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免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:(报名网址)


要想写出地道的英语作文,关键就是要学会用如何英语思维。新三教你的第一招就是中文和英文思维上的差异。举个例子,第三课‘Anunknowngoddess’中有这么一段话: ‘The city at one time must have beenprosperous,for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Housesoften threestoreys high were built of stone. They had large roomswithbeautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped withadrainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneaththenarrow street.’


按照北美学校的要求,学生论文一般要有三段正文,从三个不同的角度去支持命题。如果能够深刻领悟新概念支给我们的第一招,掌握英语的思维模式,我们完全可以把每段正文格式固定下来,就是主旨句(topicsentence) 加支持性细节(supportingdetails)。主旨句表达全段的中心思想。支持性细节是支持主旨句的例子,解释等,目的是帮助读者充分理解作者在主旨句中所表达的含义。这一格式非常符合西方人的思维习惯,不要忘了托福作文的阅卷老师可都是地道的美国人哦!

我们不妨再来欣赏一段ETS给出的托福范文,事实上这段文章严格遵循了这个格式,和新三的课文实在有异曲同工之妙: ‘Parentsarethe best teachers of their children. They teach their childrentoutter sounds when they are babies. They coach them hand in handforwalking. When their children begin formal education, parentstutorthem in their homework. Apart from this, parents directtheirchildren’s moral; they instruct and show their children whatiscenter and what is wrong, which is

免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? not effectively taughtatschool.’





请在 网上 申请报名”


新概念英语第三册 1-20 课后作文标准答案 阅读580 评论1 字号:大中小 订阅 Lesson 1 A puma at large

Key to Composition

A possible answer

MRS. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to return home for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large. The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound , the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all her the way home. She told her neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She also telephoned the police but they didn’t believe her either. (148words)

Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one

Key to Composition

A possible answer A sticky business

We were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our small morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a. m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this had happened.

Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see what was going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards t clock and in the torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky they didn't sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working!

A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediately removed the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyed hearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well. (195words)

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess

Key to Composition

A possible answer

After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologist discovered an ancient temple. This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statue, each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen began digging and soon discovered the head of a state among remains dating from the fifth century B. C. They also found the body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143words)

Lesson 4 The double life of Alfrde Bloggs

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Nearly caught

One morning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost’s house.

Thought Alf didn’t know it, his wife was visiting Mrs. frost at the time. She and Mrs. Frost were old friends, though Mrs. Frost had never met Alf. Alfe was just getting out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost’s backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost’s house. He quickly returned to the dustcart and hid in the driving cabin. While he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs Frost’s rubbish. Meanwhile, Alf’s wife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though their conversation would never end! At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of the dustmen whom she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greet him. The dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off. Mrs Bloggs stood on the pavement and watched the dustcart disappear down the street. Then she began to walk home. ”It’s all right, Alf, ”his friend said. ”She can’t see you now. ”

“Thanks, Jim, ”Alf said. ”That was a lucky escape!”(200words)

Lesson 5 The facts

Key to Composition

A possible answer

The journalist counted the number of steps as he wearily climbed up to the high wall surrounding the president's palace. On arriving at the main gate, he sat down to get his breath back. He then produced a tape measure in order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, a policeman approached him and asked him what he was doing. Though the journalist explained he was a reporter and his editor had asked him to find out the exact height of the wall, the policeman refused to believe him. He was arrested and sent to prison because the police thought that he might be a spy or might even want to assassinate the president When the journalist insisted he was innocent, he made things worse for himself. This proved to the police that the man certainly was guilty and deserved to stay in prison indefinitely.

(149 words)

Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab

Key to Composition

A possible answer

They got away

Seeing the thieves' car join the traffic on Piccadilly, Mr. Taylor took a taxi and followed them. The taxi driver drove at full speed when Mr. Taylor told him what had happened.

