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Potato chips are popular with young people . They look really thin and they taste very delicious , crispy and a little salty . Although I like to eat them , I don’t eat them too much . Because they are not good for my health . They were invented by mistake . They were invented by a cook called George Crum in 1853 . Do you know how to make potato chips ? First , George Crum cut the potaoes really thin and then cooked them for a long time until they were crispy . Finally , he put lots of salt on them so they were really salty . They are popular both in the past and now . 范文2:

Potato chips are popular with young people . They look really , really thin and a little golden . They taste crispy and really salty . Did you know they were invented by mistake ? They were invented by a cook George Crum in 1853 . One day , a customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough or salty enough . George Crum was very angry , so he cut the potatoes really thin and cooked them for a long time until they were crispy . And he put lots of salt on them .

I like them very much because they are delicious . Do you like them ?


Potato chips are popular with young people . They look really , really thin and a little golden . They taste crispy and salty . It’s said that they were invented by mistake . They were invented by a cook George Crum in 1853 . Do you want to know how to make them ? First , cut the potatoes really thin . And then cook them for a long time until they are crispy . Finally , put lots of salt on them .

Though they are junk food , I eat them almost every day because they are delicious . Do you like them ?

篇二:The History of the Potato Chips 薯片的由来

The History of the Potato Chips

1853, Saratoga Springs, New York

As a world food, potatoes are second in human consumption only to rice. And as thin, salted, crisp chips, they are America's favorite snack food. Potato chips originated in New England as one man's variation on the French-fried potato, and their production was the result not of a sudden stroke of culinary invention but of a fit of pique.

In the summer of 1853, American Indian George Crum was employed as a chef at an elegant resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. On Moon Lake Lodge's restaurant menu were French-fried potatoes, prepared by Crum in the standard, thick-cut French style that was popularized in France in the 1700s and enjoyed by Thomas Jefferson as ambassador to that country. Ever since Jefferson brought the recipe to America and served French fries to guests at Monticello, the dish was popular and serious dinner fare.

At Moon Lake Lodge, one dinner guest found chef Crum's French fries too thick for his liking and rejected the order. Crum cut and fried a thinner batch, but these, too, met with disapproval. Exasperated, Crum decided to rile the guest by producing French fries too thin and crisp to skewer with a fork.

The plan backfired. The guest was ecstatic over the browned, paper-thin potatoes, and other diners requested Crum's potato chips, which began to appear on the menu as Saratoga Chips, a house specialty. Soon they were packaged and sold, first locally, then throughout the New England area. Crum eventually opened his own restaurant, featuring chips. At that time, potatoes were tediously peeled and sliced by hand. It was the invention of the mechanical potato peeler in the 1920s that paved the way for potato chips to soar from a small specialty item to a top-selling snack food.

For several decades after their creation, potato chips were largely a Northern dinner dish. In the 1920s, Herman Lay, a traveling salesman in the South, helped popularize the food from Atlanta to Tennessee. Lay peddled potato chips to Southern grocers out of the trunk of his car, building a business and a name that would become synonymous with the thin, salty snack. Lay's potato chips became the first successfully marketed national brand, and in 1961 Herman Lay, to increase his line of goods, merged his company with Frito, the Dallas-based producer of such snack foods as Fritos Corn Chips.

Americans today consume more potato chips (and Fritos and French fries) than any other people in the world; a reversal from colonial times, when New Englanders consigned potatoes largely to pigs as fodder and believed that eating the tubers shortened a person's life—not because potatoes were fried in fat and doused with salt, today's heart and hypertension culprits, but because the spud, in its unadulterated form, supposedly contained an aphrodisiac which led to behavior that was thought to be life shortening. Potatoes of course contain no aphrodisiac, though potato chips are frequently consumed with passion and are touted by some to be as satisfying as sex.

Editor's Note: If you enjoyed this story you will love "Panati's Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Thing". It is in print and I got my copy at Barnes and Nobles.










