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Jiuzhaigou Valley (九寨沟)

-090201311 09英师本3班 吴玲玲

Good morning ladies and gentalmen .

A Chinese saying has made it very well, Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination. It is my pleasure to be your tour guide today ,I am lyne. OK, Here is a Kindly reminder: please pay attention to the low temperature. Here the altitude is so high that the temperatures is quite low . Please take a little clothes just in case .

It is said that if there should be wonderlands on the earth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. There is no equal elsewhere that has sceneries and fables of dreamlike eloquence, or natural purities like a fairyland as Jiuzhaigou Valley.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is located in Nanping County, 450 kilometers (about 280 miles) to the north of Chengdu City. Its name is due to the existence of nine stockaded villages of Tibetan origin, and it is always regarded as a holy mountain and watercourse by the Tibetan people.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a great masterpiece of nature having dreamlike scenery. It combines blue

lakes, waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-covered mountains, and the folk customs of the Tibetan and Qiang peoples. Legend has it that long long ago the deity of mountain named Dago had a crush on the goddess Semo, and he gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess. However, the devil appeared and made trouble to Semo. Inadvertently, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces, which fell down to the earth and then turned to 108 colorful lakes. The lake is also called Haizi by local people.

Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area. The natural forest covers an area of nearly hectares, including 2,576 higher plant species and over 400 lower plant species.

The diversity of flora has provided a good environment for wild animals. There are species of rare animals. Among them the first rank has giant pandas, takins and golden monkeys and the second rank has lesser pandas, marmots, and blue sheep.

I believe that, the sceneries here are far more than you expect. There are Panda Lake Waterfall which has the longest drop in Jiuzhaigou Valley and freezes to a crystal world in winter, the giant calc-sinter beach Pearl Beach, the Arrow Bamboo Lake that has a large area of bamboo, the favorite food of pandas, and Swan Lake where swans inhabit ...

Thank you enjoy the trip,and support me . The journey would be impressive .Hope to see you next time!

-Good morning ladies and gentalmen . -A Chinese saying has made it very well, Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination. -It is my pleasure to be your tour guide today ,I am lyne.

-OK, Here is a Kindly reminder:

please pay attention to the low temperature. Here the altitude is so high that the temperatures is quite low .

Please take a little clothes just in case .

It is said that

if there should be wonderlands on the earth, Jiuzhaigou Valley must be one of them. There is no equal elsewhere that has sceneries and fables of dreamlike eloquence,

or natural purities like a fairyland as Jiuzhaigou Valley.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is located in Nanping County, Its name is due to the existence of nine stockaded villages of Tibetan origin,

and it is always regarded as a holy mountain and watercourse by the Tibetan people.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a great masterpiece of nature having dreamlike scenery.

It combines blue lakes, waterfalls, verdant forests, snow-covered mountains.

Legend has it that long long ago the deity of mountain named Dago had a crush on the goddess Semo, and he gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess.

However, the devil appeared and made trouble to Semo.

Inadvertently, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces, which fell down to the earth and then turned to 108 colorful lakes.

The lake is also called Haizi by local people.

=In addition to the dreamlike

there are numerous flora and fauna Area.

The natural forest covers an area of nearly 30,000 hectares, including 2,576 higher plant species and over 400 lower plant species. The diversity of flora has provided a good environment for wild animals.

There are 17 species of rare animals.

Among them the first rank has giant pandas, takins and golden monkeys and the second rank has lesser pandas, marmots, and blue sheep.

I believe that,

the sceneries here are far more than you expect.

There are Panda Lake Waterfall which has the longest drop in Jiuzhaigou Valley and freezes to a crystal world in winter,

the giant calc-sinter beach Pearl Beach,

the Arrow Bamboo Lake that has a large area of bamboo,

the favorite food of pandas, and Swan Lake where swans inhabit ...

Thank you enjoy the trip,and support me . The journey would be impressive .Hope to see you next time!


Jiuzhai valley Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the beautiful fairytale world Jiuzhai valley.

Jiuzhai valley is located at the centre of Jiuzhai county, which is an autonomous prefecture of zang and Qiang people in sichuan province.

Before our trip, I’d like to remind you of some important things.. Firstly, pay attention to your safety. Secondly, our whole trip lasts about 8 hours, and please arrive at the gate at 5 o’clock pm. Thirdly, please remember our car number... and my telephone number... . Whenever you need my help, please call me.

Now I’d like to tell you the general route,.our trip starts from Shuzheng valley,and then Rize valley and finally Zhawa valley.we will go back fhe same way at the end.

