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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:09:04 字数作文

篇一:Prince William And Kate Middleton

Prince William And Kate Middleton’s Wedding

Today I feel very honored to have the opportunity to stand here giving a presentation to you guys. Now let’s talk about a very special wedding- Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

(1)Who are Prince William and Kate Middleton? What do they do?

Now let’s see the answer.

·Prince William

He is the prince of Britain, the second-in-line to the throne. His grandmother is Queen Elizabeth II(伊丽莎白二世). Everyone in Britain knows him and he is well known for good qualities; many girls from the world want to marry him.

·Kate Middleton

She is born in a very common family in Britain, which runs a company for children’s toys. She is a pretty excellent student and good at many sports and arts. She always radiates a warm personality and is very bubbly with a great sense of humor.

·Prince William And Kate Middleton are both 28.They announced their engagement after an eight-year courtship that began at U

kate and kimi

niversity. On 29th April, 2011, prince William and Kate Middleton will get married. It is a universally unforgettable day. On that day, there will be lots of people watching this gorgeous wedding in the world. It has been designated an official public holiday, a national celebration.

(2)the route of the wedding:

Now let’s look through the route of the wedding. This young couple will start from Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫), which is the Britain royal’s dormitory. They will take the car to go to the church. This car’s brand is Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯), a very famous motorcar brand. On their way to the wedding, they will visit many places of interest in Britain. They are The Mall(林荫大道); St. James Parks(圣詹姆斯公园);Horse guards(皇家阅兵广场);White Hall白厅.White Hall is a very famous street .Look, this is Big Ben(大本钟)and this is Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂),the place they will hold their wedding. This is the Thames River(泰晤士河). There are many political offices in White Hall, and the most famous one is the Downing Street 10(唐宁街10号),where the Premier David Cameron(大卫卡梅伦) lives there. Of course he will welcome the couple outside his house. After all of that, the couple will go to Westminster Abbey to have the wedding, and Prince William will give Kate Middleton a diamond ring, belonging to his mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Finishing the gorgeous wedding ceremony, they will return to Buckingham Palace by this vehicle, designed by an Australian craftsman for six years, including 24 diamonds, 130 sapphires and more than 400 golden leaves. Once inside the Palace, the Queen will give a reception for the couple and guests.

(3) why is it so popular?

There are three reasons

·The King or Queen is the head of state; They are the symbol of Britain and its history.

·The wedding is an opportunity for UK to show the tradition to the whole world; let the world to comprehend this country.

·The wedding brings lots of business profits like tourism; there are also some products about the wedding that sell

well throughout the world.

Now let’s see some products of the wedding:

the coffee cups represent the royal members; the pottery; the handset made from the biggest handset retailer in Europe, Carphone Warehouse; the toys from Japan; the coins, also it is said that Kate Middleton is angry at the coins, because she seems very ugly while Prince William is handsome.

Sarah Burton beats other competitors to design the wedding veil.


At last, I want to give my best wishes to Mr. Jiang that one day he can find his beautiful half and walk into the perfect wedding. That’s all. Thank you!

篇二:凯特王妃的第二个孩子 The Second Child of Princess Kate

凯特王妃的第二个孩子 The Second Child of Princess Kate Princess Kate catches the world's attention since she married the Prince William. About a year ago, Princess Kate gave birth to a boy, people from Britain are happy for them, they keep their eyes on the little prince. The good news for the loyal is that Princess Kate has the second child, she will be a mother again. When the world's curious about the sex of the baby, Kate went to the hospital yesterday, after two hours, her second baby was coming, it is a girl. What the great news for Kate, she has a boy and a daughter now. When the world was giving her the best wishes, she came out of the hospital with her baby in her arm. Kate took recovery in 10 hours, how amazing she is. She looks gorgeous, she is a strong woman。 自从凯特王妃和威廉王子结婚以来,她吸引了全世界的目光。大约一年前,凯特王妃生了个男孩,英国人民为王子夫妇开心,他们把目光都放在了这个小王子身上。对王室来说还有一个好消息,那就是凯特王妃有了第二个孩子,她将再次成为母亲。就在全世界都好奇孩子的性别时,凯特昨天进入医院,两个小时过后,她的第二个孩子来到了这个世界上,是个女孩。对凯特来说这是个多么好的消息啊,如今她儿女双全。当全世界都在给予凯特最好的祝福时,她出院了,抱着她的孩子。凯特仅仅用了是个小时就恢复了,多么令人惊叹啊。她看起来是如此的美丽,她是个坚强的女人。

篇三:凯特王妃的第二个孩子 The Second Child of Princess Kate

凯特王妃的第二个孩子 The Second Child of Princess Kate Princess Kate catches the world's attention since she married the Prince William. About a year ago, Princess Kate gave birth to a boy, people from Britain are happy for them, they keep their eyes on the little prince. The good news for the loyal is that Princess Kate has the second child, she will be a mother again. When the world's curious about the sex of the baby, Kate went to the hospital yesterday, after two hours, her second baby was coming, it is a girl. What the great news for Kate, she has a boy and a daughter now. When the world was giving her the best wishes, she came out of the hospital with her baby in her arm. Kate took recovery in 10 hours, how amazing she is. She looks gorgeous, she is a strong woman。 自从凯特王妃和威廉王子结婚以来,她吸引了全世界的目光。大约一年前,凯特王妃生了个男孩,英国人民为王子夫妇开心,他们把目光都放在了这个小王子身上。对王室来说还有一个好消息,那就是凯特王妃有了第二个孩子,她将再次成为母亲。就在全世界都好奇孩子的性别时,凯特昨天进入医院,两个小时过后,她的第二个孩子来到了这个世界上,是个女孩。对凯特来说这是个多么好的消息啊,如今她儿女双全。当全世界都在给予凯特最好的祝福时,她出院了,抱着她的孩子。凯特仅仅用了是个小时就恢复了,多么令人惊叹啊。她看起来是如此的美丽,她是个坚强的女人。

篇四:隔世情缘 Kate and Leopold 中英文剧本

隔世情缘 Kate and Leopold 中英文剧本




, is the fourth dimension.


mortal man,

Time has no dimension at all.