四(1)班 李思涵

今天,我买了一小袋薯片。吃完后,我和妈妈开始聊薯片的配料。 我指着“谷氨酸钠”问妈妈:“听你经常讲不要吃太多酱油,里面有“谷氨酸钠”,这玩意儿到底有什么害处呢?”妈妈摇着袋子说:“它会妨碍锌的吸收,缺锌会使儿童发育迟缓,你就长不了这么高了!”说着把我按了按。我又问:“那个阿斯巴甜呢?”妈妈绘声绘色地说:“这东西更讨厌哦!有人对这个过敏,吃一点儿就会抽搐,头昏,吃多了还可能死亡哦!”我疑惑地问:“那我吃了怎么没有抽搐呢?”妈妈支支吾吾地说:“这个嘛。。。。。。因为你吃的太少了吧,而且,你肯定对它不过敏。”我说:“说个有益的吧,难道薯片里的配料都是有害的?”妈妈看了袋子一会儿,说:“看这个“酵母提取物”,它就比较有营养,蛋白质含量很高。还有“麦芽糊精”本身也有一定的营养,但不能加在奶粉里。中国有奶粉厂家在奶粉里添加麦芽糊精来滥竽充数,如果是婴儿的话,长期喝就会营养不良。”我似懂非懂地点了点头。我又看到了“二氧化硅”,问:“这东东我知道,不是做玻璃用的吗,怎么跑薯片里了?”妈妈愤愤地说:“是呀,现在的中国人真是像蟑螂一样,连玻璃的原材料都吃。看,还有这个柠檬黄,听起来像是从柠檬里提取的,其实就是人造色素!”我一头雾水地问妈妈:“既然这里面有这么多有害的东西,为什么还要放进去害人呢?”妈妈说:“缺了这些添加剂就不好吃了呀!小朋友们嫌味道不好吃,颜色不好看,就不会买了啊!”我说:“真看不出这么一小袋薯片,竟然加了这么多的添加剂!”爸爸插话说:“所以你以后要少吃零食啊!”我义正言辞地说:“这些厂家真坏啊,为了赚钱而不择手段,毒害下一代。还有那些检查食品安全的人,良心都被狗吃了!”妈妈忍不住笑道:“没想到你小小年纪,正义感还蛮强的嘛!” 我认为我们国家的食品安全真的要整治一下了。你认为呢?


第17讲 九年级Units 5-6
















1.be for 以??闻名;为人知晓

2.no 不论;无论

3. far 据我所知

4.have a 有道理的

5.by 偶然;意外地

6.take 发生;出现

7. 毫无疑问

8.all of 突然;猛地

9.by 错误地;无意中

10.divide..... 把??分开

11.... ...不但??而且??

12. 钦佩;仰慕

13.encourage sb. 鼓励某人做某事

1. ?这些衬衫是由什么制成的?

2.When the leaves are ,they for processing.当叶子成熟时,它们被手工采摘然后被送去加工。

3.China is 中国因茶而出名。


5. is the hot ice-cream scoop for?热冰淇淋勺子是用来做什么的?

6.Potato chips

7.It is that the first basketball game in history on December 21,1891.人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。

8., Chinese players,in the NBA has increased.NBA中包括中国球员在内的外国球员数量有所增加。



A few pears remain on the tree.树上还留有几个梨子。

The room remains cool all summer.这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。




【活学活用】 选出能代替画线部分的一项)____(2013,黄冈)

A.remained of B.was left C.needed D.remembered



I doubt whether he can come here on time.我怀疑他是否能准时到这儿来。

I don't doubt that he will come to help me.我相信他会来帮助我的。



without doubt毫无疑问的;的确



He is the cleverest student I've ever taught.

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:薯片的发明英语作文)



He divided the cake among the children.他把这块蛋糕分给了孩子们。

Let's divide ourselves into several groups.让我们分成几个小组吧。

The students in our class are divided into eight groups.我们班的学生被分成了8个小组。


divide动词,意为“分开;分散”,常用于短语divide...into...中,意为“把??分开;把??分为??”,表示把一个整体分为若干部分。其被动语态为be divided into...意为“被分成??”。


3)A year has four seasons and it ____ twelve different star signs.(2013,白银)

A.divided into B.is dividing into C.divided into D.is divided into

?It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891.人们认为历史上的第一场篮球比赛是在1891年12月21日举行的。


It's believed that ancient Chinese invented powder.=People believe that ancient Chinese invented powder.人们认为古代中国人发明了火药。

It's said that he saved two boys from the river.据说他从河里救了两个男孩。


“It is believed+that从句”意为“据认为??”,“人们认为/相信??”,相当于“People believe that...”。 此类用法还有It's said that...据说??;It's thought that...人们认为??;It's known that...众所周知??



every family has 2.8 mobile phones on average now.

2)It is (say) that many drinks are bad for our health.

?Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play,but it has also become a popular sport to watch.篮球不仅成为受欢迎的运动,篮球赛也成为人们喜欢观看的比赛。


Not only his parents but also he likes living in China.不仅他父母而且他也喜欢居住在中国。

I like not only reading but also painting after school.放学后,我不仅喜欢看书而且喜欢画画。


not only...but (also)...不仅??而且??,连接两个并列形式的词或短语。当它连接两个并列形式的词或短语作主语时,句中的动词与离它最近的主语在人称和数量上保持一致。


3)____ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.

A.Neither;nor B.Not only;but also C.Both;and D.Either;or

?He found it interesting that...


I found that he was an honest boy.我发现他是一个诚实的孩子。

We found it very easy to learn English well.我们发现学好英语是非常简单的。

He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现地上有一个钱包。


find+that从句 发现??

find+it+adj.+to do sth. 发现做某事是怎么样的

find+宾语+宾补(形容词、名词、动名词) 发现??


