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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 03:30:27 字数作文

篇一:English essays

1 .Are we too dependent on computers?

Nowadays computers have become an important part in our daily life: we contact with our friends through the QQ, we write many essays by clicking the keyboard, sometimes we also use the computers to do business......computers have changed our life in many aspects. However, here comes the problem: are we too dependent on computers?

It is astonishing to find that lots of people always make many mistakes in writing with a pen, some of them even lost their inspiration because they have got used to copying essays from the computers. There is no doubt that computers have done great contribution to improving our quality of life, but we can never neglect the importance of maintaining our initial ability to do things with our own head. One day computers would be ubiquitous in every where, but if we become too dependent on them, we would suffer a lot. Imagine that in a case when you are required to write a paper with your pen, but you found yourself cannot remember the correct spelling of several words, or you are not capable to get your own ideas without searching information from a computer,that would draw you into anxiety.

We are all too dependent on computers nowadays, t his is not a good thing which may add to our indolence and laziness. So now that we have already realized that, it is time for us to do something to change it.

2 what makes a fine student

Whenever we talk about fine students, we will usually attach some qualities to them: they should be diligent, polite to others, get high marks in their studies, etc. In fact, all of us want yo know what kind of quality that makes a fine student. Nowadays, our standard for a fine student have already changed.

In the past, students who just do well in their studies can be called fine students because it seems that they have done something remarkable that not everybody can. However, with the development of the time, our society have stepped into a new period which requires more and more from everyone, thus a fine student must improve themselves in all aspects.

In my opinion, as a student, learning is our first duty, so a fine student should first do a good job in his study which would require him to be responsible and diligent. The reason why I emphasize the importance of the sense of

responsibility is because I think nobody can get rid of it, only if we hold a sense of responsibility, can we get to know what to do and how to care about people beside you.

Speaking of diligence, there is no doubt that a fine student should be

diligent even if his IQ is more than 100 because we stress more on a student's attitude than his cleverness. What's more, students who are diligent can always persistently stick to their goals and they will finally make great progress and succeed.

So I think the sense of responsibility and diligence is that what makes a fine student, as a responsible student, he wouldn't neglect the importance of his study and the development of himself ; with diligence, he wouldn't miss the chance to get improved in his study, so he can finally be a successful man.

3 Why should we attach importance to both theory and practise? Why should we attach importance to both theory and practise? It is really a worthy problem for us all to think of. In human society, we have accumulated

abundant experience from various of activities. Later, we learn to systematic those experience and then summarize it into theory.

Theory is based on practise. Human beings have gone through a long period of history. We first konw how to get fire through trying, we developed a series experience from all kinds of attempts, and these practise became the origin of the theory. Without practise, the theory is just like a tree without roots, which can never exist stably for a long time. That is to say, practise is the source of theory and provide it with vitality.

Theory, in turn, serves practise. Theory influence our mind, its existence affect our knowledge to the world, ideas of the life, and the senses of values, It gradually becomes the guide of our behavior. Evidently.

the correct theory always lead us to step forward yet the wrong theory can mislead us. In other words, we should put it to an important place that we need develop correct theory to conduct our practice.

篇二:English Essays

The First Essay

Today is the first day that I take my pen to write an article on my idea. I want to note the things what happened to these days. After the English test I have made a great decision to improve myself. The Sunday is the first day after the test. I wanted to have relaxed on the morning. I had nothing to do afternoon, so I went to the class to get a quiet atmosphere. I wanted to make a plan of my tomorrow. I remember that I succeed. The next day is Monday, and after Monday is Tuesday, Thursday. Today is Wednesday, I can’t remember clearly about what I had done on Tuesday and Monday. But the result is very obvious that I lost two days’ time. I didn’t finish my duty. I had just stay at the dormitory to lie on the bed all day. I remember I was disappointed to myself after Tuesday. I just stop to describe my Thursday. I write this to speak my word that I don’t want lose my tomorrow. And I want do better tomorrow. Stopping here, see you next week. To be honest, I write this article for pasting the English cet4 test smoothly.

