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片名解析:War at the Roses来自于The War of the Roses《玫瑰战争》,说的是夫妻之间的战争,是不是很贴这集的主题?


Rise and shine, Upper East Siders.

Rise and shine 起床啦


A signed copy of "This I Remember." What a fitting gift.

This I Remember是罗斯福总统夫人回忆录。

What a fitting gift! 好合适的礼物!非常实用的一句话。

I know the first wedding anniversary's supposed to be paper, but that's not really an excuse to... to eat out of cartons.



I'm gonna head off.

head off 离开

That would be fear of Chuck and Blair 101.

101 基本条例

这里读作one oh one,而不是one hundred and one。通常就是用在某个事物之后,表示关于这件事儿的基本情况。

Sooner or later, one of you is gonna press the other's button, and we're gonna end up with nothing but cockroaches.

end up with nothing but cockroaches 啥都不剩,只留小强



Sidebar 私下讨论

在法律情况下表示私下讨论,如果是网页或者报纸上就是侧边栏。Of course Chuck and Blair go to war and end up happier than ever, leaving Jenny and our family in a pile of rubble.

pile of rubble 一堆碎石


How good would it feel to finally give them a taste of their own medicine? give a taste of their own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身


I've picked up a-a few skills over the years, and you come from a long line of world-class schemers.

pick up skill 学会某些技巧

world-class 一流的


I may have a small crush.

have a crush 倾心于某人

my lips are sealed.

lips are sealed 守口如瓶

Let's see how strong the holy alliance is after this air strike.

air strike 空袭

Cut to the chase.

Cut to the chase 长话短说,开门见山

And this handiwork has your lying little sister's fingerprints all over it. handiwork 手艺,特指坏人所做的坏事

And since Gothic Barbie remains safely quarantined upstate, feel free to stop by if you're feeling lonely.

Gothic Barbie 哥特式的芭比娃娃

feel free 请便


Juliet's plans are falling into place, and S. is primed for a fall.

fall into place 水到渠成


Nate thought he and Humphrey were thick as thieves. Turns out Humphrey's a thief, and Nate's just thick.

thick as thieves 亲密无间


You don't have to lose the girl to be a woman. Just... need to think maybe about how many people are going to be around the next time you let her out. 大家果然要听妈妈的话,这句话很有道理哦!


绯闻女孩第四季第4集:Touch of Eva 佳人历劫

片名解析:来自Touch of Evil《历劫佳人》。故事發生在美國小鎮,墨西哥年青檢查官與愛妻度蜜月期間,發生汽車爆炸,當地老差骨認定一名嫌疑犯有罪,但年青的檢查官感事有蹺蹊,深入調查,老差骨怕案中案被揭,為求自保,遂把陰謀加害於年青檢查官的愛妻身上,爆發一場善與惡的偵探式對抗。威爾斯施以渾身解數力求做到雅俗共賞,開場一個經典長鏡更成為日後教材。影片於1958年獲邀參加布魯塞爾世界電影博覽會,獲當時任評判的尚.盧.高達和杜魯福高度讚揚,獲頒大獎。……

Overnight, our billionaire's become a gentlemen. But what's responsible for this ? Or should I say who? Has a french fairy touched chuck with her magic wand? Or does simply being with an angel make you want to grow wings, too?

overnight 一夜之间

终于是在最后把这个magic wand给带出来了,就知道编剧憋不住的~~

How can I stomach going to his charity gala later?

stomach 忍受


Strangers weaseling their way into our hearts.

weasel 告密

And tonight we'll watch "Amelie"

Amelie 电影《天使爱美丽》


How are you, sleepyhead?

sleepyhead 瞌睡虫


My phone died.



You know how I adore those empire bacon scones.

scone 英式烤饼,司空饼

If you're as serious about her as Cindy Adams thinks, Then we'll be crossing paths all the time.

Cindy Adams是美国八卦专栏作家,怎么还有这种职业的……

cross somebody's path 不期而遇 to meet someone

Not the wad of hundies.

hundy 一百(美金的纸币)


But I wore him down.

wear down 用坚持不懈的努力使某人松懈 break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance


We need to take that tart down!

take sb. down 给某人一个下马威


as they say, adapt or die.

adapt or die 要么适应,要么死去


she's not convinced that I'm over you.

be over sb. 忘情于某人

Okay, but you may lose me to "Csi: Williamsburg."


