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The term 'vocabulary' is used in different senses. Match the examples with the definition of vocabulary.

There is plenty of slang in the following dialogue. Read the dialogue and see if you identify and understand. Person A: What's up man? Person B: Not much dude. A: How is it going? B: I'm alright. I am good. A: What's going on? B: I am feeling down.

A: Why?

B: My girlfriend dumped me. She said that we don't mesh well together.

A: I am so sorry. I feel for you man.

B: It sucks. It's so horrible. I don't want to live without her.

A: There are plenty of other fish in the sea. You can't lose hope over a single chick.

B: I guess you got a point. It's tough though, and it's hard to move on.

A: You'll be good. No worries. Live life and have fun.

B: I can do that. Thank you so much for being there. You're the man. A: I do what I can, lol.

Here are some of the slang expressions with their explanations man: a term of familiar address to a man or a woman: Hey, man, take it easy.

dude: a man, a fellow down: depressed

dump: to end one‘s relationship with someone mesh: to match, coordinate, or interlock suck:to be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive

feel for: to feel sympathy for or compassion toward; empathize

with: I know you're disappointed and upset, and I feel for you. fish: person

chick: Often Offensive. a girl or young woman. lol: laughing out loud

Which of the following words are content words and which are function words? Put them in the correct category.

Read the following excerpt from George W. Bush‘s Farewell Address in 2009 and underline the functional words used in it.

Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced

setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed the conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.

Guess whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes.

2. Native words are known as Anglo-Saxon words. 3. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number.

4. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language.

5. What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native words.

6. The number of functional words is overgrowing. 7.Every morpheme has its variants.

Put the following borrowed words into the correct category.

Denizens: pork port change cup

Aliens: Kowtow Kimono Intermezzo Ketchup Decor Translation-loans: Masterpiece Black humour Semantic-loans: Dream Fresh Pioneer Dumb

Explain the relationship between sound and meaning with examples.

True or false judgement:

1. individualistic: in, divide, -al, -ist, -ic

T ( 2. individualistic: in, di, vi, du, -al, -ist, -ic T ( 3. undesirables: un, de, sir, -able, -s

T ( 4. undesirables: un, desire, -able, -s

T (

F (

F (

F (

F (

Divide the following words into their constituent morphemes:

inaccessibility, unevenly, friendliness, overseas, minimalist, occurrences, assumption, retell, ex-wife, misleading, multimedia, automobile, microcomputer,




telescope, maltreat, anti-government, forehead, illegal, disobey, unfair, prepaid, de-emphasis, readiness, discouraging, kind-hearted, undoubtedly, stockrooms, prepackaged

Judge how many morphemes the following words have: unrespectable,




impossibility, unpredictable

Write the following words with hyphens between their morphemes.






worldwide internationally inject protrude

Try to find out how many allomorphs does "–ed" has? Illustrate your answer with examples.

What would be considered as allomorphs of the morpheme ?plural‘ from the following set of English words? data

oxen children deer

films factories matches

篇二:Exercises for Chapter One

Exercises for Chapter One


a.Word forms

1.disappointment(v.)____________ (a.)____________ ____________

2.Employ(n.)____________ ____________ 3.greet(n.)____________

4.sigh(n.)____________ 5.prefer(pf.&pp.)____________ ____________

6.sigh(n.)____________ 7.appear(n.)____________(opp.)____________

8.beautiful(n.)____________ 9.speak(n.)____________

10.remind(n.)____________ 11.invite(n.)______________

12.communication(v.)_______________ 12.impress(n.)____________

b.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.

1.Debbie and Simon looked up as a well-dressed woman___________(enter)

2.When I entered the classroom , the class______________(listen)carefully to the teacher.

3.I met an old friend of mine while I________________(walk)on the street.

4.The receptionist greeted me _______________(cheer)when I entered the hotel.

5.He said that customers always______________(prefer)Debbie to him.

6.___________(speak)is not the only method to______________(communication)

7.The__________(express)on his face tells his failure.

8.We cannot judge a person by his___________(appear)

9.It's a very important for you to make a good ____________(impress)on your boss.

10.Simon made a__________(decide) to improve his body language.

11.Don't____________(hesitation)to turn to me when you have trouble.