篇三:English essay

First, To delete the negative factors and set up new teaching ideas

Second, to excite the students' desire for knowledge and encourage the spirit of innovation

Third, to use the different methods to train the students’ thinking


Fourth, guide the students to think in different ways and excite active


Carrying out innovation education,

innovating English teaching

Zhouzhi No.7middle school Zhang Chen,

For a long time, in the field of primary and secondary education in China

pursues teaching, knowledge transfer for value orientation and the result has

been classroom teaching mode contempt even denied that the main activities

to give the true value of the students' quality development. With the rapid

development of the future of science and technology, the economy, the

challenges of the knowledge economy era, lifelong education and learning of

the arrival of the society, we need to revisit the current teaching system, to

establish the position of student body activities in teaching, in this context to

classroom teaching reform, the implementation of the new curriculum reform

undoubtedly provides fertile ground for the introduction of innovative teaching

classroom teaching in the school education the main battlefield ---- to truly

implement the quality education.

English disciplines is a not only train students to analyze and use the

language ability, and the influence of their sentiments, develop its personality,

a special process to develop its personality qualities. The philosophy of the

new curriculum reform, English teaching to do "oriented toward modernization,

the world and the future." To do that effectively improve the quality of English

teaching, to truly improve the quality and ability of the students' English, they

must change the long-term English teaching "small, slow, poor, money" will

create the ability as the core task of the English quality education.

The ability to create human characteristics, is a huge potential force. The era of knowledge economy first requires people to have a sense of innovation and creativity, school education to the students the spirit of innovation and creativity placed in a prominent set. The English Teaching create ability, its main objectives and tasks through teaching, so that students with the basic quality of innovation. Such as creating awareness, creative spirit and creative skills to create personalized, to create beauty. Facing the new situation, new opportunities, the challenges, the challenges, the need, the need, and how to cope with? We can only improve the quality of students the sense of innovation, innovation in order to cultivate the ability of students to continue learning. The continuous development of using this method in order to cope with the times, the rapid growth of knowledge industry trades often transform the situation. We should recognize that to develop students' creative thinking ability, the correct way to deepen the reform of English teaching, English education modernization.

English teaching other science are nothing special function of the alternative culture creativity. English is an important language of communication tools and important cultural carrier, it is the nature of the decision to English subjects with a cognitive exploration and aesthetic pursuit discipline. Well, the current English teaching how to achieve creating ability / First, To delete the negative factors and set up new teaching ideas

English is an important carrier of culture, has a distinctive cultural and therefore precipitate a profound historical customs and cultural traditions. In teaching English, history, customs and cultural traditions of the negative factors that form a deep-rooted traditional concepts of education, enclosed teaching model and the rigid mindset, seriously hindered students' creative spirit and creativity. To effectively improve the quality and capability of the

students' English, it is necessary to eliminate the impact of negative factors, and establish a new teaching concept. Teaching perspectives about teaching objectives determine the use of the choice of teaching content, teaching methods, teaching evaluation standards. Ability creation ability to be reflected in the English language teaching, it depends on whether English teachers with suitable teaching concept. Concept of teaching English teaching foster creativity, what is it? For the principle of it is based on the "Three Faces" to encourage students' English learning enthusiasm and initiative of the main aspects of teaching to help students with language teaching essential connotation of understanding and application capabilities, so that the students know how to behave as The fundamental goal of the teaching. This can be dealt with in teaching good teachers, the relationship between students and teaching materials, and get to play and the development of students' creativity. Second, to excite the students' desire for knowledge and encourage the spirit of innovation

English teaching should guide the students motivated to learn, think positively, enthusiastically trying to improve the quality of English gradually cultivate the ability to create, you must first inspire students' intellectual curiosity. Students are learning the subject, are human beings, they have feelings, thoughts, and not life, not an object of perception. In teaching, teachers should adhere to the principle of inspiring and stimulating, inspiring, creative design, to be good to induce students 'creativity, imagination, strongly stimulate students' learning, emotional, active thinking, to make ourselves up to produce desire to actively look for new knowledge. The end of the teaching in the classroom, teachers do not draw it into a "full stop", it should be painted for the students to think, to explore, Lenovo, creating "ellipsis" This will understand knowledge "in class is an introduction should grasp a very small part, to truly comprehend its deep flavor, have to rely on their own efforts ", so as to stimulate the students' desire for knowledge.