Well, as much as nature would applaud you for heading off any possible future Humphrey/Abrams offspring,

head off 阻拦

offspring 产物

I'm taking a pass,

take a pass 算了

Blair set us up.

set sb. up 设计了某人,陷害了某人

But we have a lot of skeletons in our closets.

skeleton in the closet 有着不光彩的见不得人的秘密

这个词组很是形象,把骨架子藏在了衣橱里面,非常见不得人非常阴暗。虽然有种穿越的错觉……u know

In the buildings of Manhattan's , sometimes the door we open belongs to someone else. And sometimes we let someone in, only to be left out in the cold. Yet sometimes, despite what we may want, the door just has too many locks.

out in the cold 冷落在一边



绯闻女孩第四季第6集:Easy J 绯闻J计划

片名解析:Easy J来自Easy A《绯闻计划》,正是扮演Dan的Penn Badgley最近的电影作品哦。 一个不受待见的姑娘因为制造了一场莫须有的“破处绯闻”,从而彻底改变了她的学校生活……


I was in "wait until dark."


Vanessa went to stay with her folks for a while so...

folks 家人


tell you just not to read too much into it.

read too much into sth. 想得太多

She must have a lot of nerve,

have a nerve 有胆量


I'm sure one of her monkeys spotted me getting off the train or something. monkey 跟班


- I have no interest in going back to being g.I. Jenny and warring with Blair. - How very Gandhi of you.



You can have the t.A. Mark my papers.

t.A. =Teaching assistant 助教B.'s disciples hot on Little J.'s tail.

hot on somebody's heels 紧跟某人


Tim Gunn will be a piece of cake.

a piece of cake 小菜一碟

I've put a lot on you.

put a lot on 对某人寄予厚望

Serena, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you taking such a challenging course just right out of the gate.

out of the gate 从头开始 from the very beginning

Looks like B. drew blood.

drew blood 放血

You having second thoughts?

have second thought 另有想法

Looking to paint the town red?

paint the town red 狂欢胡闹


I'm still on the wagon.

on the wagon 戒酒


Yeah, well, whatever happened to "in good times and bad"?

I don't know. I spent most of our marriage focused on "for richer or poorer." in good times and bad和for richer or poorer都是传统婚姻誓词里的用词。

By the book?

By the book 按规矩办事


And don't even think about leaving an apple on my desk. You've got no shot at being teacher's pet.

teacher's pet 老师的宠儿


Why don't you just skywrite the word "double-cross"?

double-cross 欺骗

They say war's not the answer. But sometimes it's a battle just to keep the peace. On the Upper East Side, you may stand down, but you can never give up. And the bitterest feuds are always labors of love. But our most dangerous enemies are the ones we never knew we had. So if you want peace, always be prepared for war.



绯闻女孩第四季第3集:The Undergraduates 大学生活

片名解析:很显然是从《毕业生》The Graduate来的嘛~ 刚刚走出大学校门的本恩(达斯汀?霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰)对前途十分茫然,偏偏在这时遇上了风流的鲁滨逊太太(安妮?班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰 )。虽然不再年轻,但鲁滨逊太太却一再勾引本恩,二人发生了关系。他们在约会过程中,本恩遇上了太太的女儿伊莱恩(凯瑟琳?罗斯Katharine Ross 饰 ),被她的纯真青春深深吸引。本恩吐露了爱意,与伊莱恩开始了正常的恋爱关系,却遭到了鲁滨逊太太的剧烈反对。母亲的震怒使伊莱恩觉察到了一些内情。伊莱恩非常伤心,仓促同意了另一个人的求婚。本恩冲向伊莱恩结婚的教堂,他要力挽狂澜……

I bet there's already an entire frat house filled with guys fighting over you. frat house 兄弟会、联谊会

but he would never fess up.

fess up 承认,坦白



Nepotism 偏袒,启用亲戚

But everyone needs the occasional r & r, even yours truly.

r & r = Rest & Relaxation 休息放松

有时候也能用来表示read & review

Also spotted- lonely boy's baby mama looking like one hot mama on the beach in St. Barts.

baby mama 孩子的生母,通常是非婚生关系的

hot mama 辣妈

St. Barts 加勒比海的圣马丁是度假胜地。

Great. I'll see myself out then.

see sb. out 送某人离开

see myself out就是自己送自己走了,有一种给自己台阶下的自嘲的感觉。

But if b. Is the one holding the key to the kingdom, guess Serena is out in the cold.

out in the cold 被冷落,被排挤


let's not ask for too much off the bat, shall we?

off the bat 马上,立即,当下


Everyone can meet and mingle without the pressure of a dinner.

meet and mingle 见面交往

It just seems like kind of an oversight to me.

oversight 疏忽


I mean in Carlos Miele.