There wasn't too much traffic at this time of the morning so there was a mad chase through the streets of London. For a short time, the thieves' car was on the wrong side of the road and hit another car, but it did not stop. Two policemen in a police car watched in amazement as the two vehicles went past, both breaking the speed limit. Lights on and horn blaring, the police car chased both the speeding cars. Mr. Taylor's taxi stopped when the traffic lights turned red. The thieves ignored the traffic lights and got away. Meanwhile, the police caught up with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged with speeding. They refused to let the driver off, even though Mr. Taylor carefully explained the situation.

However, the police informed another police car of the chase and ten minutes later the thieves' car was found abandoned in a side street. The thieves had escaped on foot and disappeared among the crowd. (200 words)

Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Jane opened the oven door and saw that her meal was ready to serve. She took the food out of the oven and in doing so, noticed something strange inside the oven which she couldn’t recognize. So she went to find John and told him about it. In dismay, John quickly explained that he had put his wallet containing the day’s takings into the oven for safekeeping. They both rushed to the oven and saw that the money had been destroyed. At first, they didn't know what to do. John wanted to throw the money away, but Jane wouldn't let him. "It's best not to disturb the wallet" Jane said. "You can see all the money is there, even if it has been destroyed. " Jane told John to go and see his bank manager for advice, so the next day John took the wallet and ashes to the bank. (150words)

Key to Composition

A possible answer


One very cold morning, a monk took two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately noticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspecting a traveler might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery to organize a search party.

The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it. There had been very high winds the previous night, but now everything was still and visibility was bad because there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to -20". The dogs led the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near, they heard cries in . the distance. The dogs soon found a man who was trapped under the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, but frozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back to the monastery. The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hot drinks and food. When the traveler was able to speak, the monks listened with interest as he told them what had happened the previous night. (200 words) " Lesson 9 Flying cats

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Human beings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithful to their masters, but cats like to be independent. Cats are especially lovable when they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play by chasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds, insects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they can have a pet. As kittens grow into cats, they like to stay indoors. They like regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However, they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like to go hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them washing themselves. Human beings are fascinated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (80 words)

Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Abandon ship

The Titanic began to sink, slowly at first. The order to abandon ship was unexpected, so passengers and crew were completely unprepared. It was the Lesson 8 A famous monastery

middle of the night. Some people were asleep in their cabins. Others were on deck admiring the brilliant night sky and the giant icebergs rising above them. Others were eating and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship.

The immediate effect was panic and confusion. People began rushing in all directions, wondering what So do next. The cold was indescribable and many passengers were still in their night clothes. Members of the crew came up from below and began to lower the life boats. It was a case of women and children first, but it soon became obvious that there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone, so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives. Some of those swimming in the water struggled to get into the life-boats, but most of them were already full.

The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There were cries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboats moving away and were left to drown in the icy ocean. (200 words)

Lesson 11 Not guilty

Key to Composition

A possible answer

When the Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carrying anything valuable, the man said that he had nothing to declare.

The Officer asked the man to open his suitcase. Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very heavy. This made the Customs Officer suspicious, so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon empty and when the Officer lifted it, he found that it was still very heavy. The Officer examined the case carefully and saw that the bottom was very shallow. He pressed the base hard and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a quantity of emeralds and other precious stones. While the Officer was looking at an emerald, the man tried to escape. For a moment the man disappeared among the passing holiday travellers, but he was soon caught and placed under arrest. (150words)

Lesson 12 Life on a desert island

Key to Composition

A possible answer


The ship went down and everyone was drowned. I was the only one who managed to jump into the sea. I clung to a plank in the water for several hours till I was washed up on a desert island.

I slept on the beach for a very long time — I can't remember how long. When I woke up, I was hungry and thirsty, so I decided to explore the island. It was uninhabited, but I found plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. I lived on coconuts and pineapples and there was plenty of fresh spring water. I tried to hunt wild animals with my bare hands(small pigs and other creatures), but I failed to catch anything. So I spent my days swimming in the warm clear water and lying in the sun.