Now let me give you a brief introduction of Jiuzhai valley .The name of Jiuzhai valley is a combination of two spots. Jiuzhai represents the 9 Zang villages there with a history of hundreds of years. They are Shuzheng zhai(village), Heye zhai, zhawa zhai and so on. Gou comes from 3 gullies['g?l?]水沟that are in Y appearance, they are Shuzheng gou (gully), Zhawa gou and Rize gou. Jiuzhai valley covers an area of 620 square kilometers. The core核心of the Jiuzhai is the beautiful scenery['si?n(?)r?]景色of 108 mountain lakes. They lined up with spring waters and waterfalls. And there is an artistic combination of Snow Mountain, forest and Zang nationality folk custom. Jiuzhai valley is one of the first attractions旅游景点which is defined as the national Scenic['si?n?k]风景胜地Area. It was listed as “the World Nature Legacy” in 1992. And in 1998, it was included into the Protection Zone of Human and Biosphere['ba??(?)sf??]生物圈. Jiuzhai valley was called “the Wonderland in human world” and “the World of Fairytales”. From ancient times , people praised it with the poem “ Back from Jiuzhai, you would never want to see any other waters.

After appreciating欣赏the grandness['gr?ndn?s]宏伟的of the Shuzheng waterfall and Nuorilang waterfall, please follow me to see one of the 5 wonders, the cuihu(green sea). There is a saying that local people love the mountains and waters of their homeland, so they create a magical story that woman mountain god Se mo dropped her mirror here and it broke into 108 fragments碎片, then each fragment formed into a lake. Now the blue and green mountain lake in front of us is the most colorful lake in Jiuzhai, it was called PeacockLakeor FlowerLake. Do you know how this lake can become so colorful? Well, it is because the land of Jiuzhai is the stratum['stret?m]地层arched[ɑrt?t]拱形的out from the inner part of the sea, it contains great amount of calcium钙, and we call it Karst卡斯特topographic[,tɑp?'gr?f?k]地质的feature。The peacock lake has so many colors and it is also so variegated['ve?r?ge?t?d; 've?r??-]富于变化的. why it has the color like the fur皮of peacock ? Reasons are as follows. Firstly, it owes to the basin['besn]水池of the lake, the wall and floor of the basin is covered with Calcium['k?ls??m] containing high calcification[,k?ls?f?'ke???n]钙化. It contains many organic有机的materials and metal ion离子, such as iron, magnesium[m?g'ni?z??m]镁and so on. Secondly, it is because the water of peacock lake is very hard and with high calcium, then it looks clear and transparent[tr?ns'p?r?nt]透明的visually['v????li]表面上. The third reason is the sunshine, the water can reflect the radiation, and because the ray is of different length, so the color is different. The last one is depending on the depth[depθ]深度and the ups and downs浮沉of the basin. Under the influence of these factors, the peacock lake formed its current现在的beautiful colors.

Ok, after seeing this magical peacock lake, we will go to see the panda lake then. Please follow me to see more fantastic scenery of Jiuzhai valley.


? 九寨沟导游词

? 亲爱的游客们,你们好:

我是熊殷翔,大家可以叫我小熊,也可以叫我熊导。今天,很荣幸成为你们的导游。我们马上就去这次的景点──九寨沟。 好了,大家不要睡着了。我们经过了一路的路程,终于到达了九寨沟。九寨沟是由九个藏族小寨和三条大沟所组成的。马上印入我们眼帘的便是天鹅海,它的水清澈见底;清得连水里的一些小植物都隐约可以看见一二。这个海子在暖和的季节,会有成群的天鹅来这里嬉水,河面上漂浮着它们散打下来的羽毛。天鹅来这里,还有一个主要原因,那就是下蛋。它们在岸上下好蛋,等待着小天鹅,也就是丑小鸭破壳而出。一些小天鹅出来以后,它们便飞走了。天鹅海也因此得名。








Jiuzhaigou's entrance gate was built shortly after Jiuzhaigou was listed into the World Natural Heritage Catalog in 1992. The gate reflects the features of Tibetan remote areas. The bark of logs wraps round the whole gate that appears primitive, but also displays the flavor (n. 风味) of thew modern arts. It seems to tell us that you will find yourselves in the world's most exciting and unspoiled (adj. 未损坏的) nature.

As we know, Jiuxhaigou has been crowned with several titles: The World Natural Heritage, The World Bio-sphere Reserve, the Green Globe 21 and The State 4A-Level Scenery. Besides,each site and each image shows something more-the true essence, the spirit, and the magic of Jiuxhaigou, Jiuxhaigou's wonders inspire the country's top photographers and artists because the best of their work is here. Others express their feelings through words, and there are numerous quotes from writers or visitors. However, many others articulate this land that seems indescribable. As the saying goes, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. I think Jiuzhaigou's reputation attracts all of you to come here for a vidit. I believe, whether you are a frequent visitr or someone who simply enjoys beautiful places, the visit to Jiuzhaigou will be a perfect way to remember the unique sites and beauty of jiuzhaigou in days to come.

Jiuzhaigou scenery is licated in jiuzhaigou County, the ASbe Tibetan and Qiang Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. Jiuzhaigou literally means nine Tibetan village gullies, which are all scattered in the scenic area. The names of the villages are Heye, Shuzheng, Zech awa, Heijiao, Panya, Yala, Jianpan, Rexi and Guodu.