Carlos Miele 卡洛斯·米拉,著名女装品牌

I totally lost track of time.

lost track of time 忘记了时间


I was just drunk on gin and attention.

drink on sth. 被……冲昏了头脑

I ran into Blair.

run into 遇上某人

They say old habits die hard.

old habits die hard 江山易改本性难移

If Ted Danson and Tom Selleck can do it, so can we.


As long as it doesn't make me Guttenberg.

说的是80年代电影《三个奶爸一个娃》,其中Tom Selleck就是后来《老友记》里头莫妮卡那个叔叔级的男朋友滴。

Nothing makes it a party like a Serena/Blair showdown.

showdown 摊牌


Serena thinks Blair blocked her from getting into Hamilton house and is going "Jersey shore" on her ass.

go "Jersey shore" on 对某人上演《泽西沙滩》


Once men have tasted , it me how they settle for . 我就是闹不明白,男人尝过鱼子酱之后,怎么还吃得下鲶鱼来着……


I don't want to bug you.

bug sb. 烦人


Rumor has it that s. And b. Changed their relationship status from besties to roomies. Friends or lovers, moving in is risky business. Any time the rules change, you don't know how they'll change you. We take the risk because the payoff can be so great. But the truth is, we never truly know who we're living with or the company they keep.

besties = bff 好朋友

roomies = roommates 室友



绯闻女孩第四季第2集:Double Identity 双重身份

片名解析:来自1944年的美国悬疑电影《双重赔偿》Double Idemnity,一个保险代理人卖汽车保险时认识了车主的美艳妻子,在这位蛇蝎美人的煽动下,聪明的代理人设下了赔偿金额加倍的死亡陷阱。保险业务员瓦尔特与菲利丝合计谋害她的丈夫,以便诈领巨额保险金。而她丈夫的保单上有一附笔,若因死于火车轮下则可获得双倍赔偿。随后他们的行动受到瓦尔特上司的怀疑调查……

Summer is coming to a close, and as everyone knows, Paris, like the Upper East Side, empties out in August, leaving behind only the tourists and the dreamers, lamenting the imminent return to real life.

come to a close 进入尾声

empty out 清空

you still haven't made your Sophie's choice

Sophie's Choice 苏菲的选择/两难的抉择 A "Sophie's Choice" is a tragic choice between two unbearable options.

所谓“苏菲的选择”是指在两个悲惨的选项中选择其一,再怎么样都是落得悲剧下场的抉择。 这个词来自同名电影《苏菲的选择》,梅丽尔·斯特里普主演的。影片中的苏菲在二 战期间育有一男一女两个孩子,在进入集中营时被迫选择2个只能留一个,在极短的时间内要作出这么重大的抉择,Sophie精神极尽崩溃,当她选择了留下儿 子时内心已经全碎,然而两个孩子都未能存活,简直把Sophie的精神逼到绝路。从此她无论多么努力开始新生活,


It's like choosing between eclairs and napoleons. They're both delicious. Except Humphrey's a doughnut. Well, I would love to stay and talk patisserie... eclairs 手指饼干

napoleons 拿破仑蛋糕

doughnut 甜甜圈

patisserie 法式蛋糕

Think Diana, princess of the people.

这里是说B想要效仿Diana戴安娜王妃,显得很亲民。let's just keep this between us. keep between us 你知我知

Serena took her best friend's boyfriend's virginity, ran away to boarding school, bounced from guy to guy until dating your married congressman cousin, fell in love with you, and then cheated on you with your friend, who's also her ex? The only thing that would make it better is if one of those boyfriends turned out to be her brother. The life of Serena Van Der Woodsen is like the most complicated Jane Austen novel ever.

这段V5,充分滴描绘了以S为代表的GG众人关系混乱程度。配合下图更清晰……or not

Do you need a moment to gather yourself?

gather one's self 平静心情

This loft is your loft this loft is my loft where's your aunt Jenny? She moved to Hudson she wears... leggings


I hope you don't mind me tagging along.

tag along 跟着来,尾随

he smells funny.

smell funny 闻着很奇怪


but you and Dan really seem to click.

click 一拍即合

You should go for it, yeah.

go for sth. 主动争取某事物

I'll take your word for it.

take one's word for 相信某人的话

- I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf.

- Your world would be easier if I didn't come back.

- That's true. But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.


I even made a list of pros and cons.

pros and cons 优势劣势


It's Vivier. It's worth a hell of a lot more than a glass slipper.

Roger Vivier品牌的鞋,被誉为鞋中贵族。

B这一段的表现甚是可爱,good to see her back?