One afternoon while I was lying on the beach as usual, I saw a boat on the horizon. I signaled with my while shirt and shouted as loudly as I could. Fortunately, someone on the boat saw me and I was rescued. Of course, I was pleased to get back to civilization, but 1 was very sorry to leave this island paradise. (200 words)

Lesson 13 "It's only me"

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off her costume . She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at die same time she was rather amused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door and Mrs. Richards opened it at once. electricity man had returned, accompanied by a policeman, so she invited both in. The man told Mrs. Richards that he had tried to reader metre and that there was a ghost in the storeroom. Though Mrs. Richards explained that she had dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her. She told him to open the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she opened it herself. While the electricity man and the policeman were looking for the ghost in the storeroom, Mrs. Richards fetched her costume. She showed it to both men and only then did they believe her. (150 words)

Lesson 14 A noble gangster

Key to Composition

A possible answer Hawkwood defeated

News that Hawkwood and his men were approaching caused panic among villagers who prepared to defend their farms. Hawkwood had a bad reputation among farmers because they knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to bum their farms.

The farmers fought very hard, even though they were poorly armed. With their sticks and spades, they were no match for Hawkwood's well-armed soldiers who had horses, swords and bows and arrows. During the battle, a great many farmers were killed. After Hawkwood destroyed their farms, he sent a message to the prince of the city-state demanding a large amount of protection money. He said that if this money was paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. However, if it wasn't paid, he would invade the city. To Hawkwood's amazement, this demand was refused, so he and his men invaded the city. As a result, many buildings were destroyed and thousands of people were killed, including quite a few of Hawkwood's soldiers.

The city people fought very hard until Hawkwood and his men were finally driven off. Because the city people defended themselves so well, Hawkwood never attacked them again. He and the prince even became friends. (200words)

Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

Key to Composition

A possible answer

I was walking along the street when I saw a crowed ahead of me. Icould hear people shouting and making a noise.On arriving at the scene, I saw a small boy on the pavement with his arm in a drain cover.A lady carrying a large bar of soap and saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy.She asked the boy if he was in pain and he said he wasn’t.Then she rubbed his arm with butter, but he couldn’t get it free.Meanwhile, someone had telephoned the fir brigade.The boy had begun to cry , but when he saw the firemen, he cheered up. At first, the firemen decided to cut through the drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the boy’s arm with a special type of grease. The boy was soon free and though his arm hurt, he was smiling. (150 words)

Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Not so black

Dimitri was surprised to find that the lamp had turned white. He took a close look at and recognized it as his own.

篇三:新概念英语第三册 21-30 课后作文标准答案

Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza

Key to Composition

A possible answer

The first fight

The first fight between Humphries and his pupil Mendoza, after a quarrel, was held at Stilton and attracted a lot of attention. At the time, Richard Humphries was the most eminent boxer in England and had many supporters. But the young Mendoza had his supporters, too.

The atmosphere before the fight was electric. Half of the people there made bets on Humphries, the other half bet on Mendoza. When the two fighters entered the ring, there was a lot shouting and cheering

The referee called both fighters to the middle of the ring, spoke to them an the fight started. At first, both men were very wary. After all, this was a fight between teacher and pupil, so they knew very well what the other could do — and they were fighting with bare fists. Each of the boxers fought well for most of the match, but in the end Humphries was too strong and too experienced for the young Mendoza- He knocked him down once: Mendoza got up. He knocked him down again, and although Mendoza tried to get up, he just couldn't. The referee counted ten and that was the end of the match.

When Mendoza got up, he was very angry, but eventually congratulated Humphries. However his defeat made. him determined to go on and fight his teacher again so that he could finally become champion. (229words)

Lesson 22 By heart

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Six short weeks

A couple of years ago, a new play called The World Tomorrow was going to be shown in our local theatre. There was a great deal of advertising for it and there was considerable public interest, mainly, I think, because the cast contained a number of famous actors and ac-tresses.