4)We find ____ impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.(2013,盐城)

A.that B.this C.one D.it

5)I found a letter ___ on the floor when I came into the classroom.(2013,梅州)

A.lying B.lay C.lie D.lies

?be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in,be made by,be made up of


This salad is made of apple,pear,potato and celery.这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。

Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄酿成的。

This piece of wood will be made into a small bench.这块木头将要被制成一个小凳子。

These caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。

The model car was made by him/hand.这个模型汽车是他/手工制造的。

Our class is made up of 50 students.我们的班级是由50名学生组成的。


be made of意为“由??制成”,从制成品中可以看得出原材料。

be made from意为“由??制成”,制成的物品完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作的过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已经无法辨认。

be made into意为“被制成??”,into后接成品。

be made in意为“在某地被制造”,in后接地点。

be made by意为“被??制造”,by后接执行这个动作的人或方式。

be made up of意为“由??组成”,通常指由许多部分组成。

【活学活用】1B 2 without doubt 3 D 1 It is believed that 2 said 3 B 4 D 5 A

1)—Is the wine made ____ grapes? —Yes,it's made ________ France.(2014,黔东南)

A.of;in B.from;in C.from;by D.of;as


【典例在线】 Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。

The scientists discovered a big oil field in Xinjiang in the 1980s.二十世纪八十年代科学家们在新疆发现了一个大油田。


invent动词,意为“发明”,指通过劳动,运用聪明才智“发明、创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物。 discover动词,意为“发现”,指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事情,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新性质或新用途。


2)Can you tell me who the telephone?

3)Who is the scientist that first Radium (镭)?



—Thank you for your help.谢谢你帮我。

—It's my pleasure./My pleasure.不用谢。

I had a pleasant trip in New York.我在纽约度过一次愉快的旅行。

I'm pleased to get the present.收到这个礼物我很高兴。

【拓展精析】1 B 2 invented 3 discovering4D

pleasure作名词,意为“高兴;愉快”。常见用法为:It's a pleasure./My pleasure./With pleasure.


pleased作形容词,意为“感到高兴的;满意的”,主语为人,常用结构:be pleased with,be pleased to do sth.


4)—So kind of you to give me a ride to the station. —____.(2013,泰安)

A.It doesn't matter B.Never mind C.Don't mention it D.My pleasure


1.If you want to get more information about the movie,please visit the 网站).

2.There is no milk or eggs in the (冰箱).Let's go and buy some now!

3.Confucius is a (先驱) in the field of education.

4.The (表面) of the table is very dirty,please clean it up!

5. Throw it away!(2013,宁波)

6.There is no that she will succeed because she works hard all the time.

7.Don't forget to your bike.Some bikes were lost last night.

8.We all know that Paris is in .


9.Many trees 2013,宿迁)

10.Please say “I'm here” when your name (call).(2013,滨州)

11.My teacher did what he could to make his class (live).

12.When I got home yesterday afternoon,it (rain) hard.(2013,滨州)

13.I think the tea is one of the (popular) drinks in the world.

14.—Would you like to play computer games with us? —Yes,with (please).

15.The cook put some salt into the soup but it still wasn't (salt) enough.


16.—Your sweater looks very nice.What's it made ____?

—Wool,and it's made ________ Guiyang.(2013,黔西南)

A.from;on B.of;in C.of;on D.from;in

17.At times,parents find it difficult ____ with their teenage children.(2014,随州)

A.talk B.talked C.talking D.to talk

18.—Can I smoke here? —Sorry,smoking ____.(2013,绵阳)

A.not allow B.isn't allowing C.doesn't allow D.isn't allowed

19.The Olympic Games of 2016 will ____ in Brazil.(2014,无锡)

A.take after B.take off C.take place D.take away

20.This is my twin sister,Lucy.Not only she but I ____ good at drawing.

A.is B.am C.are D.be



he isn't coming today.


Look!The ground snow.


That child broke his leg when he was climbing the mountain.


He left without saying a word.


Children should their parents.




1.称呼:写在第一行左边,顶格书写。常用的称呼有Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss...,Dear Sir/Madam,Ladies and gentlemen,Boys and girls等。


3.结束语:演讲结束时,一般要以“That's all.Thank you!”结束。






1.May I have your attention,please?注意,听我说好吗?

2.I'm very happy to have the chance to speak here.很高兴有机会在这儿发言。

3.I'd love to share with you something about...我很乐意和你们分享一些关于??的事情。

4.Allow me to...请允许我??

5.I think we must...我认为我们必须??

6.Let's try our best to...让我们尽最大努力??

7.I hope what I said is helpful.我希望我说的话是有用的。
