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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:26:37 体裁作文

篇一:Enjoy the Life2

Enjoy the Life

A tortoise asked a rock, “you stay here still, do you feel lonely?” “I have already used to be here because I stayed here for thousands of years.” answered the rock. The tortoise was surprised, “you have been living for thousands of years? But I just can live one thousand years, how unfair it is!” Since then, the tortoise became upset and thought of this unfair question everyday. One day, he met an elephant and asked him curiously “Hey, brother, how long can you live?” the elephant replied “70 years, what about you?” “Oh, I can live one thousand years, but the rock can live thousands of years.” The tortoise felt a little better but he still thought it is unfair that the rock can live thousands of years. The elephant was very angry and said, “You still dissatisfied? I just can live 70 years. How poor I am!” Then the elephant asked a goat, “How long can you live?” “About 20 years, what is wrong?” “I can live longer than you more than 50 years, but the tortoise can live one thousand years, how unfair the world is!” Then the tortoise, the elephant and the goat met together and talk about this question, they all thought they are so poor and they did not want to do anything. Suddenly, a dragonfly flew from around them. The goat asked her, “you look so busy, what are you doing?” The dragonfly smiled and said, “I am dying, I might live for over a week. So I want to enjoy the beautiful world in the later days.”

There are a lot of people like the tortoise, the elephant, the goat. They

just care about work, about money, about fame, about status. Or they just waste of their time on lamenting the things that have already happened, worried about the things that perhaps never happen. They compared themselves with others and never satisfied with their current situation. They earn a lot of money, and then they want more. They gain a high position, and then they want it to be higher. They give themselves a lot of pressure. Seldom can they stop their steps and enjoy the beautiful life. Life is not a race or sorrowful world; you should not run through your life so fast or undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and enjoy the beautiful world. And none of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. So sometimes stop your busy step and find some beautiful thing to notice. It could be a scent-perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out from someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees. So please cherish ever simple day in your life

篇二:美文:人生起起落落 中英文

【英语佳句】 ups and downs of life 人生起起落落

When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. 当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。

Life has its ups and downs. You will never fully appreciate the ups unless you have some downs.


Life is full of ups and downs. The tirck is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs.


Life is like a see-saw ride, full of ups and downs …… But when you are down, a good friend will jump on the other seat tp bring you back up again.


Life is full of ups and downs. If you want to truly enyoy life, you should take the rough with the smooth.


Life is like a roller coaster. It has ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.



I fly a lot. I have a typical routine on the plane. I pull out something to read or perhaps an iPad to watch a movie. I do my work. I don’t generally engage in much conversation with the person sitting next to me on the plane, though sometimes I end up in a long conversation. Invariably, those conversations are great fun.


An interesting question is whether my travel would be more enjoyable if I engaged in more conversations with people I meet on the plane? This issue was addressed in a fascinating paper by Nick Epley and Juliana Schroeder that appeared in the October, 2014 issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.


In two field experiments, they demonstrate that people generally avoid having conversations with strangers when commuting. One study used train commuters, and a second used bus commuters. During their commute, some participants were asked to imagine that they were told to have a conversation with another commuter they didn’t know before. A second participant was asked to imagine that they were told to commute without talking to anyone. A third group got no instructions. Participants rated whether how much they thought they would enjoy their commute as well as how productive they thought they would be.


In this study, participants imagining they had to talk to another person thought they would enjoy the commute less than those who imagined sitting in silence. Those imagining they had to have a conversation also assumed they would be less productive on the trip than those who imagined sitting in silence. The control group came out in between on both measures.


A second set of field studies actually had commuters on the train and bus engage in conversations or not. A third group was given no instructions. Afterward, participants rated how much they enjoyed the commute as well as how productive they were. Participants also filled out a personality inventory.


Strikingly, participants who were asked to have a conversation with someone else on the train or bus really did have conversations. These participants enjoyed their ride much more than those who were instructed not to engage with other people as well as those in the control condition (who also tended not to engage in conversations). Interestingly, participants in all conditions rated themselves as about equally productive.


If conversations like this are actually so enjoyable, why do people engage in them so rarely?


One other study asked commuters a variety of questions and found that they underestimate how willing other people would be to talk to them. So, commuters feel that they are much more interested having people choose to talk to them than other people are in being talked to. As a result, people avoid striking up conversations for fear of bothering another person.


In addition, one study found that some people are able to predict their enjoyment of engaging in these random conversations. This study looked at people taking taxis leaving from an airport. Some participants were actually asked to engage in a conversation with the driver or to enjoy the solitude. As with the other studies, those who had a conversation with the driver enjoyed the ride more than those who did not.