Most actors and actresses are usually nervous on the first night of any play, and no one really knows what can go wrong or how the audience will react. In the case of The World Tomorrow, no

one forgot their lines, but the play was not well received. It was a comedy, so it was supposed to be funny, but nobody laughed — not in the right places anyway — and people even walked out before the end. The cast suspected that they would get bad reviews the following day, and they did. One review described it as "the saddest comedy I've ever seen"; another thought it wa3 "the most professionally acted disaster we have ever seen on our local stage".

In spite of the reviews, however, the play still ran for six weeks. The last performance, on the last Saturday evening, attracted a small audience, and the actors struggled through to the end. At the end of six terrible weeks, however, there was one final moment of relief. When the last line was spoken: "Our six short weeks have hastened to their end, " the audience saw the funny side of it and laughed. Even the actors and actresses laughed.

(248 words)

Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Snails, snails, snails!

The snails had escaped from the paper bag and they were everywhere — on the walls, on the ceiling, on the carpet, and even on the large hall mirror. When we began to look carefully, we found that they were even in coat pockets in the clothes hanging on the clothes hooks in the hall. It was disgusting! Snails move slowly, but it's amazing how far they can travel in a couple of hours!

It took Robert and me ages to collect them. He fetched a pair of steps for me and ladders for himself, and we collected them in two buckets. There were snail marks everywhere, too, and it took hours to clear up the mess — remember, there were several dozen of them. Snails may not be fast, but we had been talking for a couple of hours, and they can travel. Even now I am sure we didn't find them all: some are still crawling round Robert's house.

The ones that we did not find were lucky! Robert was amused, but I wasn't. He decided to cook the snails and invited me to stay. I said before that I didn't fancy the idea, so I left him to his meal for one. I just couldn't look at the snails and have never been able to face them since then.

(220 words)

Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard

Key to Composition

A possible answer

A weekend with Sebastian

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:新概念英语第三册作文)

Now that George had explained about the skeleton, I felt better, but I still didn't want to sleep in the room with a skeleton hanging in the cupboard. I asked George to remove him, but he refused. "There's nowhere else to put him, " said George, "so he'll have to stay. ”

I couldn't disagree of course, but the moment I lay down to sleep, I knew it was going to be an uncomfortable night. In the end, I decided that 1 would take Sebastian somewhere for the night and bring him back up to my room early in the morning. So I took him out of cupboard and walked around the house with him trying to find somewhere to put him.

George's maid was just going to bed as I walked along the landing. She saw Sebastian apparently walking around, screamed and fainted. She had obviously woken Carlton who appeared from his bedroom and, when the girl had regained consciousness, explained ev-erything to her. He accused me of being stupid and sent me and Sebastian back to "our" room where I hung him up in the cupboard again.

Imagine my surprise when I picked up one of Carlton's detective stories two years later. There I was, with Sebastian the skeleton, as the main characters in one of his stories for the whole world to read. Still, he didn't use my real name, so I should be glad of that!

(240 words)

Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Ships of the past

Men have always wanted to cross water. Thousands of years ago, men made simple dug-out canoes so that they could cross rivers or go out into takes to fish. At first, then, man's earliest boats were small and simple and were powered and steered by paddles or oars.

When men wanted to travel greater distances, across very large lakes or small seas; for example, boats needed to be larger. We have all seen pictures of ancient ships with rows of oars at each side and slaves to row them. In fact these galleys were just a larger version of the single-man rowing boat, still made of wood and very much the same design as very early boats.

Early ships might have been primitive, they might have been made of wood and might have been powered through the water with oars, but they managed to cross oceans. The Viking ships that invaded Britain hundreds of years ago also reached North America. Later sailing ships, like those that Columbus sailed in, the galleons that formed the Spanish Armada or those that Nelson sailed in, were an ad-vance.