Teaching is not only necessary to stimulate the desire to learn, but also to encourage the creative spirit of the students. Teachers' understanding English texts by the constraints of time and teaching goals, impossible to study to the best of their ideological and artistic content, but also different because each person's accomplishment and experience will be the same. A teachers' understanding of the text is just his experience, students will have their own understanding.

Third, to use the different methods to train the students’ thinking charactor

whileTeaching, guiding students to use the "divergent" method to

stimulate the imagination of students, students of creative thinking.

First, the use of this method, teachers must have a keen sense of

creating dig closely with the textbook uncharted territory, showing the thought processes capture information to guide students in many ways to analyze the problem, and to form their own unique perspective. Teaching should guide students with divergent vision, three-dimensional, multi-faceted look at the conception of the English text, theme, structure and language, try to make the students to play to their imagination, have their own unique perspective. Give students sufficient imagination to improve the students' creative thinking ability. Secondly, vertical thinking to guide students, some students due to the long-established "mindset"

Often parrot, can not and will not dare to make their own distinctive new

insights. Therefore, teachers should guide students to dare to "the opposite", thinking in opposites directions to explore in depth the opposite direction from the problem and establish new ideas, the creation of a new image. Inspire students vertical thinking, students should be stressed, vertical thinking to accurately reveal the meaning of the subject, to be reasonable and can not be arbitrarily divergent to arbitrarily vertical; while emphasizing vertical thinking purposive novelty, but can not be divorced from reality.

enable students to form a unique personality of thinking, and has the ability to create.

Fourth, guide the students to think in different ways and excite active thinking.

Creative people often good at finding the others did not take a new angle. Chinese translation into English and English Composition Teaching

development to create an important way of thinking, to guide students to

multiple perspectives to consider teaching, the activation of thinking. Emphasis on the process of thinking more than to show as a breakthrough to

demonstrate Chinese translation of English sentences and English

composition, English Composition students overall THINKING guidance, so that students English essay questions, or to English composition material,

especially picture composition, overall grasp, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the thinking. Second, the same title for angle, with an English sentence, you can use this expression, but also can use another expression to express. Teaching students divergent explore hazy to create awareness and to actively guide, enthusiasm to encourage and promote the smooth development of thinking skills. In addition, multi-angle thinking, must meet the objective laws, and try to avoid the conventional thinking things and insights to take for granted, from the side, front, front and back, horizontal, vertical or other angle thinking and

inspire students to dare to break the traditional copy thinking mode, write out of a sense of the times, to innovative English composition.

English teaching students creative thinking ability, must be established must be established on the basis of a solid grasp of the basic knowledge and skills, master the basic method of thinking based on, in all aspects of teaching, cultivate students' creative thinking capacity.

篇四:English essay

Family Education

English 1153

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12:00 pm

Luyang Gao

April 30,2010

Luyang Gao

Sherry Vowel, M.A.

English 1153

30 April 2010

Family Education

Since ancient times, family education was concerned by people, but it was used as a kind of academic study in recent years. People's education is a system of education works, here includes family education, social education, collective(school) education, that are interrelated together. Family education is the foundation of all education. Throughout history, we can see a good family life education benefits people, not good family life education naturally bungled people.

First, family education is the beginning point of educating people. Family education generally refers to the family of parents and adults in the education process of young children. Their educational goal should be: a child into the community to accept the collective education (kindergarten, school education) to ensure the child prior to physical and mental health development, as a kindergarten, school education in future. The focus of education is moral education mainly among how children develop good moral character and behavior-based, behavioral habits, including: lifestyle, work habits, study habits, teach children how to learn "Being a human".

Second, a good family education can purify the soul of children. Parents must first clear the direction of education and the national interest, consistent with the principle of people's demands, not to their children as private property, to establish a state religion for the child's thinking, and correct educational purposes. During 21st century, people should have good

ideology, noble morality, sound psychological qualities, positive spirit of cooperation with others, strong adaptability, hard-working all-round development of a new generation. If no such group of 21 high-quality builders is very difficult to complete this great post, with such qualities is not something that can do it, and good family education is a prerequisite for cultivating high-quality people.

