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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:21:37 小学作文



Kate Winslet seemed totally smitten with her model boyfriend Louis Dowler after her divorce from Sam Mendes earlier this year, but it appears as though they've gone their separate ways. Sources say the actress ended the four-month relationship so she could focus on her job and raising her kids.

自从今年早些时候与导演丈夫萨姆-门德斯分道扬镳之后,奥斯卡影后凯特-温斯莱特便“一反常态”的火速搭上了男模路易斯-杜勒,之前两人还大方牵手出现在公众场合,不过目前看来,这?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我鲈狄丫畈欢嘧叩搅司⊥罚邢⒊疲匾丫氐秸肚樗浚崾怂母鲈碌慕煌壳叭钠嗽诹耸乱涤敫а优砩稀?/p>

A friend of the star told MailOnline: "Louis was just the tonic Kate needed after her painful split from Sam and they had a wonderful time. However, they have realized their relationship isn't working and Kate needs space to be on her own.

"She is very grateful to Louis for helping her pick her life back up after her marriage ended and they had a lot of fun together, but she felt it had come to an end and wants to concentrate on her career and children." 一位知情人士向媒体透露,杜勒不过只是凯特在离婚之后抚慰“情伤”的垫背,虽然两人在一起都非常开心,不过他们开始意识让了感情发展的前途渺茫,凯特需要自己的空间。“她非常感激杜勒让自己重新回到了生活的正轨,不过凯特想要重新把重心放到表演与孩子身上,她就不得不结束这段恋情。”

Prior to the split, Kate - who has a six-year-old son Joe with Sam, as well as ten-year-old Mia from her first marriage to director Jim Threapleton - had reportedly been contemplating marriage with the British model. A pal recently said: "As far as Kate is concerned, they could go all the way together - get married, have kids. She's the happiest we've ever seen her, he really brings out a wonderful, carefree side to her that we haven't seen for years."




Kate Winslet seemed totally smitten with her model boyfriend Louis Dowler after her divorce from Sam Mendes earlier this year, but it appears as though they've gone their separate ways. Sources say the actress ended the four-month relationship so she could focus on her job and raising her kids.


A friend of the star told MailOnline: "Louis was just the tonic Kate needed after her painful split from Sam and they had a wonderful time. However, they have realized their relationship isn't working and Kate needs space to be on her own.

"She is very grateful to Louis for helping her pick her life back up after her marriage ended and they had a lot of fun together, but she felt it had come to an end and wants to concentrate on her career and children." 一位知情人士向媒体透露,杜勒不过只是凯特在离婚之后抚慰“情伤”的垫背,虽然两人在一起都非常开心,不过他们开始意识让了感情发展的前途渺茫,凯特需要自己的空间。“她非常感激杜勒让自己重新回到了生活的正轨,不过凯特想要重新把重心放到表演与孩子身上,她就不得不结束这段恋情。”

Prior to the split, Kate - who has a six-year-old son Joe with Sam, as well as ten-year-old Mia from her first marriage to director Jim Threapleton - had reportedly been contemplating marriage with the British model. A pal recently said: "As far as Kate is concerned, they could go all the way together - get married, have kids. She's the happiest we've ever seen her, he really brings out a wonderful, carefree side to her that we haven't seen for years."





All over Hollywood, at this very moment, superstars and their stylists are pondering the million-dollar question: what to wear?

The Oscars red carpet unrolls this Sunday and making sure you walk it in the perfect dress is worth a fortune in publicity, not to mention being a turbocharged career boost.

Get it right - and you are guaranteed front-page pictures and footage around the world.

Get it wrong and you are doomed to star in all the "Worst-Dressed" lists and humiliating "Sack Your Stylist" features. Most embarrassing of all, long after your blushes have faded, your clanger will linger in cyberspace archives, to be regularly resurrected in those "Worst Oscar Dresses in History" spreads.

Who can forget, for example, Beyoncé Knowles(上图第一张), last year, in that black and gold fishtail horror, which looked as if it had been polished with "Mr Sheen"? Or Miley Cyrus, drowning in Zuhair Murad ruffles? Or our own Kate Winslet, so warm and womanly, but turned into a dominatrix, with her hair scraped back like a prison wardress in "Cell Block H"? Or Sophia Loren bursting out of an oversized, bright yellow daffodil? Getting it right is not rocket science; it is just a matter of following fashion commonsense.