Jiuzhaigou scenery has taden shape due to the geographic movement in glaciations (n. 冻结成冰), earthquakes and calcification. However, there is some folklore that vividly describes the formation of Jiuzhaigou. Here is a story. A long tome ago, a male and female hilly deities fell in love with each other. The man is called Dage and woman Wonuosemo, who decided to reside in Jiuzhaigou because they deeply loved Jiuzhaigou's birds and animals, and forests and mountains.

Unexpectedly a devil called Shemozha found out that the female de


ity was so beautiful that ho fool in love with her, too. Two devil didn't like the male deity to live here in Jiuzhaigou. Therefore the devil waged (v. 发动) a war in orser to drive the male deity (n. 神) out and marry the female deity. A fiere battle occurred between the deity and the devil. During the battle, the female deity was snatched away by the devil. Bewildered, the female deity dropped down to the ground her precious mirror given by the male deity. The mirror was broken into over a hundred

pieces, which immediately turned into over hundred high mountains and beautiful lakes. The battle continued, and the male deity and the devil fought all the way from inner Jiuzhaigou to the entrance.

Despite that, there was no sign indicating who would win the battle. At this critical moment, Zhayizhaga, the king of multi-mountains arrived to join the fight on the side of the male deity. The king first put a huge screen-shaped cliff behind the devil and then crashed the devil beneath the cliff. The devil was buried there, eith his head off the cliff. Afterwards lical people called the cliff the Devil Cliff. Now ot os called the Precious Mirror Cliff.

Since then Jiuzhaigou returned to peace and looked more beautiful due to the newly added over a hundred colorful lakes and mountains. The man and womand lived together in Jiuzhaigou forever as the important deities to safeguard jiuzhaigou.




在中国西南部的青藏高原向四川盆地过渡地带,有一个世界著名的风景区——九寨沟,人们称誉它为“人间仙境”“童话世界”。 中国西南部のチベット高原と四川盆地の間に、「この世の別天地」「童話の世界」とも呼ばれる、九寨溝という世界でも有名な観光地があります。


九寨溝は大規模なカルスト台地で、大量のカルシウム化物が堆積しています。この特徴が、九寨溝の麗しく優雅で格調高いあまたの湖を形成し、激しい勢いで流れる渓流やきらめく宝石のように飛び散る滝、厳かで物静かに佇む森林、連綿と続く雪の峰々と調和よく組み合わさり、そして互いに引き立てあっているのです。豊富な種類の植物たちが、安定した食物連鎖を構成し、パンダやキンシコウなど希少動物のために豊かな食物を提供しています。1992年、九寨溝はユネスコ世界遺産委員会によって「世界自然遺産」に登録され、1997年には「ユネスコMAB 人と生物圏計画」に加入しました。



进入沟内,穿过绵长的芦苇海、盆景滩、卧龙海,映入你眼帘的是树正群海,由大小近二十个湖泊组成,在长约五公里的翠色谷地里,呈梯状陈列,湖水湛蓝,色泽鲜丽。这种特别的蓝,无法用语言形容,只好称它为“九寨蓝” 吧。


卧龙海因其湖中有一条钙化的“龙”,当地藏民称它为“卧龙海”。 臥龍海は、その湖底にカルシウム化した「竜」があることから、当地のチベット族に「臥竜海」と呼ばれています。





五花海は、九寨溝の中で色が最も鮮やかな湖です。様々な色と模様を彩なすその湖水は、まるで色鮮やかで幻想的な万華鏡のようです。 カルシウム化されて久しい松の大木が、深い青色の湖水の中に静かに佇み、まるで九寨溝の幾千年も前の古い物語を語りかけているかのようです。何の憂いもない高山の冷水魚は、群れをなして自由自在に泳ぎ回り、遠方よりの観光客を歓迎しているかのようです。



长海,海拔3102米,是九寨沟面积最大、海拔最高的湖泊,它一展九寨沟高山湖泊的王者风范,雄卧于雪峰皑皑、苍柏耸立的山谷之中,尽显它苍茫浩渺、宽厚博大的风华。 長海は、海抜3102メートルで、九寨溝の中では最も面積が大きく、海抜も一番高い湖です。これは、九寨溝の高山湖の王者の風格があり、真っ白な雪の峰々、青いコノテガシワの群生する谷間の中で、広々と懐の深い様子でその水を湛えています。









盛夏,这里变成了绿色的海洋,满山遍野,绿得那样青翠,那样年轻,显出旺盛的生命力。 夏になると、ここは緑の海へと変わり、至る所、鮮やかで若々しい緑が旺盛な生命力を


























遠方からの皆さま、ぜひ、九寨溝へ来て、チベット族の踊りを一夜お楽しみください。 中国九寨沟真情期盼你的到来!

