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篇一:剑6 TEST2 小作文

The table depicts some figures about changes of public choices in ways of travel which involving walking, bicycle, car, local bus, long distance bus, train, other in England over the period from 1985 to 2000.

Among a variety of travel modes, driving car to travel was popular with most of people in 1985 which is the same as in the year 2000. The figure climb from 3199( per person per year ) to 4806( per person per year ) during the 15 years .

In England, people also tend to travelling by train and walking . The tendency of travel by train moderately increased while the tendency of walking travelling slowly inclines to 237( per person per year ) between 1985 and 2000. It is worth mentioning that the number of people travelling by local bus decreases by 155( per person per year ). At the meantime in 2000 the number of people travelling by long distance bus and taxi are over 2 times more than that in 1985. In a word, the ways of travel and the popularity of travel modes varies a lot in eight different travelling mode in England.

单位不对 miles是单位 你的文章没有体现出来 语法还可以 6分

篇二:剑4 test 1 小作文

The graph demonstrates the percentages of different kinds of households living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

As can be seen from the table that there are seven categories of families whose living conditions were in poverty——single aged person, aged couple,single with no children people, couple with no children people, sole parents,couple with children and all households. More exactly, to start with, the figure for sole parent represented was the biggest about 21% of the total number, which is similar to the number(19%) of single with no children. Besides, all households and couple with children had alike percentages of 11% and 12%. By contrast, the proportion for aged person was the smallest one about 4%. Similarly, aged people and couple with no children were about 6% and 7%, respectively.

Therefore, we can see from the picture that the reason why families became poverty was mainly related to if have children and the numbers of parents who brought the major income.

篇三:雅思剑6作文test2 task1

题目:the table below give information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. (表只能忽略了,呵呵)

The table above demonstrates some relevant information about the changes of average distance in miles travelled per person per year in Britain from 1985 to 2000.

Obviously, the average distance of all modes of travel shows an increasing trend. Car, which is the main transport method for Englishmen both in 1985 and 2000, dramatically rises with a growth of approximately 1600 miles. Simultaneously, the average distance in miles of long distance bus in 2000 has become more than twice of that of 1985, while the figure of taxi, which is the most unpopular in 1985, almost thripled in 2000. As for train and the other modes the figure also increased with quite degrees.

However, with the figures of the majority of all modes of travel rising, walking, as well as bike which is the most

original mode of travel declines slightly. Meanwhile, the figure of local bus dropped notably from 429 to 274.

Overall, every mode of travel altered with various degrees between 1985 and 2000. The total average distance in miles rises undoubtedly, however.(175词)


第一篇 题型一

?i ?ii ?iii ?iv ?v ?vi ?vii ?viii ?ix ?x for doctors?

第一篇 题型二

?8 very limited budget.

?9 Kim Schaefer?s may be open to criticism on moral grounds.

?of little use to doctors.

?clearly visible in the healthcare environment.

?without doctors’ prescriptions. ?13It is legitimateB段

?正数第一行“But on any given day, what Schaefer can offer is typical for today?s drugs rep- a car trunk full of promotional gifts and gadgets, a budget that could buy lunches and dinner for a small country, hundreds of free drug samples and the freedom to give a physician $200 to prescribe her new product to the next six patients who fit the drug?s profile ”,对应第八题。


?正数第三行“They work in an industry highly criticized for its sales and marketing practices ”,对应第九题。


?正数第三行“Salespeople provide much-needed information and education to physicians. In many cases the glossy brochures, article reprints and prescriptions they deliver are primary sources of drug education for healthcare givers ”,对应第十题。


?正数第三行“Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn?t emblazoned with a drug?s name, or see a nurse use a tablet not bearing a pharmaceutical company?s logo. Millions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies on promotional products like coffee mugs, shirts, umbrellas, and golf balls ”,对应第十一题。


