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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:24:29 字数作文

篇一:My dream world

My dream world is a place where is peaceful, comfortable and developed.

People live in a place where is very pleasant. The climate there is very steady so fruit and flowers are plenty. The weather there is like spring, warm and enjoyable. There is no long winter so no one would freeze to death. There is no pollution, people protect the environment and the animals. This is a place where people and nature live in harmony. People live in the world happily and they are satisfied with it.

The law there is very strict, but nearly nobody would break the law. Everyone in the world is equitable. And the world is based on a good relation between people, which put its emphasis on trust. People trust each other, and respect their status. They even could keep the door open when they leave and no one will steal other people’s things.

There is no weapon, no wars. So nobody would be dead in wars, no family would be broken up. Everyone there loves peace. No one would fight with others for money. Because everything is free there.

Everyone there has their own dream, and realize the dream by working hard. Their lives are meaningful because they know what they really want and try their best to make their dream come true. They enjoy studying so that students there could study by themselves. Teachers wouldn’t give students so much homework so that students could have more time to do what they are willing to. When they grow up, they could choose a job that they like. Their parents wouldn’t force them to choose a job that they don’t like.

The world is developed. With the development of technology, cities can be built on the land, in the ocean and even floating in the air. There are all kinds of transportation, such as automobiles that don’t pollute the environment, spaceships that are used to explore the outer space, and even time machines so that you can travel from back to future. Intelligent robots are invented to provide all kinds of services, such as housekeeping, education, entertainment and so on.

Because of the development of medicate treatment, people have already defeated the super bacteria and virus. It is common for people to live to be 200 years and even longer. People are away from diseases there and everyone has a happy life. They do everything with a big smile on their face. They could enjoy their lives and do everything they want so they could die without any regrets.

Here is what I think about my dream world.

篇二:my world, my dream

My World, My Home

Let me tell you a story, it goes like this:

Once there was a man who lived an enviable life. He had a villa which was equipped with varied advanced living facilities and a cushy job but well-paid. He owned everything people were struggling for, but he was not that lucky, because there were too many “traps” at his home. He was suffering from the formaldehyde and other harmful gases emitted from new furniture and paint on the wall all day long. And he had to use and drink water with a smell of bleach, which made him worried about water poisoning. What could the man do to change his awkward situation? Maybe this is also a question for us to think about.

Now I will help you to understand the story from another angle by uncovering the symbols in it. We are living in a world of modernization. And our lives are surrounded by all sorts of high-tech achievements. So the “house” with advanced living facilities refers to the world we live in. And “the man” in the story who lives in the house and gets benefits from the modern technology, but suffers from the negative effects it brings at the same time, could be anyone of us. We live in the world, and the world is our home.

“The man was bearing the harmful gases and worrying about the filtered water every day,” is just like the situation which we are in today. Now the world is experiencing serious air and water pollutions. The outdoor and indoor air pollution caused by industrial and life exhaust gas, carcinogenic and teratogenic substance exist in decoration materials, may lead people to respiratory and cardiopulmonary diseases. According to the survey of the World Health Organization, every year, there are

1.6million people dead worldwide because of the air pollution. Since our home is enduring the toxic gas, what we can do is to start from “me”. Protecting and planting green vegetation, riding a bicycle or taking a bus while going out, using coal without sulfur or even smoking one less cigarette either can contribute to keep the air fresh and clean.

Besides, the water pollution not only harms the human health but also destroys the soil structure and damage the growth of plants. What’s worse, the industrial and household wastewater is still pouring into the sea by human which aggravate the pollution of water. As a result, there are 50 million people dead worldwide each year. Moreover, every year, 35 million people got cardiovascular disease, 70 million people suffered from lithiasis and 90 million with hepatitis due to water pollution. When faced with these terrifying statistics given by the WHO, we should make our efforts to decrease the water pollution as soon as we can, recycle the waste water in life, use phosphate-free laundry detergent powder and keep away from behaviors that may lead to the pollution.

Since the world is our home, everyone wants his/her home to be clean and clear. When the pollution is seriously damaging our home, though we are just individuals, our power and influence would be greater if we firm our belief and act together. “It’s my world, it’s my home” bear it in mind, and protect our home from the little things around us.

篇三:one world one dream

one world one dream

The modern Olympic Games, created by a French, Coubertin, from 1896 it started once every four years in different cities. Beijing Olympic Games this year is the 29th session. Olympic flag is made of five different colors wings hand-in-hand, it expressed the people of all countries in five continents, "One World, One Dream" - friendship, peace and progress.

Olympic spirit includes not only the spirit of sports, but also the humanistic spirit, therefore, not only in the game we need it, our daily life is inseparable from it. Friendship, make strangers become friends, during the exchanges, we will find our shortcomings, our merits, and in a peaceful competition, friendship has allowed us to become a powerful man for the community. Coubertin's motto: "faster, higher, stronger" speak for themselves. So, each one of us can get inspiration from the game: We not only need good health, but also a humanistic spirit!

Each Chinese people will rejoice in 2008 because this is our Olympics, the Olympic Games will held in our home. Our family, 56 brothers and sisters to stand up together, hand in hand, and singing the most enthusiastic songs welcome from the five continents of the Olympic athletes and friends.

We should take out the most beautiful torch, the most unique medal, and the most attractive of the opening ceremony, for the friends who love the Olympic dedication, we should also come up with the most tasty of Chinese cuisine, the most exotic of the China Beijing Opera, the most of the landmarks and cultural atmosphere, to notify the friends who love China. In this way, let them know that we Chinese one is the most united, most enthusiastic, and the most aggressive nation. Then, we will see foreign friends raising thumb say: "Great! This is Beijing, namely, China, which is an inalienable, as a positive one!" We will also proud to say: "Yes, this is China, this is the Olympics which is held in China!"