Here's my list of "Red Carpet Rules":

1. Don't give your cleavage "The Toothpaste Effect" 别像挤牙膏一样挤那啥

Imagine squeezing a tube of toothpaste in the middle? That's the result if you wear a dress one or two sizes too small. Cleavage is sexy, but only if the breasts are beautiful, and displayed in a dress which fits. Sagging, withered décolletage is simply not attractive. When in doubt, cover-up or why not wear a bra?

2. Look in The Mirror! Back and Front! 出发前好好照照镜子——前后都照! It's amazing how many stars wears dresses which appear to be a perfect fit from the front, but are a disaster when viewed from the rear. Avoid: VPL, wobbly bums, strain-and-stretch over the thighs.

3. The Thigh's The Limit - well it can be 露大腿要想清楚

Don't choose a dress split to the bikini line if your legs are not up to it. Who wants their cellulite and broken veins in close-up on CNN or Sky?

4. Underwear 内衣也要搭

It must match, first rule of play. And if you're resorting to "magic knickers", "Spanx" or any "lose-a-size" wonders, make sure your dress is sufficiently opaque or in a heavy fabric which will not disclose what lies beneath.

5. Arm yourself! 肩膀是关键

With a little tulle or chiffon "shrug". It's a Dame Helen Mirren style secret and your "bingo wings" will remain yours.

6. Check your make-up in bright daylight 到明亮的地方去检查妆容

The sun is (usually) still shining as you arrive on the red carpet. Over-enthusiastic use of bronzer and blusher just makes you look as if you've been Tango-ed.

7. Age-Appropriate 如果是70后就别整90后的造型

Sounds boring, I know. But if your daughter would wear it, it's most certainly NOT FOR YOU

8. Heels? 高跟鞋?穿得好才穿!

Can you? Should you? Dare you? This one moment when you just have to grin and bear it. Height adds to the drama of a long dress. But practise at home, invest in a pack of "Party Feet", make sure you have The Perfect Pedicure, and keep a comfy pair of flatties in the limo.

9. Is the dress really right? 造型师的意见只能参考

Do you HONESTLY love the dress your stylist has picked? If you don't feel comfortable in her choice, overrule her. You pay her wages, after all.

10. Smile 微笑,宝贝儿,微笑

After all, it's your best accessory.

篇四:Kate Elizabeth Winslet

Kate Elizabeth Winslet (born 5 October 1975) is an English actress and occasional singer. She has received multiple awards and nominations. She is the youngest person to accrue six Academy Award nominations, and won the Academy Award for Best Actress for The Reader (2008). Winslet has been acclaimed for both dramatic and comedic work in projects ranging from period to contemporary films, and from major Hollywood productions to less publicised indie films. She has won awards from the Screen Actors Guild, British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association among others, and has been nominated for an Emmy Award for television acting.



一、 句子翻译


2) 近视是一个很严重的问题) among the youth of our country.

3) According to my personal experience , ___________________ (微笑已带给我许多好处).

4)The area is known to be rich in natural resources.

5)Urbanites consider them outsideers,and most governments r(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:kate,winslet)efuse to give them medical care and public schooling for their kids.

6)During the peak season, farmers compete to sell their eggs , whereas during the off-season, they are usually in short supply in the cities

7)We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.

8)He is not so such a scholar as a writer.

二、 短文翻译

Kate Winslet and her children were among VIP guests forced to flee Sir Richard Branson’s luxury Caribbean home after a night-time blaze ripped through the building.

The multi-million-pound Great House on Necker, the Virgin tycoon’s

£60million private island, was struck by lightning in the early hours of Monday when the region was battered by 90mph Hurricane Irene.

Flames quickly ravaged the wood and stone mansion forcing those inside, which included Miss Winslet and her two young children, to run for their lives in their pyjamas.

According to Sir Richard, courageous Miss Winslet acted like a true Hollywood heroine as she swept his 90-year-old mother Eve into her arms and helped carry her to safety as the mansion crumbled around them.

Sir Richard, 61, was staying in another villa around 100 yards away with his wife Joan and son Sam and apparently ran naked towards the flames shortly after 4am.

Sir Richard said: ‘Around 20 people were in the house and they all managed to get out and they are all fine.

‘We had a really bad tropical storm with winds up to 90mph. A big lightning storm came around 4am and hit the house. It took hold incredibly quickly, with flames 100ft high. It ripped through the house very quickly.


1. the increase in demand resulted in /caused the rise in prices

2. near-sightedness is a serious problem

3. smile has done me a lot of good









