表目的 如:look for 寻找 ask for要求,索要

buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. leave for 前往

Grammar a boy called = a boy named = a boy with the name 一个名叫……的男孩 There be(is/are)句型,常用来表示“某时或某地有某物”,谓语动词就近一致; 如果表示某人有某物,则用have(三单:has)。

There is a pen and two books on the deak.

There are two desks and a book on the desk.

拓展:My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle.

own:v. 拥有 owner: n. 拥有者,主人

He owns a house. = He is the owner of a house.

= He has a house. = The house belongs to him.

own = have / has = belong to (记得要把原句的主语和宾语位置颠倒)

There is a tall tree in front of the building. talk about 谈论 talk to sb对某人说话 talk with sb. 与某人交谈

此外,talk也可做名词: give a talk about 做一个关于……的演讲


28. Ibe your e-friend. 我想成为你的网友。

?d like to do sth. = would like to do sth.

= want to do sth. = feel like doing sth 想要做某事 like doing sth.= enjoy doing sth.= be fond of doing sth.喜欢做某事

too, either, also 均表示“也”。但是too用于肯定句末,also用于肯定句中, either用于否定句末。 on the Internet 在网上,通过网络

类似的用法:on the TV, on the radio, on the phone (1) hope to do sth. 想要做某事

(2) hear from sb. = get/receive a letter from sb.= get/receive one?s letter


learn about 了解

I often hear from my mother. = I often get a letter from my mother.

hear的过去式是heard; hear 强调听的结果;listen to 强调听的动作;

hear of 听说 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做过某事

hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事

32.Best wishes.

Best wishes to you! (to+人)

Best wishes for Teachers? Day! (for+原因)

Best wishes to you for Teachers? Day! (to+人+for+原因)


特殊疑问句:以疑问代词what, who, whose, which或疑问副词when, where, why, how 等放在句首提问的句子,叫特殊疑问句。答句必须针对问句中的疑问词来回答。


1. Who, whom, whose 只能指人,who常作主语,有常作宾语,whose常作定语或表语。who可替代whom,但前面有介词时只能用whom, 不能用who.

Who taught you math last year?

Whom did you see?

Whose father works in Shenzhen?

With whom has he been to Beijing?

2. What用来询问物或数量,用来询问人时涉及人的职业,身份或外貌。如:What would you like to eat today? 你今天想吃什么? What is your mother ? 你妈妈是干什么的?

3. Which用来询问人或物,一般有特定的选择范围。如:

Which is your sister of the two girls? 那两个姑娘中哪个是你姐姐?


常用的疑问副词有:where, when, why, how以及how引伸的一些疑问词组,如:how much (many), how long, how old, how far, how often, how soon等。他们在句中通常作状语,可表时间,方式,原因等。如:

When will you come back? 你什么时候回来?

Where did you put your mobile phone? 你把手机放哪

Why are you late? 你为什么迟到?

How long did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京呆了多久?



一. 不定冠词的形式 不定冠词有a/an两种形式。a 用于以辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的单词前,an用于以元音(不是元音字母)开头的单词前。如:

a European country 一个欧洲国家 a boy 一个男孩

an island 一座岛屿 an hour 一小时

二. 不定冠词的用法

1. 用在客属名词的单数形式前面


There is an island over there. 那儿有一座岛

Be sure to bring me a dictionary. 一定要给我带本字典来。

*表示一类事物或人,a/an 在此处不用翻译。如:

An ear is an organ for listening. 耳朵时听觉器官。

A tiger is a wild animal. 老虎是一种野生动物。

2. 用在专有名词前面,表示“一个”“一种”“一类”或“一个类似.....的”。如:

篇三:新版深圳牛津英语七年级上Chapter1 Making Friends教案及练习

新版 深圳牛津英语七年级上Chapter_1教Making Friends案及练习

Chapter 1 Making Friends

1. German 德国的

2. blog 博客

3. grammar 语法

4. sound 声音n

听起来 v + adj

Eg:I never want to hear the sound again.

This story sounds interesting.

5. complete 完成v 相当于 finish

Eg: I can help you complete the work.