?正数第一行“Free samples of new and expensive drugs might be the single most effective way of getting doctors and patients to become loyal to a product. Salespeople hand out hundreds of dollars? worth of samples each week-$7.2 billion worth of them in one year ”,对应第十二题。


?正数第四行“In the end the fact remains that pharmaceutical companies have every right to make a profit and will continue to find new ways to increase sales ”,对应第十三题。

第二篇 题型一

?14…… to read child health and 15 ……. However, it has been known whether these two factors were directly linked or not. This question has been by 16 …… in Nicaragua. As a result, such as 17 …… andand it has been shown that

18 …… can in itself 第二篇 题型一

?A child literacy B men and women

?C an international research team

?D medical care E mortality F maternal literacy

?G adults and children H paternal literacy

?I a National Literacy Crusade J family wealth

第二篇 题型二

?19 had learnt to read when they were children.

?20 Before the National Literacy Crusade, had approximately the same levels of infant mortality as?21 stayed at about 110 deaths for each thousand live births.

第二篇 题型二

?22 the greatest change in infant mortality levels.

?23 The women who had learnt to read through the National Literacy Crusade had the lowest rates of child mortality.

?24 After the National Literacy Crusade were found to be severely malnourished.

第二篇 题型三

?the passage?

A B C D Improving child health can E 第一段

?正数第一行“Children in developing countries are healthier and more likely to survive past the age of five when their mothers can read and write. Experts in public health accepted this idea decades ago ”,对应第十五题。


?正数第一行“and the fact that a woman has had an education may simply indicate her family?s wealth or that it values its children more highly. Now a long term study carried out in Nicaragua has eliminated these factors by showing that teaching reading to poor adult women, who would otherwise have remained illiterate, has a direct effect on their children?s health and survival ”,对应第十七题和第十八题。


?正数第二行“By 1985, about 300,000 illiterate adults from all over the country, many of whom had never attended primary school, had learnt how to read, write and use numbers ”,对应第十四题。


?正数第一行“During this period, researchers from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Central American Institute of Health in Nicaragua, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and the Costa Rican Institute of Health interviewed nearly 3,000 women, some of whom had learnt to read as children, some during the literacy crusade and some who had never learnt at all ”,对应第十六题和第十九题。


?正数第一行“In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births ”,对应第二十一题。

?倒数第二行“For women educated in primary school, however, the infant mortality rate was significantly lower, at 80 per thousand ”,对应第二十题。


?正数第三行“For those women who learnt to read through the campaign, the infant mortality rate was 84 per thousand, an impressive 21 points lower than for those women who were still illiterate ”,对应第二十二题和第二十三题。

?倒数第二行“The children of the newly-literate mothers were also better nourished than those of women who could not read ”,对应第二十四题。


?正数第一行“The Nicaraguan study may have important implications for governments and aid agencies that need to know where to direct their resources. Sandiford says that there is increasing evidence that female education, at any age, is ?an important health intervention in its own right? ”,对应第二十五和二十六题E选项。


?正数第二行“But we thought that if we started educating girls today, we?d have to wait a generation for the pay-off ”,对应第二十五和第二十六题C选项。

第三篇 题型一

?i ?ii ?iii ?iv ?v ?vi ?vii

第三篇 题型二



?33 The writer thinks that the declaration ?

?34 第三篇 题型三


?e a 35…… which makes the school?s 36 …… as to how the school and its ?In additionthe 37 ……. This is particularly as a way of On its own, however, it is

第三篇 题型三

?Effective work can also be done with For example, 38 …… of bullying can be a ?? approach, which avoids confronting the offender too directly, is often effective. ?will be more effective if members of staff are trained to and mere 39 …….

