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喜欢做。但是会的不多。会一些,不会太多。Just a little


像刚才介绍的西红柿炒鸡蛋,还有炒土豆丝(fire potato)。紫菜鸡蛋汤(soup),也没什么了。 你会用英语说几个中国菜的菜名吗?

我了解了下。比如宫保鸡丁用英语说是:Kung pao chicken


西湖牛肉羹:West Lake Beef Soup

红烧豆腐:Braised Tofu

你喜欢吃什么:面条,蔬菜,还有汤。Noodles vegetable soup


Hello,everyone my name is chenhe .I come from college of materials and engineering.I want to share a home cooking with you.That is scrambled 炒'[skr?mbl] eggs with tomatoes.

Scrambled '[skr?mbl] eggs with tomatoes is a very common dish in our daily life and it taste delicious also with rich nutrition in it. 1.Tomatoes contain a lot of carotene [‘k?r?,tin]胡萝卜素 and vitamin group维生素群which help to improve our digestion[da??d?est??n],nourish our skin,protect our blood vessels[?ves?l]. and reduce our blood pressure. 2.Egg contains a lot of vitamins and minerals ['m?n?r?l]and has high biological value of protein [pr??ti:n]. These useful substance plays a very important role.on the human body and mental health development .

We can make this dish as follows:first,cut the tomato into pieces regardless it is large or small and don’t care their shape.Eggs are broken into the bowl,stired well,and add a little salt into it.Second,pour the amount of oil into the pot, when hot, pour the eggs into the pot,wait for the liquid egg freezing into solid. Do not move, gently shovel the remaining liquid eggs from the edge into the center, when the eggs are all freezing, turn the eggs over, continue frying, when both sides of the color presents golden color, put the eggs out of the pot.Now in the pot should still have some oil,then put tomatoes back into the pot, fry and stir for a few seconds.Last, put the previously fried egg back into the pot , add a little salt, after fry a few minutes, pour out of the pot and put it into the plate.

Scrambled '[skr?mbl] eggs with tomatoes taste delicious, inexpensive, convenient to produce, and has high nutrition which is benefit to the body.This is my favourite dish , so I hope to share with you.That’s all, thank you.


Tomatoes wash clean.

2 eggs.

Eggs into the bowl

Egg reserve

Heat wok cool oil 8 into heat into the egg fry

Fried eggs with fried eggs

Stir fry the eggs out of the pot

To put a little oil in the pot, 6 into the heat into the tomato stir fry Add sugar and salt and stir fry until you can cook.


First tomatoes peel and cut into small pieces to break up eggs and mix round it

Next put the oil into pot and heat it,then scramble eggs,

and take it out.

Then boiling water and put tomatoes pieces in ,wait for a few second ,put the scrambled eggs into pot, cook for another 2 minutes.

Finally Dish is ready to be served. It's really








—— 三(6)班郭乐芳

篇五:Tomato scrambled eggs 英语作文

Tomato scrambled eggs

Cao le

To make a plate of “tomato scrambled eggs”, you need the following materials:

Row material.1) Two tomatoes and two eggs 2)oil

3)water 4)some flavoring ,such as salt , sugar

Cooking utensils.1) a hollowware 2)a kitchen knife

3)a big plate 4)a bowl 5) a pair of chopsticks

With all these things ready, you can start with your first step-You need break the eggs to the bowl ,and use a pair of chopsticks stirring the eggs until egg white and yolk are mixed. Then, you can put some oil into the hollowware and wait until the oil is heating. Now, you can put the mixed eggs into the hot oil. After scrambling eggs for two to four minutes, you can put the eggs onto the big plate.

Now, it is time for us to deal with the tomatoes. First, we will put two tomatoes into very hot water. Doing this step is useful to decorticate the tomatoes. Next, cut them with the kitchen knife into slices. Each slice should be about 1 cm. Then, put them into the hollowware (having some oil before). Fry tomatoes until

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:英语作文,西红柿炒蛋)

you can see liquid out of tomatoes. Add a little water if you like more broth. Pay attention not to add too much water because you don’t want to switch your dish to soup!

The last step, just put the scrambled eggs into the tomatoes. Fry them about three minutes. During this time, you can put some salt and sugar. The quantity is added according to taste.

When you have finished, put them on a plate. It is a delicious dish. What’s more, it is easy to do and nutrimental. Just have a try!