6. hobby 爱好

7. country 国家

8. age 年龄

9. dream 梦想

10. everyone 每人 人人

11. Germany 德国

12.mountain 山

13. elder 年长的

14. friendly 友好的

15. engineer 工程师

16. world 世界

17. Japan 日本

18. flat 公寓

19. yourself 你自己

20. US 美国

1. listen to music 听音乐

2. play basketball 踢足球

3. read books 阅读书

4. have/ receive/ get a letter from 收到来信 = hear from

5. play chess 下象棋

6. come from 来自

7.work as 从事

8. be keen on 对……感兴趣

9. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

10. in summer 在夏天

11. play basketball 打篮球

12. reply to 回复

13. write to 写信给某人

14. play the piano 弹钢琴

15. want to do = would like to do 想要做某事

16.go to school 去上学

17. be good at 擅长于

18. all over the world 全世界

19. go to bed 去睡觉

20. live with 和……住在一起

21. make friends with 和……交朋友

22. close to 靠近,附近

23. enjoy dong 喜欢做某事

1. I’m from Germany. 我来自德国= I come from Germany.

Be from = come from

Eg: He is from Shenzhen.= He comes from Shenzhen.

2. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.

Live with sb 和某人住一起

3. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball.

Be good at doing 擅长于

4. I’d like to be your friend.

I’d like 是 I would like 的缩写形式 would like to do=want to do 想要做某事 Eg:I would like to go out for a walk.


1. close to

A far away from B near C in the middle of D between

2. friendly

A happy B angry C kind D sorry

3. A want B need C must D get

4. hobbies

A things I must do B things I want to do

C things I hate doing D things I like doing

5. be good at

A would like B want to C do well in D enjoy oneself

6. complete

A find B make C finish D choose

7. everyone

A all people B some people

8. all over the world

A some countries in B every countries in


1. ——Are you teacher ?

——No, I am engineer.

A a; a B a; an C an; an D an; a

2.------My grandparents live in flat in Shenzhen.

-------Who do the live A the; for B the ; from C a; with D a; to

3. ------Do you often your friend?

------Yes. Look, I just sent her email.

A email ; an B email to ; a C email; the D email to; /

4. ---- Is Lily good at English?

-----Yes, she enjoys English.

A read; reading B reading; reading C read; to read D reading; to read

5. -----Anna is a nice girl. She comes from .

----- I want to her.

A German ; make friend with

B Germany; make friends with

C German; make friends of

D Germany; make friends of

playing guitar. And she often practices it.

----- Is her dream an artist?

A likes ; be B would like; to be C likes; to be D would like; be

7. -----I usually go to school bus. How about you?

-----I go to school foot.

A on; by B by; on C by; by D on ; with

8. Simon wants an engineer in the future.

A be B to be C become D becomes

9. Hello, boys and girls! my school.

A Welcome B Welcome to C Welcoming to D Welcomes to

10. I am good at English, I am not good at physics.

A and B so C but D however


(do) the housework.

3. Do you often talk about (you) in your emails?

(make) friends from all over the world.

5. My brother’s hobby is 7. The twins enjoy 8. Are you good at 9. Jack comes from 10. Lily has two e-friends from different


1. Gina has ______, but she doesn’t have ______.

A. a watch; a ball B. a clock; a watch

C. a clock; a ball D. a watch; a baseball bat

2. Kate has ______, but she doesn’t have ______.

A. a watch; a ball B. a ball; a clock

C. a book; CDs D. a clock; a watch

3. Paul and Jim have ______. A. books B. CDs C. balls D. tennis rackets

4. Tommy has a ______ and some ______.

A. watch; balls B. book; CDs

C. baseball; CDs D. video cassette; books


1. He is a teacher.

2. A toy bear.

3. 4. We live in a flat.

5. I go to school by bike.

6. I have 300 books.

7. He is 5.

8. 150ml


20 yuan.


1定义:a, an 只能用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的意思,a 用在以辅

音音素开头的单词前,而an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。

e.g. a house 一座房子 a university 一所大学

an apple 一个苹果 an hour 一小时

2 用法


e.g. An old man go to a shop.


e.g. An owl(猫头鹰) can see in the dark.

She is a writer.

3) 在价格,速度,比例等的名词前表示“每一”

e.g. four times a day

ten yuan a kilo

4) 指某人或某物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。

e.g. A teacher wants to see you.

I borrow a book from the library.