第三篇 题型四



?C ?D A段

?正数第四行“in British primary schools up to a quarter of pupils reported experience of bullying, which in about one in ten cases was persistent. There was less bullying in secondary schools, with about one in twenty-five suffering persistent bullying ”,对应第三十一题。


?正数第三行“Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults ”,对应第三十二题。


?正数第一行“Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem. ?There is no bullying at this school? has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue ”,对应第三十三题。


?倒数第五行“In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved ”,对应第三十四题。 E段 第一小段

?正数第一行“Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying, saying clearly what is meant by bullying, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs ”,对应第三十五和第三十六题。

E段 第二小段

?正数第一行“Other actions can be taken to back up the policy. There are ways of dealing with the topic through the curriculum, using video, drama and literature. There are useful for raising awareness, and can best be tied in to early phases of development ”,对应第三十七题。

E段 第三小段

?正数第一行“There are also ways of working with individual pupils, or in small groups. Assertiveness training for pupils who are liable to be victims is worthwhile, and certain approaches to group bullying such as ?no blame? ”,对应第三十八题。

E段 第四小段

?正数第一行“Work in the playground is important, too. One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying from playful fighting ”,对应第三十九题。

篇五:剑6 Test 4 阅读部分文章结构、必会单词、译文

剑 6 Test 4READING READING PASSAGE 1文章结构体 主 裁 题 议论+说明文 医药行贿。段落概括 A段 B段 C段 D段 E段 F段 G段 举例说明医生向医药代表索要礼物。 列举医药代表送给医生的各种常见礼物和好处。 提出问题:谁导致了医药行贿的攀升,是医生还是医药公司本身? 医药代表数量的增长对医药行贿的影响。 医药行贿并未止步于医生办公室。 提供免费药样是促使医生开具新药的最有效途径。 医药公司应更多的关注研发。本节考查词汇A段 sales representatives a major global pharmaceutical company a medical center free sample B段 be on offer drug representatives gadget fit the drugs profile honoraria/honorarium C段 pharmaceuticals ethical judgment1销售代表 一家全球性大 制药公司 医疗中心 免费样品 提供 医药代表 n. n. n. 小玩意 适合药物疗效 酬劳 医药品 伦理判断 practice bribe criticize D段 sheer much-needed brochure glossary reprint prescription investment in need of tremendous E段 flashy pamphlet inundation emblazon logo mug loyal hand out comprehensive studies availability dispense preferred G段 as a whole sky-rocketing grapple with make a profitn. n. v. adj. n. n. v. n. n. adj. adj. n. n. vt. n. n. adj.作法 贿赂 批评纯粹的 急需的 手册 术语 翻印 处方 投资 需要 巨大的华丽的 册子 洪水 饰以标志 标志 杯子忠诚的 分发 广泛研究n. vt. adj.获取 分发 偏好的总体上说 直线上升的 挣扎 赚取利润医药销售 (医药行业是北美洲利润空间最大的行业之一, 但是医药行业的销售和营销策略是否做的太 过分呢?) A. 几个月前,Kim Schaefer,这位全球主要医药公司的销售代表,走进了纽约的一家医疗2 中心,她带来了公司新产品的样品以及相关信息。那天她很走运,因为一位医生抽空接 待了她。 “上一位医药代表说要送我一次佛罗里达的旅行,你打算给我点什么呢?” ,这 位医生半开玩笑的问道。 B. 那天她能够提供的是两张纽约音乐剧的门票。但是随便在哪一天,她可以提供的东西与 今天的医药代表所能提供的都并无二致:满满一后备箱的促销礼品和小玩意,一份足以 给一个小国家购买午餐和晚餐的预算,几百份免费样品药,加上医生的一份特权,即接 下来的六位病人里,这位医生倘若给适用于此药疗效范畴的人开出此药,则每开一次就 可以得到 200 美元。另外,倘若医生能够参加公司举办的下一次教学讲座,她也可以提 供几张 1000 美元的酬谢卷。 C. 倘若从伦理上判断,药品销售是每天都在发生的行为。Schaefer 这样的销售人员每天游 走于两件事之间:一,用请客吃饭来换取潜在客户的时间—这种做法比较普遍;二,贿 赂医生以使其在处

