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篇一:英语作文Computer and I

Computer and I

The computer is a must in my life. I can play computer games in my spare time. I can listen to online songs to ease pressure. And I can send e-mail s at the speed of light. What’s more, I can study with the help of the computer. For, example, once my teacher asked us to do some research on World War II on the Internet.. I tried Yahoo, Google and Baidu, and got some information about famous battles in World War II. I wrote a report on it and got an A. I prefer using the computer.

篇二:2011年英语四六级作文精彩的闪光点Computer and I

Computer and I

I never forget the exce(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:computer,and,i作文)edingly thrilling day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me so that I indulged myself in googling an army of useful information I had expected, and enjoyed a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.

exceedingly 替换 very

thrilling 替换 exciting

sth. exert a tremendous fascination on sb 替换 sb. be interested in sth.

google 替换 search

an army of / a sea of替换 a lot of

The dawn of the new century witnessed the increasing popularity of computers. Coincident with the advancement of science and technology, computers pouring into the current society as a fashion are appealing to growing numbers of individuals. It is no exaggeration to say we have been submerged by them, in large measure!

The dawn of the new century witnessed 是一个精彩句型,用来描述在某个时期发生了什么事情;

Increasing popularity 替换 more and more popular

Coincident with ? 非常地道的句型,表达“与?一致”的意思,替换 With ?

Advancement 替换 development

Pour into ( flood into / swarm into )替换 enter into Current ( currently )替换 now

Appeal to sb. 替换 sb. be interested in sth.

Growing numbers of individuals 替换 more and more people It is no exaggeration to say 经典句型, 说某事是毫不夸张的

For a start, we can, freely, search desired information at any moment. Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. Additionally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering email.

For a start 替换 To begin with

We can, freely, search 用了插入语的写作手法

our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 用了非常精彩的被动

Additionally 替换 In addition / Besides

Deliver 替换 send

There is no denying that, however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, in a way, especially the growing violence, porn pictures, AV-films emerging on the screen, which leads quite a few net citizens to copying.

There is no denying that , however, computers can function in the disservice of human beings, 这个句子有三个精彩之处,首先There is no denying that这个句型,还有however作为插入语, function in the disservice of 替换 do harm to

Emerging 替换 appearing ( fading 替换 disappearing ) Net citizen 网民,属于精彩用词

As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds. Computers do play a positive role in the development of people' lives, despite a slice of unfavorable impacts. We should, therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet.

No garden has no weeds 替换 Every coin has two sides

Computers do play ,do 强调

Positive 替换 important / good 等

A slice of 替换 a part of

Unfavorable 替换 bad

Impacts 替换 effects / influences

We should, therefore, take advantage of ? 使用插入语 Fruits (而且fruits 用的非常形象, merits/ virtues) advantage ( defects 替换 disadvantage )

Facet 替换 aspect 替换

篇三:作文My computer

We are now living in the information times, which means we can't live without computer. ??I have a computer at home either. It acts as a home tutor at home. Not a teacher in the world has more patient, more talent than my computer. It helps me win hi scores on exam. It asks me less and gives more.I don't know how to express my thanks to it. What I can do is just to keep it clean and dust it every day.Two years later, I will enter the senior high school entrance examination。I will share my success with my computer.


The Computer

The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance, providing great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording and distributing. Computers are indispensable to modern civilization. Without computers, our life and our society will undoubtedly suffer a big regression.

During the past five decades the computer has been rapidly advanced. Ever since the computer came into being, it has experienced the development of several generations, which are based respectively on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit. Early computers were of great size, and had no match for the latest electronic computers in speed and accuracy. The Latter is capable of processing the most complicated information and reaching solution to problems in a fraction of time. At present, efforts are being made not only to bring the hardware to perfection, but also to improve the quality of the software.

Computers must be instructed and programmed by people. In spite of the remarkable skill of the computer, men can never become its slave. Computers are not creative. They work according to men's instructions. So the development of computers and their use will depend upon the ingenuity of men. Although there are times when computers seem to operate like a mechanical “brain”,their achievements are not comparable to what the minds of men are able to do.

Computer Crime

With the wide use of computers, computer crime grows and becomes a social problem all over the world.

Now, nearly all companies use computers to do their work. The information kept in their computers is important to them, Some "hackers" steal the important information from one company and sell it to another. Consequently, the company will lose in the competition. Especially harmful are criminals who install a "virus" into the government computer system. It can damage files and bring business to a halt, thus disordering the national economy.

Today, the government and many corporations upgrade the software and sat codes for their computers. Moreover, people can build up firewalls and install anti-virus softwares to protect against surprise attacks by hackers. What's the most important is that the government should enforce the law and crack down on computer crime.

Computers are good or not-电脑的利弊

In the last hundred years,people have set a new mind-blowing rate for the developing of new technologies. New produces are being conceived every minute of every day, all of which will impact people in some respects. However,in all these technologies and produces computers have been the most important influences on people. Some people assert that computers have made life more complex and stressful, while some people believe that computers have made life easier and

more convenient.

From my point of view, the advantages of computers are the leading sides and computers become a necessary part in people's lives. Perhaps computers may quicken our pace of life and make our life more complex and stressful.


With the rapid development of technology , The computer is widely used in all phases of society. People, who want to find a good job, must learn how to use computers.why?

On one hand,the computer technology is a very complex subject. If you want to use computers very well, you must take a lot of time to study and practice it. On the other hand, computers develop so fast that people must study new technology constantly. Those all make people feel stressful. Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to develop computers, the advantages fast outweigh them. The major point for my purchasing for computers is that computers can help people do many things, including complex computation, storing and searching information and some work that is dangerous for people to do. For instance launching a rocket up to outer pace needs so complex computation that people can not do it without computers; searching the newest information is of vital importance for business, so people will not be successful in business without computers. Computers have facilitated many of our working processes and we have already grown dependent on them. Another advantage of computers is that people can use them for entertainment in spare time. From pc games to online chatting, computers

have the ability to entertain us in a wide variety of ways. After a busy day, playing pc games is the favorite thing for most of my classmates. And in today's life, a lot of young people could have not televisions, but they must have a set of computer. Now many films display fascinating images by using computers to deal with them.

In a word, in spite of the fact the computer appears to have made life more complex and stressful, I fell that the advantages are more obvious. Computers have become an indispensable part of everyday life. They can help us do much work and make us funny.

篇五:computer 英文 作文

the influence of computer on children

Nowadays,Computers are commonly and widely used in our daily life,and an increasing number of children use computer. People have paid more attention to the effects of computer on children. Quite a few people hold the notion that computer can be very helpful for learning. But others maintain that computer will bring about a harmful influence on children.

To begin with, spending much time on playing computer has a negative influence on children's health. Staring at a bright computer screen for hours and stay up late can cause many problems such as nearsightedness and poor posture.What's more,Since children spent their time in using computers instead of doing some physical exercises, their body get weaker and weaker. In addition, using computer too much may not only affect children’s body but also have impacts on their mind. Children who cannot distinguish bad to good may be easily affected by negative information. Children will feel lonely and depress If children spent more time alone with their computer. Furthermore,they will lack essential social skills.

On the contrary, computers are still useful tools for learning if it is used effectively. It is very convenient for student to search knowledge through the website and exchange information. Computers also can help children better understand visual images like diagrams, graphs and grids.


There is no denying that computers have a very strong influence on our lives. Just as every coin has two sides, the computer has positive and negative influence on the development of children. As far as I am concerned, if we can use computer correctly, we can make full use of it.