Third, Children will let themselves go without engagement to be anyone they want and to do anything they want. With age growing up, children come into contact with people outside the family. All stuffs from society will come into the child's perspective, so adults' taken to isolation technique is infeasible, because the TV show and movie will continue to reflect from different angles with the reality of today's society, some is positive and the other is negative. Children, especially young children lack a rational capacity to distinguish right from wrong, but they has a keen feeling of ability than adults. Parents should help children understand right and wrong place to identify community so that they specifically feel that truth is the bright side, and also appreciate that the ugly is despicable. For example, today the information is full of our lives and children can get information easily. The information includes political situation, scientific and technological progress, the various elements of everyday people and situations, from which you can learn a lot of knowledge and understanding of domestic and foreign affairs, but also, it includes violent, obscene absurdity. "Most researchers have examined families with infants, school-age children, or adolescents. Clearly, more research is needed that examines the specific contributions that couple dynamics and satisfaction, parenting practices, and parental depression have on child behavior problems during the toddler years" (Linville, Chronister et al. 245). Parent's behavior plays an important role in educating children and affect children for depression. For these reasons, parents should have the responsibility to take care of children's lives and also their mind. Parents should address these issues in a timely manner, improve the ability of the child's identification, but also

any indecent their own behavior, as children establish a positive image, optimizing children's minds, to prevent children make mistakes, and even law and discipline. Family is the cell of society. With healthy cells, it can be a sound body. If cells are sick, the body can cause disease. On all accounts, a good family life education is good for children, and not good family life education naturally bungled children. School education, social education, family Education, of these three, family education is the least likely to ignore the fact that parents are children's first teacher, is the first contact with the child, so it shows the importance of family education. But not only a home education on it, it is the attitude of parents towards children's education. Parents should pay attention to it. Family education teaches their children learn to love themselves, and love others. It is to give individuals more emotional things, such as behavioral approach is the formation of world view. A good family education is important for children.


Linville, Deanna, Chronister, Krista, Dishion, Tom, Todahl, Jeff. "A Longitudinal Analysis of

篇五:English Essay

Housing Problem

Housing problem is closely related to population. Some of the big cities in China are now crowded with an ever increasing population. Naturally, one of the most serious problems incurred is that of housing.

As far as the cause of housing problem are concerned, many factors are involved in the first place, with the rapid increase in population, the lack of housing is becoming more evident than ever before. Many old houses have been knocked down to make room for new apartment buildings, which complicates the housing problem for the time being. In the second place, despite the ever-increasing high-rise buildings, the provision of living space still falls far short of demands. Because the society is advancing, city-dwellers long for spacious living. They look forward to decent dwelling places which can protect human dignity. All these factors result in the stress of housing problem.

Various solutions have been suggested. But there seems to be a drawback to each of the solutions. The traditional free allocation of dwellings to the needy adds to the governments burden, while paid allocation brings an equal burden to the average man. The moving of urban residents to the suburbs may ease housing problem in the inner city but gives rises to a traffic problem. The best solution I think is to put the birth rate under control. But we still have a long way to go.

Managing Your Student Loan Debt

The cost of higher education continues to rise. Unfortunately, it's rising faster than the supply of grant and scholarship funds. This means that students today are leaving school with greater indebtedness than ever before. And yet, student loan defaults are at an all-time low! This can only mean that students today are better informed, and better prepared to take positive steps toward financial responsibility. managing your student loan debt

Responsibility toward your student loans doesn't just mean staying out of default. It also means staying out of delinquency, keeping your account current. This may not always be easy. But we think these steps will help:

* Know Your Rights and Responsibilities.

* Know Your Repayment Options.

A loan from the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) offers many more options for repayment than most forms of credit.

* Keep in Touch.

Stay in close contact with your lender or servicer.

* Keep Your Credit Cards Under Control.

Or, better yet, avoid them completely until you know you're on solid financial ground.

* Make a Budget.

And make sure that it includes your monthly student loan payment.


Direction: Plagiarism in academic studies is becoming a major problem worldwide. Study the picture carefully.Your essay should include the following points:

1)a description of the illustration showing your understanging of the symbolic meaning;

2) your understanding theissue;

3) suggest counter measures.