方中开出她销售的药品。这些销售人员所工作的行业一直因为销售和 营销方式而饱受批评,但是这些人却发现他们自己置身于那个老掉牙的困境当中:到底 是鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡。公司不会采用没有效果的策略,那么对于医药营销方面日益增长 的奢侈做法,医生应该受到谴责吗?抑或是应该由行业自身来划定界限? D. 该领域销售人员数量的急(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:剑6test4小作文)剧增长, 以及用以促销的资金数量的增长, 都迫使我们仔细的 研究医生和医药代表之间的压力、影响和关系。销售人员提供了最需要的信息和资讯给 医生。在很多情况下,医药代表提供的术语手册、翻印文章和处方是提供医疗服务的人 获取药品信息的主要来源。伴随着医药行业在面对面的销售行为中投入的巨额资金,销 售人员其实已经成为某种或某些药品方面的专家,在那些需要快速获取信息的忙碌的医 生面前,这是一个巨大的优势,因为这可以使医生注意到自己。 E. 但是销售行为很少止步于办公室。在销售代表留下的花花绿绿的宣传手册之后,往往跟 随着高档饭店的大餐、于温暖明媚之所举办的会议,以及洪水般的促销礼品。病人们看 到医生们用来写字的笔上,上面大都印有药品名称。而护士们使用的药片上,也大都印 着药厂的 LOGO。医药公司要花上数百万美元用来制作促销礼品,如咖啡杯、衬衫、雨 伞和高尔夫球等等。这钱花的得当嘛?很难讲。 “我曾经收了一家公司送的高尔夫球, 也用了,但是我也没有开出他们的药品” ,一位医生说, “我很可能觉得我不会受到他们 送礼行为的影响。 ” F. 新药贵药的免费样品可能是使医生和病人变成某种药品忠实用户的唯一有效途径。销售 人员每周派发出价值数百美金的样品药,一年的价值可达 720 万美元。这方面的综合研 究并不多,不过华盛顿大学进行了一项研究,他们调查了样品药是否能够影响医生开具 的处方。131 位医生陈述了他们开具处方的模式,结论是,样品药的存在使得他们分发 并且开出一些与平常所用的不同的药品。 G. 问题的根本在于,医药公司作为一个整体,对于营销的投入要高于研发。而买单的是病 人, 他们以飞涨的药价支付着每支免费派发的笔、 每一张戏票和每一份免费牛排的费用。 最终,事实仍旧是,医药公司大把赚进钞票,而且不停的找到新的促销方式。但是,随 着医药界不断的思考哪些礼品更容易送出去这种问题,有一点很显然:医药公司必须继 续考量他们的销售和市场策略。3 READING PASSAGE 2文章结构体 主裁 题议论文 妇女的受教育程度与其子女的健康及存活率的关系段落概括 A段 B段 C段