We look forward to successfully hold the Olympic Games, also look forward the Olympic Games will give China more prosperous. The Chinese people become more united, never separated.

One World,one Dream,one Olympic,one China .

In my opinion, I think the best age for a person to start dating is when they have a stable education. It's very common nowadays to see youngster dating one another. They have never thought about how it will affect their future education. It's not good to start dating early, because their body is still growing and they have school to do. If a person dated early in his/her life, his/her grades won't be as good as those students who chose to focus on their studies. I think the ideal age for a person to start dating and begin to think about dating, probably the time when they are in college. This is because they have a more stable education and an adult's responsibility to know what decisions to make by himself/herself. Of course, this sort of things we can't really have control over, but it would be good if people start thinking about their education first, and future relationships second.

When we were young, we could do anything that we want without any blames. But now, we have to think over before we do something. When we was young, we had a lot of friends around me, chatting,playing and sharing some secrets together. But now, I feel that my real friends are getting fewer and fewer. On one hand,it seems as if everyone has his own business, and they burry their secrets deeply in heart instead of sharing

them with others. On the other hand, of course, we can't tell our parents about our secrets.So sometimes we feel lonely. Though we are in small troubles, we still find that we are getting more and more responsibility for the family, the society and even the whole nation. That means we have to adapt the society. Growing pains is a double-edged sword which means it can bring us advantages and disadvantages. It depends how we regard it.

篇四:西戴梦幻世界度假酒店及水疗中心(Dream World Resort & Spa)

西戴梦幻世界度假酒店及水疗中心(Dream World Resort & Spa)


中文名称 西戴梦幻世界度假酒店及水疗中心 英文名称 Dream World Resort & Spa 房间数量 232 酒店地址 Evrenseki Mevkii Antalya, 07600 锡德, 土耳其


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篇五:One world, one dream

One world, one dream

The more man-made things I see in a city, the more deeply I miss my child time. There are birds flying in the blue sky, little fish swimming in the limpid water. Everything seems quiet and harmonious. I like playing on the hillside which is covered with fragrance of flowers in spring. I like sitting under the big tree in the hottest time in summer. I like white snow, I like maple leaves. After I leave my hometown and go to some strange places. I find something entirely different from my dream. There is nothing left. I am afraid we will forget the reality of our nature. Without nature try to imagine how you would be leading your lives. No oxygen, no flora, no fauna and nothing. A mother does provide all the facilities to her child but expects him/her to take care of her properly in the older ages. Similarly does the nature. This is why we call it Mother Nature. So I think that there is a mother-son relationship between Nature and man. But we didn’t treat nature as a mother; what we do is against that relationship. So the development of human society is not conflict with natures. The development of human society doesn’t mean erosion of nature. But is the development of human society at the cost of nature?

With economy developing at an unprecedented (unpresidanteid) speed, human used so many natural resources and discharge so many pollution into our nature that we could not feel warmth of nature anymore. We are turning back to it further and further. Scientists and even everyone are

paying much attention to environmental issues in recent years. Because environmental problems have already been as serious as we can imagine. There are many kinds of problems we are facing now, such as acid rain, air pollution, chemical waste, deforestation, diseases, extinction of species, and the one which is most difficult to solve-global warming. Major current environmental issues may include climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, and resource depletion. Although there are some articles and researches denying that human behavior plays an important role in global climate change while sea has the greatest effect on global warming. They even confirmed that the release of carbon dioxide is the result of global warming rather than its reason. We can not let environment has its own way to a worse direction. It’s high time we should take action to help earth recuperate.

But how and what we can do to achieve our goal?

Anyway, we must do three kinds of things to protect our environment. First, we should try our best to recover things damaged, such as replant trees. Second, we should quit destroying those are being damaged decidedly. Third, we should preserve those are still safe but have possibility to be damaged next.

China now faces the same environmental problems with western countries. But we shouldn’t pollute environment first and then treat just like what the western did.⑴ The western countries took the way of

polluting first and then treating it for half a century or even longer. After paying a great price in people’s health or even people’s life and the loss of economic and ecological system, the environment has been improved. But China’ situation is very different. Industrialization process in developed countries have lasted over 100 or even 200 years and their environmental issues came through a longer period of time which gave them time to solve it step by step while these environmental problems cry out in China only within 20 years. The total quantity of pollutant discharge is huge and the industrial pollution is very complicated with all different types. What if we follow the western way? We have neither time nor conditions. Maybe before the highest pollutants are discharged, the ecological system that shoulders economic development will be crashed. Under this situation, chances and challenges coexist as the environmental protection issue has got unprecedented attention nowadays. This is a valuable historic opportunity. We should convert pressure to impetus. Developing environmental technology to reduce, reuse and recycle instead of beaten by pressure of overpopulation then follow the western way. Sustainability is the key to preventing or reducing the effect of environmental issues.(2) We are not far away from it by Sustainable living. Sustainable living means simple living .It’s a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resources. Reducing our personal impact on the environment through small,

inexpensive and easily achievable steps is what we can do. If you can lead a sustainable life, you should do these things: concerning citizens’ resources, donating and recycling old computers and other electronic products, driving wisely, conserve Water and use it effectively, reduce waste by practicing the 3 RS and so on. We are not a little but useful part of the earth. Only if we go all out to solve the problems, we can come across pretty nature one day instead of missing it forever.