We're like horses with blinders,


seeing only what lies before us.


Forever guessing the future...


and fabricating the past.






How, you ask, can we lift these shackles...

And live not in the moment



而是遨游在 浩瀚无垠的时空?


Listen and I shall tell you.

秘决就在于 如何创造不朽的成就

The secret lies in the enduring power of our achievements...

our creations!



As the pyramids testify to the Egyptians,...

so my glorious erection shall represent...



our culture .


Behold rising before you,...

将是美洲大陆 最伟大的擎天之柱

the greatest erection .


The greatest erection of the age!


The greatest erection !


Hold this.

请拍一张相片 , Your Grace.


I understand you're making an importan t announcement tonight.


Good afternoon, ladies. Excuse me, please.

篇五:A Kiss for Kate

A Kiss for Kate

Every afternoon when I came on duty as the evening nurse, I would walk the halls of the nursing home, pausing at each door to chat and observe. Often, Kate and Chris, their big scrapbooks in their laps, would be reminiscing over the photos. Proudly, Kate showed me pictures of bygone years: Chris —tall, blond, handsome; Kate pretty, dark-haired, laughing. Two young lovers smiling through the passing seasons. How lovely they looked now, sitting there, the light shining on their white heads, their time-wrinkled faces smiling at the memories of the years, caught and held forever in the scrapbooks.

How little the young know of loving, I'd think. How foolish to think they have a monopoly on such a precious commodity. The old know what loving truly means; the young can only guess.

Kate and Chris were always together—in the dining room, the lounge, strolling around the big porches and lawns, always holding hands. As we staff members ate our evening meal, sometimes Kate and Chris would walk slowly by the dining-room doors. Then conversation would turn to a discussion of the couple's love and devotion, and what would happen when one of them died. We knew Chris was the strong one, and Kate was dependent upon him.

How would Kate function if Chris were to die first? We often wondered.

Bedtime followed a ritual. When I brought the evening medication, Kate would be sitting in her chair, in nightgown and slippers, awaiting my arrival. Under the watchful eyes of Chris and myself, Kate would take her pill, then carefully Chris would help her from the chair to the bed and tuck the covers in around her frail body.

Observing this act of love, I would think for the thousandth time, good heavens, why don't nursing homes have double beds for married couples? All their lives they have slept together, but in a nursing home, they're expected to sleep in single beds. Overnight they're deprived of a comfort of a lifetime.

How very foolish such policies are, I would think as I watched Chris reach up and turn off the light above Kate's bed. Then tenderly he would bend, and they would kiss gently. Chris would pat her cheek, and both would smile. He would pull up the side rail on her bed, and only then would he turn and accept his own medication. As I walked into the hall, I could hear Chris say, “Good night, Kate,” and her returning voice, “Good night, Chris,” while the space of an entire room separated their two beds.

I had been off duty two days and when I returned, the first news I heard was, “Chris died yesterday morning.”


“A heart attack. It happened quickly.”

“How's Kate?”


I went into Kate's room. She sat in her chair, motionless, hands in her lap, staring. Taking her hands in mine, I said, “Kate, it's Phyllis.”

Her eyes never shifted; she only stared. I placed my hand under her chin and slowly turned her head so she had to look at me.

“Kate, I just found out about Chris. I'm so sorry.”

At the word “Chris”, her eyes came back to life. She looked at me, puzzled, as though wondering how I had suddenly appeared. “ Kate, it's me, Phyllis. I'm so sorry about Chris.”

Recognition and sadness flooded her face. Tears welled up and slid down her cheeks. “Chris is gone,” she whispered.

“I know,” I said. “I know.”

We pampered Kate for a while, letting her eat in her room, surrounding her with special attention. Then gradually the staff worked her back into the old schedule. Often, as I went past her room, I would observe Kate sitting in her chair, scrapbooks on her lap, gazing sadly at pictures of Chris.

Bedtime was the worst part of the day for Kate. Although she was allowed to move from her bed to Chris's bed, and although the staff chatted and laughed with her as they tucked her in for the night, still Kate remained silent and sadly withdrawn. Passing her room an hour after she had been tucked in, I'd find her wide awake, staring at the ceiling.

The weeks passed, and bedtime wasn't any better. She seemed so restless, so insecure. Why? I wondered. Why this time of day more than the other hours?

Then one night as I walked into her room, only to find the same wide-awake Kate, I said impulsively, “Kate, could it be you miss your good-night kiss?” Bending down, I kissed her wrinkled cheek.

It was as though I had opened the floodgates. Tears ran down her face; her hands gripped mine. “Chris always kissed me good-night,” she cried.

“I know,” I whispered.

“ I miss him so, all those years he kissed me good-night.” She paused while I wiped the tears. “ I just can't seem to go to sleep without his kiss.”

She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears. “Oh, thank you for giving me a kiss.”

A small smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “You know,” she said confidentially, “Chris used to sing me a song.”

“He did?”

“Yes,”—her white head nodded—“and I lie here at night and think about it.”

“How did it go?”

Kate smiled, held my hand and cleared her throat. Then her voice, small with age but still melodious, lifted softly in song:

So kiss me, my sweet, and so let us part.

And when I grow too old to dream,

That kiss will live in my heart.