D段 E段 F段 G段 H段 I段 J段 提出问题:母亲的识字能力是否与孩子的存活概率相关。 教会成年女性读写直接影响到孩子的健康和存活率。 1985 年 Nicarage 项目的内容。 几家研究机构联合研究的问题和研究对象的情况。 扫盲运动之前的 70 年代,各类母亲的婴儿死亡率。 扫盲运动之后,在 1985 年,各类母亲的婴儿死亡率及婴儿营养状况。 利物浦热带医学院研究的问题:即为什么有文化的母亲,其孩子的状 况会更好? Nicaragua 的研究对政府机构的意义。 Nicaragua 的研究表明女性教育见效快,其效果无须等待很久。 在其它国家实施和 Nicaragua 同样的扫盲方式未必有同样的效果。本节考查词汇A段 literate decade wealth Nicaragua eliminate adj. n. n. n. vt. 有文化的,识字的 十年 财富, 财产 尼加拉瓜 排除全国扫盲运动 Liverpool autonomous Costa Rica infancy well-nourished4n. adj. n. n. adj.利物浦 自治的 哥斯达黎加 幼年 营养良好的 investigator striking infant mortality rate campaign impressive curriculum clinics opt for exert implications intervention recommendation I段 maternal bypass notorious impactn. adj. adj.研究人员 惊人的 婴儿的 死亡率n. adj. n. n. v. vt. n. n. n. adj. vt. adj. n.(政治或商业性)活动 给人深刻印象的课程 诊所 选择 施加(压力等) 意义 干涉,影响 推荐,建议母亲的 忽略声名狼籍的 影响, 效果参考译文有文化的妇女是更称职的母亲吗? 发展中国家的孩子,如果其母亲会识字和写字,则其健康状况更好,寿命也更有可能超过 5 岁。公共卫生方面的专家几十年前就接受了这一观点,但是直到现在,也没有人能拿出确凿 的证据证实妇女的识字能力能够提高孩童存活的几率。 大部分识字的妇女是在小学里学习认字的,而有机会受教育刚好可以证明其家庭比较富有, 或其家庭更加重视孩子。目前,在 Nicaragua 开展的一项长期研究证明这些因素(家庭富有 或重视孩子---译者注)并不重要,他们教贫穷的成年妇女识字(否则这些妇女仍将是文盲) , 结果表明母亲识字对儿童的健康和生存几率确实有直接影响。 1979 年,Nicaragua 政府推出了诸多社会性项目,包括“国家扫盲运动” 。到 1985 年,来自 全国的大约 300000 名文盲成人学习了如何写字,阅读和使用数字,其中很多人从来都没有5 读过小学。 在此期间,来自四所科研院所的科学家调查了约 3000 名妇女,其中某些在儿时学过识字, 有些是在该运动期间学过, 而有一些则从没学过。 这些妇女被问及其子女数量及夭折子女数 量等问题。研究人员也调查了那些活着的孩子,以了解他们的营养状况。 研究人员的发现非常让人震惊。在 1970 年代

晚期,文盲母亲子女的婴儿死亡率大概在 110/1000。此时学习识字的母亲,后来所生子女的婴儿死亡率与此相当(105/1000) 。然而, 对于读过小学的妇女而言,其子女的死亡率要大大降低,大约 80/1000。 1985 年,在国家扫盲运动结束后,没有参加扫盲的文盲妇女和原本读过小学的妇女的子女 死亡率几乎没有变化。而参加了扫盲运动的妇女的子女死亡率为 84/1000,相比未参加扫盲 的文盲妇女,这个数字的降幅达到了 21 个点。对于后来受教育的母亲而言,其子女的营养 状况也比文盲母亲的子女要好。 为什么识字母亲的孩子状况较好呢?利物浦热带医学院的 Peter. Sandiford 认为, 答案无法确 定。 儿童健康方面的知识并不包含在妇女扫盲课程中, 所以他和同事在寻找其他方面的原因。 他们对同一组 3000 人进行了研究,试图探明是否识字母亲能够更好的利用医院和诊所、选 择少生孩子、对家庭有更多话语权、更快的学习现代幼儿保育技巧,还是仅仅是他们更加尊 重自己和孩子。 Nicaraguan 的研究对政府和援助机构来说可能具有重要的意义, 因为这些机构需要知道究竟 把资源用在何处。Sandiford 说,越来越多的证据表明,妇女在任何年龄受教育都会对其子 女健康带来重要影响。研究结论支持世界银行的建议,即发展中国家的教育投入应该增加, 不仅仅是为了刺激经济,也是为了改善儿童健康。 “长久以来,我们都知道妇女教育是很重要的” ,John Cleland 说, “但是我们以前认为,即 便现在就开始教育女孩子,我们也要等上几代人才能看到效果。Nicaraguan 的研究表明我们 可以忽略这种忧虑了。 ” Cleland 警告说,Nicaraguan 的扫盲运动在很多方面都很特殊,而在其他地方进行类似的运 动可能无法收到同样效果。 如果一项技巧不会给生活带来立竿见影的影响, 那么要教成年人 学会这种技巧的难度可想而知,而且其他国家举办的很多扫盲运动都远没有如此成功。 “我 们有一项更大的使命,就是改善人民的生活,而扫盲运动只是这项使命的一部分” ,Cleland 说。在其他国家复制这些条件对于改革者来说,是一个主要的挑战。6 READING PASSAGE 3文章结构体 主裁 题议论文+说明文 如何应对校园暴力段落概括 A段 B段 C段 D段 E段 F段 校园暴力的各种形式。 校园暴力的后果。 学校对校园暴力问题的态度转变。 促使学校发生态度转变的三个因素。 应对校园暴力的各种措施。 各种措施可以有效防止校园暴力。本节考查词汇A段 persistent bully psychology intervention taunt shove recalcitrant B段 depressed suicide victimize convict offence C段 consequence refrain D段 severity tackle n. vt