5)在月份,星期及evening, night, morning, afternoon.等名词前有修饰定


e.g. On a windy morning he comes back.


e.g. a lot of 许多 a few 少量 a little 一点

一用a, an 填空,使句子意思完整。

1. Mr. Wang is______ English teacher and his wife is ____ Chinese teacher.

2. There is ___ apple on the table. It is____ red apple.

3. This is ___ empty too. Nobody is here.

4. Judy is ____ naughty boy and Lily is______ honest girl.

5. There is ____ L and ___U in the word uncle.

6. It is going to rain. Please bring ______ umbrella with you.

7. English is ____ useful language.

8. The old man has two sons. One is ____doctor. The other is____ architect.

9. My pen friend is ____ Englishman.

10. My sister wants to be ___ singer just like SongZuying.

11. This isn’t ____Chinese car. It’s _____Australia one.

12. It takes me ____ hour to finish my homework.

13. Where’s Xiaoming? ------ He’s having _____rest.

14. _____ book.

15. _____computer

16. _____orange

17. _____volleyball

18. ______language

19. ______island

篇四:牛津广州版七年级英语 Unit1 Making friends教案

牛津广州版七年级英语 Unit1 Making friends教案

Unit1 Making friends



title n.标题

signature n.署名,签名

top-right adj.右上角的

greeting n.问候

hobby n.兴趣,业余爱好

chess n.国际象棋

own v. 拥有

be keenon 热衷于,喜爱

rugby n.英式橄榄球运动

badminton n.羽毛球运动

physics n.物理学


inglasses 戴着眼镜的

on theleft 在左边

table tennispartner 乒乓球搭档

championship 冠军

one of thebest 最好的……之一

nextto 在……的旁边

be friendlyto 对……友善的

pioneer 先驱,先锋 youngpioneer 少年先锋队

captain 队长,船长


lastfor 持续(一段时间)

weather 天气

at the beginningof 在开始的时候,在……开端

goskiing 去滑雪

wind……windy snow……snowy

cool 和cold

begin 和 start



[辨析] 这两个动词,都有"开始"之意,在一般情况下可互换使用。如:

They usually begin/start to work at six a.m.他们通常在上午六点钟开始工作。


They began learning/to learn English last year.他们去年开始学英语。


Let's start a little earlier tomorrow. 我们明天早一点动身。

Li Mei couldn't start the car. 李梅发动不了那辆汽车。

[辨中练] 用begin或start的适当形式填空。

(1) His car is very easy to ________.

(2) They ________ to eat their lunch.




1. "形容词性"脸孔常相见。

Simon wants to write about his favourite football player for theFootball Clubnewsletter.(P12)西蒙想为《足球俱乐部通讯》写一写他最喜爱的足球运动员。

此句中的favourite修饰名词短语football player, 意为"最喜爱的",是形容词。再如:What's your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?


2. "名词性"脸孔更了然。

Fish is my favourite. 鱼肉是我最爱吃的东西。

Amy is her father's favourite. 埃米是她父亲的娇女。


3. "最"让人心痛,为扭曲面孔整容。

favourite本身就是"最喜爱的(形容词)"、"最喜爱的东西或人(名词)",所以它不能再受程度副词 best, most, very,quite 等修饰。如:

a. 我最喜爱的体育活动是游泳。

My most favourite sport is swimming. (×)

My favourite sport is swimming. (√)

b. 足球是她最喜爱的活动。

Football is her very favourite. (×)

Football is her favourite. (√)

cool 和cold

cool [ku:l]

n. 凉爽, 凉爽的空气 ;酷


凉爽, 冷静的, 无所顾虑的, 淡漠的


使冷, 使镇定




寒冷, [物]零下温度, 伤风, 感冒


寒冷的, 使人战栗的, 冷淡的, 不热情的, 失去知觉的


二 重点难点解析

1. My parents own a Chineserestaurant.现在我的父母拥有一家中国餐馆。

1)own作动词时,意为“拥有,所有”。例:She owns a car butrarely drives it.她有一辆车,但很少开。


This is Jack's own room.这是杰克自己的房间。

I saw it with my own eyes.这是我亲眼所见。

3)owner名词“主人,物主”。例:The owner of the restaurant isan oversea Chinese.饭店的主人是位海外华人。

2. I have a brother called Edwin.我有一个名叫埃德温的哥哥。

① calledEdwin为v-ed分词短语,作定语时通常后置。例:

I've bought a video camera made inJapan.我买了一部日本产的摄像机。

②called意为“称呼,名叫”,与它意思相同的还有:named, with thename of.