In a second study, participants predicted their enjoyment. Those who routinely engage in conversations with the driver recognized that they enjoy the ride more when they talk than when they don’t. People who rarely converse with the driver did not recognize that they would enjoy their ride more if they talked with the driver.


A final study examined another possibility. Perhaps the people who initiate conversations enjoy them, but those who do not initiate the conversations enjoy them less. That is, maybe the conversation is only positive for the initiator. This study was done in a psychology lab. Participants were waiting for the study to start. Some participants were instructed either to engage in a conversation with a second participant in the waiting room or to avoid having a conversation. Afterward, both participants were asked about how much they enjoyed the wait. Both the participant who initiated the conversation and the non-initiator enjoyed the wait more when they had a conversation.


Putting this all together, then, it seems like most of us are missing out on a big opportunity to enjoy our life just a little more. Many of us travel on trains, planes, busses, and taxis. In those settings, we elect to protect ourselves from interactions with other people. Yet, these data suggest that most of us would enjoy ourselves more if we had conversations with the strangers who sit near us rather than walling ourselves off.

将这些数据放在一起,似乎我们中的大多数人都错过了能更好享受自己生活的好机会。我们许多人出行都搭乘火车、飞机、公交,以及的士等。在那些交通工具里,我们通过选择逃避与他人的交流来保护自己。然而,这些数据却表明如果我们与坐在身边的陌生人交谈会比将自己 与他人隔离更快乐。

These findings are particularly interesting, because technology makes it easier than ever to avoid connecting with strangers. Almost everywhere you go, people are engaged with smart phones and tablets. Because of those devices, we avoid connecting with real live people who are next

enjoy the ride

to us. And it seems that we are missing out by doing so.



















金科专业办公服务——Tryingtodoitallyourselfdoesn’talwaysmakeyoulooklike ahero.






1997年福特“远征”——新型福特“远征”,到达那里的唯一途径。 法国健康教育委员会——除非你是一头大象,否则,你就能够找到合适的避孕套。




译:选用我们的E号机票,阁下不需携带任何东西,只要带着自己。 约翰逊的钓具——Withourline,youdetectthefishbeforethefishdetectsyou.





1.the great hapiness in life is that you find the one you love is lovin you as well .


2.The one who wants to wear a crown must bear the weight. (欲戴王冠,必承其重。)

3. Single is simple, double is trouble.

(一个人很简单,两个人很麻烦 /一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃。)

四、 2013年十大热门词:

404 (网页错误代码)

Fail (失败)

Hashtag (标签)

@Pontifex (教皇的推特号)

The Optic (光学)

Surveillance (监视)

Drones (无人机)

Deficit (赤字)

Sequestration (没收)

Emancipate (解放)


Toxic Politics (有毒政治)

Federal Shutdown (美国联邦政府关门)

Global Warming/Climate Change (全球变暖/气候变化)

Federal Deficit (联邦赤字)

Tread Lightly (小心处理)

Boston Strong (影片《坚强的波士顿》)

Marathon Bombing (马拉松爆炸案)

Chemical Weapons (化学武器)

All Time High (007电影主题曲)

Rogue Nukes (无赖核国家)


Pope Francis (教皇方济各一世)

ObamaCare (奥巴马医改案)

NSA (美国国家安全局)

Ed Snowden (爱德华·斯诺登)

Kate Middleton (凯特·米德尔顿)

IRS (美国国内税收署)

Ted Cruz (泰德·克鲁兹——茶党支持者、得克萨斯州参议员) Chris Christie (克里斯·克里斯蒂——新泽西州州长)

Tea Party (茶党)

Marathon Bombers (马拉松爆炸案制造者)。

5.Just as you are mine, I am yours forever. Because when I look at you...all I see is an angel.


6.I'm not gonna let someone else's idea of destiny stop me from loving you or being with you. Because you are my life.



Life is too short for us to wake up in the with regrets. (人生苦短,所以不要每天带着遗憾醒来)

8. Doing what you like is freedom .liking what you do is happiness.


9. enjoy pleasure in good time; make merry while one can; enjoy the sweets of life while one is young; carpe diem.


10.Life is a roller coaster. You can scream every time you hit a bump, or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride.


11. cuddl dud (秋裤)

12.We must face tomorrow ,whatever it may hold ,with determination ,joy ,and bravery.


13.The distance between your deams and reality is called action.


14.Real love, should go beyond the length of life, the width of mind, the depth of the soul "I'm slowly. (“真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度”我在慢慢体会。)

15.when someone else’s happiness is your

happiness,that is love.

(当一个人的幸福成为你的幸福时,那就是真爱。) 让你幸福的20件事: 1. Let it go.


2. Be kind.


3. Think of your problems as challenges.


4. Express gratitude.


5. Dream big.


6. Speak well of others.