. 严重性 处理, 解决 苏格兰参议会7adj. v. n. n. n. n. adj. adj. n. v. vt. n. n. n.长期的 威吓, 欺凌 心理学, 心理状态 干涉,干预 辱骂 推, 挤 顽固沮丧的 自杀 牺牲,作…的牺牲品 犯…罪 冒犯,过错 结果 重复的话 package evaluation monitor Norway campaign Sheffield E explicit sanction consultation impose disseminate implement curriculum substitute individual assertive worthwhile confront playground distinguish environment boredom frustration F substantial reduction objectiven. n. vt. n. n. n. adj. n. n. vt. v. vt. n. n. adj. adj. adj. vt. n. v. n. n. n. adj. n. n.包,一套 评价 监控 挪威 (政治或商业性)活动 谢菲尔德 直白的 制裁 磋商 强加 散布 贯彻, 实现 课程 替代品 个别的, 单独的 断定的, 过分自信的 值得做的 使面临, 对抗 操场 区别, 辨别 环境 厌倦 挫折 大量的 减少 目标参考译文A. 校园暴力有多种形式,有口头攻击(被谩骂或者被起有伤自尊的绰号)和身体攻击(被 踢或者被推搡) ,也有间接形式,如被排除在社团之外。我与 Irene Whitney 合作的一项 研究发现,在英国小学中,高达四分之一的学生说自己遭受过校园暴力,其中有十分之 一是长期的。在高中里,校园暴力相对较少,大约有 1/25 的学生遭受长期校园暴力,但 这些案例有可能非常难处理。 B. 校园暴力当然会让人不快,也可能使遭受暴力的孩子感到自己毫无价值和沮丧失落。在 极端情况下甚至有可能导致自杀,尽管这种情况尚不多见。遭受暴力的学生更有可能在 成年后存在人际交往方面的困难,而施加暴力的学生则有可能在成年后具有暴力倾向,8 或者做出一些反社会的违法行为。 C. 目前,我们对这一话题的了解还不多,而老师也很少有办法应对校园暴力。这导致学校 否认校园暴力的存在。 “本校没有校园暴力”是很常见的回避说辞,而这种说法的可信 度都不高。所幸越来越多的学校开始承认“本校的校园暴力不多,但一旦发生,我们会 有明确的措施来处理。 ” D. 导致这一态度转变的有三个因素。第一是学校意识到了这一问题的严重性。第二,英国 已经找到了很多方法来辅助解决校园暴力。例如,SCRE 制作了一套材料,名为对抗校 园暴力,于 1992 年在英格兰,威尔士和苏格兰的各个学校派发,而且第二年就发行了 第二套,名为支持学校反抗校园暴力。在爱尔兰, “小学应对校园暴力指南”也于 1993 年出版。第三,有证据表明,这些材料确实在发挥作用,而且学校也已经做出了一些成 绩。这一结论是在对参与调查的学校进行“前前后后”的调查后得出的,调查过程受到 了一个研究团队的监督。在挪威实施了一场全国性的干预措施