3. He works as an architect.他担任建筑师的工作。

☆as在句中作介词,意为“以……身份,作为”。例:He wasfamous as a singer.作为一位歌手他很著名。

☆architect n.建筑师 architecture n.建筑学

4.He is also a basketball player on theschool team.他还是校队的一名篮球队员。

注意:在学(校球)队的用法是------ on the schoolteam

5.He is the boy next to ChenYu.他紧挨着陈玉。

注意next to 的用法。又如:He is in the room next to ours.(He isin the next door.)他在隔壁房间。

6.One of the girls is from theUK.其中的一位姑娘来自英国。

注意观察: One of the girls后面为什么用单数is?

7.The second person from the left is ZhouYong.从左数的第二个人是周勇。

8.Spring in Canberra lasts for three months, from September toNovember.注意此句翻译时的顺序,以使翻译出来的句子不生硬而具有汉语文采:在堪培拉,春天从9月到11月,持续三个月(的时间)。

三 重点语段翻译

A letter from a pen-friend

Dear LiJie

Hi! .My name is LiPeichun.I'm twelve years old .How old are you ?I’M 163 cm .I have short black hair and brown eyes.My hobby is playing chess .

I live with my parents in the UK.They are from Beijing.Myparents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle .We live in a smallhouse near our restaurant .I can speak Chinese,but I cannot writeit very well .I have a brother .His name is Edwin .He is 23 .He works as an architect in London.How manypeople are there in your family What do they do ?

I'm in Form One at Walker School.It is near my house,and so Ican walk to school.I like my school. The teachers are veryfriendly.I am keen on sports .I enjoy playing rugby and badmintonin the winter , and tennis in the summer. My best subject at schoolis physics .I want to be an engineer.

Here is a photo of myself and some schoolfriends.I am in the middle. Li Jie,please tell me all aboutyourself.

Best wishes



亲爱的 李杰

篇五:Making Friends 教学设计


一、教学目标 1.知识与技能

● Knowledge object (知识目标):

对一些词汇用法的掌握1). play a part in… 2). make friends … 3). get on (well) with sb 4). share … with … 5). rely on … 6). be willing to do … 7). expect sb to do …

●Ability object(能力目标):


2)通过快速阅读和精读读懂课文的文章大意和细节,提高阅读能力与水平。 2.过程与方法

通过引导学生速读、精读课文,看视频讨论,了解朋友的真正涵义,形成对友谊的正确认识,提高学生运用语言的能力。 3.情感态度与价值观

1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣; 2. 培养他们的合作意识和竞争意识。3. 让学生了解朋友的真正涵义,形成对友谊的正确认识,从而珍惜友谊,珍惜身边的朋友,与周围的人友好相处。 好相处。 二、学生分析:



因此,为了学生能切实掌握所学知识,课堂调动学生的学习积极性,在教学设计中我充分利用直观教具和电化教学手段创设情景,利用多媒体课件教学,录音机等辅助设备,组织了学生听录音,朗读、讨论。教学方法我则选择使用任务型教学法和情景教学法,在具体教学中适当布置任务,再辅以情景教学。通过讨论方式培养学生直接用英语表达和思维的能力。在具体教学过程中力求真正以学生为本,将课堂还原为学生的课堂、师生共同拥有的精神畅游的场所。 三、教材分析 1.本节的作用和地位

本篇课文是一片综合性精读课文,是本单元的重点课文。 2.本节主要内容

本篇课文分别从朋友的种类,什么样的朋友是真正的朋友几个方面谈论友谊,帮助学生正确认识友谊的内涵,学会与他人友好相处。学生对内容比较感兴趣也比较熟悉。 3.重点难点分析

1. 教学重点: 对一些词汇用法的掌握:play a part in; get on well with; a number of; a few of; share…with…; rely on; lend…to…

2. 教学难点:通过学习,学生能够自由运用所学语言,谈论关于友谊的话题。

4.课时要求: 一课时。 四、教学理念


在本节课的教学中,我充分利用直观教具和电化教学手段创设情景,利用多媒体课件教学,录音机等辅助设备,组织了学生听录音,朗读、讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣;本节课的活动安排也是以学生为主体,通过听、说让学生在体验、参与、研究学习过程并积极运用所学的知识,积极改善自己的交际能力和培养与他人合作的能力,增强语言的实效性,最大限度地开发学生的潜能,激励学生通过动脑、动眼、动手、动耳、动口来体验成功的快感,最终让学生在乐学中,获得知识,升华思想。 五、教学过程