But perhaps the greatest development in the history of ships was when steam engines replaced sails. For centuries, ships had depend- on the wind to sail across the seas and oceans. At last, with an engine to drive a propeller, seamen did not have to rely totally on the weather. From then on, ships like the "Great Eastern" could be larger, safer and more manoeuvrable in the water. (254words)

Lesson 26 Wanted: a large biscuit tin

Key to composition

A possible answer

The last question

The other evening I listened to a quiz show on the radio which was organised by a firm of soap manufacturers. A member of the audi-ence was invited to answer ten questions to win money. He could take a money prize after each correct answer or go on to a more difficult question. Each new question was worth twice the last question.

The man was very nervous in front of the audience, but he got the first question right. Then he slowly answered all the questions correctly — spelling questions, history questions, general knowledge, mathematics, . . . The audience was getting very excited as the ques-tion master got to question number 9.

"And your ninth question, " he said, "is worth ? 1, 024. Here it is. Which nineteenth-century sailing ship won a race from Shanghai to England?"

"It was the Thermopylae" the man said confidently. "She beat the Cutty Sark. "

"Correct, '' said the question master, and the audience went mad. The question master had to ask them to be quiet. ?

"And here is your tenth and last question, " the host said, "which is worth ?2, 048 exactly. "Advertisement": how do you spell it?"

The man paused and then said: "I think this is a trick question. I can spell "advertisement" . but I

can also spell "it". The answer is "l-T. "

"You're absolutely right, " the host said, "and you have won ?2, 048! Congratulations!"

(239 ?words)

Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Tramps are parasites

The majority of adults in society contribute to society by working. They work, earn money and pay taxes for the things we all need — hospitals, schools, public transport, the fire brigade, law and order and so on. We don't expect children or very. old people to work and pay taxes. But everyone else should. So why should people like tramps and beggars be different?

Tramps say all they want is their freedom. Well, they may be free, but their freedom is paid for by everyone else in society. There are many unemployed people who simply cannot get a job — but they would work if they could. And many beggars are people who have turned to begging because they cannot find a job. Tramps are not like them. Tramps lead a very selfish way of life and it is a way of life that shows an unwillingness to assume responsibility for others. The rest of us have a home, children, work, and so on. But not tramps!

Tramps are lazy parasites on society, and if we all had their mentality, society would not exist, for them or anyone else.

Although we might in some ways be envious of tramps, and although we might envy their freedom, how many of us could be as self-ish as them? How many of us could say "I'm going to live exactly as I want, and damn the rest of society !"? I couldn't.

(236 words)

Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear

Key to Composition

A possible answer

The bargain

篇四:新概念英语第三册 31-40 课后作文标准答案

Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric

Key to Composition

A possible answer

A true eccentric

Mr. Chew is a man who has lived in our small town for years. He is a large man (some would say "fat"), he has a round face, a big black moustache and a bald head. He always wears the same clothes—black trousers, a white shirt and a red waistcoat, and is always po-lite to everyone he meets.

He owns an antiques shop near the river, and he lives "over the shop". No one knows where he gets his things, but there are always lots of different interesting antiques in the shop window every week.

Mr. Chew is interested in politics, too. Every week he puts up strange notices in his shop window to passers-by. Usually the notices are trying to make people save a local building or stop a plan to build a road through the town. Every time there is a national election, he automatically stands for parliament and gives speeches almost every day in the town park saying what he would do if he were Prime Minis-ter. (He usually says he would make sure that antiques dealers did not have to pay Income Tax and that no cars should be allowed into our little town at all. ) Every year he gets a few votes, but not enough to worry the serious candidates.

For most people Mr. Chew is a harmless eccentric, and everyone likes talking to him. After all, he is someone who adds colour to the dull routine of their daily lives. (248words)

Lesson 32 A lost ship

Key to Composition

A possible answer

The last day

The journey has gone well so far. We are now on the way to Russia and hope that we shall arrive with no more problems. But we are watching the sea and sky. The convoy successfully fought off an air attack early this morning. No ships were lost and we managed to shoot , down three

enemy aircraft before they broke off the attack.

