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Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got together 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust


Karen Carpenter生於1953年。

? The Carpenters (木匠樂隊)在七十年代, 風

靡一時。在 1981 年,The Carpenters推出了 "Made in America",也是木匠樂隊最成功的階段 。就在這時,悲劇發生了,妹妹Karen Carpenter患上了厭食症,並在1983年二月離開人世。妹妹死后,哥哥Richard Carpenter停止了表演事業,只是監制一些The Carpenters的精選唱片,並擔任其他一些歌手的制作人。 七十年的畫面,有時唱 Top of the World,有時唱Yesterday Once More,片中歌聲甜美飽滿,只有瘦得無可再瘦的身軀,才透露出一點端倪。

Close To You

Why do birds suddenly appear

为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着

- 1 -

所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起


And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be

就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

close to you的创作背景 Close To You 歌词:

Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got together 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着

Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 close to you 能够靠近你

- 2 -


1. Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

=Why do birds suddenly appear whenever you do every time?


appear(作为动词)表示“出现、显露、露面” 例如: He didn't appear until six. 他六点才来。

every time常常用来引导时间状语从句,意为:每当……的时候。

例:Every time we meet, he replies to a lot of questions I ask him.

每次我们见面,他总回答许多我问的问题。 John wins every time we play. 每当我们玩球,约翰总赢。

2.Just like me they long to be close to you. 正像我一样,他们渴望与你亲近。 long vi.(常与for, to inf连用)渴望 I longed for a bicycle. 我特想要辆自行车。

These young lads are longing to go to watch the football match.


be close to的意思表示:接近、靠近。 to后面跟名词。

例如: His house is close to the school. 他的家与学校毗邻。

He is close to the hearts of us. 他和我们心连心。

3.Why do stars fall down from the sky. =What reasons do those stars drop from the sky.

句中的 fall down意指:倒下,伏下,落下、失败等。

例: London bridge is falling down, falling down.伦敦大桥要倒了,要倒了。

这句话选自一首古老的英国歌曲,叫《伦敦桥》(London Bridge)。

- 3 -

4.On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true

=The day when you were born the angels came together and decided to make a dream become a real one.

该句的意思指:在你出生的那天,天使们聚集一起,商议,决定创造一个梦想,让其变为真的。即是说天使们的神力使你从小就变成一位可爱的人。实际上,从文化的角度审视,这样的说法来自基督文化。在《圣经》的《新约全中》中“福音全书”里曾记载,耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)是创造了天、地、万物及生灵的上帝的独生子。在他出生的那天,天使集会,国王献礼,庆贺救世主的诞生,因而,该首歌中的作者引用这一典型的典故把自己认为的那个“你”奉为救世主一样圣洁可亲近。

create:(作动词)意指:创造、造成 例: All men are created equal 所有人生而平等。

The wealth of society is created by the laboring people.

社会财富是由劳动人民所创造的。 come true: 实现、应验、成真

例: Your dream will come true if you work hard. 只要你努力劳动,你的梦想就会成真。 5. So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and star lights in your eyes of blue.

=So they scattered moonlight in your golden hair and starlight in your blue eyes. 所以天使们在你的金发上撒下月光,在你的蓝眼睛里撒下星光。

sprinkle: 洒,喷淋,撒,使散布

例:Please sprinkle some water on the floor before sweeping. 扫地之前先洒些水。 When I have berries, I'd like to sprinkle some sugar over them. 吃浆果时,我喜欢在上面撒些糖。

- 4 -

篇二:tonight i feel close to you - 中英文歌词

Tonight I feel close to you


仓木麻衣&孙燕姿 - Tonight, I feel close to you

Tonight, I feel close to you


Lyric: Kuraki Mai

Music: OhnoAika

Close my eyes and feel your mind


Time has passed


I walk like a shadow


Never knew what I am going through


You touch my heart and take my breath away 你抚摸我的心,带走我的呼吸

Whisper on the wind so softly


Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love 星的光亮啊,用爱丰盈我们的梦吧

Reach for your hand (You're holding my key) 握着你的手(你握着我心房的钥匙)

And you show me the way


Tonight, I feel close to you


You open my door and light the sky above 你开启了我的心门,点亮了我的天空

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每每我需要朋友时,你就在身边,不弃不离 I wish we could stay as one


I wish we could stay forever as one


All the tears that haunt my past


You promised it'll be better tomorrow


Play that song


You and I listened to


And let it gently ease our pain


Tender rain drops from the blue sky


Flowers blooming, life is so divine


Like sunlight on a stream (You're holding my key) 就如晨曦之于清溪(你握着我心房的钥匙) You show the world to me


Tonight, I feel close to you


You open my door and light the sky above

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

So much love in this beautiful world

Search for the brightest star in the sky

You will find the meaning of love

Don't be afraid (Don't be afraid)

Just be yourself (Just be yourself)

We need this love... I've never knew

Tonight, I feel close you

You open my door and light the sky above

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

Tonight, I feel close to you

You open my door and light the sky above

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

I wish we could stay forever as one

篇三:Close To You

Close To You Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

On the day that you were born

And the angels got together

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust

In your hair of gold

And starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

On the day that you were born

And the angels got to gether

And decided to create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moon dust

In your hair of gold

And starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 能够靠近你 在你出生的那天 天使聚集在一起 决定创造一个成真的美梦 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 在你金色的头发上 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们 都环绕着你 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 能够靠近你 在你出生的那天 天使聚集在一起 决定创造一个成真的美梦 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 在你金色的头发上 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 都环绕着你 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 能够靠近你 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 能够靠近你


Close To You 歌词:

Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got together 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

close to you的创作背景 Close To You 歌词:

Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got together 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃

In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天

And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起

And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上

And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

close to you的创作背景

篇五:close to you

Intro: G-Bm-Bm7-Em-C-Am-G

Verse 1:

G Bm Bm7 Em

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near

C Am G

Just like me, they long to be.. Close to you

G Bm Bm7 Em

Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by

C Am G

Just like me, they long to be Close to you



On the day that you were born the angels got together

Bm Em

And decided to create a dream come true

C Am

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold


and starlight in your eyes of blue

Verse 2:

G Bm Bm7 Em

That is why all the boys in town follow you all around

C Am G

Just like me, they long to be Close to you


Laah – Laah4x -close to you (twice until fade)


Standard tuning:

For the VERSE part:

e }-----------------------------------------------------|

B }-------------------1-5---1-6-------------------------|

G }-----5-5-3-5-7-2-2-----2--------5-3-7-5-----5--------|

D }-0-3-------------------------0-3-0------0-3----------|

A }-----------------------------------------------------|

E }-----------------------------------------------------|

*These parts are for the refrain part, the part where the song changes melody. e }-----------------------------------------------------|

B }-----------------------------------------------------|

G }---------------------------------5-5-7-7-9-9-7-5-9---|

D }-3-3-5-5-7-7-5-5-3-3-5-5-7-7-5-3---------------------|

A }-----------------------------------------------------|

E }-----------------------------------------------------|

"On the day that you we're born,the angels got together

and then started to create a dream come true..."

e }-----------------------------------------------------|

B }-----------------------------------------------------|

G }-7-9-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-7-9-10-12|

D }-----------------------------------------------------|

A }-----------------------------------------------------|

E }-----------------------------------------------------|

"So they sprinkled moondust in your hair,

And golden starlight in your eyes so blue..."