12.The girl left____________(happy)a few moments later.

II.Put the following phrases into English.

1.一份兼职工作 2.一家旅行社

3.扫视某人 4.高兴地与某人打招呼

5.有机会做某事 6.交流的方法

7.肢体语言 8.手撑着头

9.给某人留下好印象 10.抬起头

11.与某人眼神交流 12.毫不迟疑

13.一会儿之后 14.灿烂的微笑

15.对某人微笑 16.提醒某人某事

17.脸上的表情 18.一位高级职员

19.立刻 20.假牙

21.哪种... 22.免费

23.纵观人类历史 24.在很多情形

25.比..重要得多 26.....之关键

27.事实上 28.把..当作...

29.缺乏兴趣 30.靠近某人

31.持续更长时间 32.表示尊重

33职位较高的某人 34.引起麻烦

35朝下看 36.盯着

III.Multiple choices

( )1.---What about going on_______adventure holiday this weekend?

---That's a great idea. I love getting close to______nature.

A.an;/ B./;the C.a;the D.the;a

( )2.---How about the party last night , Jenny?

---I was____ , because all the guests had left when I______the party.

A.frightened;got B.disappointed;arrived C.frightened;got to D.disappointed;arrived at

( )3.---Mine your__, I don't think you want to give people the ____that you are not friendly.

---OK, I will.

A.Words;conservation B.speech;impression C.reminds;of D.news;gesture

( )4.---Why do so many people like the film The Love of the Hawthorn Tree?

---Because the film_____them_____the days when they lived in the countryside.

A.remembers;about B.thinks;about C.reminds;of D.offers;to

( )5.---Was it difficult______Leo to give up playing computer games?

---No.He agreed_______

A.to persuade;without hesitation B.persuade;in a way

C.persuade;at least D.to persuade;in trouble

( )6.---What shall we do this weekend? ---I prefer____at home to_______.

A.stay; going out B.staying;go out C.staying;going out D.stay; go out

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:min,x,e,s,give)

( )7.---Why don't you eat hard food?

---Because I wear a set of ______teeth and they're not_____

A.graceful;hard enough B.false;hard enough

C.graceful;enough hard D.false;enough hard

( )8.---What's______, Jack?I heard you_____. ---I failed the driving test again.

A.matter;speak B.wrong;laugh C.trouble;shout D.up;sigh

( )9.---Look at the man. He is ________; I'm sure he is a kind man.

---I don't think so. You shouldn't judge a person by his________.

A.well-dressing;appearance B.well-dressing;gesture

C.well-dressed;appearance D.well-dressed;gesture

( )10.---What do you think of Tim's performance?

---It_____from his body______that he was nervous.

A.offers;languages B.shows;language C.knows;sign D.looks;appearance

( )11.---What's wrong with your grandfather, Joan?

---He is sick and now in______hospital and has to eat in _____bed.

A.a;a B./;the C./;/ D.the;the

( )12.---You look worried these days.You seem to be looking forward_______something.

---Yes,I have sent three e-mails to my son but haven't got a(n)_________so far.

A.for;letter B.with;answer C.to;reply D.for;answer

( )13---What do you think is a good shop assistant?

---A good shop assistant_________customers when they ask for help. Besides, it is necessary to______them all the time.

A.comes up with; look at B.catches up with;stare at

C.communicates with;laugh at D.makes eye contact with;smile at

( )14---Don't forget_______my brother when you are in America.

---Got it.And I will give your best _____to him.

A.to visit;words B.visiting;wishes C.to visit;regards D.visit;hope

( )15.---Rose,I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to Beijing tomorrow. ----_______!

A.Wish you a good trip B.That's a good idea

C.Congratulations D.It's so nice of you

篇三:Give Yourself a Relaxing Day给自己放松

Give Yourself a Relaxing Day 给自己放松

The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of your day, but it doesn't have to be. You have a greater ability to shape your office environment than you may realize.

Take breaks throughout the day. It will help clear your mind and relieve pressure. Something as simple as going to the water cooler for a drink may do the trick.

To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities: Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired.

Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding surf or songbirds, to help you relax. Such tapes are sold commercially. Use headphones if you'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday.

Get to work early or stay late once a week. You may be able to accomplish more when you vary your routine.