At 10 a. m. this morning we were attacked by a U-boat. This was the first time we had been attacked and for most men on board this was the first time they had been in action at sea. We were fortunate, but the ship ahead of us, the Dauntless, was torpedoed and sunk. After the ship sank, there were hundreds of men in the sea. We picked up as many survivors as we could in the Karen. In fact in [ the end we picked up 720 men, which meant that 50 men lost their lives in the attack on the Dauntless,

The Karen was packed with men, many crowded on the open decks, when we turned and attacked the U-boat. Depth charges were I dropped and the U-boat was put out of action.

It is now 3. 15 p. m. , the light is already beginning to fade and storm clouds are gathering. We are about to be attacked by a second U-boat, this time from the north. The captain has just announced —(239words)

Lesson 33 A day to remember

Key to Composition

A possible answer

Mistaken identity

We have all experienced days when everything seems to go wrong. Things certainly went wrong for Ray, a friend of mine, one day last month. It all started, as these things do, with a simple case of "mistaken identity". Ray had been shopping and was loaded with par-cels when he got back to the multi-storey car park to look for his car. He knew he was on the correct level, but he couldn't see his car any-where.

Then, suddenly, while he was looking, he saw one exactly like it. It was a red Nissan. It was exactly the same as his own car, and naturally he mistook it for his own. Still holding the parcels, he felt in his jacket pockets and found his key. He tried to open the driver's door, but the key just wouldn't turn. He couldn't understand it. In the end, he forced the lock — and naturally broke the key.

At that point he dropped the parcels as well. This infuriated him. The only way he could get into his car was to break a window, so he deliberately smashed the window of the car. As he was putting his hand in, the owner came back and saw him. The owner rushed to-wards Ray, held him against the car, and called a policeman on his mobile phone.

When Ray was arrested, he tried to explain, but the police did not believe him — until they found Ray's car on a level below! (246words)

Lesson 34 A happy discovery

Key to Composition

A possible answer

An antique shop

"The Antique Shop" has been in the little street near the church for years. As you look at it from across the road, it draws you to-wards it. It has one large window display designed to attract all sorts of customers. There is expensive glass, porcelain and jewellery to at-tract people with a lot of money; there is second-hand furniture, modem silver and other things (hardly antique!) to attract those with not so much.

When you enter the shop, a little bell rings and the owner, a little grey-haired old lady called Mrs, Century, comes out from a room at the back and greets you like a lost relative! She greets everyone the same and always with a smile.

The shop sells all kinds of antiques. There are shelves full of old books along the back of the shop. There are two large tables in the middle of the shop covered with pieces of glass and porcelain. Then, around the walls on the floor are large pots, brass statues and things. There are lots of painting on the walls, too. At the weekend, the shop usually has five or six customers in it at one time. You might find a professional antique collector, a holiday couple and a young mother (with child in pram) looking for a cheap antique for her husband's birthday.

We all like looking for unusual things and hope to find a bargain one day. You might find one in Mrs. Century's "Antique Shop". (249words)

Lesson 35 Justice was done

Key to Composition

A possible answer

A burglary that went wrong

There is a large jewellery store in the town that I have often wanted to rob. A few weeks ago I started planning the theft and kept a close watch on the shop. I noticed when people went in and out, when they started and finished work, and so on. And I noticed the chimneys, too.

One night I climbed onto the roof of the store and looked for a way in. One of the chimneys seemed wide enough for me to get in, ss I started climbing down. Very soon, however, I got stuck and had to climb out again. I didn't give up. I looked around, found another chimney that looked quite wide at the top and climbed down that one. Again I got stuck.

This time, however, I was really stuck. I could climb neither up nor down. At first I struggled to try to free myself, but I couldn't get out. Then I started to get scared and started sweating. I tried to calm myself by quietly counting and thinking of pleasant things. But nothing worked and finally I started shouting for help. Nothing happened, everything was dark and silent, and I got more and more frightened.