You should write about 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

In the illustration provided, authors of what should be unique articles peer over at their colleague’s work. Perhaps they are looking for inspiration, but more likely, they are stealing ideas and using these ideas as their own. It appears from this pictures that everyone is guilty of this crime; there is no strat or finish to the cycle of plagirism . Academic plagiarism is a problem that is not limited to one or two schools in the word. One can only imagine that some form of academic is present everywhere. This process can occur innocently enough. One writer is looking for information on a certain topic and does not cite his work properly, the orignal author is forgotten, and credit is not placed where it is due.

I believe that this issue is a very serious problem in universities today. The administration should do everything they can to stop plagiarism. This could include lecturing students on how to properly quote references, and also raising the penalities for those who are found guility of plagiarism.

Daily Stress

Temporarily, stress can sharpen your eyesight, give you more acute hearing and make your body produce more of the white blood cells which destroy invading bacteria and viruses.

Problems arise when you experience a number of big changes or events and become overstressed. About 10 percent of us have low stress tolerance, so the beginning of stress can happen rather quickly. Prolonged overstress can make you ill. Are You Overstressed?

If you are showing physical symptoms of overstress, it's time to take action,

Don' t rely on quick pick-me-ups like caffeine and alcohol. These may make you feel better temporarily but won't get to the root of the problem.

Do give yourself a break. Every morning make a list of the things you would like to get done during the day, then cut off the bottom half of the list. You'll get those things done tomorrow, next week or even next month. Feel relaxed about organizing yourself.

Don't choose this time to make a big change to your living environment. Postpone

english essays

shifting house or renovating until you' re feeling better.

Do keep your blood sugar steady by eating small, frequent meals instead of a few large ones. Eat complex carbohydrates like cereals, rice, bread and potatoes. These are broken down slowly by the body, releasing sugar over a long period of time.

Don't say yes to every request for your time and energy.Learn to say no when it's


Don' t postpone exercising.

Even if it's just moving around your living room to music that you love, getting your body active will help the healing process.

Remember: Less stress will lead to a longer, healthier and happier life. 每天的压力









不要对占用你时间和精力的每一个要求都答应下来,必要时,要学会说“不”。 The Rewards of the Professions

The probability that any person should ever be qualified for the employment to which he is educated, is very different in different occupations. In the greater part of mechanic trades, success is almost certain; but very uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your son apprentice to a shoemaker,

there is little doubt of his learning to make a pair of shoes, but send him to study the law, it is at least twenty to one if ever he makes such a proficiency as it will enable him to live by the business. In a perfectly fair lottery,those who draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks. In a profession where twenty fail for one that succeeds, that one ought to gain all that

should have been gained by the unsuccessful nineteen. The counsellor at law, who, perhaps, at near forty years of age, begins to make something by his profession, ought to receive the retribution, not only of his own so tedious and expensive education, but of that of more than ten others who are never likely to make anything by it. How extravagant soever the fees of counsellors at law may sometimes appear, their real retribution is never equal to this.

Those professions keep their level, however, with other occupations, and notwithstanding these discouragements, all the most generous and liberal spirits are eager to crowd into them. Two different causes contribute to recommend them.First, the desire of the reputation which attends upon superior

excellence in any of them; and, secondly, the natural confidence which every man has,

more or less, not only in his own abilities, but in his own good fortune.

To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, is the most decisive mark of what is called genius or superior talents. The public admiration which attends upon such distinguished abilities, makes always a part of their reward;a greater or smaller in proportion as it is higher or lower

in degree. It makes a considerable part of it in the profession of physic;a still greater perhaps in that of law; in poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole. 职业的回报




There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The medium-term goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.




筑物;同样,不去扎扎实实地实现短期目标,我们就不可能在实现长期目标上有大的作为。在完成短期目标之后,我们应当标明日期,并在已实现的目标基础上规划新的短期目标。 中期目标以短期目标为基础。中期目标可能涉及一个学期或整整一学年,甚至可能延续数年之久。无论何时你只能一次向前迈一步,绝不能使自己失去信心或者把自己压得喘不过气来。这样每完成一步,你就会增强对自己能力的信心:你有发展潜力,可以事业有成。随着列出的目标实现日期表的加长,你的动力和要求也会增加。


Learning:A Lifelong Career


As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.