If your stress comes from job insecurity, take stock of yourself.Update your resume, and remind yourself of your skills and strengths. Also, make sure you keep up with new developments in your field. This will make you valuable to employers.

Don't let work rumors, which are usually false, cause you worry. A co-worker may just be thinking out loud about worst-case scenarios.








篇四:Unit 5 Exercise

Unit 5 Exercise


1. What ___________ (happen), if we climb the tree.

2. Could you help me ________ (organize) the party games? 3. If it _____ (rain) tomorrow. We_________ (not go) hiking. 4. If you wear jeans to the party, the teachers _______ (be) angry. 5. Don’t ________ (bring) food to school.

6. We are going to _______ (ride) bikes to school.

7. I’m sure if he _____ (go) to the party, he__________ (have) a great time. 8. If the rain _______(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema. 9. I’ll buy a computer if I ______(have) enough money.

10. You ___________ (not get) nervous if you _____ (do) enough exercise. 11. If she ____ (be) kind to me, I _____________ (not argue) with her.

12. I want to know if he ________(come) tomorrow, if he _______(come), I __________(give) the message to him.

13. If you ______ (pay) more attention to that, he _________ (not get) injured. 14. Mr Li will be mad if we _______(break) the rules.

15. If it _____ (be) cloudy, they ____________(not go) there by air. 16. Please let us know if he _________ (arrive) tomorrow.

17. Shall I say “Hello” when the foreigner _______ (come) into the classroom? 18. He’ll get better grades if he ________ (study ) hard.

19. If you work really hard, you ________ (be) famous and rich. Ⅱ.单项选择

1. If it _____ tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

A. isn’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. will rain D. don’t rain 2. I _____ with you if I’m free.

A. go B. will go C. went D. going

3. The volleyball match will be put off if it _______.

A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained 4. There ______ a football game on TV this afternoon.

A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play 5. This work is ________ for me than for you.

A. difficult B. the most difficult C. most difficult D. more difficult 6. I'll catch up with Lucy before she ________ the finishing line. A. reach B. is reaching C. reaches in D. will reach 7. Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?

A. where's the office B. where's the bus stop C. what's she doing D. where the post office is 8. I won't go if it ________ tomorrow.

A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. will rain 9. Wu Dong is good at ________ English.

A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. spoke

10. You'd better ________ your jacket. The room is too hot. A. take off B. put on C. take out D. take care

11. In the race Wu Dong ran fastest. No one could ________ him.

A. get on with B. hurry up C. give up D. catch up with 12. He is a little ________ than you. A. fat B. fater C. fatter D. fattest 13. Watching TV ________ is bad for your eyes.

A. much too B. many too C. too much D. to many 14. You’d better look up the new word in a dictionary _____ you don’t know it? (中考试题) A. if B. that C. though D. whether

15. I bet Mrs. Black will come to help us with the celebration if she ______ too busy tomorrow. A. is B. will be C. won’t be D. isn’t (中考试题) 16. All the students in Class 5 will climb the mountain if it _______ rain tomorrow. (中考试题) A. won’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. doesn’t

17. Attention, please. There ____ a football game between China and Korea this evening. (中考试题) A. is going to be B. has been C. has D. will have

18. ____ will be a basketball game tomorrow. (中考试题 ) A. There B. That C. It 19. Do you know there will __________ English party this Friday. (中考试题) A. have an B. hold an C. is an D. be an

20. The plane will ________from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. (中考试题) A. take up B. take out C. take away D. take off

21. He likes the book but it ______ too much.(中考真题) A pays B costs C takes D spends Ⅲ.根据汉语意思, 完成下列句子

1. 如果你向他请求, 他会帮助你。 If you _____ him, he _________ you.

2. 我说那天是星期二, 实际上是星期一。I said it _____Tuesday, but ______ it was Monday.

3. 为了赶火车, 她匆匆做完了她的工作。___________ catch the train, she hurried through her work. 4. 她问那是否够了。She asked ____________ enough. 5. 我们玩得很快乐。We have ______________. Ⅳ.翻译下列句子

1.如果你不赶快走, 你就会迟到。

2 .如果你爱你的父母, 你应当帮他们做做家务。

3. 如果你更友善一些, 你会教上很多好朋友。

4.如果你带外校的朋友来, 老师会让他们离开。

5. 如果你不完成作业, 妈妈不会让你玩电游。

6. 当你看到Bill Gates, 你会对他说些什么?