I think I went to sleep because I suddenly realized that light was shining down the chimney. I shouted and shouted. Eventually I heard tapping and was finally freed by Fire fighters who had smashed a hole in the chimney. (240words)

Lesson 36 A chance in a million

key to Composition

A Possible answer

The past

When the war finished, Franz Bussman did everything he could to get information about his brother Hans. With no information, he reluctantly assumed his brother was dead, and gave up the search

With no family, and having been unable to find his brother, Franze found it difficult to settle down. Over the years he moved from place to place and from job to job, never staying very long in one place.

When he met Anna (now Mrs. Bussman), he was working as a waiter in a hotel. He and Anna got married and Franz settled down at last. He moved from the dinning room into the kitchen of the hotel and became a cook. But this did not last very long. He was talking to a friend one day, a taxi driver, who suggested that they should go into partnership So they did, and Franz became a taxi driver. He and the friend drove taxis themselves, but they also soon owned four more taxis and employed four drivers.

He visited his home town once to visit his old house, but it was a sad visit. There was a large modem block of flats where his family house used to be. ' And although he spoke to some of the apartment owners, no one remembered him or his family. Now that he has finally found his brother Hans, he and Anna are planning to invite Hans to come and live near them and work as a taxi driver in the company. (250words)

Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express

Key to Composition

A possible answer

A disastrous train journey

When. I finally boarded the train. I was looking forward to a pleasant journey to the village of Slowleigh where my friends live. I sat in my seat, got out a book and was already reading when the train started

According to the timetable, the train was due to arrive in Slowleight at 4. 30. I had been so interested in my book that I had a shock when I looked at my watch. It was almost 4. 30. I closed my book and waited for the train to slow down. It didn't. In fact, the train was going very fast — and that was Slowleigh, wasn't it?! The train went straight on. I asked the other passengers why the train hadn't stopped and they told me it was the express to the city. I didn't believe it.

Then the ticket collector came along. He looked at my ticket and I tried to explain, but in the end I had to pay the full fare to the city.

By the time we arrived in the city it was six o'clock. The journey had lasted two hours and I was miles away from my original destination. I rang my friends and said I would get a fast train back. Then I checked the timetable: there was no fast train back to Slowleigh, only a slow one, at 7 o'clock. By the time I finally reached Slowleigh Station, it was nine o'clock at night. My pleasant little train journey had taken 4. 5 hours! (250words)


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要想写出地道的英语作文,关键就是要学会用如何英语思维。新三教你的第一招就是中文和英文思维上的差异。举个例子,第三课‘Anunknowngoddess’中有这么一段话: ‘The city at one time must have beenprosperous,for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Housesoften threestoreys high were built of stone. They had large roomswithbeautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped withadrainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneaththenarrow street.’


按照北美学校的要求,学生论文一般要有三段正文,从三个不同的角度去支持命题。如果能够深刻领悟新概念支给我们的第一招,掌握英语的思维模式,我们完全可以把每段正文格式固定下来,就是主旨句(topicsentence) 加支持性细节(supportingdetails)。主旨句表达全段的中心思想。支持性细节是支持主旨句的例子,解释等,目的是帮助读者充分理解作者在主旨句中所表达的含义。这一格式非常符合西方人的思维习惯,不要忘了托福作文的阅卷老师可都是地道的美国人哦!

我们不妨再来欣赏一段ETS给出的托福范文,事实上这段文章严格遵循了这个格式,和新三的课文实在有异曲同工之妙: ‘Parentsarethe best teachers of their children. They teach their childrentoutter sounds when they are babies. They coach them hand in handforwalking. When their children begin formal education, parentstutorthem in their homework. Apart from this, parents directtheirchildren’s moral; they instruct and show their children whatiscenter and what is wrong, which is

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