篇五:Keys to Ten cet4 Exercises


Exercise 1

1-5 DCCCB 6-10 ACDAC

11-15 CDBBA 16-20 BDADB 21-25 ACCAC


26-29 manage single abilities suspected 30-33 geographical recognized straightforward guide

34. navigate by the stars for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost

35. If they are to do so, they must have a precise sense of time

36. many birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map

Section A

Conversation One

exhausted contract dispute clients agents fourth inner ring road odd queer bizarre

fight traffic weird things business trip

Conversation Two

give ...a tour entrance master bedroom former resident

Section B 11:15

Passage One

The people of Tibet call it a Yeti. Yeti means Wild man of the Mountain.

A Yeti is an animal that is part man and part bear. People who live in Tibet believe in the Yeti. They tell strange stories about it.

There are even those who say they have seen a Yeti. They say it is about the size of a tall man. It is covered with reddish brown hair. The face is flat like a monkey’s. The head comes to a point. Most often the Yeti walks on two legs. When it is frightened, it runs on all fours. Its voice is loud and is often heard in the evening.

So far no one has been lucky enough to capture a Yeti. But footprints have been found. The footprints are large. Pictures of the tracks have been taken. They show that the Yeti has four toes and walks with bare feet in the cold mountain snow. Some people say these footprints are the tracks of a bear. Still others say they are the tracks of a monkey. The people of Tibet say the tracks are made by the Yeti.

Passage Two 13:50

In America, the first aim of education was to prepare children to read the Scripture(大写)圣経and its intent意图,目的was religious. ____1____ the purpose was to enable people to read and write, and take part in the ____2____ process. Still later, the purpose became to prepare young people for jobs in a modern society. At no time was the aim of education to prepare students to become ____3____ or complete human beings. This aspect of education was left to the home, church, ____4____, and the city streets. To a certain large extent, it still ____5____ there. Yet in a society that can easily be ____6____, one in which ____7____ will reduce the human factors in industrial production, the purpose of education must once again change. It must begin to educate people to live full and meaningful lives in which ―jobs‖ are at best only incidental, or at least for jobs that are ____8____ toward human service rather than physical productivity物质生产.

illiterate improve literacy

In America, the first aim of education was to prepare children to read the Scripture(大写)圣経and its intent意图,目的was religious. Later on the purpose was to enable people to read and write, and take part in the democratic process. Still later, the purpose became to prepare young people for jobs in a modern society. At no time was the aim of education to prepare students to become individuals or complete human beings. This aspect of education was left to the home, church, mass media, and the city streets/ community. To a certain large extent, it still remains there. Yet in a society that can easily be foreseen, one in which mechanization will reduce the human factors in industrial production, the purpose of education must once again change. It must begin to educate people to live full and meaningful lives in which ―jobs‖ are at best only incidental, or at least for jobs that are oriented toward human service rather than physical productivity物质生产.

quality-oriented exam-oriented orientation oriental

Passage Three 16:18

On August 27, 1783, the people of the village of Gonesse in France looked up into the sky and saw a strange and terrible animal. It was huge and round and it was floating down from the sky. It landed in a field just

outside the village. It was clear to the people that they had to defend themselves. The animal was clearly some kind of terrible ―monster‖. They were afraid of the monster, but they were also very brave. They rushed out into the field and attacked the animal with knives and sticks and farming tools. The monster made terrible noises, like an animal that can breathe only with great difficulty. But that was not the worst thing. When the villagers cut into the monster’s skin, it gave off a horrible smell. And even after the villagers had cut the thing open, it still moved. Finally, the villagers tied it to a horse. The horse ran through the fields and the monster was torn to pieces.

What was this terrible monster? The answer is that it was one of the first hot air balloons. Its skin was made of silk and a kind of rubber. The terrible smell was the hot air inside the balloon. When the hot air escaped through the cuts in the skin, it also caused the horrible noises.

Exercise 2

1-5 DCBBD 6-10 ACCAB

11-15 AAABB 16-20 BACDB 21-25 ACACB

